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Everything posted by sashabear21

  1. I was watching completely unrelated videos on YouTube this evening and then this started playing. And not only am I so angry that Tony Jones was the doctor who helped save Jason, but Good Lord was every actor onscreen so great during this storyline (SK was really awesome).
  2. Just watched the entire week of episodes and boy oh boy am I never making that mistake again! This week had way too much Kristina for starters and I hate Kristina. I wouldn't mind a retcon where it turns out she just had a phantom pregnancy and there never was an Irene/Adela. Or a whole Bobby Ewing in the shower type of retcon is fine too as long as I don't have to hear about MyDaughter anymore. I love Gen Z stepping up for Tracy. Were Ric and Elizabeth driving down a mountain or in some other scenario wherein stepping off the accelerator wouldn't at least slow the car down? Liz and Lucky were adorable and good use of flashbacks, but with the talk about the lack of good chicken parm in PC my headcannon is now that the chicken parm at Pozzulo's really sucks but no one wants to tell Sonny.
  3. I like Daniel Cosgrove, yeah he has had the misfortune of coming onboard to shows while they’re on life support, but he’s also one of those actors that can polish a turd from crap writing and make an unlikable character likable. Plus I’m happy to have another actor in that age group on the show!
  4. I'm sure no one noticed that Gio's supposed mom wasn't pregnant, I mean it's Bensonhurst, so according to this show everyone was too busy playing bingo, making pasta fazool, or preparing for a life in the bidness. I've had splinters that took longer to remove than the time that Carly's life-threatening poisoning lasted. Great, so now any time Sonny sees Carly and Brennan together we'll have to hear, "he's with her 'cause he's tryna git ta me!!". The same way he thinks everyone does anything because they're trying to get to him, like any time Ava wants to see her daughter, Sidwell rubs his hands in glee, Drew makes a face, or Ric cuts a fart it's because Sonny literally has the mentality of a 12-year-old mean girl who assumes everyone does everything because of them.
  5. I haven't drank cocktails or hard liquor since my early 20's but I can't believe Lucas was already closing out because he had too much to drink and proceeded to have 2-3 more drinks and then didn't end the evening by calling his mom's old cell phone number to hear her outgoing voicemail message while sobbing and falling asleep on the floor of a bathroom stall while half covered in vomit. Telling his life story to a complete stranger does track though although I maintain that any of the above is still better than raising Wiley.
  6. If Drew gets murdered on the McConkey Esplanade, with all it’s proposed shopping and restaurants, I really hope he gets shanked outside of a Hot Topic or Red Lobster.
  7. Oh yeah the antiserum story where Tracy stole a vial for Edward and he gave it to Emma and Tracy declared that if a Quartermaine stole something it was theirs to give away. Was that also the outbreak storyline where Tracy had mad chemistry and what could have been a romance with Joe Jr. but he’d already been revealed as Kate’s rapist from their teenage years and the character sacrificed on the altar of Sonny so it never would have worked?
  8. Sidwell looked appropriately WTF when Alexis went over the background of the knife. Lulu attacking Brook Lynn over her teen pregnancy decisions (no matter how short-sighted and stupid this storyline is) is not a good look at all. She should have been smacked back into a coma. Shut up Lois, Sonny doesn't need you as a guard dog and if you're going to be mad Tracy for speaking the truth then maybe find a new place to live. I hear Bensonhurst is nice this time of year. No one answers the door in a sheet mask even if they just think it's a delivery driver. "I'm not like other rich girls!" Shut up Joss.
  9. I did love Wally just punching out Mr. Manfredo in Rhonda's scar and all, "So that's done, let's move to the next one!"
  10. This Gio story is so epically stupid. A few weeks ago when Lois and BLQ were talking about the pregnancy and adoption Lois was all, "You did the right thing, you had a lot going on, you had camp, you were gunna be a counseluh!!" like it was some camp she'd been going to since childhood and had epic dreams of being a counselor and now it's like, "yeah she only went that one time, left early, and didn't seem to like it much". Is this whole story being written by a defective AI bot that someone accidentally spilled a beer on? Not to mention the fact that just from an aesthetic standpoint, Gio looks more like the love child of Cody and Lulu (or God forbid the unaborted fetus of Dillion and Lulu) than the secret child of Dante and Brooklyn. I mean no wonder even terrible secret keeper Lois was able to keep it a secret for so long because no one would have guessed that one!
