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Everything posted by STFUFrank

  1. I've been doing a rewatch and to this day it still annoys me that Brooke got mad at Peyton for hooking up with Lucas when she herself basically only seemed interested in him in the beginning because Peyton wanted him.
  2. Dan Stevens in the FX show Legion is amazing. Probably my favorite thing any of the cast members have done post DA.
  3. Maybe it was Veronica who thought they were happy back in New York (sometimes kids are none the wiser) but now she's seeing what's always been there. It's possible Hiram and Hermione presented a good front before prison but can no longer do so anymore.
  4. I've noticed a lot of people commenting on Kevin's options and the guys he's met while cruising and how Riverdale seems to have an active gay community. My thought is that maybe a lot of those guys he meets aren't out living openly as gay. I imagine they're like Moose who has a girlfriend but have experimented because they're still struggling with their sexuality. Hence Kevin's remarks about options. As far as we know at this point in the show since Joaquin is gone Kevin is the only fully out gay person Riverdale. So I can imagine he feels he's limited when no one else is out yet if they even want to be out at this time.
  5. They do but they're shared on YouTube now.
  6. I watched both Descendents movies recently and they were cute. My only issues with them were this: Why couldn't some of the kids have better names? Meaning: Mal - daughter of Maleficent, Evie - daughter of the Evil Queen etc. Really? They couldn't have names that made them more independent of whoever their parents were. Also, did they need to wear similar colors? And while I'm at it did Hook's son need the hook for a hand? I guess what I'm saying is I liked the premise of it but wish they were more of their own people rather than completely defined by their villain parents. (Speaking of where were the mothers/fathers? Who was Mal's father? Or Evie's father? Who was Harry's mother? Etc.) I'm probably thinking too much over this but those details really annoyed me.
  7. I'm new to Korean dramas thanks to a friend of mine. I've since watched Coffee Prince and Oh My Ghost. I'm beginning Goblin and on Hulu I'm watching Heirs. I loved Coffee Prince and Oh My Ghost.
  8. Some of 98 Degrees songs were: I Do (Cherish You) Invisible Man Give Me One More Night (Una Noche)* *Thats their biggest hit. They never reached the popularity of N'SYNC or Backstreet Boys. I live in Cincinnati and Nick and Drew are big local celebrities and own a restaurant here. I graduated HS in 1997 and was on a boyband kick in the late 90s - early 2000s. Nick was also married to Jessica Simpson and they had their own reality show on MTV for a couple of years.
  9. KJ (Archie) is 19 (I think he'll be 20 soon) Camila (Veronica) - 22 Lili (Betty) - 21 Cole (Jughead) - 24 Ross (S1 Reggie) was the oldest at 26. I'm not sure how old his successor is.
  10. Obviously I don't know Brock Turner (the Stanford Rapist) but I'd say given the fact that his dad was quoted as saying what his son did was just "20 minutes of action." I can only imagine that he was a real life Bryce if that's his dad's reaction to what his son did meaning he may not have seen what he did was wrong just like Bryce could've cared less about Jessica and Hannah.
  11. I think Justin protecting Bryce was some sort of misplaced loyalty for all the times Bryces family helped him out because of his home life. It doesn't make it right but I could see the guilt he was feeling when talking to Jessica. He realized he made a huge mistake. I'd like to believe that as time goes on Justin will become a better person out of this.
  12. I think that Justin if there is a season 2 will show some growth. I think after seeing the avalanche of events and the guilt I think he felt for not only stopping Hannah's photo from going out but also not stopping Bryce from raping Jessica will change him and hopefully for the best. Like in a perfect world he'd become an advocate for survivors to atone for keeping quiet. I don't think that's the direction the show would go but I could see it.
  13. I don't think anyone was supposed to feel bad for Bryce but the actor sold the character and made me believe he really was that dickhead jock who doesn't think he did anything wrong.
  14. Quite possibly because there are still people out there who think and feel gay people raising children will make that child gay. Maybe that was something she heard a lot growing up from other kids and she just internalized it.
