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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. Tonight's show killed me. In regards to the Republican candidates polling at zero percent: "What happens with these gutterballs?"
  2. Well, I guess this solves the "Will IRL Eddie be back as narrator?" question. I kind of miss his narration. He had good comedic timing. Jessica reminds me of my mom (as I'm sure she does for many others). My mom would totally micromanage the bill. Not to the point of pulling my tooth out, but close. Hudson Yang's voice has deepened a few octaves. He and the kid on the Goldbergs are transforming into young men before our eyes.
  3. I agree that it was weird that she said only a season or two ago that her big talent was loving her friends, or something like that. It was a cute moment, but I don't think it's true anymore. However, I think Penny is depressingly realistic. When she first moved in, she was 22 and coming to California from a tiny town, believing she would become an actress immediately. Naive, yeah, but she was young and hopeful. She met this cute smart guy who appreciated her beyond her looks and got to know her as a person. She gained a tight circle of friends. Fast forward to now. She's gotten nowhere as an actress. Which, she has a successful career in a different industry, but it's hard to let go of that original dream. Leonard has turned out to be less than perfect who now has cheated on her. I get why she's not happy. But it's not fun to watch. I really, really think the writers missed the boat not making Penny at least a working actress. The plot ideas are numerous: her getting a role on a sci-fi show the guys love, Leonard being jealous of her co-stars, the gang visiting her on movie sets, and the opportunity for famous guest stars. Absolute fail that they never went there IMO.
  4. I actually thought they had sweet chemistry pre-Johnny and Kaley becoming a couple. It was a clear case (to me) of couples dating in real life destroying their onscreen chemistry. Of course, I also think part of it is that I thought Leonard was much cuter in the first season, when we didn't know he was going to get so whiny. Maybe if they didn't date and if Leonard was kept the sweet nice guy in the first season they'd be more rootable. But that's a tall order for a show that's been on for nine years (!). Why are the writers so reluctant in having the two be happy? Are they too lazy to change up the apartment sets? It would make a fun episode where Leonard, Sheldon, and Penny tried to decide who would live where. An even bigger shake-up would be Raj moving in with Sheldon. It would integrate Raj more into the dynamic.
  5. Heard conflicting reports about Eddie Huang's future as narrator of the show. Some say he'll be back, some say he won't. "Enjoy your stick, white friends" will never not kill me. If he's gone, what a shame. I absolutely love the show, but I get his criticisms of it. I feel bad that he's disappointed, but I still do think the show is groundbreaking and funny and warm. Frankly, I'm glad we don't see more of the abuse he suffered from his parents like he wanted, because that was horrifying.
  6. Penny's dress was to die for. I loved it. And her hair has grown out nicely. I didn't think they'd have them go through with the wedding, but it's about time they shook things up like that. Last big shake-up was probably the addition of Amy and Bernadette to the main cast. Disappointed to see them basically going back on it immediately.
  7. I really think Aspyn is still in college too. She posts a lot about her sorority on Twitter. It must have been Mykelti. I wonder if fashion school didn't work out?
  8. You gotta warn a girl next time! Smugs' face in the first pic almost made me lose my lunch. Kidding. :) Anyway, yeah, she looks good in that pic. Looks like she's lost some weight too. Her neck seems smaller. Derick looks a bit like Iwan Rheon playing Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones. His transformation has been interesting.
  9. I don't think so. Not for M1, anyway. I remember because there's a shot of Jim the cameraman holding Mackynzie shortly after her birth. In fact, I don't think I remember ever seeing a female crew member. Except that one time Jenny used her toy horsie and pretended it was a boom mic. It was an adorable moment but probably squashed because wimmin can't be getting ideas about careers. Josh's napping while Anna was in labor and all the women were sitting up with her is the moment that cemented my hatred for him. I understand he was tired, but it was a bit much for me, especially when Jill, Jana, Michelle, etc. were probably all exhausted too.
  10. Excellent tea on the previous page, thanks for spilling it, OP. The whole thing reminds me of Carole Middleton, Kate's mother. Gossip has it that she made sure Kate fell into the path of William by having her go to St. Andrews and to the same place William went for his gap year, to ensure they would meet and eventually marry (there's more, but at the risk of getting off topic). At least Kate got a title and guaranteed money out of it. I'll say it again. The Seewalds should read that book they hold when they yell at people about abortion and gay marriage. They may be interested to read what Jesus said about a rich man getting into heaven. And also what he said about hypocrites who pray openly on street corners. To think in different hands, Jessa could have been graduating from college this year, applying for internships, and moving into her first apartment.
