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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. I came back to this show recently after having quit back in 2000-2001ish (still debating if I want to stick around now)? As much as people complain about characters stating the obvious about their familial connections on this show, it really does help when you have no idea how certain people are related. Especially when you're too lazy to do a google search. I'm still trying to figure out who Claire, Ciara and Tripp are related to. I know that Claire has to be related to Belle (or Sami) since she called Brady her uncle, but how is Victor her great grandfather? I know that Tripp's dad is Steve. When did John get another son? Apparently, Julie is related to Eli. Who are his parents? I guess, I'll keep watching for now so this great mystery can eventually be solved because again...lazy. Speaking of Claire, I like her, but it seems like quite a few people don't? Granted, I don't know any of her history besides breaking up Hope and Rafe's wedding so maybe she murdered a homeless guy in the past. I don't know. She's extremely self centered, but I'd take that any day over Ciara's constant need for validation. The girl isn't ugly by any means, but she constantly needs Tripp to tell her how beautiful she is (inside and out, bleh). I hope Wyatt sticks around so he can scheme with Claire. I chuckled when Claire called Wyatt an idiot for using his birthday as a password and he seemed really offended by it. It's kinda nice coming back to the show when you don't know all the details. I like Brady and Eve together because I've never seen Theresa or from what I gather, anyone else from the long list of great loves of Brady's life except for Chloe. I can enjoy the DID story because I have no investment in Chad and Abby as a couple having missed their love story. I only want Will and Sonny together so that Paul (the only one I do like in this triangle) can find someone better than those two. I just like to watch everyone crash and burn. No one is acting out of character for me because I don't know how they should be acting in the first place. It's great!
  2. This is the dumbest nitpick to have, but I used to watch DuckTales as a kid and I remember Scrooge having a more pronounced Scottish accent. I miss it in this reboot. :(
  3. I was just catching up on the second season of the Canadian show "Private Eyes" a show about...private eyes (yes, the show's theme song is Hall & Oates) and around the 6th episode, Bree Williamson shows up as Jason Priestley's love interest.
  4. Oh, ok that makes a little more sense. For some reason, I thought Raquel's brother was also half demon and I was confused as to why he was so oblivious to it all.
  5. It was a little annoying that Amy had two men chasing after her while Raquel was reduced to constant jokes about needing a vibrator. Not to mention, her only relationship turned out to be with a demon who was using her to open a portal to hell. There are so many ways I could read into why the writers chose to portray it that way... Did they explain why Raquel's brother can't demons or why Raquel and Amy are able to see the demon's true form only some of the time? That was the only time that I felt he was more than just a sidekick. He was actually terrifying. His inclusion in the group never made any sense to me. After he saw Raquel's father's dead body at the ice rink, you'd think he would have ran for the nearest exit.
  6. I've been struggling to remember the name of this show because even the title is reminiscent of that other show. So far, I haven't seen much of a difference between the two shows expect for what is on the surface level, Stan being the ex-sheriff, having a daughter, a little less of a cocky attitude, etc. If Ash didn't exist, I think I may have appreciated Stan more. For now, I'm watching because I have loved John C. McGinley since his days on "Scrubs", but I think I'll need to see a few more episodes before I can be really invested in its campiness without constantly comparing the two.
  7. I feel the same way. I watched OLTL, GH, ATWT and GL as well as AMC. AMC was always my favorite. Once all those shows were cancelled (except for GH, I just gave up on that one of my own volition because I couldn't stand Sonny), I just haven't been interested in seeking out any of the remaining shows. I'm pretty sure they will all be gone within the next 10 years anyway which is really sad to think about. I liked the early 2000 especially since one of my favorite couples got together during that time, but the writing definitely took a tumble by the end of AMC's run. Even my favs weren't enough to keep me engaged by that point, but I think the show still had a lot of life left in it. It just needed better writing and a network that was still willing to put some effort into supporting the genre. It annoys me that some of the old episode clips are being taken down on youtube. There's over 50 years of history for some of these shows and the networks for some reason refuse to share or allow others to share. I really don't understand the logic behind it. If you aren't going to sell episodes to the fans or set up some way for us to access old content, stop taking down what the fans have put up!
