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Everything posted by sashabear21

  1. I also have to gag at Sonny's, "Ric and I didn't grow up together, so we don't have the bond most brothers have!" You mean like Jason and AJ?
  2. I can only imagine somewhere in Llanview, Tessica is watching all this go down at a football game while wearing a hideous outfit and can legitimately say, "wasn't me!"
  3. Shoutout for Justice League checks!! I used to have them and I loved them but I’ve moved about 10 times since then so it’s a pain to use them. No one wants my out of state Justice League checks. 😔
  4. I'm almost not even sure what happened after Joss immediately jumped to thinking Sonny was involved in Dex's stabbing because my eyes rolled out of my head and I had to locate them. Girl, he's in like 2 other storylines right now and everyone's already forgotten about Jagger. Dr. Gannon is ruined on Jordan. Maybe she, Portia, and Curtis can become a throuple and live happily together entirely offscreen. What is it with everyone threatening violence against people who have stated very clearly that they don't know where Valentin is? I'm already bored with the search for Valentin and it's barely even started. Honestly the commercial breaks listing side effects for medications were more compelling than anything really on my screen today except for the Maxie/Lulu reunion, and that's only because it at least temporarily stopped the Carlyfication of Lulu.
  5. I know Lulu's having a difficult time realizing 4 years have passed, but jeez I wasn't even in a coma and I almost forgot Nina and Valentin were a thing awhile back. Also, when people tell you, "Hey, you know you weren't here and that's my ex and we really don't talk much at all" maybe walk a few steps back instead of doubling down. I like new Lulu but I won't if this Carly behavior becomes the norm. LOL that the tiny gingerbread house Sasha was decorating that looked like a child had put together is supposed to be the centerpiece of the Quartermaine holiday party! I know times are tough, but are we really supposed to believe that?? Is it going to be accompanied by Charlie Brown's Christmas tree and the paintings from Heather Webber's BLT series?
  6. It really bugs the way that everyone coddles Kristina rather than telling her some home truths and/or getting her a gift card for 10 free sessions with Kevin. I've known several people like that in real life who people always tiptoed around when they were upset and made excuses for them, "well you know that's just how they are" and it did them no favors because now they wonder why no one ever wants to hang out with them and it's because no one wants to put up with their delusional reactionary bullshit tantrums. This version of Kristina would have definitely needed to join a cult in order to make any friends. Oh my 90's L&L2 loving heart. Please don't screw this up show, or at the very least give us some time to enjoy it before screwing it up! I'm onboard with making Cyrus evil again, I don't know where that will leave room for the character onscreen, but Prison Preacher Cyrus is not working for me (and I've been a Jeff Kober fan since China Beach). I'm glad Alexis is understanding that Molly just wants to move on and that she is grieving a whole lot of things right now and is allowed to do that in her own way.
  7. Maybe Trina needs to take cousin TJ's masterclass entitled, "Grieve like me or you're doing it wrong".
  8. Dear Santa, this year for Christmas please bring Molly some jeans that fit and bring Kristina a coat that doesn't look like she's trying to smuggle an entire family of four plus a few aunts and uncles either out of or into the country. "Dad you're the expert on blended families", yeah that tends to happen when you've impregnated half the town and then babynapped a few others.
  9. So Cody, Dante and BLQ all went to camp together where there were separate boys and girls camps and canoeing was all the rage? Was BLQ also an unashamed fan of The Osmonds during this time? Because I’m older than these characters (I think I was in high school when BLQ was born) and camps like what they’re talking about were out of style even then!
  10. Maybe they should ease Lulu into some of the bad news that happened while she was in a coma (or maybe they just put all the info onto a flash drive and upload it into her memory bank). I did think AH and JJ were very believable as siblings. Also, Anna there's no reason to rush to find Charlotte and bring her back, really.
  11. Is Sam's liver so magical that Lulu doesn't need anti-rejection meds? Also, Lulu's only a few days out of surgery and is walking for the first time post-surgery, so she should have been asking, "I have a bandage and a scar and why does it feel like an entire hive of bees is stinging me in that same general area??" I can't wait until the Drew reveal where people are going to be lining up to punch him. Carly, Joss, Nina, Willow, Curtis, and hell even Portia might try to get a sad attempt at a slap in. The guy deserves every bit of vitriol that will be coming his way, although some vitriol should be saved for TJ because what an ass! Your partner just buried her baby and then a short while later her sister and needs some serious grief counseling and you're thinking this is the best time to discuss having another baby? And then having a hissy because she's quite understandably not in sync with that at all right now??? Laura, "well I have to go to the office, call me if your sister who up until a few hours ago was in a four-year coma and just had a liver transplant shows up!". No one else could take care of the issue? I mean, isn't this kind of exactly the purpose for Jordan?
