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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. Yes! All of This x1000, especially the bolded. Like The Root said, her comments are mostly self-involved preamble with little content. How many times has Meghan begun a comment with "This may be unpopular, but I'm going to say it anyway, despite what those on social media think . . ." And so on then "I'm just gonna call it as I see it, because I've been through Many Political Things, and although I know some of you have a problem with it," etc. etc. And then, finally, "Well, I have to say it was bad optics." Meanwhile the rest of us want a refund on the time wasted listening to her trying to complete this sentence.
  2. Greta didn't do much, only sail across the Atlantic to bring the world's attention to an existential crisis that affects us all. She only organized an international movement of young people who care about the earth and its future. None of this is as amazing as being John McCain's daughter and getting an art history degree that makes you a political expert. [end sarcasm mode] In fact, by overcoming obstacles and speaking truth to power in spite of her own discomfort with speaking, Greta pretty much fits the classic role of Hero. There are worse things that a teenage girl could be trying to do other than save humanity. I now have a fatalistic curiosity for how Meghan will make herself the center of every topic. The Confederate Flag?! The communities and families of enslaved people and lynching victims should be outraged by Nikki Haley's attempt to legitimize the Confederacy. [sarcasm mode on] But generations of racist violence pale in comparison to being the subject of John McCain's regret.
  3. The timekeeping today was strange. There was a block of commercials, then Whoopi saying they had 52 seconds to discuss something, then another ad block. The first 15 minutes or so were preempted and with the constant breaks, crosstalk, and View Your Deal, it felt like a fever dream. However, I plan on telling my sister she isn't American enough because she enjoys watching The Crown. As an ordinary person, I'm sure that emulating Meghan McCain can only lead to good things. 😉
  4. Whoops! Sorry @HaaCHOO! My tablet was acting weird and put part of my response in your quote box. I thought I had erased the mistake, but apparently left "the" in.
  5. The best part of all this is that we know that at 3:00 on Sunday morning, Meghan will think of a perfect response to Joy's comment ("Your MOM'S a MAGA HAT!"), but alas, it will be too late. Only Meghan could act like "What about MAGA Hats?" is a cutting remark. There are actual middle schoolers who would be better at Meghan's job and quicker on the uptake.
  6. I hope The Daughters get paid by the Biden campaign. He might be their preferred candidate but maybe they should look into fixing their own party instead of trying to berate Democrats into accepting (as they often do) more mediocrity. Also: siren song is not the same as dog whistle.
  7. I actually agreed with Whoopi's Pontification of the Day. T.I. needs to trust his daughter instead of making her sex life a topic of national discussion. If anything, he serves as a lesson about the cheap pageantry of Purity Culture; a lot of people think it's about protection, but it's really objectification. Also, we really do need to take a break from political discussion if there's nothing new to discuss. I was annoyed that Joy still had to bring up Trump in a conversation that had nothing to do with him. Maybe we could try to make a game of it: Joy's Trump mentions vs. Meghan's Megancentricities vs. Abby's Inanities.
  8. I hope Perfect Harmony lasts. It's so warm-hearted. The Magic Flute will never be the same to me.
  9. Yeah. Amy is pretty much unnecessarily unlikable now. I was hoping that as a manager she'd be more of a Dave from NewsRadio type (only Sane person, but not completely together) . I'm not sure what the writers are going for with her, but that character is becoming a black hole of anticomedy. Even Jonah is better in storylines without her. I want Sandra and Jerry to be weird and happy together forever. They shouldn't always have to be pathetic to get attention or goodwill. Oh, and Justine deserves better than Marcus.
  10. That was my question. Why would Kenya reach out to Kandi about her distress? I guess this was when Cynthia was in New York. The cracks in Kenya's marriage are huge and visible. I'm no marriage counselor, but I know that new parenting stress can be a strain. It also doesn't help that Kenya seemed to be sublimating her own personality to do the Submissive Wife thing. If she can't be honest about her wants and needs without Mark shutting her down, then what's the point?
