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Everything posted by sashabear21

  1. I saw a moose! In a park in Anchorage exactly where I should have an unexpected moose sighting and my husband was walking on the path texting on his phone and I was all, “put your phone down, there’s an onery bull moose 6 feet in front of you and it’s rut season!” There’s probably not enough livestock injuries on soaps anymore. I would love if Carly was trampled by one!
  2. I saw this on Thursday, I really liked it. I grew up in East Texas in the 80’s. The Von Erich brothers were our Gods. If we focused on each individual brother and their tragedies and legal issues, you’d have a 20 hour movie too depressing to watch.
  3. By the time Spencer actually gets to the ranch, he’ll have a tale of woe longer than the excuses I used to have for being late to work in my early 20’s, “there was a train, and then a car accident, and then I found a stray puppy I had to take to the shelter and then bam out of nowhere there was a biker riot in the middle of the street!” Someone should have told Taylor that just because he has an actor who was in Game of Thrones doesn’t mean he has to re-enact scenes from that show. Although if this means that all the safari stuff culminates in Spencer riding in on a dragon to save the ranch, then I will take back everything I said! Awww, Teonna and Pete, let that poor girl have some happiness!
  4. I started watching this on a 10 hour plane ride today and almost shut it off when I realized they were going to have Elsa narrate. Did no one give her a dialogue coach?? I have never heard Antietam pronounced as “Aunt-Tay-Tum and I grew up in the south. Curious to see how the Native American school ties in. Sometimes with Sheridan he just has a story he wants to tell whether it ties to the main narrative or not.
  5. It looks great and I can't wait to see it, but already lamenting that they seem to be one Von Erich short in there (and no, I'm not talking about Lance). I'm sure it was for dramatic purposes and to keep the movie from being too long, but Chris was a big part of the Von Erich tragedy/curse so it's even sadder if he was cut out of the movie entirely.
  6. Billy Miller was a fantastic actor, and he was younger than me, and I hope he’s at peace. This is awful.
  7. I liked this better than Dopesick, which I felt at times tried to dial back the evil and portray Sackler as truly believing at times that he was helping people. This basically shows what vile sacks of shit all these people at the top were. I particularly enjoyed the beatdown as well as calling Rudy Giuliani a swamp creature. One thing that has stuck out at me is I remember in Matthew Perry’s book he talks about how much and often you vomit when you’re an opioid addict and I don’t think either of the movies showed that part of what a physically miserable existence being an opioid addict truly is. I also liked that Edie didn’t pull any punches with Shannon. She appreciated the evidence dump but wasn’t going to go out of her way to make Shannon feel better about the things she had done.
  8. The In the Air Tonight scene was too long and little uncomfortable (plus I really dislike that song), but I gotta give mad props to Brianna because I’d have a hot eye on Roger in that kilt too!
  9. I know a lot about the Battle of Saratoga, but to be fair I visited the battleground a month ago so I have a head full of knowledge about it. Otherwise I wouldn’t know a damn thing about it!
  10. I can’t decide which is the dumber aspect of this show, teenagers filming crimes about a decade ahead of teenagers actually being dumb enough to film their crimes, losing a scholarship over a sex tape in 1999 if you were going anywhere other than Bob Jones or Liberty University, a sex tape with teenagers lasting longer than 3 seconds anyways, or two girls fighting over a scarecrow.
  11. I figure if they land in the late 70's/early 80's people still hitchhiked back then and young family probably wouldn't raise suspicion if they ran into a bind and needed to travel to Boston that way. They could always say they were part of a re-enactment group or part of a traveling theatre group who had their show close unexpectedly with no money to travel back home to explain away the clothing. I'm sure they could come up with something, if they've been living 200 centuries in the past for the last few years and haven't learned how to think on their feet by now then they probably shouldn't be time traveling at all! I've seen a few pay phones in the wild recently and just looking at one post-pandemic makes me want to take a chemical shower.
  12. I wish in a surprise twist it would turn out that the person who called the SEC was none other than Lila Rae Quartermaine, a young business mogul rolling into town fresh from Stanford with her new boyfriend Cam. And also a lifelong hatred of all things Carly due to all the stories she heard from her mother. She could also be the one Quartermaine who doesn’t think sunshine comes out of Michael’s ass due the fact the in the end he was not a very good son to her Uncle AJ. I know it’s a character we haven’t seen onscreen since she was an infant but I’d rather have a character like her onscreen involved in Quartermaine shenanigans than Olivia.
