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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Please forgive me if this has already been posted, and I don't do links, but a friend (almost as neurotic as WoFo!) who has a daughter with Lyme disease posted this story from the Huffington Post on Facebook. Disclaimer: I take anything printed there with a major side-eye, because I think they do a lot of huffing over at that HQ. I'm not sure if the Doc referred to in this piece is Yolanda's, as I refuse to do any research on this topic. (But appreciate my fellow board members who take the time...kiss, kiss!) I refuse to research these housewives health issues because 1)I have plenty of my own REAL medical problems and 2)I am also suffering from RHOC-Brooks-Vicki-plague-itis. It's food for thought, because while I think YoFo is full of it, as a native New Englander (home of Lyme) Lyme is working its nasty path of destruction. Huffington Post: The Blog By Dana Parish "Arrogance and Ignorance: A Catastrophe for Lyme Sufferers The article's spin on the topic mentions a particular Doctor who was not treated properly. Again, I don't remember the name of WoFo's Doc. The piece makes him sound well respected, but I never assume the writer is accurate. However, if she is, one can see why this disease is complicated. (Understatement of the year)
  2. Hmmm...if this request is true, wonder what all of David's kids think about this?!! Wonder if David will continue to comment support publicly?
  3. Apparently Lisa Rinna called out Brandi on Twitter. "Shut up Brandi, leave LVP & Kyle alone. Use your podcast to educate and inspire people. Move on baby." Brandi has been tweeting about how F'd up and mean people are, oh, the irony. That tells me Rinna still supports LVP at this point in time.
  4. Yup, I hear ya! I try my best to focus only on critiquing behavior, attitudes, and what they say not their natural born appearance. With appearance, I will only question beauty, style, plastic surgery choices, such as Faye looking orange, LVP's bottom lip, moulin rouge attire, etc. I love to snark, but there's a huge difference between snarking on the HWs poor choices, and being mean spirited or even cruel. Whether WoYo's surgery was due to implants or breast cancer, it's still major surgery and not fun for anyone. I do think she has medical issues, and wacky ideas about diet and cures, and conditions on her Hollywood friends that are over the top, but I still sympathize with what she is dealing with here. I also think we all have a right to our own opinions here. When I post, I'm not interested in being challenged by others who don't agree with whatever I posted. I only concern myself with opinions of the moderators! Sometimes people read into your posts and than we end up getting mad at each other instead of focusing our snark on the housewives. I think we were on the same board, NC social worker...I had one poster who would always rip apart anything I posted. If I said something like "Thank God LVP didn't bend over in her moulin rouge costume," this person would post something like, "well, my Godess would certainly never judge women!" I kid you not. That's exhausting and sucks all the fun and joy out of this and why we are on this board in the first place! This episode was mostly fun, wish orange Faye was not there, want more hover board scenes Bravo!
  5. WW, Looks like we were thinking the exact same thing!!
  6. In Erika's blog posted today, she mentions it was her intention as WoFo's friend to tell Yo the truth about the chatter at the BBQ. I noticed that Erika did not go on to clarify that she may have misinterpreted or may have missed part of the conversation on this subject. A whitewashed blog carefully written to leaving out her opinion of what actually was discussed in full.
  7. OMG, such an awesome post, spot on! I watched the first 2 episodes of RH Potomac, and it was sooooooo clear that it is all manufactured drama that it's laughable more so than the 1/16th Italian offense!
  8. Yah, I don't get this with WoFo. There is organic make up...ask Shannon Beador. Is there organic hair color? I'm sure there is, or some type of organic materials you can use to highlight. Why doesn't she just let her hair go? It looks very dark under that salon blonde, so I would think she would just go natural. If it's gray, that seems to be hip again these days. While organic solutions might not give you that perfection she is accustomed to, if she is truly serious about ditching toxins but wants to continue with make up, dye and nail color, go organic!! You are in CA, easy access to those products.
  9. You make an excellent point about taking what someone says literally, when often, they are just chattering, assuming that their conversation is not going to be dissected. Another poster mentioned this when it came to Lisa Rinna as well. Saying Harry wouldn't "F### her" if she changed her hair...she was exaggerating. I think, as others have suggested, she thinks it's her brand identity, like her lips. I've been battling some health issues, so I haven't been my old self with exercise. I'm normally very active like you Ryebread. I may say, "I haven't exercised in months," and completely discount any 1 or 2 mile slower walks because I think of those walks as barely moving compared to what people know I normally do for exercise. Now, if I had some type of surgery, like hip surgery, I would not consider those short walks in the same way, because, No, literally, I truly could not even walk more than a few steps. Perspective. As someone who is very sarcastic, I've learned I really need to know my audience, because I have had some people take some of my comments seriously, when I thought it was clear that I was joking. That being said, WoFo still contradicts herself so often, that these little comments she makes gives the audience a reason to question what she says and that's fair, IMO. When you are filmed, it's all there...unless it's those editing monkeys. However, WoFo's use of social media, is what is making her look off. It is confusing, like Taylor said, to see such contradicting images with her Instagram posts, which will feed the rumor mill. I wanted to also add, that this isn't WoFo's first season on a reality show...so, I do give side eye to some of her comments...because she should be well aware that what she is saying is on film...
