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Everything posted by Mecca

  1. Oh, I didn't know there were more episodes that hadn't aired?! I hope it's on demand. I hate trying to watch episodes on network tv sites, they never work properly for me. As for the spoiler (I clicked on it before watching the episodes because I have no will power)...at first I thought that was an angle that would have been interesting to explore down the line after a couple of seasons in, but my feelings quickly changed after the first couple of episodes of season 1. As the show progressed I realized that they never had that kind of dynamic. I don't even think the show really hinted at it themselves other than in a comical "never in a million years" kind of way with no underlying meaning to it. ETA: Just looked at NBC.com and the last episode available is 13. :(
  2. I personally don't find either potential romantic pairing offensive or one more desirable than the other. For me the best scenario would have been if none of them hooked up, but that bridge has already been crossed. I wish they wouldn't have introduced this plot point at all because it's becoming more about who Dutch should be with rather than three people having adventures in space. When you don't care about the outcome of Dutch's love life, it makes for some boring television.
  3. I like how Emma was offended that the woodshop teacher wasn't interested in her birdhouse while Maggie was all hardcore about it especially during the scene when Bird Bones said it was "basic" and Maggie kept saying "say that again". Man, the woodshop teacher was so skeevy. I really can't see how anyone would fall for that guy, but I'm glad Bird Bones fell for his scheme because that means that she and Mark are (hopefully) over. The poor guy was miserable and I secretly want to see him get back together with Emma. I loved Maggie gossiping with the delivery guy from 30 Rock. I think if someone is that much of a gossip though, what is he saying about Maggie to other people behind her back? The scene at the end where they had their "breakup" was too funny! Did anyone else notice the delivery guy was really tan? Was that a nice realistic touch for someone who is outside all day or did the actor go a little overboard with the tanner?
  4. I'm pulling this thread out of the grave to say that I didn't care for Leo and Greenlee. I didn't hate them, they just never grabbed my attention. To add another unpopular opinion to that, I absoultely loved Ryan and Greenlee together. I guess because Leo and Greenlee never made much of an impact on me, I was open to seeing Greenlee with someone else. Too bad the writers felt the need to make Ryan the biggest tool on the planet throughout most of their relationship. I pretty much echo others thoughts on the Kane women. I had been watching AMC since I was little so I think I got used to Susan Lucci and her portrayal of Erica Kane, but she definitely was just playing herself towards the end. Strangely enough though, I've seen almost all of Susan Lucci's TV movies from the 90's and I love them. lol I think those movies were made before the "Erica" really set into Susan Lucci and she was able to stretch a bit as an actress. I couldn't stand Kendall, especially during really emotional scenes where she had to cry. She would do this thing where she would yell and kind of scrunch her face, but nothing would come out. It annoyed me so much. As for Bianca...I actually don't have an opinion about her one way or the other although I think I preferred the original actress who played her as an adult than the one who took over towards the end of the shows run.
  5. I think it's great that this person has taken the time to go back and try to put the storylines in order. I can see a bit of bias coming through in the youtube clips they decided to use in some of their summaries. I only really looked at 2004/2005, but there appeared to be a large number of Zach/Kendall clips and not much else for those years. It's like they only used one youtube channel as a resource when I know there has to be clips focusing on other storylines. Eventhough it may have seemed like it was the Zach and Kendall show, there were other characters. lol
  6. I don't know why because it's pretty much the lowest form of humor, but Mark trying to describe the drawing that looked like a vagina cracked me up.
  7. I wonder what kinds of boundaries the aliens have regarding procreation within their own little species bubble they've created. There was that scene a few episodes back when Molly was in her "sexual trance" where she met her alien son at the bar and she tried to kiss him. I believe he knew at that point that she was his mother and Molly didn't until he used his mind control on JD. I don't remember him pulling away or showing really any signs of being adverse to sleeping with her.
  8. We've only seen the male aliens mature into adulthood and try to get women pregnant, but what happens when that little girl rapidly grows up? Will we see a man pregnant? lol ETA: This was more of a wishful thinking on my part. I find it interesting that science fiction never really ever goes there.
  9. I wonder if the writers thought up the idea of One having a different face so they could have an easy out to change the actor later on down the line? At least that's what I'd like to believe. Maybe next season (if there is one) he'll go back to his old face.
