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Everything posted by car54

  1. I'll agree with you on the AC thing--I'd probably ask about it since they know Heather's place is rustic, and I suspect if I knew it was 100 degrees and no AC, I would not go--I'd ask to come some time in the spring or fall. I hope she left the portable AC for Heather's family--if so that's a nice hostess gift.
  2. Ramona is out of control. I don't care if the object was a nerf-ball--you don't throw things at people in anger. I have been wondering if some of her outrageous behavior so far this season is due to what was going on behind the scenes--if she knew about the stuff with Mario and by being provocative as her story-line, she was diverting attention from that. Sonja was on WWHL last night--I watched my recording this morning- I wish someone had called in to ask her if she really doesn't have hot water at her house.
  3. I just saw this link over at TwoP--saying Aviva was fired. I'm not sure I remember them ever firing someone mid-season--and we've had lots of housewives wimp out on trips and activities. http://www.naughtybutnicerob.com/real-housewife-of-new-york-aviva-drescher-fired/
  4. Wendy WIlliams did a long segment on Ramona today--evidently one of the tabloid magazines is publishing a hand-written letter from Mario's 32 yr old mistress to Ramona--explaining how in love they are, and how unhappy he is in his marraige. Ramona is kind of crazy, but I feel bad for her. I think because of her parents marriage being bad, I think she has put a high value on her own, and this is probably very humiliating for her. I'm glad Avery is off at school--I'm sure she knows what is happening but I would imagine her parents would be hard to live with right now. For Ramona's sake, I'm glad they are not filming now--but I bet this makes it onto the reunion show somehow.
  5. I think Will is a pretty typical kid for his age--I don't have kids myself but I deal with them at my work and it seems like he is pretty normal in having a short attention span, and loving sweets and treats. I can't get over how much Zoey has developed--she is pretty chatty for her short time in the US--and she seems to understand everything they say to her. She cracks me up sometimes with how deadpan she is about what she likes and doesn't like. If Bill or Jen try to get her to do something she doesn't want to do, that face, and then if that doesn't do it, she gives them the open mouth cry. She's totally got their number, lol. I loved seeing Will at the pet store--him sweeping was so cute, and I loved him mooing at the big dog. I'm not sure Zoey knew what a tea party was, but I think it was nice for her to get some one on one attention and I bet if they do this kind of thing regularly, she'll have many good memories of her mom taking the time to play dress up with her.
  6. The only two left that I like are Alex and Sam. Jessica, Jena and Caleb annoy the crap out of me, and I just don't care about CJ.
  7. I think showing Bill and the kids playing with normal sized kids asking questions is what this show is all about--they have done so much to help people understand and accept little people. I loved how matter of fact he was answering questions. He and Jen are setting such a fine example for Will and Zoey--so that they understand how to deal with people who ask questions or stare. I got a huge kick out of how wild the kids were at the museum and the store--it will be fun seeing them get out and about now that Jen is feeling better.
  8. Enough with the freakin Revelations commercials, Phil!
  9. The network just showed the movie Fargo to promote the series and they showed a lot of little interviews and promotions during the breaks. It looks really good! I am looking forward to it even more now!
  10. Will got slicked back hair, and he joined team red with that rusty red colored shirt. The power has shifted. Hannibal was colorless, sort of like Dr Bedelia. They now have something new in common....both with patients they are a bit afraid of.
  11. Oh, I love Keith. He does that thing with his voice where it goes UP at the end of the sentence when he's telling the crime story. And that wonderful 80's hair!
  12. Whenever Hannibal kills and sets up one of his displays, I remember in one of the books, that his tutor as a child taught him to create "many rooms" in his mind, so whenever he does this, I think of him having these rooms in his mind with these displays--like a doll house--and that's how he keeps all of them with him. As awful as Beverly's death was, there was something very poetic about the display of her body. It creeps me out that I think that but this show gets in your head, you know?
  13. I think it isn't that Bill is submissive, he just doesn't sweat the small stuff--and he often uses humor when thngs get tough. I think Jen has gotten so far in her life because of her type A personality--it made her a doctor, got her married, got a beautiful home and now a family--they just handle things differently. I think her little head to head with Will was also probably because it was the end of a day, and they both were tired. I thought she did ok, and he certainly wasn't really bad at all. It seems to be true that the second child develops quicker sometimes because they have an older sibling--Zoey is already talking up a storm --probably because she has Will to chatter to all day. She has really blossomed in a very short time--I thought she seemed happy and at ease with both parents and even going to the hospital and having her physical. I hope we see Jen get her good news soon that she is done with the treatments--they are so brutal, and to add 2 toddlers, and filming a TV show--it's amazing what all they had going on at that time.