  10. I had to google that! I guess that's it, I don't remember that, but I didn't have it, my friends did...and they "over-did" it! I have olive skin, no need for bronzer...(Italian) I thought it was something from the 70s, down to Earth movement. Anyways...yes, Faye must be a bronzer queen and why she bonded with Adrienne!! I do kind of miss Adrienne even though she could be annoying. That's it, maybe Faye crossed the line with LVP and stained her furniture too.
  11. ITA with your comments here. Unless you are perfect, and no mere mortal is, we all have made poor decisions and behaved less than perfect in our lives. Character comes from reactions to problems and if you can right wrongs...if possible. Remember the silly dark comedy show, My Name is Earl? A comedy farce about a guy who was up to no good, such as stealing beer and spent the series trying to right his wrongs over the years...and hysterically making matters worse in some cases?! His intentions as a reformed man were pure and he showed what was in his heart redeemed his good name. The Apostle Peter, as a serious example of changing your ways and trying to fix your mistakes...We all ask for forgiveness, unless we are complete jerks. Faye seemingly refuses to understand what she has done, displays no remorse and was once again, for example, with Brandi, inserting herself in the middle of accusations. Faye's not a housewife, she was not personally connected to Brandi, and was getting involved where she did not belong. Whether Faye was right about Brandi (she was) or wrong, IMO, is irrelevant. As a friend of Kyle, if she felt Brandi and LVP were hurting Kyle, I understand her concern, but why attack? Who does that when it's not your direct place? Faye saw Brandi screwing around in Portia's bathroom. I agree, gross, eww...but that's a conversation to have with Kyle off camera. I also think what Faye did goes way beyond the typical mistakes most people make in their lives! I wouldn't compare Eileen and Vince's situation to the "mistakes" Faye made... While I see where LVP is coming from, I do agree that we rarely see her honestly apologize for slights she has made, the rude comments and gossip. I'm a fan of all of the charity work, her kindness with animals, her British humor. But, as most people who are like that (I'm the Queen of sarcasm in real life) you also have to be aware of the sensitivities of your friends. Often, she does not and likely why she says she feels like a man in a woman's body. She is just not that aware of how she sometimes digs at people. As another poster already said, Kyle, Stop trying to make Faye happen!
  12. Yes, that's exactly why Lisa's comment, IMO, while insensitive based on nasty comments in our history, was not meant in any way but a reference to Faye's odd, fake, not natural, coloring. Anyone remember the first mass marketed bronzer that came in a faux pottery type container? Maybe around the time Sun-in was big? I had a friend with strawberry blonde hair that tanned and went too heavy on that stuff. She always looked orange. So, I would see her, if I was in Lisa's shoes, as an Oompa Loompa wicked witch twirling her hands. I think Faye is a vile excuse of a human being.
  13. Maybe Oompa Loompa would have fit her description of Faye more accurately?! :) Too funny, I just posted the same thing before I read your post! Does that mean we are both warped or just creative geniuses that think alike?!! Ha ha
  14. I'm sorry, but I don't blame anyone for not wanting to warm up to Faye. Faye did more than annoy LVP 3 years ago, she clearly attacked Lisa's character. On at least 4 separate occasions she criticized Lisa, including her hand twirling imitation of a wicked witch. The worst violation is going after her at her 30th anniversary vow renewal. Who attacks someone at a party to celebrate such a milestone? She is morally corrupt and I can't even imagine why she and Kyle became friends in the first place. Yes, I know she hung around with Kathy Hilton, but it still defies logic to me. What Faye did back in the days of OJ is, IMO, unforgivable. Imagine if your mother, sister, close friend was murdered. Imagine one of her so called best friends writing a salacious tell all book. Wasn't Nicole's family put through the ringer enough? If I were LVP, I would just ignore Faye, and make her feel like she doesn't exist. I would advice Kathryn to do the same. I've always liked Kyle. I think she is the most "normal" down to Earth of almost all of the housewives across the franchise. She is a wonderful mother. The only issue I see with her is that she likes Faye and sometimes does exhibit some mean girl moments. (The laser pointer on Brandi's bra-less dress, the game night back in season 2 or 3).