  15. The Bates are more relaxed compared to the Duggars. Alyssa Bates wears jeans around her home. She will wear skirts when visiting her parents out of respect for their home but there's been many pics on her IG (instagram) of her in jeans. I just think it's her sisters who've kept up wearing skirts. Also fwiw I went to HS with people of the Pentecostal faith and they wore skirts and didn't cut their hair either so it's not just these families and the like.
  16. Except the last time we saw Karen she was leaving town to be better cared for elsewhere after Mandy had hit her with a car causing brain damage. I don't see Karen ever returning.
  17. I'd say that Mickey was still in his own messed up way dealing with being raped in front of Ian and rather acknowledge that he was vulnerable he resorted to the only way he knew how to deal with things. That doesn't make it right at all but he didn't know how to communicate. Id also say Mickey felt as if he had no choice but to marry Svetlana because I can imagine if he hadn't then Mickey's dad could have harmed Ian. But by the time of the christening he didn't want to lose Ian and wanted to prove that his feelings were real. By no means was Mickey perfect. Everything about the way he was raised and acted shows that he was a delinquent but by S5 once he was fully out and living as a gay man he became a better partner to Ian but he never fully shed his ways just how he approached his life with Ian. Mickey was flawed as hell but he still managed to show growth.
  18. I don't think anyone is saying Mickey isn't flawed but he showed a tremendous amount of growth over time. Indeed he was homophobic and he held on to that even while bottoming for Ian. But that facade starts to drop and it became obvious when Mickey went to that gay bar in Boystown to look for Ian. I believe it was a bartender who made a remark that Mickey denied then he looked around and he realized he was in a place where it was okay to be open unlike at home where he'd get the shit beat out of him. It was even obvious in the way Mickey kissed Ian in that same club. Once he he came out and fought his dad at Evgeny's christening party he let go of the homophobia and became a different person once he came to terms with being gay himself. That doesn't mean he became an upstanding citizen. He didn't. He still fell into old habits. But where Ian was concerned the old Mickey grew into a more empathetic partner who really did want the best for Ian when it came to helping Ian through his episodes and encouraging him to take his meds that Ian in the end said he didn't want to do and even bagged on Mickey for being too normal.
  19. I haven't forgotten but I saw the evolution of Mickey from self loathing, deep in the closet thanks to his father to once he was out his behavior changed. Yes, they were extremely dysfunctional but I saw it as symptoms of not being able to grapple with being gay. His own father had him raped in order to make him straight. But he started to change his behaviors toward Ian once he was out. None of that excuses him still resorting to illegal activities for money etc. But I started to see Mickey's behavior as symptoms of being deeply repressed and not able to reconcile that he was gay. The denial ran deep.
  20. Also, Mickey wanted Ian to take his meds before everything with Sammie went down. Ian didn't want them. He broke up with Mickey because he was becoming too domesticated.
  21. Basically retcon in this case is the writers of the show attempt to change established history of Mickey and Ian by suggesting that Mickey was behind Ian's downfall (ignoring everything Mickey did to help Ian when his bipolar symptoms started to show). A shipper is a fan (more like a hardcore fan) of two characters. For example Mickey and Ian. Their ship name is Gallavich and the fans of Gallavich are the shippers. Almost every show has a big ship and shippers.
  22. I get it, no one can have a successful relationship in Shameless but just as I was warming up to Caleb the show pulls that nonsense. I don't want to see Ian get played like that. Stupid writers.
  23. I hate the word bae but I'll give her a pass for knowing the latest slang among people her age. It shows she's more integrated with people her age unlike her ex Duggar bae.
  24. Drogo died in S1 on the show so it may have been an error on their part but I know Amber said Khaleesi in her rehearsal package.
  25. He was brought in for Cloris for sure but they've never brought in an older female for the older men before. (Example: Ashley Costa one of the original pros who left was brought back to partner with Buzz Aldrin and she's probably in her 30s)
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