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Everything posted by sashabear21

  1. I read that it wasn't due to his foot surgery, but I think it was on one of those celebrity rumor sites, so who knows? I liked Ava's talk with Lucas, he's blaming himself like she died on the table because of a mistake he made and that's just not the case. I know Danny yelled at him but he's a kid who's just lost his mom and is going to direct that grief anywhere he can. I think the funeral was well done (a lot of the actors have knocked it out of the park) and I'm glad they didn't cheap out on the flashbacks. Nina, I usually like you but shut up. Lulu opening her eyes as Sam's funeral ended gave me Game of Thrones flashbacks. Is Sam a direwolf?
  2. True, although poor Kin Shriner didn't even get a sendoff at all. I think he just probably figured it out when his parking card got deactivated.
  3. I always thought of Ric as more of a weasel.
  4. I love me a good montage! But I have, well a couple of questions, but I'll keep it to two. 1.) Why were the Irish team still there and suited up after they's already been eliminated? (Yes I know it was for dramatic purposes and the Irish, we love to brawl!) 2.) Why do they dress Sam, a girl from a well to do Southern California family with a smokeshow for a mom, in Garanimals crap I would have demanded my mom put in the Goodwill bin when I was 8?
  5. Go Chozen! Although I watch enough soaps to know he probably should have stuck around to find out who that guy was at Kumiko’s. For all we know she rented out a room in her place as an Airbnb.
  6. Oh I love myself some Cosgrove and he’d be a great addition. For awhile there the poor guy was getting hired on every soap right before it got cancelled, but maybe his time on Days turned that around. He could play a renowned surgeon, a lawyer, a WSB chief that could tell Brennan to stop chasing tail, a karate sensei (sorry, Cobra Kai just came back and I’m getting my wires crossed). But I would never say no to him on the show!
  7. Jeez, not in the face Jason! Then they'll just plastic surgery story it and recast with Daniel Cosgrove and the show will get cancelled for sure! (Although DC actually could make Drew a decent character again).
  8. I don't mind Gio as a concept and the actor is likeable enough, but every time he says "Uncle Sonny" I find it incredibly grating. Also, whenever he talks about Sonny it sounds like preschooler making up stories, "My Uncle Sonny is the best Uncle Sonny! Did you know he invented bean bag chairs, was the real author of the Harry Potter series and was supposed to play Mary Corleone in 'The Godfather III' but had to drop out because he had the flu????". And I know that Lois isn't supposed to be a subtle character but she's projecting so loudly that Something.Is.Going.On. that she pretty much has the bat signal on her on forehead.
  9. I’m voting puppy for Sasha! I remember the times when SWSNBN was occasionally bearable only because she was sharing screen time with a Golden Retriever.
  10. Does anyone really need a reason to hate Drew?
  11. I'm not sure if I'm up for a Brad and Lucas redux, but I like Brad and PS brings more life into his scenes, even if it's just dropping off donuts, than a good portion of the characters who get regular screentime (Portia, Curtis, Drew).
  12. Michael’s elaborate revenge plots usually go the way of my elaborate spaghetti dinner plans when I was in college where I’m planning to simmer a meat and also a vegetarian sauce all day and it’s going to be epic, and by 2pm I’m drunk on the floor asking if the pasghetti is okay and who brought wine? And I hate comparing myself to Michael in any way!
  13. Did anyone think they were gonna kill Sasha right on the heels of Sam’s death? Anyone? Show of hands? I would really love for this show to have a good entertaining villain, someone like Carlo Hesser comes to mind. The problem with this show is we’ve turned the guys who should be villains into heroes (Robert, the DA, waxing on about how Jason would save Sasha made me want to vomit) so the villains have to be super extra mustache twirly. I know Alexis is grieving, so I’ll give her a pass, but the decisions on where the kids should live doesn’t have to be made this second and the kids are old enough to have a say in that too. If we have Sasha, Willow, and BLQ all pregnant at the same time, I’m going to have to watch through my fingers as I fear how this show will have that play out. Two of the characters have already lost babies post-birth and I just don’t find baby switch stories entertaining, especially in an age where a DNA test can quickly be done.
  14. Of all the ways that Willow could have comforted Drew she decided on Eddie Fisher style.
  15. Yeah Sasha and Cody addressed all the near misses and interruptions they had as a good thing once they found out they were related. Although I could still care less.
