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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. I'm glad that Luann fulfilled her promise for the Fortune Society Spa Day. Some part of me doubted that she would follow through, so I'm pleasantly surprised. I just wished the other RHONY weren't there, bringing their idiotic drama to the event.
  2. Tulsi Gabbard challenged Kamala Harris on her enforcement of marijuana laws during a debate and briefly caught Harris flat-footed. In Meghan's mind, this was incontrovertible proof that Harris was a faulty candidate. Meghan's the only person to hold a grudge against Feminism because a) most feminists are pro-choice and b) no one sent an engraved invitation to her. They had a party and didn't invite her! Now they must pay! Entertaining from someone who only acknowledges sexism when it's being used against her or one of her endless parade of "friends."
  3. To begin with: Thank you for introducing this sentence to my life. I plan on using it frequently in the near future. With the constant scandals, catastrophes, and controversy, it can be hard to focus (did we ever get to the bottom of the whole Russian bounty thing? Or the Emoluments Clause? Or the federal judge conservative pipeline? Or Pence's coronavirus task force?). It takes an almost admirable level of single-minded dedication to see the kaleidoscope of topics in every news cycle and think, How can I make this about ME? And Meghan comes through almost every time: Kanye West's mental health issues -->depression-->mourning--> Meghan/Meghan's father Mary Trump' s book-->her family-->political families-->Meghan's family Unicorns-->fantasy creatures-->animals-->hunting-->Rootin' Tootin' Meghan the Hunter Mary Poppins-->nanny-->children-->Meghan the mom-to-be (who will probably employ a nanny; no judgment for that, though) It's like the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon except more annoying and entitled.
  4. Oh, Meghan. Your argument is that Mary Trump is not a reliable expert on her own family? Had you actually read the book, you hard-hitting journalist, you'd know that Trump mainly discusses the contrast between her own father and Uncle Donald. Surely you can understand a daughter discussing her late father and his legacy?
  5. I used to be a heavy Sandra Brown reader when I was a teen and I agree her older works don't age well. My least favorite wtf moment was in Exclusive when our intrepid journalist heroine hunts down the reclusive hero for an interview and begins by giving him a blowjob before introducing herself. Then, she tries to interview him. I hope Brown's more current suspense titles have better characterization.
  6. It's yet another attempt to "both sides" this. Apparently, Dr. Fauci must be held responsible for changing his advice as the coronavirus situation evolved, but Trump can't be held responsible for undermining Dr. Fauci, lying about covid testing, and waiting several months before donning a mask. As for Meghan vs. Joy, I'm tired of (wait for it) both sides! Meghan's bad faith arguments, word salad, and sense of entitlement generate buzz at the expense of insight or well-researched commentary. While Joy is more likeable, her arguments are repetitive and she apparently enjoys the "sparks," so there's that. I really dislike the way Joy brings Trump to every conversation. We know, Joy.
  7. Only if Meghan could make the brouhaha about herself. Just like how Tucker Carlson's history of racist statements and the firing of his blatantly racist writer became a soliloquy about Meghan the Brave's Uphill Fight to Carry the Conservative Banner on Television. She's actually become adept at centering herself in all topics. I'm surprised she hasn't hired a group of schoolchildren to sing folk songs about her Heroic Struggle. Maybe when her little one is old enough? How does one moderate a popular talk show for nearly a decade and a half and still get away with acting like it's your first day on the job? It's bad enough that the women tend to stick to their prescribed roles, but worse that "the most important political show" can't get its shit together and handle things like beginning the show, taking a commercial break, discussing things as planned, or ending the show.
  8. Sonja even half-asses taking her clothes off, which--judging by her conversation--is one of her favorite activities. This show definitely needs new blood, but Elyse is not it, and I don't think Jill is it, either. It also needs far less alcohol. I get that the producers add alcohol to create instant drama, but what's the point when it devolves into slurred screeching in conflicts the audience can't quite understand? Especially in so many episodes? I was really happy at the beginning of the season; the show really lifted my spirits. It was entertaining to see the Fashion Week activities and catching up with the Luann's legal issues. But then it became clear that the ladies were just taking field trips, getting drunk, yelling at Tinsley, and embarrassing themselves. It's getting boring. Give the ladies something to actually do, producers.
  9. It's no Caburlesque, but at least it's more feasible than the Nigerian soccer team. As for her participation in Luann's show, I think it's one of those arguments in which everyone is wrong. Sonja does get paid for her Dingbat Exhibitionist cameo. If she had a problem, she could talk it over with Luann and the directors instead of trying to make Luann look bad to the other Housewives. Luann is delusional and not-so-secretly enjoys pontificating to anyone who slights her in the smallest way. Her show has a very niche audience, many of whom are familiar enough with RHONY to enjoy Sonja's cameo. Luann can calm down and refrain from acting as if her show is doing a huge job of exposing Sonja to a larger audience.