  8. I went down an AMC rabbit hole last night on youtube (was up until 2am...really, what would we do without youtube to archive all this old stuff?!). I stumbled on to this old clip from the early 90's with Jack and Brooke. I vaguely remember Jack and Brooke hooking up in the early, maybe mid-2000s, but I didn't recall anything from the 90's. I was around 10 or 11 at the time and even though I watched AMC with my mom, it was mostly during the summer and not every day. Anyway, the clip just made me laugh because it showed Brooke and Jack on the couch talking. After a brief kiss, Brooke gives Jack the "eye". Then she stands up and kind of pats down her pants to flatten out the wrinkles (why was that necessary if she was just going to take them off soon anyway?) and then saunters over to the bedroom. It was so slow and just not sexy at all. The next scene, they are in bed post-sex. I'm assuming there wasn't any love scene or maybe the person who uploaded it decided to cut it out. I would post a link to the clip, but I'm at work. It was literally the funniest thing I've seen in awhile. It just made think of how different it was compared to the modern day soap love scene where they would be ripping their clothes off and humping right there on the couch while some top 40 love song played in the background. The Brooke and Jack stuff turned into me watching Brooke and Edmund which turned into me watching Brooke and Tad. I'd forgotten how charming and handsome Michael Knight was. Woah!
  9. I have mixed feelings about the cancellation. When you don't care if Deacon and Rayna are able patch up their marriage or if Avery and Juliette reunite, it made for a pretty boring show without the awesome music to make me tune in. The writing had become so horrible that I didn't care who ended up with who I just wanted to hear people sing and we were getting less and less of that each episode.
  10. I'm not sure if this should go here or the unpopular opinions thread, but I'm excited to see what direction the show will go in now. I'll definitely be tuning in. I watched the first two seasons and then completely skipped the third. I just personally never really warmed to the Abbie character (also, the writing wasn't that great either) so I'm more than happy to see what the show can do without her in it.
  11. I think they were to quote Ross from Friends, "on a break" or at least in Flynn's mind they were. The whole thing seemed vague on Eve's end to me as she really didn't outright say they were over and at one point they showed her looking at his picture. A lot of the repetitive "why" stemmed from his disbelief that Eve would ever look at Moriarty (spell or not) in a romantic way. Flynn's jealously meter probably wouldn't have been cranked up to 11 if it was just some random guy. Flynn did the same thing when the Library was in human form and it didn't remember him a few episodes back. He asked the Library the same questions a billion times about why it didn't remember him even though it was stated over and over again that the guy had amnesia. I guess it's part of Flynn's character. I don't remember this episode (over 10 seasons of watching Supernatural has turned my ability to remember anything past the last season to mush), but I have no doubt they probably did it better. It seems with Dr. Who (I only watched S3, but I remember others mentioning similarities) and other themes this season, they appear to be lifting or at least paying homage to other shows.
  12. Not that I'm advocating for these two to be together, but why is that a bad thing? lol The dude isn't real and he can be banished back into a book when you get tired of him. Seems perfect to me. Moriarty lying to Eve under the pretense that he was "saving" her and purposely trapping her in a false reality so he could fulfill his wish of having her as a girlfriend...that is the sticking point for me.
  13. Most of the storylines/side plots are cheesy at best on this show. Without the exploration of the interpersonal relationships, this show would just be a big boring monster of the week fluff fest. Even similar shows like Supernatural that are a bit better at building up a mythology, still rely heavily on the family/brother dynamic. These people literally have no one else. Stuff is going to come up especially when none of them have anyone else to confide in.
  14. I think this episode was supposed to show some character growth for Flynn. His referring to himself as "a" Librarian instead "the" Librarian was supposed to convey how much he's changed from being his usual selfish glory hog. The only problem is when he spends 90% of the episode complaining about Eve, being jealous that Eve is with another man, trying to save Eve etc. while treating the other Librarians like an after thought up until the last 10 minutes, it's hard for me to believe that anything has really changed with him. This is coming from someone who loves Flynn and prefers Eve with him rather than Moriarty. We're long past baby steps with Flynn. I agree we need to see an episode where he interacts with the others, preferably an episode where his interaction with Eve is very limited by comparison. Despite all that, I'm still a sucker for true love stuff even if I don't believe it's something that occurs in real life, so I still thought that part was sweet at least. :) ETA: I loved Ariel. I thought she was adorable. I didn't have a problem with her accent at all.
  15. I'm happy this little show is getting another season. They renewed it a lot quicker than last season even with the ratings not being as strong as last season. I wasn't sure if it was going to get another season since the ratings weren't going up, but they did seem to stay consistant and not going down which helped I guess. Now the question is how much will Noah Wyle actually been in it with five more episodes added to the bunch compared to S1 and S2. I'm guessing even less or not at all.
  16. Walter...I was going to use that 15 million for my sisters research, but she's dead now and it isn't like anyone else may be going through the same situation and would really benefit from said money/research. sigh I thought for sure Walter was going to donate the money to help others who had his sister's illness. Silly me, I should have known his closure by shooting her ashes into the sky via implausable rocket was more important. I will say the resolution to him talking to himself was better than my initial thought which was he was talking to his sisters ghost the whole time like in A Christmas Carol. lol
  17. I guess I just don't find the character as charming as others seem to, but then again I tend gravitate towards the nice guys most of the time.
