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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. I know, right? Omar also represents one district in Minnesota and Klobuchar, as a senator, represents the entire state. It doesn't make sense to compare their ability to "deliver" all of Minnesota to their preferred candidates, so why is Meghan making a bid deal about it? You know the poem "The Road Not Taken"? It's as if at every juncture Meghan chooses to take the Asshole Road. She could have just kept it relevant, but no. Okay, and Wtf, Whoopi? Redirecting Donna Brazile's discussion to complain about hand sanitizer price gouging? At least Whoopi acknowledged that she's crazier than usual today.
  2. This stuff bothers me the most, and it's not just Whoopi. The clumsy section breaks, topic introductions, and segues just make for a distracted, disjointed viewing experience. Don't get me started on producer earbud shenanigans. Every day looks like it's the first time they've done this.
  3. Nena is a slimeball, but I love his willingness to call Michael out.
  4. Shallow note: Sunny's puffy sleeves reminds me of a flower girl or Anne of Green Gables.
  5. Hmm, Kenya. Can you really lord your married status over Tanya when your husband seems to hate you? [gif of Nick Cannon stroking his chin]
  6. And again Sunday morning . . . Don't worry, Meghan. The internet remembers . . .
  7. Whoopi will probably bite their heads off, but I wish someone who cares about her takes the time to set her straight. With the kind of money she has and the position she holds, Whoopi should have a better grasp on these things. She sounds ridiculous when she talks about insurance and taxes.
  8. Gotta admit, "stent-off" made me laugh. Meghan made a funny.
  9. This is the reason I can't stand Sergio. He has undeniable talent and skill, but the pretentiousness is so irritating. And the fact that his "political statements" are so inane and obvious makes his smugness unbearable. "Woman Warrior" has been a fashion trope for decades, even during the Lifetime seasons. I would like Sergio much better if he came with a mute button. I was really rooting for Marquise, too because his work is genuinely interesting, but over-designed. The mentorship would fine-tune his taste while letting his design skills shine. I hope this isn't the last I've seen of his work. If I could get away with it, I'd whip out opera glasses at every possible opportunity just to be extra and crack myself up. (Note to self: Google "Easter hat and opera glasses combo on sale")
  10. Meghan hates Barbara Corcoran because Barbara claimed that the children of rich and famous people are terrible employees. What a terrible stereotype. Just terrible. [cue loud laughter]
  11. Awwww . . . "Coochie Crack!" Mem'rieeeeesss light the corners of my minnnnnd Kenya stays being unnecessarily extra (like regifting Eva's present to Brooklyn) so it's really hard to root for her, but I can't get behind Marc's treatment of her. Kenya needs to keep herself in check, not be ignored or reprimanded like a wayward teen on Dr. Phil.
  12. At least we know that Cynthia's man picker is still faulty. Kenya seems like she wants to be a wife more than she wants to be married. She wants the position even if it's not right for her. How else to explain all the relationship shenanigans she's been through on this show? Your marriage shouldn't depend on a complete personality transplant. Marc vs Mike: who would be the better option? Mike wouldn't embarrass you in front of your friends, but he'd gaslight you for even questioning his demonstrated shadiness. Marc seems monogamous, but would spend all his time trying to dominate the relationship.
  13. Amy's slide into incompetence continues: her password is 0000 and she can't have a basic straightforward conversation with Dina about sending unnecessary texts. Jonah has valid concerns about surveillance and tech monitoring, so naturally, he subjects Garrett to obvious pranks to prove his point like he's in a 90s sitcom. I thought Garrett was on to him, but apparently not? Yet . . .I love that Sandra keep saying yes to things. She finally got to be in on a prank. Between that and her wedding, she's having a good year.
  14. Joy has been way off-base for me this week. She thinks Bloomberg vs.Trump will generate useful conversation. Meghan is right; stop stepping on Warren's great performance just because you're afraid that someone else or other people will prefer Bloomberg. I also appreciate the irony of Whoopi's meandering monologue to ask candidates to get to the point, already.
  15. Meghan's "we're basically the same" approach to AOC reminds me of Brandi Maxxxx in Parks and Recreation, who thought she and Leslie had a bond because she played Leslie in an adult movie. Nice try, Meghan, but no.
  16. In yesterday's rant she said "I'm not voting for Trump and I'm sure as hell not going to vote for Bloomberg!"
  17. Reminds me of Sonja's claim on RHONY that she has these dinners every Wednesday that none of the other Housewives know about. I think these get-togethers are the "boyfriend at another school/Canada" of Housewives. Yeah. I like that Tanya has a sunshiny personality, but sometimes her constant smile looks more like rictus. Congratulate Eva once her baby is born; if Eva is having contractions, either get help or get out of the way.
  18. Lol I was thrilled for the audience. You know how pissed I'd be if I was an audience member on a day when they got something like a free copy of Newt Gingrich's book and saw that today's audience got free tickets to see Janet Jackson? 😆
  19. Ugh. Really, Joy? You think it's okay to grill someone about their sexual orientation? And make the tired joke that same-sex relationships double your wardrobe? . . .Anyway, I'm glad Sunny held Amy Klobuchar's feet to the fire. It's part of candidate vetting, and if the senator is going to take pride in her prosecutor past, she also has to take responsibility for its faults.
  20. I hope Captain Kim changes her mind. We've already seen incompetent and obnoxious Holt replacements (ex. "that's gonna leave a mark" guy); let's see the gang engage with an awesome one. Loved Vanessa Bayer as Officer Debbie, and I hope to see more (but not too much) of her and the improbably cool cop with the celebrity friends. Who knew that Rosa's jacket had so much power? It was nice seeing Charles as more than just the butt of a joke. Oh, Nine-nine. How I've missed you.
  21. Ugh. This is the part of Sunny I dislike. If Jennifer Lopez want a to invite her ex to her wedding fine. She's not breaking The Laws for Latinas just because they're now coparents and friends. Oh, and my entries for the Meghan List: 7) Manners 8.) Honest Friends Lol Jinx @rickhurst3186!
  22. In our fractured times, Sergio finds a way to annoy everyone into world peace. Maybe he should familiarize himself with the offensively-named US policy that led to mass deportations of Mexicans in the 1950s before indulging in 50s nostalgia. That said, I don't hate him, I'm just annoyed by his pretentiousness. Yeah, I rolled my eyes at this. "Male cleavage" is not a clever way to say ankle, Brandon Thom. Shavi is too precious; he seems like a genuinely wonderful person. I was disappointed in the Siriano Save because I wanted it to be used on Marquise. Ooh! I didn't even think of that. That would have been a really good idea! Especially because tuxes have the reputation of making every man look well dressed.
  23. . . . So will two designers go next week?
  24. I forget, is judging cumulative? If not, Brittany's design is clearly the worst and she should be eliminated.
  25. I tried to get "yammering sphincter" (TM Big Bang Theory) to catch on, but no dice. I keep wishing that someone would point out to her that every campaign she's been a part of has lost. Who is she to give strategic as advice to the Democrats? Also: for the millionth time, the Middle of the Country is not a monolith, Meghan. And they didn't elect you to represent them on The View. Oh, and you didn't pass Rush Limbaugh's Republican Purity Test. Absolutely! And if Mayor Pete had given her the answer she wanted, the next day, she'd be all Well, he's a flip-flopper who's just pretending to be a Democrat. I'd have more respect for him if he stuck to his guns,etc.
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