  11. I would say maybe they’ll pull a switcheroo and Willow really has been Nelle all this time, but marrying Michael, raising Wiley, and sleeping with Drew without retching seems like a helluva lot of self inflicted torture to play the long game.
  12. The longest week of my life, it was 34 years ago and I still remember every dreadful moment including every REO Speedwagon song they played at the dance on the last night.
  13. For a town that has billionaires, international supervillains, a mob boss, and an outpost of the WSB, security everywhere seems to be extremely lax. I mean Sidwell just waltzed right in to the Quartermaine kitchen, where billionaires and a longtime hit man who presumably still has a slew of enemies live. I know two of PCPD’s finest also live there, but I’m using finest in terms of looks there tbh. Can Lulu and Kristina start a relationship and have a daughter together so that we won’t have to listen to them prattle on about “MY DAUGHTER!” individually? I’m just so tired. I wish Drew would try to prove to Willow that he walks on water and then he drowns. Can we have Sasha do the opposite of Mac losing his accent and she gets hit on the head and remembers that Holly sent her to a Swedish boarding school for a month as a toddler or something and now she has an accent? The enunciating is just so glaring at times.
  14. I'm glad someone finally told Kristina that she needs therapy. That person probably shouldn't have been Ric, but whatever works. Poor Lucky trapped in a hospital bed and having to be a captive audience to her delusional rantings. I hope he was writing his resignation letter in his head, probably more likely he was suddenly wishing the digitalis had killed him after all (or he thought it had and he was in hell).
  15. I just discovered this show over the weekend, started binging and am delighted there's a second season! I know she may be possibly psychotic (although who could blame her), but I feel bad for Janet and also Rhonda. All these girls wanted to do was go to college and they were punished for it, Janet by her abusive prick misogynist dad and Rhonda by her guidance counselor who was seeking an inappropriate relationship. Honestly, I'd be an angry ghost too, although we still don't know a lot of details about Janet, the fire, or the time she spent in the fallout shelter. Maddie and Wally are adorable, and Simon grates far less when he's part of the Scooby team this season than he did in season one where he always seemed like he was going to start screaming the word "friendzone" at Maddie's ghost at any given moment.
  16. I would much rather be watching Chainsaw and Dave get into shenanigans than TFGH!
  17. Stingray, bleh
  18. Thought we were going to make it all the way to the end without an appearance from my least favorite character, but 10 minutes from the end and dammit!
  19. Drunk Amanda is my favorite Amanda! Also, holy Bayside High cameo!
  20. Yeah I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be rooting for, the sentient block of wood that's been killing people for decades or the guy who killed a different sentient block of wood, some lady who wasn't even an extra or a day player, and Sam.
  21. Don’t worry, the donuts come with a side of guilt!
  22. I think what annoys me the most about Cyrus the Digitalis Killer storyline is there’s been no build up, no suspense, no red herrings, no victims who could be potential suspects, we just get Cyrus very obviously injecting drugs into patient’s IV’s. I remember the shock of seeing the person tormenting Salem revealed as a demon possessed Marlena ripping off a ski cap, the real truth behind Victor Lord’s murder on OLTL (although that show did open the barn door on DID storylines and flog that pony to death). Even GL’s serial killer storylines while highly offensive at least were better executed. This is lazier than when my mom just drives to the gym, doesn’t even park, and buys donuts on the way home.
  23. Will Molly and Cody’s portmanteau name be Moldy?
  24. I've always hated the "Jason is honorable and will claim babies that aren't his for....reasons" stories. It was stupid with Michael, it was stupid with Sam's baby and it's ridiculously dumb with Sasha's. Remember all the hours and hours of constipated tortured faces we got when he actually had a kid and couldn't claim him because of "the dangerz"? But it's okay for babies that aren't actually his I suppose (also that whole reasoning was stupid because Sonny was impregnating every female within a 5-mile radius like he was trying to win, or possibly lose, a bet with Nick Cannon and the only kid he didn't claim was with Sam because he didn't want Carly kicking his ass). Also guessing Jake is now out of sight out of mind since Jason doesn't seem to care if he finds out about Sasha's baby, "I must tell Danny the truth!, I guess Jake will find out...meh, whenever".
  25. Felicia, I love you but ambushing new members of your family into having a sit down and then telling then "that's what families do!" is a big reason why a lot of people don't talk to their families. There's like entire subreddits about this. Even though Ric is a smarmy man, he and Liz still bring the pretty although heh at her telling him she has Lucky. I had a meeting today that could have been an email and even then, it was more interesting than watching Trina and Kai.
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