  10. Same. I read the first three and tapped out. Out of curiosity, I looked up the rest of the books in Wikipedia--talk about diminishing returns! In recent years, I've started paying close attention to how both rape and mental illness are written. A lot of writers use both as a weird shorthand to explain the problems of one-character-removed. Like the reason the protagonist is seeking vengeance is because his wife was raped. Or the villain is clearly evil because she neglects her autistic son. I'm not articulating this well, but I hope you get what I mean.
  11. I'm glad Whoopi is calling out Meghan's straw man bullshit. Dr. Fauci should have yelled at protesters?
  12. For Meghan, "identity politics" is an underhanded way to be dismissive of her co-hosts, particularly when the subject of race comes up. If a Republican politician gets in trouble for saying something racist, you can count on Meghan to decry identity politics before breaking into "both sides" blather with a generous helping of "intellectually dishonest."
  13. Why would she think this was a good thing to say? "Unprepared" is an easy out that makes it seem as if Meghan usually at least tries to do a good job. She really thought that "I'm not unprepared; I'm just incompetent" makes her look good?
  14. My inner petty self was not just amused that Gov. Cuomo interrupted The View, but that he also used "crises" correctly.
  15. And never, ever wash her hands . . . Ramona's smallmindedness is based on what she thinks Rich People are supposed to be, so she wears her ignorance as a badge of honor. My thoughts exactly. Porpoise laugh is the best and most hilarious description of Ramona's laugh!
  16. Apparently, Tinsley's mere existence hurts and offend Dorinda, and the other Worker Bees are just glad that it's not them. I was surprised by Ramona here. I understand being blindsided and freaked out at Leah's tantrum, but for me, that would be enough to dis-invite Leah and her sister. No vacation, even a Bravo-funded one, needs a 37 year old toddler. Where's Carole to snark on Sonja, the One-Upper? Sonja is yet another Housewife who's driven by intense envy combined with laziness. She wants a successful business/"lifestyle brand" but doesn't want to actually work on it. She wants a meaningful or at least beneficial romantic relationship but humiliates herself at every opportunity and then tries to cover up her failures by playing like she's an Enlightened Courtesan.
  17. More of their provincialism. I thought all of NYC learned about Schadenfreude when Avenue Q became such a major Broadway hit. There's an entire song about it! I know, right? Lower Manhattan is such a fascinating place! Then again, what do I know? I'm from an outer borough. 😉 True, but I totally gigglesnorted when Elyse tried to insert herself into the spotlight and make a snarky comment on the fight and was completely ignored by the grouphugging drama queens. Keep trying, darling. Same here. You shouldn't have to be a flawless person to be able to attend a work party and NOT be accosted by a lunatic and/or accused of being a whore with no survival skills.
  18. The NY Housewives, particularly Dorinda, need to learn the art of shade. Their arguments are noise contests that frequently hit below the belt in ways that are not fun to watch. The NY Housewives' could take some lessons from the ATL Housewives in how to have a funny confrontation. Even though they often choose not to, the ATL ladies are experts in elegant insults. I could see a number of them batting their lashes, smiling big, and congratulating Sonja on picking the very best Alibaba knockoffs for her fashion thing.
  19. Same. I recognized her voice early on, and last night my first words were, "Kandi really is everywhere. Poor, poor Nene!" I need to stop watching so much tv.
  20. If Nene ever decides to get therapy/life coaching for real, the first issue thet should tackle is How to be Happy for Other People. Season after season, Nene's envy has devoured the show. I'm glad Kandi told Nene off because Nene has always been a primary hater since "Tardy for the Party." For someone who's always like "SupPORT me, bitch!" she always has to bring someone else down. Nene needs to leave the show.
  21. Amen, @goofygirl! I see a lot of loving, resilient, and hilarious people on this board, and it explains so much about why Dorinda's bullshit is so annoying. We watch Real Housewives for fun, escapism, and travel/property porn. This season's RHONY premiere cracked me up, and I was happy to see the ladies back without Bethenny and her Cloud of Judgment and Doom. But it's not fun to see Dorinda psychologically abuse Tinsley and use her real pain as an excuse to do so. It's not fun to see Sonja's downward spiral of desperation; I don't think she's been sober for an entire episode yet (I could be wrong here). Leah seemed like she might be a good ally for Tinsley, but she isn't. I DO appreciate that she brought the boxing coach into my life, though. Ramona and Luann are holding it down as OGs, though. They are still snobbish drama queens, but they're not losing control of themselves or getting too dark.
  22. Road Trip! Meghan and Ben can borrow Whoopi's tour bus and travel through Real America!
  23. Waitaminute. Didn't McCain read Chris Cuomo the riot act because he went outside in his own yard after recovering from COVID-19? Now it's all "The Man's trying to keep us down by making us stay at home and deciding that self-involved art-historians-turned-talking-head are non-essential! Waaaaaah! Fight the Power!" Puh. Leez.
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