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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Although they did use the same, "appeal to the disgruntled employees to get evidence" technique that Sherlock used in one of the episodes of Elementary. Two things I hope is not a recurring aspect of this show: 1. Please do not constantly show footage of Bradley Cooper just to remind us that the big hollywood actor Bradley Cooper was in this show for 5 minutes in one episode. I understand two episodes in that they need to remind us who he is as it is a big part of the main plot, but they were veering into overuse territory with the flashbacks. 2. Ok, this one is sort of a nitpick, but do we really need to zoom in on Brian slowly putting the pill in his mouth...right.on.his.tongue everytime? I already decided I liked this show last week, but this episode was so much better overall and dare I say, funnier? I laughed quite a few times during this episode. The lead actor continues to be very likable without being the smug asshole that you would envision a highly intelligent person would be while on the drug. Like when he was stuck in the room and figured out that the chip was hidden behind the bumper sticker on the car only to find out that they had already found it. He went from being proud of himself for figuring it out, then a little disappointed Agent Deb already knew, to being eager to find more clues. All without a hint of "I'm better than these people".
  2. I think an attorney could probably argue that since he used force to gain access to the evidence he could have just as easily planted it before Agent Deb (I like that name lol) got there. I think they showed a quick shot of the guy being arrested, but I agree with you, it doesn't really add up. I'm just going to shut my brain off for this show. Just like other cop shows, the legal system rarely makes any sense.
  3. I liked it. The lead guy is charismatic enough. When he had to pick the lock and he flashed back to being stuck in fuzzy handcuffs and his partner googling how to lock pick them, I knew I was going to like this show. I kind of wish the actress from Dexter wasn't in this though. I never cared for her character on that show and she is completely dull in this. I was confused by the end when he "robbed" the bank so that they could find the evidence in the vault. Wouldn't that be inadmissible in court since he obtained it without any search warrant?
  4. My guess is seeing people get murdered all the time can either turn you into a socially ackward weirdo or so jaded by humanity that you question why we need saving in the first place. I wish the show had went more towards the latter. Dash is a little too doe eyed for someone who has seen countless crimes. I think the main role of the twins should have been reversed making the jerky brother a reluctant hero who kind of begrudgingly helps people. I'll give this show a couple of episodes, but so far, I'm not seeing anything worthy of keeping me tuning in.
  5. I'm sure Dora will be fine, but Buddy isn't winning any points with me for leaving her alone in the first place.
  6. My "cheese" comment was directed more towards the "If I was a different man..." speech, but I'm glad as well that nothing seemed to come out of the Maggie and Bruce "reunion". I think they mostly did it as a fake out for the audience to think it was Emma. It didn't seem like they were hinting at anything further with how Bruce and Maggie both just brushed it off as nothing special. I don't think they would have Maggie or Emma pregnant especially since that was the whole plot of the first season. This show works best when it's just two best friends facing the world together. As cute as little Charlotte is, the kid already takes some focus off of the two of them. I can't imagine what adding more kids would do.
  7. Strange...On Demand has episode 7, but not 8. I'll probably go more into detail once I see both episodes, but I will say in episode 7, they had me up until the end. A little too much cheese in that dialogue. The rest of the episode was adorable though!
  8. I was actually surprised to learn that Dora lied about needing the money back for a vacation. She doesn't seem like someone who could pull off that kind of lie without showing at least a hint of it not being true. She had me convinced. I liked the scene where Buddy was pretending to be the janitor while trying to convince the rich couple to join their church although I still find it unbelievable that no one knows what weed smells like.
  9. This show has lost a lot of momentum for me in the last two or three episodes. I'm finding that I am caring less and less about Molly and this "war" going on. I was all in at the beginning, but the plot is starting to drag on a bit too much. I think the writers started to run out of ideas towards the end and are now just biding their time until the finale. Who knew sex could create anti-chemistry? I'm disappointed that Molly and J.D. fizzled so quickly.
  10. This episode felt a bit formulaic to me which this show usually isn't. From the girls weekend being ruined by the oblivious new boyfriend to the rivalry with the weird twins, its been done before so I found everything a lot less funny. Like everyone pointed out, at her age, Emma should know better. I was all for Mark and Emma getting back together, but if this is how they plan to handle Maggie or Emma being in a long term relationship, I'd rather they went back to the plots involving the two of them getting into wacky hijinks together with the occasional side dude. I will say though that I did love when Emma and Maggie were watching youtube clips of teens showing how to do make-up and Emma said "god bless their absentee mothers". Why did Maggie and Emma have to go to the weird twins to get their boat back? Couldn't they have just jumped in the lake and retrieved it themselves? On a side note, I'm still not quite sure how I feel about the ads featuring the actors. This time it showed them driving around in a car (funny that I don't even remember the brand) talking about voice commands. On one hand it reminds me of the 50's where the commericals were baked right into the show, but on the other hand I hate product placements.