  12. I've been rewatching some of the 90's episodes where Lucky finds out the truth of his parents past and the acting is amazing and the scene where he confronts Laura and she tells her son that he doesn't get to judge her is probably the best GH has been in 30 years, but that is a lot of where Lucky's character growth got stunted. He left home after finding out about the L&L rape when he was a teenager and never moved home again, fell in love with Elizabeth while helping her adjust to life after her rape, and he never really had another love story. He can help strangers because he doesn't know them and he can save them and move on. He doesn't have to deal with the long-term aspects of people dealing with trauma. When he can't immediately help the people he loves, he can't deal with it, and most of all he doesn't want to turn into Luke but doesn't realize he's doing exactly that.
  13. With the way the show's been going off the rails lately I could see this happening!
  14. Knowing this show, this will be how we find our BLQ is his real mom. Sonny knew Dante was his son because they both liked pasta, Luke knew Ethan was his son because they both held their whiskey glass the same way, BLQ and Gio will be related because they both have to dress like they're going on a Sherpa expedition in January before sexytimes.
  15. Someone could just lie to Sonny & Carly that Drew is really AJ in disguise and let the chips fall where they may.
  16. Honestly they could just have someone do a throwaway line that the GV Larry years and the JY Randy years were both just a Lucky imposter that people were somehow fooled by, and I’d be okay with that.
  17. Kristina is lying and while this whole trial is embarrassing, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of watching Kristina trip over a bag, start twirling wildly and then somersault out the window. The whole effect was just so terribly and hilariously done. I’m the clumsiest person I know and I don’t even think I could manage that one after 3 bottles of wine while wearing stiletto heels. So Ava’s on trial for something she didn’t do (for once) and meanwhile there’s a federal agent who was murdered first by character assassination and then at point blank range by Sonny and that’s just been swept under the rug. Sounds about right for this show!
  18. Lulu should take Sam’s liver on the road as a miracle performing tent revival preacher! It’s woken her from her coma with no pesky coma side effects, produced a hair tie when she needed it, and even gave her a slightly southern accent! I haven’t liked Kristina ever since the writing for her has been, “OMG Kristina is a such a train wreck! Look everyone, she’s about to do something impulsive and stupid!”
  19. Drew Garrett played Michael as the kind of kid those 3 psychopaths who raised him deserved.
  20. Maybe Michael can get frozen by the Cassadines and get a personality transplant during defrosting.
  21. Gio doesn't share food!
  22. I'll have to sit this one out, I don't think my ex's girlfriend would donate part of her liver to me and my insurance definitely would not cover Dr. Gannon to do the surgery!
  23. Oh goodie, are we gearing up for another custody battle? Don’t we already have Sonny and Ava in a custody battle, Molly and Kristina fighting for custody of naming rights over a dead baby, and I’m sure soon enough we’ll have Michael and Willow fighting over who has to take Wiley and what’s her name. Did we really need another one? I mean this show doesn’t even honor the custody wishes of characters who leave the canvas still alive. Wasn’t Violet supposed to live with Elizabeth?
  24. The way Portia says "Nurse Baldwin" makes me want to reach through my screen and throttle her. I've worked at hospitals before that were great places to work and had amazing reputations and then one asshole got put in charge and the whole dynamic shifted and Portia reminds me of one of those assholes. Just the condescension dripping off her voice is insufferable! I hope the nurses go on strike, the hospital gets a lawsuit, and Portia loses her damn medical license for the Heather test results tampering. They can make Brad co-CoS, I don't even care if it doesn't make any sense!
  25. As much I enjoyed seeing Carly get smacked in the flashbacks, I'm glad the flashbacks ended showing the female friendships that have evolved on the show. The earlier flashbacks really highlighted (to me at least because it was a big reason I quit the show for a good while) the misogyny in place at the time and how there were no female friendships, they were all just antagonistic and slapping each other, calling each other trash and whores (usually over Jason or Sonny, and ladies neither one is worth it!). Alexis was awful during the time of the Kristina needs cord blood storyline, and I understand she was a mother with a dying child, but as soon as she found out Sonny was the father of Sam's baby she was pretty relentless in demanding she give birth early. If my recall is correct, Sam was okay with donating the cord blood to save Kristina but wanted to wait until she gave birth naturally. Can you imagine the outrage now if Laura had been screaming at Sam to give up her liver and that if Lulu died it was on her?
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