  16. When Scout was asking who would take her to school, I halfway expected Drew to ask her where she went to school. I know it’s weird that she hasn’t been onscreen, but shhhh….don't summon the meatball monster. Then we’ll have to hear, “This is so tragic, it’s like when my cousin Maria Theresa Angelica Luisa Giulia Isabella Violetta Francesca perished while saving nuns from a fire and we made a beautiful mascarpone cake!”
  17. Argh GH writers!! Cardiac arrest and a heart attack are not the same thing! A simple google search could have told them this. I know it’s a common mistake, but it’s a pet peeve of mine. Jason of all people actually explained it more correctly when he said her heart stopped (maybe he’s having Jason Q flashbacks of med school). Good job with the acting today as the fallout from Sam’s death is happening but I really wish they would get her down to the morgue, or to the Cassadine’s deep freeze lab.
  18. I do wonder if Sam’s dive will come into play somehow because it can cause body changes. My mom’s high school boyfriend was a diver and went diving before his first medical exam for the draft for Vietnam. He failed (for hearing)and realized later it was because he went diving the day before and subsequently failed all draft medical exams for Vietnam because he intentionally went diving the day before.
  19. I would hope not for KeMo’s sake but also too, I would have to imagine in real life after 2 days of goodbyes, by the time it got to Molly it would be like, “I’m really going to miss you Sam, but I have to leave now because this room is starting smell like a port-o-let on the last day of Burning Man”. It seems really vindictive to do the character and actress this way. If it had become an untenable workplace situation then there were other ways to handle it. They could have just had Sam leave town or recast. I guess I can at least be thankful they didn’t give her the Alice Barrett treatment when JFP wanted to write her off AW. I think I still have trauma flashbacks about that episode for what they did to poor Frankie!
  20. I like Cody as well, at least I like the actor in most things I've seen him in, and he has a good dynamic with Mac and good sibling chem with Maxie (and maybe they can bring in his sister Serena at some point). Plus, he doesn't like Drew so that puts him in good company! Drew is just so unlikeable, even when he was trying to "apologize" and explain how blackmail works to Willow he was coming off as a pompous jackass, "Willow I would have told you but I didn't have a chance and I had no choice! I was right!!". Ummm, yeah there was the choice of telling Ned and Tracy yes, then giving Willow a heads up (if he gave a crap about her feelings which I don't believe he does) and still having time to spare for takesies backsies. I mean they weren't exactly holding the vote for CEO right at that very minute were they Douchey McManSplain?
  21. Michael's such a drama queen! Banging your wife's best friend because she kissed someone else is like driving your car off a bridge because you don't like the song on the radio. It's a hysterical overreaction, but Michael's a controlling douche so it's not surprising that this would send him off the rails. I mean look at the stellar examples of the coping skills possessed by the adults he was surrounded with when he was growing up, and that explains a lot of it right there.
  22. Can we keep Robert Adamson as Michael? We’re stuck with Michael as a character, but at least he makes Michael a likeable human being and not like someone who just blasted a horrible fart and is looking at their scene partner like it’s their fault.
  23. I still don't get Curtis's dumb convoluted plan of basically coercing Steven Lars to take Heather to Arizona where there's no guarantee that she'll go and absolutely no guarantee that she'll stay. Did it never occur to him to go to Sonny, sit him down and explain (slowly and not with big words) what a cousin is and then remind him that he had one named Brando who Heather murdered? I mean if you have a friendly neighborhood mob kingpin who's all about family why not use that to your advantage?
  24. I'm with Heather on the turquoise jewelry. And I'm now kinda torn between wanting her and Steven Lars (and take Olivia with you, please!) living a madcap sitcom life completely offscreen, or sticking around to make Curtis's life hell because the balls on that guy! The whole, "your mother (who didn't raise him and who he barely has a relationship with) is your responsibility" spiel was just beyond prickish. I love that Sasha immediately went to fake mom Nina for support after getting the paternity news. KM looked absolutely wrecked in her final scenes and while Sam hasn't had much to do as a character for awhile and her together with Dante was about as thrilling as watching a drywall installation, I'm sad that this is how they're taking out the character and actress. Every time that Laura has to talk about "the years she couldn't be there for Lulu" I wish GF would break the fourth wall and say, "because the showrunners at the time were misogynistic a-holes and wrote horrible drivel for Laura as storylines and then gave me the indignity of being replaced by a blonde wig on a mophandle".
  25. I was so hoping Steven Lars was gonna roll into town on the ab roller but that appears to not be the case.
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