  11. Yep. On reflection, this makes a whole lot more sense. Their culture is all about marrying young, even the slightly less conservative groups like BYU students and their "ring by spring" mantra. I really, really hope she does finish college. A law degree is demanding.
  12. Upon rewatch, I think the best part of the series - and the most unrealistic- is the amount of free time the women have to spend with each other. Brunches, lunches, dinners, walking each other to appointments, going on weekend trips, etc. It would be great to have that much time to spend with girlfriends, but sometimes it did stretch credulity. Case in point that got me thinking about the topic: when the four of them met for lunch in the park, all of them coming from different parts of the city. The journey there and back alone would probably take most real people's lunch hours. Although granted, Miranda and Samantha were really the only ones who worked in offices and probably had enough seniority to take longer lunches if they wanted. They did touch on the topic briefly when Miranda had Brady, but it was dropped pretty quickly. I think part of the allure of the show for me is glossing over the fact that real life is far busier.
  13. She did?! Holy crap I am so out of the loop. I didn't even know Robyn was pregnant until a few weeks ago. Is there some article with the rationale given for her leaving? I'm disappointed. I hope it's what she really wants.
  14. I'm doing a re-watch of the later seasons, and I really loved Berger before it all went to hell. I loved Ron Livingston in Band of Brothers, so I was pre-disposed to love him as Berger. He was probably third in terms of who had the best chemistry with SJP to me (first two being Noth and Corbett). Anyway, he was so charming and cute in his interactions with Carrie in a way that Petrovsky never managed to be. I'm surprised it took the writers that long to pair up Carrie with another writer. Intellectually they were a far better match than she and Aidan. I really loved self-deprecating humor. I'm disappointed that his ego ended up not being able to take her success, but it was so achingly realistic it hurt. Think of all the major Hollywood couples who divorced once the woman got an Oscar or surpassed the man in fame. There's a LOT.
  15. Oh my GOD that cake looks amazing. I'm imagining a cinnamon coffee cake with frosting taste to it. No Rice Krispies tossed on baby's breath for this wedding! Famy annoys the hell out of me and I wish she'd disappear from the spotlight now, but her wedding was pretty well done, right down to the water bar, which I think was a great idea for her non-alcohol drinking crowd. Her multiple-DUI asshole of a husband should have been forced to drink only from that bar.
  16. She's probably been engaged for a while and someone advised the Browns to hold off the news until the premiere allowing for maximum exposure. I say someone advised them because I don't know that this bunch is shrewd enough for that.
  17. Ugh. I hope the engagement isn't a mistake. I don't think the People article said what the fiance did for a living, but I hope he's financially stable and open to her finishing college. I don't think the article mentioned her career plans either. I'm a year younger than this guy and can't fathom marrying an 18-year-old! I'd have pegged her as the least likely to marry first between the four older girls. Mariah was the prime candidate to me, but she's too unpleasant IMO.
  18. Maddie is engaged! He is 28, she's 18, and they won't live plural marriage.
  19. I enjoy Rachel's bitching about the debate format. I think it highlights what an absolute circus the Republican field is, and that makes me cackle. I still don't understand why Rachel's idea of randomly assigning candidates for two debates that would take place in a two hour block of time hasn't taken up steam. And finally, may I say...I had a horrible day today but at least I can look at someone like Rick Perry dropping out of the race and think....someone's having a worse day than I am.
  20. With her name in the opening credits! I can hear Jessa's head explode from here. Please, please, please let this happen. ....And go one further and have JB and Michelle blurred because TLC won't allow them to be on a rival network.
  21. Rachel announces it was the show's anniversary, and there's loud clapping offscreen after she says this and Rachel waves and says "Thanks, Susan! Susan's here."
  22. I don't think so. I typically turn off the show 10 minutes before it ends, but I think she only mentioned it for a few minutes and moved on. Edit re: Susan. Yeah, I think her job is in Massachusetts too. But maybe she pops in every so often to sit in on the taping?
  23. I'd say they're A-list in reality circles. The only other franchise to get as much publicity are the Real Housewives and/or Jon and Kate. Obviously they're nothing in the larger Hollywood scheme of things, but they've gotten some serious tabloid coverage that other reality families only dream of (looking at you, Roloffs). Thanks to Josh, the family's now a household name. Good one, Josh.
  24. It may be weird to ship IRL couples, but Rachel and Susan are my OTP. It was so cute when Susan clapped loudly at TRMS anniversary. I wonder how often she's on the set because I often hear a female laugh in the background and I assumed it was a producer or the guest for the interview. But maybe it's Susan!
  25. Damn! I wonder if this is because the fan reaction to her is only so-so? Or is the actress doing other things? I actually like the pairing, but they were too rushed. Should've spent more time building them up, IMO, so this may be a goos thing.
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