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Everything posted by EarlGreyTea

  1. I always found Maks and Val insufferable, so this episode was pretty dull for me. Ditto Dave Coulier. i'm constantly surprised with what Candace is allowing her character to do and wear. She was always very adamant that her Dancing with the Stars outfits were modest, and the dress she wore in this episode was pretty skimpy. She looked amazing, though. Maybe she's loosened up since DWTS and Make it or Break It, where she insisted her character be a Christian and hold Christian values. Not loving that they made Kimmy's ex such a broad Latin lover stereotype. It's 2016, this is a character straight out of 90s sitcoms. Which....makes sense considering this show.
  2. It was pretty shitty for DJ to kick Jackson out of his own room. Admittedly I've lost count of how many rooms that house has, but surely there's enough for all the kids to have their own rooms? Jodie and Andrea still have great comedic timing. DJ is as usual the boring straight man. Kimmie grates, though. There's a reason sidekicks are sidekicks - too much of them and they start to wear on you. All four kids are annoying. I'm beginning to appreciate the charm of the original three girls, or maybe it's because I haven't rewatched those episodes since childhood. All I can think of when I see the babies on the show is how they're being forced into it a la the Olsens. I don't blame them at all for skipping out on what was essentially a working childhood.
  3. Joe with his "Al Bundy four touchdowns in one game" reminiscences about his past glory in campaigns really speaks volumes. Not only are his better days behind him, but he constantly lives in the past. No one wants your goddamn useless anecdotes about when you bested your competitor, or raised a ton of money, or was the most adept at handling the media. And for God's sake stop taking a year to get out a sentence. What do I have to do to kick Joe off the network and bring back Martin Bashir? Seriously, it can be almost anything.
  4. Trump was just interviewed at a Nevada caucus site saying he loved Rachel and loved the graphics she used to show polls. Because he likes it that she puts his head (and the other candidates) on top. Hilarious and actually seemed to be genuine.
  5. I liked her scarf, I think she looked great IMO. I always listen the podcast, never tune into the show so sometimes I forget what they look like. I listen to Willie Geist and Mike Barnicle every morning but couldn't pick them out of a lineup. Trump projected to win NH Primary. Good luck to everyone's ears tomorrow morning when they watch/listen to MJ. This will be a gloat of epic proportions by Joe and Co.
  6. Joe and Mika have popped up on the evening NH primary coverage, being interviewed by Chris Matthews. First time I've seen them on primetime in a while. Interestingly, they're more tolerable when they're guests, not on their own show IMO. I feel bad for them - this constant primary coverage must have them running ragged. If they pop up on Rachel's panel we'll know the producers read this thread. ;) Does Joe own an article of clothing that does not have his own name on it?
  7. Be advised, Rachel again is sharing hosting duties tonight with Brian Williams. Luckily MSNBC seems to have read this thread and she's getting more airtime than he is so far. Bernie's been on TRMS a lot, and interestingly I think in person a few times - I've never seen Hillary on there in person. At the very least, our Rachel not as insufferable, blowhardy, and biased as that pompous Joe Scarborough is when it comes to Trump.
  8. Thirded, great article. I enjoyed when she talked about her schedule; I've often wondered how much time she actually gets off from work. It sounds totally exhausting, especially after that six hour long panel she did last week with Brian Williams. Playboy's always had great articles. She got some great questions. The one about how Obama has been disappointing was especially illuminating.
  9. YES. Best news I've heard all week. I read that Matthew Lewis is joining the cast so I'm excited. Also I hate how attracted I am to James Norton in that promo. It doesn't look quite as engrossing as series one, when the case was so close to Catherine's heart, but I'm very willing to give it a chance. I hope Ann pops up.
  10. Good point. God I loved his show. So wonderfully snarky and disdainful of the GOP in particular. Rachel looked kind of bemused by Williams all night. She's too nice. Would like for Chris Matthews to rip him to shreds.
  11. Rachel's hosting a panel along with Brian Williams tonight. I'm kind of miffed that not only is Williams on my TV screen, he's pretty much acting as host. He's getting twice as much speaking time as Rachel is. Whether it's a network call or what, I'm annoyed. Would kill to know what Rachel really thinks of him. Loving the election cycle, it means six hours straight of Rachel.
  12. MSNBC is literally just showing caucus votes being counted out loud by someone. It's been going on for several minutes now. And yet it's somehow more riveting than Joe bloviating about what he would do if he was running for president. Newsflash: you weren't even invited to the panels that are discussing who's running for president.
  13. Well played. ;) I read that post in Obama's voice. In other news, I wonder if any of the Morning Joe crew will join what is seemingly all day coverage today and tomorrow. I think Rachel is hosting a panel either today or tomorrow and I wonder if Joe's invitation was lost in the mail. And I've never seen Mika on one of those panels, ever. To be a fly on the wall when those three pass each other in hall. I enjoyed Rachel's takedown of Joe on his show in 2008 when she was like, "Let me make my point and then you can dismiss me" and he actually did shut up.
  14. Joe's levels of delusion are astounding. He needs to be locked in room with Rachel Maddow and Zbigniew Brzezinski to bring him back down to earth. Like Trump would pick his irrelevant ass. Now that I think of it, he's not even relevant enough to be on those pre- and post-election debate panels, Maggiemae is right. They usually trot out Steve Schmidt as the pet conservative for that, or at least they did in 2012. Schmidt is MIA this current cycle.
  15. I don't know if I can take anymore of this, guys. Joe may as be hired by the Trump campaign for how he defended his childishness today. It's called being a grownup, Joe. And take a drink - Joe referenced his own campaign today and said he would do the same as Donals.
