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  1. I was going to ask if the above tweet (or X, or Truth, whatever) was real but honestly, I have been asking myself that very same question daily whenever I read the headlines and the answer is always YES, so.... Regarding the wearing of pink to the state of the union, or holding up signs, or choosing to not attend...I have no idea what the answer is. I don't know what the dems are doing in the background, but it just feels like time wasted if they were discussing color choices or passing out signs. Choosing not to attend probably fed Trump's ego even more - if his most vocal dissenters aren't there, all the better for him. Just saying, we are facing an obstacle the size of a mountain. Bringing a plastic toy shovel to move the mountain isn't going to do it. So how do we get through it? We were not meant to live under a constant and steady IV drip of stress, but that has been my experience ever since the pandemic began. So I don't care what color the dems wear to the next SOTU - just please, do something.
  2. Of course they did! They are manly-men with muscles, they have no choice but to crush it. Even if Dave lost control of his club and knocked himself out with it, Jill would gush about how he sweetly grunted on the way down. And Janessa could've hit the ball farther than Dave did in that video still. Oh, wait - girls can't golf, that's he-man stuff. No girls allowed. Never mind.
  3. And eating! Don't forget eating. Dave was probably over the moon, twirling from country to country, trying so many different delicious foods that his kids will never taste! You know what - he deserves it. After all, this man eats raw chicken and drinks hummingbird juice on the regular. Jill being all "I didn't miss the cruise at all! Look how much fun I'm having at Epcot!" smacks of a 13-year old girl who saw on Instagram that her friends went to Sephora without her. And Jill sucks extra - of course she can use an extra $500 to go on vacation with Hunk, because all of her kids' shoes and clothes either come from Goodwill or are hand-me-downs, so no need to spend it on silly things like that. And no need to spend it on food - there are plenty of dented cans of beans in the cupboard, and that's also what grifting is for. And Nathan's wallet.
  4. Jill must be a delight to be with as the cruise ship leaves without her. I imagine she spends time both obsessively scrolling social media to see posts from her fellow huns, while at the same time declaring that she's so happy she's not on the boat this time, but also stomping around demanding that everyone treat her extra special for the next few days because she should have been on that boat, but also judging everyone she sees posting about how much fun they're having on the cruise, etc. Her kids are probably having to tip-toe around her even more than they already do on a daily basis.
  5. How damn exhausting it must be to be a female Rodlet, having to constantly measure BME's emotional temperature hourly and if someone has done her wrong, quickly compose a missive to her beauty, her sacrifice, etc. etc. - not to give to her directly, but to post on social media because it's not real until other people can see it and give it "hearts." They also have to walk around all day in full makeup just in case Mahmo is distressed enough to need an impromptu photo op coffee date with her girlies. Not only that, but any good deed done by one must be measured and one-upped by the others, lest they fall to the bottom of Jill's favorite child list. The boys have it much easier. They just need to dig enough spare change from underneath Dave's La-Z-Boy and run to Aldi for a bouquet of flowers and a candy bar.
  6. My guess is when the check comes, Dave makes a long, sloth-like show of grunting and pretending to reach for his wallet while Jill mumbles something like, "our electric bill sure is going to be high this month, since we printed 4645385768433 tracts! But it's all for Jeesauce!" And that's when Nathan, Jonathan, Tim, or whichever pastor has the misfortune of dining with them realizes they're picking up the entire bill. I suppose it was only a matter of time. Once those older girls start getting married and perhaps growing a few brain cells of their own, it's time for Jill to pluck and groom her next daughter into a future wife to a man who has the slightest hint of earning potential. Never mind that any one of her girls could have been a doctor, a business owner, a writer, etc. It's far more important that they become a clone of Jill herself.
  7. So you don't get on the cruise despite having the minimum amount of credits and then as a consolation prize, Plexus throws some extra money into their commission account, which I assume translates to credits, for which you might be able to get on the next cruise but not necessarily - so we'll give you another $500 in your commission account, ad infinitum. I don't know much about how Plexus operates but this sounds like a way to dangle a prize above everyone's heads, take it away randomly because the trip has been "filled," only to entice them even harder for the next trip with more commission courtesy of Plexus. Considering how much of their own money these people have to throw at their own downline just to be moderately successful, it's almost cruel. Especially for someone like Jill who is so certain that she's going on every trip, she cut and pastes her own face onto the generic brochures. It's her own fault for signing up for this grift but dang, lol. I imagine Jill behind a closed door, weeping/praying with David about how unfair her life is and now she doesn't even have that sweet two grand to buy herself and her girlies a delicious sugary coffee drink at Dunkin, which led to the girls emptying out their purses to scrape enough cash together to take Mahmo out for a "treat" to cheer her up. I have to think behavior of that sort takes place a lot in that family. I also think Jill must be hell to live with on the occasions she can't be on the boat for whatever reason.
  8. Hmm, you can't say the company name of a company you're shilling for, and have presumably sunk your own money into to get started? And you can only buy it via PM? That doesn't sound sketchy or dangerous or potentially illegal at all.
  9. The homes of these MLM shillers must be stocked floor to ceiling with not only the crap they are trying to sell, but the stuff they feel they have to buy from everyone else in order to move their own inventory. At some point, doesn't this have to implode, like a snake eating its own tail? So Kaylee hits up Jill's Plexus folks to start her own downline on whatever she's selling, but who can afford to be on multiple downlines anyway? It costs money just to get a foot in the door - and all the while, you're still buying other people's junk because you know you're going to need them to buy yours. It makes my head spin.
  10. Is there a snowball's chance in Florida that Kaylee made this decision without consulting, praying and crying with Jill for weeks? EDIT: @lookeyloo 's explanation makes much more sense.
  11. Glad to see a Z-list reality show "author" and a perpetual student/shoe collector can afford a $2M house with a pool. Sorry, just bittercakes over here.
  12. "He doesn't let us help?" He's a child who doesn't understand what real danger is, being raised by parents who aren't giving him any safety guidelines. Does he get to cross busy streets by himself too because he won't let his parents hold his hands? My gosh. Your young child wielding two sharp knives isn't some kind of flex, Amy! Are they scared of what might happen if they tried to take them away from him??
  13. I have a feeling this scenario isn't too far from the truth. I doubt the Rod kids truly realize that money doesn't typically flow freely from most people's churches. And if Sam's boss won't let him off work to help warble at the next unsuspecting church along the way, Jill might proclaim that it's because that boss trying to stop Sam from spreading the Word, and is therefore evil. However, Jill needs Sam's money so she and Dave don't have to go out in the awful heathen world and find a real job, so she's in quite the pickle. Those Cream of Wheat clothes aren't going to buy themselves from Goodwill for her to mark up, for goodness' sake. And yet, how can she market Sam if he has to work? It makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Poor Jill.
  14. And 30 of those 39 videos would have been Jill capturing her family members in various stages of chewing and talking normally until they realize they are being filmed yet AGAIN.
  15. That cake looks like the size of a homemade loaf of bread. To stretch it enough for everyone, it would've needed to be sliced into pieces thin enough to see through. I want to believe that Tim threw an elbow or two when he saw that Dave was trying to dip up first, and that Heidi got the piece with the best frosting.
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