  10. It does make sense from a visual standpoint to make Lucy look as she does, but I think my issues are with the personality they decided to program her with. She has all the imbalance and unperdicability of a typical teenage girl which I don't think was necessary to include. If they had opted for an old man, do you think they would have programmed him to act as Lucy does? I don't think they would have. I'm confused as to why they included those particular traits in the first place? I don't think it all comes from her just suddenly having the free will button turned on her emotional chip. They had to have programmed some of that into her personality which seems weird to me because they want to control her yet they give her enough awareness to not want to be controlled.
  11. One random thing that kind of bugged me is that they didn't wash the farm mom's hand before bandaging it. Maybe the son wouldn't have been so freaked out over the sight blood if they had attemped to wash a little of it off first.
  12. No confirmed S2 air date yet, but from the few articles I've read, it's supposed to return this fall.
  13. I've finally caught up on the episodes and was coming here to say the same thing. I lost interest pretty quickly in this show last season. Surprisingly, S2 has kept my interest and dare I say it, really has me curious to know what happens next. I wanted to kick Julie's ass just as much as Molly did when she found Ethan. I'm actually invested in the characters now when I remember not caring at all what happened to everyone in S1. Halle Berry has some nice chemistry with Jeffrey Dean Morgan which also helps. The weakest link for me is Lucy. If you're going to make a killing machine, why create an annoying teenager with authority issues?
  14. I like Titus, but his singing got on my nerves big time. It may be the drawback of binge watching, but after like the 10th time he did it, it was like fingernails on a chalkboard.
  15. I got a good laugh out Kimmy's bunker-mate (I need to learn their names) turning the crank and singing "Thank you for cranking a crank". Which led to everyone figuring out the season long mystery... the crank was so the reverand could have electricity in his man cave.
  16. Is it bad that I love Kimmy's outfits? In fact, I have some of the same clothes in my closet right now. I think this show is trying to tell me that I need to start dressing like an adult.
  17. I like how even after everything was out in the open, Kimmy's bunker-mate still decided to continue to lie to herself and stay with her school crush. Kimmy was ok with it because she was living her dream no matter how distorted it was. I was expecting a typical resolution to that story. Five episodes in, I should have realized that this show isn't typical.
  18. I realize that I don't care about any of the romantic relationships on this show. Juliette has been even more annoying with this pregnancy than she was when she was just a diva music artist. I'm waiting for Avery to get tired of having to alternate between putting up with her high maintenance attitude and reassuring her about her insecurities. I was happy to see Scarlett and Gunnar having scenes together again just because I want them to write songs together like they used to. Too much water under the bridge for them to get back together, but man do I really miss their pretty voices. I was disappointed when they formed the group with Avery and then seemingly stopped when Avery went back to producing. Deacon's cancer battle and the Jeff, Rayna, Luke record label fued I think are the most interesting part of the show because I guess it feels more real to me. Deacon barely holding in his emotions while talking to his daughter was heartbreaking. I miss this show actually being about the music.
  19. Really, when has switching the episode order not led to a mass amount of confusion for the viewers? I'm not sure why this is such a common thing to do.
  20. I will definitely give the first episode a try because like others in this thread, I've seen JD on other shows and I do enjoy his work. The name of the show doesn't seem appropriate for the premise, but it may end up making more sense to me once I actually watch the show.
  21. The romance between Nadia and Niedermayer seemed to have come out of nowhere. When Niedermayer read his forturne and it mentioned the "love of his life" and he looked at Nadia, that was a huge leap. I don't remember any hints at a relationship before. I suppose it stood out to me because I haven't really warmed up to Nadia yet. She is probably my least favorite character on this show at the moment. I'm assuming the episodes are being shown out of order since the promo for next week has Dennis Haysbert in a beard again.
  22. Flynn mentioned that the Library is now anchored to the annex so they should be able to easily go between the two.
  23. This show just warms my heart. It's so light and fluffy. I love how the show is allowing Marcus to grow up in a natural way. They aren't trying to ignore the fact that his voice is changing and that the actor is getting older. So far they have been able to show Marcus' growing interest in girls without having him lose his naivety. There's been a nice balance.
  24. The part that made me laugh the most is when Jake said he would write a song about himself and he ended the song with "sha la la la". I'm assuming that was a reference to the theme song from Family Ties.
  25. I'm really trying to keep up with the plot of this show, but we're six episodes in now and I'm finding that I'm starting to get confused about what's going on. I feel like they've thrown a lot at the viewers in a really short amount of time. I'm still trying to remember everyone's name. How am I supposed to keep track of the timeline as well? This is definitely not a show that you can casually watch. Are we supposed to know who that lady was that was putting the suggestion in Cassie's head?
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