  11. Thank you for the recap. Sounds like her death was anticlimatic. I thought Di had a lot of potential as a character with her ties to Dixie and the sort of love triangle developing with Tad and David. Of course that all got thrown out the window. On a side note, I think they dipped into the Ryan's kid being kidnapped well a little too often on this show. I feel like this rewriting of history to trash beloved chracters/storylines isn't just a Pratt thing, but something that a lot of soap writers seemed to be doing at the time. One of the worst offenses was Erica's "unabortion" storyline with Josh. I still can't believe that they went through all the trouble in creating this obsurd story where Erica's aborted fetus was actually alive, only to kill her son off a few years later. With such a rich history that soaps have, I understand the desire to tap into the viewers nostalgia, but it all eventually became more about name dropping in the hopes of people tuning in during sweeps month than trying to actually write a decent storyline that respected the past. It always seemed like the writers knew the viewers loved certain characters/storylines, but they didn't understand the reason why so when those stories were brought again they felt empty. Oh, I hope I didn't come off like I was being negative towards the Zendall fans as a whole. I think we all have a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to our favorites.
  12. I haven't been keeping up with the ratings. Has it been doing well? I assume so since it's been renewed, but honestly, I'm a bit surprised.
  13. Did Ethan overheat and shut off because John planted the message in him or was that a completely separate part of the story that I missed?
  14. You always hear rumors about actors making certain demands to the producers or flat out refusing to play out certain things. I wonder how true that is. There might be some actors like Susan Lucci who have been playing the same role for 20+ years that could have that kind of clout, but I don't believe most actors have that much influence on what their characters say or do. I think we as viewers like to believe that the actors are as invested in their character as we are, but at the end of the day they are doing their job and getting that paycheck and the writers are the real deciding factor.
  15. You all have written some well thought out and insightful examinations of Todd's life. He is definintely a multifaceted character with a lot of layers. Reading all your responses has given me a better understanding as to why Todd's treatment of Marty was so despised in 2008. Although my feelings haven't changed regarding these two, I do appreciate being involved in this type of intelligent back and forth discussion vs. the outright dismissiveness I came across when the subject of Todd and Marty was brought up in the past.
  16. I came into the episode a little late so when Buddy was having sex with the prostitute in the woods, I thought it was the other blonde chick. They look so much alike. Of course some annoying kid sees them getting it on and has to blackmail Buddy. I really dislike the trend of having kids act like they are so much smarter/older than most kids that age really are. It's not funny. If I were that kid, I wouldn't have been happy with just putting stickers on some boobs. That's no where near the "under the shirt" action he was negotiationg for with Buddy. I knew they were going to make a MLK joke. I barely rememeber how the dead body plot was resolved because it was so contrived. I really wanted to like this show, but the writers are making it very hard.
  17. You were able to make allowances for Todd when he raped Marty in the 90's so much so that he became one of your favorite characters, but you wrote the character off when he did essentially the same thing in 2008. Why is one sexual assault more excusable to you than the other when in both cases Todd is still a rapist?
  18. To be honest I can't give a strong enough argument as to why their relationship wasn't sick and twisted because it's obvious that it was. Everyone's thoughts posted against Todd and Marty are certainly valid and I would be horrified if this happened to anyone in real life. I suppose what allows me to overlook their "ick" factor is I'm looking at it from the perspective of two actors with great chemistry (or what I perceive as great chemistry) interacting with each other. I wanted to see more of that interaction. In my mind their chemistry outweighed their abusive history together and I was willing to ignore or at least not dwell on what Todd had done. I think it also helped that we were seveal years removed from the rape at that point and Todd was being played by a different actor. I think soap fans make allowances or just blatantly ignore history because of their affinity for an actor or a pairing all the time. That's how Todd became such a well beloved character in the first place. Viewers were willing to overlook Todd's past because they liked RH as an actor. Edited: Because apparently I can't spell "perceive" or "perspective" correctly...those damn "P" words.
  19. It's been so long, hopefully it's ok to add another reply to this thread vs. editing the one above me. I tuned out for a couple of years in the mid 2000's and missed what happened to Di. The last thing I saw, Di was working with David and pretending to be Dixie. I think it turned out she was Dixie's sister? I thought she had good chemistry with Tad and David. I heard she got involved with Aidan (poor guy was on the show for 6 years and never had anything click, execept for maybe SS's Greenlee) for awhile and then she was murdered...what happened to exactly?
  20. I just popped in here and saw the talk about Marty and Todd/Victor. Thank goodness it turned out that Marty hadn't slept with the real Todd because I loved Todd/Victor and Marty together. I remember always being afraid to post any positive comments about them because I would get comments about how twisted I was for liking a victim in a relationship with her rapist. I want to post clips on youtube of these two, but I'm still afraid of the hate I might get. lol
  21. I had to do some detective work, but I figured out what I was thinking of! Apparently, it wasn't a tv show I saw this joke on, but a movie. "The Ugly Truth" with Katherine Heigl that came out a few years ago did exactly the same joke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BckP3Qn4J8Y
  22. I'm willing to bet that it will probably be funnier in your head right now than it actually is once you get a chance to watch the episode.
  23. I agree with everyone's thoughts about this episode just being filler. I was confused by Molly's death dream and wondered why I was supposed to care about it. Then they revealed the parallels between her father's cheating and Molly's husband and again, I thought, why should I care? It's like they were trying to create a back story for a storyline that we've long since moved past from. They're answering questions that no one wanted an answer to. I want to know what's going on with the aliens vs. robot war with the humans. Give me some forward movement on that story.
  24. I've defintely seen that joke used before, but I can't for the life of me remember where I've seen it. My question is, why didn't she take it out? I know that she was in a rush to get to the meeting, but it would have taken 2 minutes to run to the bathroom and do what needed to be done.
  25. I'm glad to see this show got renewed. I saw the actress who plays Morning on that new show Impastor so I was thinking it probably wasn't.
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