  16. Was Chris Christie on today's show? I just watched a Rachel Maddow show clip of him being condescending to a girl who has relatives in NJ and asked him why he wasn't there helping with the relief efforts and being the petty asshole he is, said: "It's already done. What do you want me to do, get a mop?" I'd like to see a clip of him today on MJ, apparently they were critical of him too and he clapped back. The combined blowhardiness of both him and Joe would probably rip a hole in the space time continuum. Honestly not even sure which one I'd root for. Damn the daily podcast for only letting me listen to the first hour of each show (but not really).
  17. I haven't even finished this episode, but Queen's guard strippers? Really? You could see the humiliation in Ramsay's pained smile. He probably has to mentally count his money every time they trot out stupid stunts like that. It gets worse every season. Only time I ever saw him more forced was when Paula Deen came on Master Chef and he had to force himself laugh at his jokes. You gotta wonder if he would have quit the show years ago had his father in law not royally fucked up his company's finances. I always wonder what the Z-list celebrities who appear on this show get out of this. Exposure on a low rated show that airs on Fridays? Nah. The free food? Maybe. I guess some exposure is better than none. In David Beckham's case it's because he and Gordon are BFF, otherwise no way would the show have been able to get him.
  18. Another solid episode. I'm amazed by how charming I find some of the GOP candidates seem while doing these events, because I find them insufferable otherwise. I guess they didn't get this far by being dull. Once again I notice the post-production team must be running on absolutely no sleep, because some of the events in the episode had to have taken place as late as last week. Halperin and Heilemann must have the stamina of marathon runners to constantly be on the go like this. I find it amusing how campaign events are in random stores, restaurants, and what looked like a factory. I would kill to live in a hotly contested state. It would be fun to attend these events. Shut up, Chris Christie. You too, Marco Rubio. Speaking of, he looked like death warmed over this episode. Looks like he needs a good nap. John Kasich was pretty adorable. He's probably the only GOP candidate I'd ever vote for. But I think the prisoner's dilemma is real. One of the four establishment candidates needs to bow out already.
  19. I'm so sick of Joe gloating at the pundits who predicted Trump would fade. It's like every single show now where he brings it up and sarcastically asks when Trump's poll numbers are going to drop. We get it, you're Kreskin. It's gotten so that I pretty much only listen because he and Rachel Maddow are the only MSNBC shows with podcasts. The Morning Joe drinking game would have to include Joe bringing in anecdotes about his own now-irrelevant campaigns, mentioning his brother voting for Trump (bonus if Nicolle mentions her father voting for Trump), Mika trying to bring the show back on track and being ignored, and Joe speaking. very. slowly. to. make. his. point. There's more but I can't think of any right now.
  20. God I love this trashy show. So glad it's back. No one really sticks out to me except the annoying Jersey girl. With my luck she'll make it into the top 5. Z-list celebs, scallop crises, shitty signature dishes, overenthusiastic audiences straight from central casting...Hell's Kitchen is baaaack.
  21. Absolutely loving it so far. I love election years and I eat up election news like there's no tomorrow. So I really enjoyed the minutiae this show is displaying - the moments before a candidate goes on stage, sitting in hotel rooms, the newsroom scenes, Bernie walking through a subway station, etc. I can see why it would turn people off if they're not interested in all that. So far it's a lot like that Mitt documentary on Netflix - politics displayed in a soft lens. Not a hardball documentary by any means so far, but that's to be expected. None of the real behind the scenes drama is going to come out until after the election is in the can (although reading carefully between the lines you can see narratives starting to form). Hopefully Heilemann and Halperin will Game Change this election too. In many ways I'm finding this cycle more dramatic than 2008, and that's really saying something. If nothing else, this episode made me soften a bit toward Ted Cruz and I think he comes off as an insufferable prick everywhere else, so good on The Circus for that. Also liked seeing Jane Sanders. I couldn't have picked her out of a lineup with only one option before this episode. The production team must be getting absolutely no sleep. I recognize some speeches/rallies that had to have taken place as late as last week. I like that it's fairly close to real time. Will make it less awkward as candidates continue to drop like flies yet they're still shown in footage as hopefuls.
  22. I re-watched. You're right. I haven't felt this bad since I was rejected by Uncle Sam.
  23. I'm watching "Isn't it Romantic," with Dorothy's old college roommate Jean coming to visit Miami. Why would Dorothy have had a roommate when she got pregnant in high school? Wouldn't her roommates be Stan and whichever kid was born first (a quibble for another day)? I guess you could fanwank that she had a roommate for a few months in between high school and college? My head hurts.
  24. Surprised Sheldon didn't mention anything about protection. You'd think he'd have had some strict speech about it. My (female) friend sent me a pic of herself wearing the exact same sweater tonight. She said it's definitely a girl's sweater, at least the one she bought. I wonder if it was intentional on the part of the costume department, or if my friend was mistaken. Either way, gave me a good laugh.
  25. One of the best episodes in years, and even the B-plots were top notch. Penny breaking the glass, Amy running for a wax, Arthur trying to impale himself on the lightsaber, Sheldon praying, Wil Wheaton being a dick and strolling in with his Star Trek outfit, Penny and Bernadette supporting Amy with advice...brilliant. Great timing with Star Wars opening tonight - I guess that's why it wasn't during November sweeps? They were clearly going all out too with Wil Wheaton and Bob Newhart. Also, who else wished the scene with Penny explaining things to Sheldon had been shown onscreen? They would have shown it a few seasons ago when the focus was more on the main Leonard-Penny-Sheldon trio. The lack of it this season shows how the dynamic has shifted. And the time constraints what with the millions of commercials.
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