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  1. Is there a snowball's chance in Florida that Kaylee made this decision without consulting, praying and crying with Jill for weeks? EDIT: @lookeyloo 's explanation makes much more sense.
  2. Glad to see a Z-list reality show "author" and a perpetual student/shoe collector can afford a $2M house with a pool. Sorry, just bittercakes over here.
  3. "He doesn't let us help?" He's a child who doesn't understand what real danger is, being raised by parents who aren't giving him any safety guidelines. Does he get to cross busy streets by himself too because he won't let his parents hold his hands? My gosh. Your young child wielding two sharp knives isn't some kind of flex, Amy! Are they scared of what might happen if they tried to take them away from him??
  4. I have a feeling this scenario isn't too far from the truth. I doubt the Rod kids truly realize that money doesn't typically flow freely from most people's churches. And if Sam's boss won't let him off work to help warble at the next unsuspecting church along the way, Jill might proclaim that it's because that boss trying to stop Sam from spreading the Word, and is therefore evil. However, Jill needs Sam's money so she and Dave don't have to go out in the awful heathen world and find a real job, so she's in quite the pickle. Those Cream of Wheat clothes aren't going to buy themselves from Goodwill for her to mark up, for goodness' sake. And yet, how can she market Sam if he has to work? It makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Poor Jill.
  5. And 30 of those 39 videos would have been Jill capturing her family members in various stages of chewing and talking normally until they realize they are being filmed yet AGAIN.
  6. That cake looks like the size of a homemade loaf of bread. To stretch it enough for everyone, it would've needed to be sliced into pieces thin enough to see through. I want to believe that Tim threw an elbow or two when he saw that Dave was trying to dip up first, and that Heidi got the piece with the best frosting.
  7. Peculiar people indeed. It bothers me that, according to Kaylee, she and Jonathan spend a lot of time grieving over everyone who doesn't live as they do. But how does this jibe with the Bible verse that tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves? There are people in my real life that I would also love to ask this question to, but I am tired. I assume it means to love your neighbor if they look, think, and act like you. Then it's cool. Poor Gideon.
  8. So in that one small space alone I count 5 things that need to be plugged in. And is that a candle on top of the machine on the left? I guess a simple Mr. Coffee machine is far too plebian for Jill's sophisticated palate. My guess is that anything that befalls any of her children is taken care of by Plexus, prayer, and maybe a book that affirms what she already believes. And if none of those things fixes the issue, she takes a vacation because parenting is soooo hard.
  9. Brilliant. And I am going to need at least one entire chapter dedicated to how Meri felt when Janelle chased Kody until he caught her, after divorcing Meri's brother. Get me some answers, Jenn! But honestly, any books these people write will be checked out of my library where I will pick it up from the hold shelf (possibly in disguise), make sure no one sees me with it, hide it under a stack of other books, and GTFO before I see anyone I know and they ask me what I'm reading. It would be impossible to explain to anyone why I am reading the sanitized autobiography from a Z- list TLC "star" whose show I have been watching since 1987 or whatever.
  10. Mother and son are reading a book about the brain and supplements? Is it actually a thick Plexus pamphlet? And why Philip? I can think of no actual reason why Jill would want to read anything, let alone a buddy read with one of her kids. I hope this isn't Jill trying to "fix" her son because he's strayed a bit too far.
  11. I will fight everyone for the cute denim hoodie blouse vest jacket that is made of cute denim!
  12. I just wonder why Aurora looks like she is going to have a nervous breakdown every time she has to speak to Kody. I suppose it comes from years and years of Robyn training Aurora and Brianna how to approach their volatile egotistical sensitive new daddy, who was kind enough to take them in and give them shelter from their big meanie real dad - you know, the guy Robyn sent them to for a nice long visit right after they'd been adopted by Kody. I get the feeling that those two girls walk on eggshells all the time, for fear of insulting Big Daddy or making Mom cry again (and again and again and......)
  13. My guess is that we will detest the Baldwins, lol. Any interest will be to listen to his wife's fluid accent and to see his eleventy-seven kids run around and scream, from the preview I've seen. Watching two adults pretend to be overrun by the many children they've brought into the world is not must-see tv by any means. I would rather watch Robyn and Kody paint another picnic table.
  14. Exactly - Robyn WAS contributing to the family, they just didn't know it yet. She is just that good. And I wish I knew how to do screen grabs, but what was that crazy face she made when she blathered that "I never paid attention to whose house Kody was at! I never knew! The other wives, they would keep track! But me? I never rilly knew!" (insert weird shrug, pulls her chin down to her neck and makes her mouth go sideways). You don't have to keep track of Mr. Pectacular when he's napping on your couch 24/7, lady. Nice try.
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