  11. We really need an eyeroll reaction around here. Meghan's sad attempts to one-up everyone requires it. Do you love America? Meghan loves America more! Did you thank government officials for their service? Not as quickly as Meghan did! How do you feel about the U.S. Constitution, poser? You're not as hard-core as Meghan, who kisses it goodnight every night! Love Dolly Parton? Meghan has a shrine to Dolly in her bedroom and is getting a lock of Dolly's hair as we speak! As you take a little time to enjoy the view, remember that you will never enjoy it as much as Meghan does.
  12. I thought of Ana as well. Meghan has often asked Ana whether she [Ana] really considers herself a Republican. It seems to shock Meghan that people will consider themselves Republican/conservative without asking her permission or passing her purity tests. Which is . . . interesting considering that both Meghan and her father have been called RINOs for working across the aisle.. I believe that part of Meghan's Hero Story was her advocacy for LGBTQ rights while most of the Republican party was pushing for a "marriage amendment." Apparently, Meghan is the only Republican allowed to have differing thoughts.
  13. Particularly since one of the alleged victims is DJTJ's mother. Even the brief flashback today showed that the show was more dignified and fun in its earlier seasons. "Sparks," of course. 😞 Anything for a viral moment. I know. I was hoping for more nostalgia or a "Where Are They Now?" type show of all previous co-hosts.
  14. I know, right? Whodathunk? It's gratifying to see Abby's new backbone but there's too much crosstalk to understand as Junior attempts to Gish Gallop through all of the ladies' criticisms. They even attempted to mansplain grief, military and civility in response to Meghan's questions. It's a clusterfuck, but worth watching.
  15. Cynthia is the queen of secondhand awkwardness. You nailed it with the 12 year old comparison. Remember the friendship contract? There's something really . . . young about the way Cynthia relates to others.
  16. Can someone please tell Meghan that a tattoo isn't a personality trait?
  17. No, because Meghan lives in the Land of stereotypes, where she is the only Real One. All Blue-State residents are haughty hypocritical limousine liberals who wag their heads at Red-Staters, who are all Larry the Cable Guy or church ladies who disapprove of Rootin' Tootin' Tattoed Meghan, the Whiny Badass. It was painful to hear Sen. Booker (who I don't like) try to slow-walk Meghan into adult behavior. There are ten-year-olds who would be better at this job than Meghan. She feels victimized by Beto because he thought that "We'll shoot them all!" is an unproductive argument? Puh. Leeze.
  18. I guess it's overcompensation for her insecurities. Most of the people in her family have made careers of public service; Meghan's career is self-promotion and Ultimate Victim posturing. I actually think that military service might have helped her grow up. At the very least, the military might have been able to teach her self-control.
  19. Don't worry. Today, Meghan showed she has plenty of pills left.
  20. Abby reminds me of the line from Avengers: Age of Ultron about how useless it is to confuse peace with quiet. In Abby's mind, being "nice" or "respectful" means never making anyone feel bad about anything they've done, even if its justified. This is why Abby believes she's being a badass by tepidly disagreeing with the Trump Administration about our withdrawal from Syria. Abby has every right to think the Nationals fans are jerks, but they also have every right, as Meghan said, to peacefully protest the President. People like Abby always use Niceness to suppress the voices of people who call out the powerful. Consider Abby's continued whining about Reporters Who Make Themselves Part of the Story or People Who Make Such A Big Deal of Things: you don't have to be a Nice Person to be right.
  21. Her house sounds like a House of Horrors, though. If her decor consists of patriotic memorabilia and taxidermied animals, I can't imagine being comfortable there. She can also miss me with the "I don't have children" hand-wringing every time a "fun" topic about kids comes up. Don't get me wrong; I truly have all the sympathy in the world for her loss. However, she has been a child. She has younger siblings. She has family and friends with children. She can participate in these discussions without framing them as a personal attack on her.
  22. Is that what happened? For a second, I thought someone was heckling her because of the daggers shooting from Meghan's eyes. Then she started mumbling something about "Oscars." Producer-Confused Meghan is usually more entertaining.
  23. Abby is visibly upset when talking about past instances of bullying from the White House. So what does BFF Meghan do, after getting in shots at Jim Acosta, who has nothing to do with this? Imply that Abby is perceived as weaker while she and Joy smugly note that no one from the White House has tried to bully them. Not an Abby fan, but that was assholish. Sidenote: Abby's sweater reminds me of the Primetimer logo.
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