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Everything posted by hcs

  1. Too be fair I think the show also forgets about Leo..
  2. But Wyley is technically a Quartermain and AJ's grandson at that and the show loves nothing more than spitting on AJ and getting rid of Q's
  3. I watched it and it held my interest .. I hope they really delve into all the issues that are going on in nursing and not into another medical soap
  4. My response to this week GH is the same I had as a little girl watching GH with my now deceased Grams and Mum.. Laura and Genie Francis are amazing and I think it's been this long since she has been allowed to have a point of view and express her anger at one of her male loved ones
  5. I'm not certain but I think we Canadians will be getting the Christmas Carol episode tomorrow as Canadian tv will continue to show episodes in the order they were originally scheduled as Finn was shown already being " Scrooge like" in todays episode and we see Tracy arriving as well which leads into the Christmas Carol
  6. I know Laura doesn't know she lives in a soap but both Lucky and Jake were thought to dead and were simply kidnapped by a Cassadine not to mention Nicholas's own father .
  7. I wouldn't have bought any of those cheesecakes.. but I'm not surprised to see Geoffrey leave not from a baking perspective he and Jennifer have usually been in the top in what they have produced but both Melissa and Sara have been getting the most airtime and Sara is getting the same treatment as Jason "I'm just a home baker, Y 'all " so I'm sure she will win.
  8. I find Sarah as annoying as anyone but I was surprised by her complete bitchface when after she and Jennifer were named the the top 2 and then Jennifer won the challenge..
  9. The teens must be older than that because how else could Cam have gotten Oscar's car when he died.. I assume they are all seniors so 17 18
  10. But Katherine the only one I like at the moment and is hands down the best parent on the show seems to have a good relationship with her mother but I also don't think she is included as a member of the friends group because when everyone found out about the affair it was all Eddie you slept with Jon's wife no one said Delilah you slept with Katherine's husband.
  11. Somewhere Stefan is weeping at what Nicolas has become...
  12. I am shocked GH writers Nicholas is alive !! In all my years of soap watching I would never have suspected it...
  13. I know he wasn't liked at all but I miss Ethan not for the character himself but because he and LA Kristina had such great chemistry and the story was so perfectly soapy only GH could have screwed it up slightly older bad boy who's really a good guy and protected innocent girl It could of should have been great but no
  14. I think Maggie has the emotional maturity of a 3 yr old and if she is upset about her mother and Meredith lying to her maybe she should consider how judgy she is and why they don't confide in her. I don't think she ever apologized to her mother for her treatment of her following her parents divorce. and her snipey little digs about the fact that Meredith told Alex just reinforced that she honest feels that Meredith should put her above everyone else. Cancer Mom destroyed me and double bonus for me with 2 scenes of Alex holding infants .. Although He is a pediatric Surgeon not a Neonatal specialists. Hospitals do employ specialists other that surgeons
  15. Trump scares the crap out of me and I am a white and straight, I have a question, Do you think the Senators and Congress who are up for election in 2 years would be more resistant to Trump and willing to go against him than those who are in for the next 4 years with him
  16. Toby asks meeting her father and Kate says OK but she has this weird look on her face ... I know a friend took me to his mother at the cemetery where he talks to her. That's the way I read but I always expect the worst
  17. I like this show I really do, but I also loved Gilmore Girls and Hero's, but had to give up both shows or cut back on them because of the incredible smarmy douchiness of Milo. Sadly he has not improved in my eyes and a good body does not make up for being unlikeable and so I really hope Jack is Dead or Rebecca divorced him.
  18. Poor Kassie I wish her all the best and hope things work out for her..
  19. I don't find the Minkus family move to NYC weird, if Stuart is the CEO of a multinational corporation then it makes sense that he lives near NYC and as both Stuart and Topango are high income earners with young families it makes sense that they live in the same neighbourhood. It is surprising that poor Maya with the waitress mom can afford to live and go to school in that neighbourhood.
  20. and once again Mona who killed Bethany comes off more sympathetic then CC or A
  21. I knew it ! None of the girls were tortured the torture was thinking that they were betraying their friends. And hats off to Hanna for making the girls get together and confront it. She has the best emotional IQ of any of them... I don't buy Andrews innocent act but that could just because he's male and I don't trust any male or adult in Rosewood. I also am getting the feeling that Sara is a knowing participant with A.
  22. The poor girls.. at least Hanna lucked out and has the best mom and the best boyfriend ever, which works for me since she is my favorite . I have actually heard about this torture where you think you are inflicting torture on someone but in reality you are only hearing them scream. it was actually pretty brilliant of A, None of the girls seemed to have any physical injuries but the emotional scars are going to be there forever,
  23. I loved this episode it was completely crazy but entertaining and that it is all I expect from this show. Hanna continues to be my favourite Liar and I still find Mona more interesting and sympathetic then Allison, I actually think Sascha has gotten worse as an actress the more the writers try to make Alison a heroine.
  24. So does anyone else find it suspicious that Mama Salvatore was turned in hospital while she was dying of consumption and Enzo was turned while dying in a hospital of consumption and we are also now being told why loyalty is so important to 'Enzo?
  25. I disagree about it being hate sex.. it seemed pretty emotional too me but considering I have liked all of Stefan and Carolines relationships plus I like the snark Stefan has. Although I still think Klaus should be here, He would love this. forget about a triangle that would be a threesome. Elena truly is useless isn't she.
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