  15. The Lancôme mascara is worth every penny! I have also used Maybelline great lash since I was a teen (I'm 48) and still use it for everyday, especially in the summer. I wear the Definicils for the weekends or when I know I'm going out. If you research mascaras you will see it is always one of the top rated picks... I agree with the need for a make over (actually, make under) for LVP. Season 1 she looked so much fresher. She had that shoulder length haircut and it didn't look like she messed with her lips like she does now. She looks so much better when she's wearing casual clothes or business attire. She looks fantastic in pencil skirts or even just jeans. She loses it when she gets all dolled up. Sometimes I think I'm watching an Austin Powers movie when Lisa, Ken and Giggy are all decked out in pink and purple Ruffles!!
  16. Hey gang, I've been just reading the last couple of months...I think I had real housewives trauma from Crooksie Brooksie...YoMoFo swears that's a real disease. Thanks for the laughs! Thank you to the poster who coined the new nickname WoeFo...I'm running with that one... In all seriousness, I truly feel for Yolanda, as it is clear she truly has been ill. I, like many posters here, know how it feels to have a complicated illness and do believe not all doctors get it right. No one wants to struggle with their health and feel a prisoner in their own body. However, I do agree, her inconsistencies and exaggerations make me scratch my head and doubtful that WoFo has a grip on her true status and reality. First season, I liked her as she seemed confident, had good taste in decorating, and she brought the house candy. I started giving her the side eye when she started showing signs of being a mean girl. Her hearts on certain place cards when she claimed the title of dinner party Queen aka Martha Stewart of Beverly Hills?! She started the hate on LVP when they were in Puerto Rico with leading the charge of questioning her on magazine gate. She was nasty to Ken. Most telling, as others have noted, was her mean girl behavior towards Joyce at the reunion. I couldn't believe the way she turned her back on her and scoffed at her. "Who is Yolanda Foster in this world?" She definitely was playing both sides with Kyle, Kim & LVP in Paris as well. She's no innocent. The other ladies asking questions is not a slam. Being a real friend doesn't mean you can't ask questions. Asking questions is not an attack. Gawd, these ladies are exhausting.
  17. Woohoo!! I love it. Feel like we are all in a "love in" session at Big Sur, healing away from the battery known as the OG of the OC. Nothing like commiserating over babbling Brooks being kicked off of our TV screens and welcoming in a new, shiny, whole orange-not squeezed- world of the OC without Brooks and Ickys dysfunction. Whew! We have become PTV family!
  18. I'm amazed by the shamelessness some people hang out on display.
  19. I hear ya!! The ladies filmed a Moulin Rouge themed party (yuck) this season and I bet that was the inspiration for this Miss Kitty collection. Kathryn, Lisa R and Yolanda have the nicer silouhetts. The dark red color on Yo's dress is pretty. I'm one of those people who think some women use theme parties and Halloween as their one chance to dress like tramps without any snarky comments. Meh. I will still snark on you... Of course Erika's dress looks half nude, tacky appears to be her middle name.
  20. Thank you, excellent comment. This is what has bothered me since Season 3 and the intro of Tamra "The hottest, (cough, bullshit) housewife of Orange County" and what that meant for this franchise. The twisted bullshitter, Tamrat, meets the delusional & needy bullshitter, Vicki, and the dastardly duo took over. I know not everyone likes Jeana, but Vicki & Tamra's devious plots all started when they out maneuvered Jeana in order to squeeze her off the show. Of course, as all rats do, Vicki & Tamra have turned on each other from time to time, but all we have witnessed since season 3 have been the result of all their plots and back room deals. Vicki is now realizing that all the benefits she reaped were because she sold her soul to the Devil.
  21. I wonder if this woman ever waited tables by lying naked on them with food on her stomach and flowers covering her private parts?
  22. If they are staying together for the kids, they can divorce when the kids go off to college. The twins will be there in 5-6 years, that's no big deal. In the meantime, maybe they will make it work. Who knows, but at least they tried.
  23. With Tamra, we have seen this for several nights for 8 seasons. If this was the only night she did something this tacky and embarrassing I would agree with you but that night, IMO, is what Tamra is all about, at least on camera.
  24. Yes! Great analogy. I have a couple of friends that can be this way some of the time, but Vicki is typically stressful like this 24/7. It's soooooooo annoying. If I wanted the F'%#^*!! chicken, I would have ordered the darn chicken. If I eat my salad dry, do you really have to insult me Vicki?!! This is why it seemed odd to the ladies when her recent reactions were calm or sedated like actions. It's so not her. Buuuuuut. It is the reason Vicki is reality gold, over reacting and OTT about everything. She can be pretty darn funny but her negatives outweigh her positives IMO.
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