  14. I just remembered something---last fall Susan Sarandon was on WWHL --and evidently she and Carole are friends--and she told a story about Carole wanting to "borrow" her dog--for the show filming--to make it look like she had a pet---but she gave the dog back --it was too much trouble.
  15. Sonja did her burlesque thing on WWHL recently when they were in Austin and I thought she looked like she was drinking or on something. She seems so scatterbrained and unfocussed. I remember seeing some articles last summer when they were filming about her being drunk in the Hamptons--I wonder if this was part of that episode. I wish she'd find some rich old or young man to marry her so she could fix up her house and lose the interns. Edited to add: I hate this Amanda bitch. I assume she is behind Aviva's comeback campaign after she humiliated herself last season?
  16. I think my negative opinion of her started with how she behaved during Hollywood week. To me she comes off arrogant and desperate, as if she feels like she is the only real musician there. She seems dismissive of the judges commentary when they give her solid suggestions, and does whatever she wants. She's been on my list to go home since the beginning.
  17. While I think Carole is pretty smart and funny, I don't think I would like her very much in real life after seeing her on the show--my reaction is a little like LuAnn's---a bit too many put-downs in her talking heads. In terms of her writing, it is clear she takes it very seriously and Aviva has struck a nerve with her assertions. She struck a nerve herself by calling Aviva nothing---so I think it's kind of a wash in terms of fault,and they both need to back off, realize what they each did to trigger all this and apologize to each other.
  18. I don't understand why they are doing this second round of battles --it seems like a way to film more shows in bulk ahead of time and cut down on the live shows to me. Maybe that is how they get the celebrities to do back to back seasons--to compress down to less time so they can travel and do other things. It puts so much emphasis on singing duets instead of seeing each singer individually--which is what they really are competing to do. I do think there have been some really good people bumped off that I would have liked to have seen move on a bit longer.
  19. As a former costume designer I take great pleasure in the design of this show. Hannibal's costumes are definitely standouts in portraying his "character", but other characters have distinct looks ---Alana's outfits are usually soft and curvy--and I always look forward to Freddie--she is all sharp angles and swirls--giving her a very "wired" look, and I always think Jack has a very heavy, weighted down look--he usually has layers that give him a kind of burdened feeling. I thought it was interesting that Will even HAD a suit to wear to court--I wondered if his lawyer provided it. The colors, the patterns that are used are so tied to each character and to the overall theme each week. It's one of my favorite parts of the show.
  20. Lord I hope they demote Brandi to friend of the Housewives. I think she's worn out her welcome. I bet Kim has guilted them into another season---by saying the show saved her. Although I can't believe Lisa put up with the crap she has from these women this season, there is something bugging me about the Vanderpump-Todds and their adopting strays. This is twice we've seen them take someone in--(Cedric and Brandi) and have things turn on them. I am not sure what it is that feels odd to me but I think things probably are not all one sided with the problems that we've seen on the show with them and other people. I like Joyce. I like her husband too--I hope they come back. Carlton can go. She is too strange for me.
  21. Oh, I'm rewatching too. I loved this show when it was on and I still do, altho I find I have different feelings about the characters this time around.
  22. I'm really bored with Andrew. I like the woman they brought on to cover for Jenni. I wonder if Gramercy selling is for drama. Even though it's probably a very expensive home to live in, I think it must be nice to have a larger home where the business can be in one part and there is some private space that is just for Jeff and Gage. Jeff was on WWHL just before the season started and they are together and he said they still want a child, so even if they sell the house, it sounds like they are ok.
  23. When they go out scavenging for supplies, I always thing if it was me, I'd bring home some toilet paper. When they went through the Terminus gates, my first thought was..."oh it is so clean....I wonder if they could take a hot bath?" Two years in the same basic clothes and with hit or miss food and comfort. I'd have thrown myself to the walkers by now.
  24. I didn't know it was going to be a 30 minute show and I turned away for a few minutes and came back to find Majesty singing her crazy ass save me song. Methinks she couldn't handle the pressure of not being America's special little snowflake. She was better in her auditions than after they let Randy get his hands on her.
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