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Everything posted by sashabear21
Jeez Portia, have you ever considered that one of the possible reasons your daughter likes to hang out with Ava is because she doesn't treat her like she's in kindergarten? (unlike me who would be hanging out with Ava for skincare tips and to see if she's generous with gifting her handbags when she's done with them). It's really gross how Portia infantilizes her, even Curtis recognizes that she's an adult and he's been her dad for like five minutes. Portia acts like she's still fixing her a lunchbox every day with a juice box and a sandwich cut into a star shape. Between Dex and Holly's wooden acting today, Sonny won't need to drive out to the Pine Barrens next time he has to drop a body, there's currently enough wood in Port Charles to cover it up. Wouldn't two doctors working on a transplant surgery maybe meet and confer on the surgery sometime other than meeting randomly in the break room the night before the surgery?? I mean even at GH that seems like terrible protocol (although if it gives us a scene like the hilarious one that happened on OLTL eons ago where the surgeon broke down after surgery went wrong because "a brain is not a foot", I'll just thank the soap gods for the cheap lolz).
Watching the latest episode (episode 7) of American Sports Story and Dominic Zamprogna popped up!
The one good thing about Violet was she kept BLQ from going into full-blown baby rabies. Now she’ll probably have them, find out there’s fertility problems, Lulu will wake up with Nina’s post-coma baby rabies and then Kristina will have to be an octomom surrogate!
Yeah those actors could have caused a lab explosion with that chemistry! Sasha and Cody definitely aren't that kind of fire, they're barely tepid water. They seem more like the people that started dating just because everyone else in their friend group was coupled off, not because they were really into each other.
If all she's going to do is fawn all over Drew then she can stay offscreen and I say that as a Nina fan!
Wait, so in the time she’s been onscreen, Sasha has lost a child, had her husband murdered, had pill issues, had a public breakdown on tv, got thrown in an institution against her will, and Holly was just what? Doing her nails during this time? I mean I can handwave some retcons but that’s a lot to swallow.
Maybe they'll do some sort of gross GH version of Gift of the Magi with transplant surgery where Sam gives Lulu half her liver, Lulu wakes up and then Sam ends up in the offscreen coma from complications. "Lulu, I gave you half my liver, so you could live and it makes my boyfriend happy", "Aww thanks, I gave you my whole coma and it's a good bet I'mma steal your boyfriend too!" LOL that Ned's "reliable source" is in elementary school. But for real Drew is terrible so it would be hilarious if he's taken down by a child. Willow is almost tolerable when she's allowed to have interactions outside of Michael, Wiley, Drew, or the Carlys. Please give Tracy something to do other than running a daycare and talking to Olivia.
I’m glad we got a throwaway line about Ethan not being a match without having him mumble his way onto our screens to monologue about it. It’s really infuriating the way people fall all over themselves to protect Sonny for a murder that he did in fact commit. Remember when Kristina hated Sonny because of his business and who he was? That was a fun time. The only reason anyone should be rushing to protect him is if he’d shot Portia in cold blood instead because she is insufferable! Are they trying to set Cody up on man dates to get him a friend? He suddenly seemed to be everyone’s favorite sob sister.
I'm glad Dante at least had the self-awareness to be like, "Yeah....maybe we shouldn't have put all this 'Lucky is the last hope!!!" out there before he was even tested." I mean he's been living and working in some remote areas for years. There's restrictions on just donating blood if you've been traveling outside the US to some countries, much less a major organ, plus they didn't even know if he was a match! Also Lucky had no questions about what kind of parasite he was living symbiotically with? Because I think I would have some questions on what kind of parasite I had at the very least. But I guess the "bright side" at least in all of this we'll get a BJ's heart redux where Danta places his head on Lulu's chest to hear Sam's liver churning away. I guess now that Lucas is back in town and has seen Wiley he can stop being sad and instead be very grateful for the bullet he dodged.
I don't always like Ryan Murphy shows for the same reason I don't always like Taylor Sheridan shows, they both decide on a point they want to make even if it makes absolutely no damn sense in the overall narrative and they often don't make that point well. Murphy also likes to use shock value when restraint would have been the better option. There was absolutely no need to show the horrible scene of Dominique Dunne's last moments in hospital. It wasn't a commentary on domestic violence, it didn't give more depth to Dominick Dunne's storyline as they'd already shown why he's an advocate for victim's rights which would have explained it to anyone not familiar with the story, it feels like it was put in for a jump scare and that's just beyond grotesque. This whole Rashomon narrative he's trying to tell the story with just isn't working. It's giving award worthy performances by the actors, but damn if I don't have whiplash with all the abrupt personality changes.
I can see Vanessa Marcil being one of the few that could have that kinda pull.
It’ll probably be a big nothingburger. Remember when Dante was supposed to have some secret sordid past with Brenda and it turned out he was like her security detail one time for a movie premiere or something?