  13. I wish the endometriosis storyline was less fertility focused. Soaps can have an impact when a medical storyline is done well. The story has basically been, “let’s have a baby!”, “well we tried once and we’re not pregnant so let’s get medical testing!”, “oh noes Endometriosis 😞”. I don’t need to see two years of doctors appointments to address pain they don’t believe you actually have until you’re wheeled in emergency surgery with an ovarian cyst that’s hemorrhaging into your abdominal cavity (that year really sucked), but maybe a little more to the story than what we’re getting. I feel like they just wanted to do yet another baby story, wrap it into a medical issue story and maybe one of the writers saw a Facebook ad about Endometriosis and just went with that.
  14. Those wreck photos are terrible! I hope the victim makes a full recovery and has their medical bills taken care of. Hopefully this is a good wake up call for HP and she never gets behind the wheel impaired again. In addition to the guilt she hopefully feels for the victim (and I really hope that she's the kind of person who would feel guilty for the pain and injuries she's caused the victim), she's also in for a pretty expensive lesson as felony DUI's aren't cheap. Also, while in her chosen profession a felony DUI won't necessarily bar her from employment (unlike us corporate schlubs who would undoubtedly lose our jobs for one) ongoing publicized substance abuse issues can make her insurance premiums on set so expensive that producers and casting directors will go with a more insurable actress with less liability.
  15. I’m sure this probably more of a creatively bankrupt issue than a morally bankrupt one (Frank may have his quirks but he’s not Jill Farren Phelps), but it does seem unbelievably cruel to make a pregnant in real life actress play any kind of dead baby storyline even if it’s just a rehash of the trauma from the first one. I’m sure they probably didn’t have much lined up for the character story wise so this was probably the easy route to take but couldn’t they have just sent her on a several months Deception tour of Japan or something?
  16. I’m completely shocked! I would have thought it was a hoax if it wasn’t coming through official channels.
  17. I would love it if Carly had a worthy adversary like a Viki/Dorian scenario where even when they weren’t at each other’s throats, they could call each other out on their bullshit and still maintain a level of respect for each other. This show actually has done a decent job of writing a good friendship between Ava and Nina so it’s not like it would be completely out of the wheelhouse to give Carly a friend/rival who wasn’t around to constantly kiss her ass and clean up her messes but the show won’t do it.
  18. Carly was set up as the heroine of this show long ago and much to it's detriment. She's not a good person, she's not even a mostly good person who sometimes does bad things, she's just awful. And she has zero character growth and no friends and I know we're supposed to believe that she and Jason were the bestest friends ever! But even he barely tolerated her most of the time. Meanwhile Nina actually has shown growth as a character, she has good friendships with people (even people who by all rights shouldn't like her), and has made Sonny tolerable which by itself is a Festivus miracle! So of course she has to be taken down a notch by doing something not even stupid, but bad by the metrics of this show where evil wins and good is dumb.
  19. This wedding would be 1,000 times more fabulous if the writers just cribbed from that one scene from Coming to America. “Willow, what do you like?”, “Whatever you like!”, “What’s your favorite food?”, “Whatever your favorite food is Michael”, “Okay hop on one leg and bark like a dog”, now okay I guess that part might be a little mean to someone supposedly dying of leukemia but seriously that’s about the level of personality Willow has.
  20. Man, the Carlys really are super clueless on what to do for any medical condition that doesn't involve getting shot in the head. I mean for that they get all the specialists involved and open their own trauma units, but for Willow's leukemia it's all, "well we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas...".
  21. I would have looked like I was on my deathbed even in the beforetimes when I went to an office every day! But seriously, I can only suspend my disbelief so much on soaps, superspies, clones, aliens, the period of time in the mid-aughts when the entire cast was inexplicably orange, but I cannot believe that anyone’s only bucket list item would be to marry Michael.
  22. I think the only way this Willow storyline is going to have any decent payoff is if turns out it’s just been Nelle in a Willow mask this entire time. Otherwise it’s just tedious and boring and Willow sucks.
  23. How will we really know this Ethan is truly Luke's son and not an impostor if we don't see him and Luke drinking whiskey the exact same way? And this seems surprisingly low stakes, I mean when the character was introduced on the show however many years ago, I'm pretty sure most of the viewing audience would have taken him off Victor's hands for free.
  24. Brooke seems like a very well-adjusted person. Does she have and should she have complicated issues related to her mother? Absolutely. And what she went through with her is an incredibly specific situation. I think Brooke has been able to very admirably move on and while she doesn't like to say that she was exploited, she's pretty adamant that her own daughters would never be subjected to the things she was as a child. Also, she's raising her daughters unlike Tom "I know the history of postpartum depression!" Cruise.
  25. Yes, lurk is the word I should have used, not trolled. I just remember there was a line on one of the last episodes of OLTL about posters on the “Movies without Remorse” boards or something to that effect.
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