  18. Flynn seems to always hijack the show whenever he's on. Everyone takes a backseat as he runs around solving all the mysteries on his own while Jake, Cassandra and Ezekiel kind of chime in once or twice with an idea and then fade back into the background. I like Flynn so it doesn't bother me that much especially since he's only in half the episodes. It has become a bit contrived though how the writers continually have to come up with creative ways for him to reappear and then leave again because NW didn't want to do the show full time. I think his character is really suffering this season because of it. He still has it. Maybe the staff still had some knowledge juice left in it and Eve/Flynn couldn't touch it??? I don't know why they didn't try to get it back either. Then again, I'm still confused as to why Eve gave Moriarty back Propero's watch in the first episode instead of throwing it off the cliff like she threatened to do. Moriarty calling Eve "Duchess" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I don't find it endearing at all. It's actually a bit condescending. I will admit Moriarity does know how to play the game though. He knew the right buttons to push with Eve about Flynn being a runner. The man did speak the truth even if he was being smug about it.
  19. Maybe it's because I'm not a kid anymore, but I thought it was kind of boring. I expected it to be more about the little monsters and instead it was all about a family bonding after a recent divorce. It was around 45 minutes before we even got to see the creatures. Growing up watching Henson movies like "Labyrinth", I expected more from this. I should have known better. This is Lifetime after all. A channel that shows movies about rape and murder 11 months out of the year. I do agree that Ludacris added nothing to the story. Not nearly as funny as I think they were going for with him.
  20. I made the mistake of watching this episode right after The Walking Dead so when Phil said he needed to go on a supply run, my first thought was he should bring protection. I legit thought for a moment when they were on their chip run that a zombie was going to jump out of the shadows.
  21. There's something missing from this show that I just can't put my finger on. I really wanted to like this, but it just wasn't keeping my attention. I think the pilot needed a bit more humor. Also the love interest (I can't remember her name) just got on my nerves. Although the scene with her and the cigarette was awesome.
  22. eh, they work for me. Took awhile last season for me to warm up to them being together, but I was on board by the finale. It seemed like from the get go they were pushed together for no other reason than Flynn needed a warm body after years without getting any and to follow the trend of him sleeping with all his guardians. I think a lot of the hesitation for me was we knew very little about Eve as a character in S1 and from the get go they were making googley eyes at each other. I think Rebecca Romaijn has settled nicely into her role on the show now and she seems more relaxed which I think makes Eve and Flynn seem more natural in there interactions. They've now been bumped up to being one of my favorite aspects of the show.
  23. I know this episode was supposed to be all about Jake's backstory, but I was more intrigued by Cassandra's "truths". She has a suicide date, hates babies, and apparently "women who say they don't do it are lying". I also found it a bit unabelievable that Jake's grizzled old sexist drunk dad would believe that Ezekiel was in any place of authority. I guess perhaps he was buying into asian stereotypes so he didn't question it, but Ezekiel also looks like he just came out of the womb. I thought for sure the father would comment on that and not be so accommodating.
  24. It annoys me when someone on a TV Show sees a dead body and has little to no reaction to it. I'm not looking for Psych levels of high-pitched squealing over the dead, but Brians "meh" attitude about it isn't very realistic.
  25. He probably doesn't want to rock the boat too much since this is his only source for the drug. I'm pretty sure the FBI could hold out a lot longer than he could if he started making demands. Also, isn't he only working with the FBI because Bradley Cooper told him too? I can see him making those kinds of demands if doing this job was his choice and he could leave whenever he wanted to. I had no idea they worked together previously. The show gave us all of 5 minutes of them together and then he dumped her by the end of the episode. It's kind of hard to feel anything when there was so little time spent with them together. If this storyline had progressed over a couple of episodes, I may have cared more. Although, it did reaffirm that Brian is deep down the same person on and off the drug and that he must live a life of solitude because anyone he gets close too could potentially get hurt. Well, except his immediate family. I guess it's too late for them. I think the old flame plot did more to build his relationship with Rebecca than anything. They've firmly established that she's the only one he can confide in (for the most part). You ran like a rabbit. Now you're gonna die like a snake. ha! :D I love Brian's crazy descriptions/daydreams of what happened that are way off from the actual truth. Tonight we got a 70's cop show and some kind of Scarface rip off. The piranhas in the pool were hilarious to me for some reason. Probably because it was a normal looking pool you would find in a wealthy neighborhood rather than some lake out in the woods. Before tonight, I thought for sure Mike and Ike were just going to be silent agents in the background that Brian would occasionally mock or bounce ideas off of while they stood there stone face. I'm glad they decided to actually give those two personalities (well, at least Mike). I like that Mike isn't charmed by Brian at all. It'll be interesting to see what side jobs Brian will have to do now that he's working for the FBI and the shady looking guy he met at the bar.
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