Sonny and Carly logic: “Yeah he got an underage girl addicted to pills and put her on a stripper pole but that was a long time ago and I thought we’d all moved past that and surely he wouldn’t do that now!” Me: Yeah because every under 30 female on canvas with the exception of Trina is related to him by blood, marriage, or is the kid of one of his employees.
Anyone else think it's a little tacky that they're giving Lulu cirrhosis as way to bring Lucky back and are all "maybe Nicholas can give her part of his liver!" when the original Nicholas actor died due to alcoholism? I mean I doubt the writers really put that much thought into it and I'm fine being on Ick Island as a party of one, but it seems like there were about 1,000 other ways they could have brought back Lulu and Lucky. JE was fantastic today; she can convey more emotion in one look than a lot of actors can with pages of emotional dialogue. The whole Lois wanting to makeover her accent and nails is really out of place. Have the writers even been to Brooklyn in the past 2 decades?
They probably got tired of having to write exit stories for TG every time he went on vacation “Luke is taking a 3-month course on cuckoo clock making from a German master artist!” so the prisoner route is the easier way to go and doesn’t require writing any nuance.
I don’t think GH has done friendships well since the days of the four musketeers. Molly’s also kinda fallen in that area where there’s really been no one else in her age group aside from family and TJ. She and Morgan were buddies when they were younger since they were close in age and then there was the brief time better left forgotten when snow angel Rafe was on the canvas, but other than that it doesn’t seem like there’s been much interest in giving Molly a story outside of family, work. and TJ.
If you hate it, don't watch it. It actually is that easy. Also "Back to School" was on earlier, one of my favorite movies, and Zabka is so much hotter now.
Alicent: "This is because I've sinned!", jeez Alicent, way to make a toddler's beheading all about you! The whole funeral was in poor taste, but it was politically savvy, so props to Otto I guess. Aegon is going to be super screwed after letting him go. Criston is a violence is always the answer type and Larys is basically Great Value Littlefinger. So Alicent's had a whole other kid out there this whole time? Does this mean maybe there's a hidden Cargyll triplet out there to take revenge on Criston??
We've seen the return of Daemon's doing crimes hoodie! Although I expect Rhaenyra will not be happy at the thought of a child being murdered, especially so soon after the loss of her own. No one can tell that Larys can't be trusted? No one? The guy is a walking red flag. Poor Heleana is having the worst night ever and it looks like Alicent stumbled into a pothole on that moral high road she was walking on! Rhaenys may be the "Queen that Never Was" but she's my forever queen!
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Fallen Idols: Nick and Aaron Carter
sashabear21 replied to CM-BlueButterfly's topic in Investigation Discovery
Man, if you ever think your family is dysfunctional then watch this documentary! Those parents were a piece of work, making your young adult and single digit years old child as the breadwinners for the family is a special kind of messed up. Those bloggers and social media trolls are just horrible people with no lives. I kinda want to ask that clearly mentally deranged Molly girl if she got picked yet. I completely believe the women and I wish a lawyer would laugh Nick Carter out of court with these allegations of a conspiracy. Dude, you’re 1/5 of a past their prime boy band and your last name isn’t Timberlake. You maybe have Fatone money. Especially since it sounds like Carter’s parents spent a lot of it he made during his prime. -
So terrible, my husband just showed me the news article and said, “Don’t you watch this show? Do you know this actor?”
I saw a moose! In a park in Anchorage exactly where I should have an unexpected moose sighting and my husband was walking on the path texting on his phone and I was all, “put your phone down, there’s an onery bull moose 6 feet in front of you and it’s rut season!” There’s probably not enough livestock injuries on soaps anymore. I would love if Carly was trampled by one!
I saw this on Thursday, I really liked it. I grew up in East Texas in the 80’s. The Von Erich brothers were our Gods. If we focused on each individual brother and their tragedies and legal issues, you’d have a 20 hour movie too depressing to watch.
By the time Spencer actually gets to the ranch, he’ll have a tale of woe longer than the excuses I used to have for being late to work in my early 20’s, “there was a train, and then a car accident, and then I found a stray puppy I had to take to the shelter and then bam out of nowhere there was a biker riot in the middle of the street!” Someone should have told Taylor that just because he has an actor who was in Game of Thrones doesn’t mean he has to re-enact scenes from that show. Although if this means that all the safari stuff culminates in Spencer riding in on a dragon to save the ranch, then I will take back everything I said! Awww, Teonna and Pete, let that poor girl have some happiness!
I started watching this on a 10 hour plane ride today and almost shut it off when I realized they were going to have Elsa narrate. Did no one give her a dialogue coach?? I have never heard Antietam pronounced as “Aunt-Tay-Tum and I grew up in the south. Curious to see how the Native American school ties in. Sometimes with Sheridan he just has a story he wants to tell whether it ties to the main narrative or not.