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Everything posted by sashabear21
I enjoyed Michael's smackdown of Carly today, it's been a long time coming. I'll be tuning in if he has a similar one with Sonny. I'll probably have to enjoy them as standalone episodes though because then it's just going to be several weeks of Carly and Sonny accosting Michael and also them being all, "That damn Franco, ruining everything!". I have no love for Franco, but Sonny and Carly never take responsibility for their actions and they just blame others when the shit hits the fan. It's like when S&C's actions caused Michael to go to prison, but Carly got all pissed off wanting revenge on Dante and Lulu. I have no desire to watch them blame and seek revenge on someone else for their shitty choices. That story is a lot played out. For as much as Carly likes to claim she owns her mistakes (like any and all times she makes fun of Liz for her mistakes "At least I don't pretend to be some saint, blah blah blah"), she never actually owns her mistakes at all. She just blames other people for the truth coming out. I wish I thought she would have Michael's disdain for as long as this show is still on, but I have a feeling Saint Jasus will come to the rescue. I also have a feeling I will be doing a lot of barfing that day.
Finally got to watch last night's episode as it was taken over by the local channel for Monday Night Football here. Jeez, can't Esther be happy that at least some of her children get along? Finn's boring as hell, Kol is pretty much insane, but Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah get along okay and after 1,000 years, that's something. My mom can't even get her kids in the same room without us having a huge fight that started 5 minutes before over a kale and brussel sprout salad, "I'm mad at you for something I don't remember why from 30 years ago!", "Your fault brussel sprouts, grumble grumble!", "It's Christmas you assholes, take a step back!". Count your blessings Esther. Stop switching bodies and realize all families are messed up, yeah yours is a little bit more than most, but you kinda did that to yourself.
No Bonnie, missing Pork Rinds and carnival music are not signs of hope. They're signs of run for your freaking life because there's a pork rind eating clown on the loose. Or maybe that's just my version of hell.
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Okay, I'm liking the dynamic between Billy Miller's "Jason" and Liz. Also her only viable love interests at this point are dead AJ (still mad at you Ron), dead Ric (getting angrier), and Nikolas of the "What the hell is that on his head because I'm pretty sure I saw it on the side of the road on my afternoon commute?" love interest. Bleh. Please let BM play to his strengths of being off the charts charming and not boring St. Borg pushing Monavie. I will seriously quit this show to go watch Golden Girls or Knots Landing reruns if that happens.
Started watching yesterday's episode this evening because of Billy Miller, but I'm not even sure he can keep this pile of crap going. I don't give two shits about Jason Morgan, so I'm wishing he would have come on as a different character. The Nathan and Maxie angst is boring and ridiculous. Nathan's two mom's can off each other or go out in a murder/suicide any day now. After watching Sebastian Roche playing a compelling character in a well-written show where things actually happen onscreen in "The Originals" just last night, and then see him in this drivel today (granted, he's still giving it his all because he's a badass) is pretty jarring. The vampire in-jokes between he and Tracy nearly caused me to stroke out and go into a rage blackout. Oh Ron, you are not nearly as clever as you think you are.
Ugh, this show. I need to make a solemn vow to use my Hulu account to watch far better shows. That judge was way over the line and this story is dumb. It's more contrived angst and they have a mountain of history they could mine for angst if they're going for that. I mean Maxie has a previous history with cops that ended badly, Jessie (dead), Coop (dead), Lucky (pill fueled madness after he was shot in the line of duty that wrecked both of their lives for awhile), so it would stand to reason that she might not want to get involved with another cop. Mine the angst from Maxie's history and not from Judge Inappropriate of the Port Charles Family Court. I have no desire to watch a Sonny and Carly redux except that I might lose a few pounds from vomiting. Patrick and Sam should star in their own show called "Pretty People Being Boring" because that's all I get from them. Billy Miller has shown more spark as Jason in the past two days as a semi-conscious amnesia patient covered in bandages than SB showed in the last ten years that he was on. I'm all for a new Jason Q or even a Jason Q./Jason M. hybrid as long as he feels remorse for the horrible things he's done, doesn't kill people for a living, distances himself from Sonny and Carly, and is not some sort of infallible saint. ETA: I mentioned a few weeks ago that I thought Ron was cribbing scripts from old Simpsons episodes and then you have Maxie and Nathan having a convo about The Simpsons yesterday. I'm sure it's probably coincidence, but I still want an "I Got Trolled By Ron" t-shirt.
I enjoyed this episode a lot. I'm coming from a background of not seeing the "Frozen" movie, so I don't have anything to gauge that storyline on. I do love that it's the love of her sister and not a guy that helps Elsa keep her powers in check. My sister and I both know we're the only ones that will put up with each other's craziness, so I really like that aspect of it. Emma calling David "dad" was very endearing, and Hook just cuddling Emma at the end to keep her warm with no objections from her was very sweet. For some reason I had it in my head that Bo Peep would be some sort of Mega-Tron robot warrior, but wasn't disappointed with how it turned out. Probably overshot my imagination with that considering it's the Enchanted Forest and all. David's wig looked like a Soundgarden show circa 1993. Anna should have made fun of him for having that hair, or at least hacked at it with a sword. Glad there was less Regina and that Emma and Elsa seem to be forming a friendship.
So I've been catching up on this weeks episodes, yeah I'm not sure why myself, probably boredom until fall premieres start happening, and I've got to wonder if Ron is getting his storyline ideas from old episodes of The Simpsons. Specifically the fortune cookie crap, "We're gonna have sex", " Well we don't have to", "Yes we do, the cookie told me so". And the Stavros crap, "Oh, Mr. Burns, we'll thaw you out the second they discover the cure for 17 stab wounds in the back". I'm onto you Ron! If you next have Michael going on a quest to find his missing bear "Bobo", then I'll know for sure.
WTH did I just watch? I really feel sorry for the crew having to film the Stavros scenes since I think RKK just chomped through the set, the lighting, and half the camera guys. They'll be spending the rest of RKK's tenure pouring one out for their fallen homies and praying for a different assignment. That whole sequence was CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP, ACTING!!!! This embryo story is beyond gross. I really hope it's over soon and I hope Dante gets to choke him to death with that handcuff chain, or Genie comes back as a special guest star and Laura gets to choke stomp him. Nathan and Maxie continue to be cute, but they have the collective brain power of a sock of dominoes. Letting Maxie run off in a place where they're being held captive that she doesn't even know the layout of was not a real bright idea. I know Nathan said he couldn't change her mind, but the handcuffs are shiny, so he could have at least distracted her with that. Julian is adorbs with Danny and he's great with the family scenes (far better than Sonny "the good mobster" with his family, and unless Julian has crypt sex with Brad or unfrozen caveman Jason, I will hold that opinion). Hopefully they can realistically get him out of the mob once the Fluke story takes off again. I really loved Dante not holding back with Stavros, and standing up for his wife without making her seem like she was his property or something gross. He might be a "peasant from Bensonhurst", and I don't like Sonny's son Dante, but Lulu's husband Dante is a great guy.
Between the flimsy set for the clinic and RKK's scenery chewing, I'm surprised there's a set left after today. Never really thought DZ or ER were that great of actors, but damn, they're stellar just for keeping a straight face during all that. I was watching it having alternating bouts of the giggles and fits of nausea during those scenes. I hope this story is over with soon. They actually wrote Maxie almost as a grown up today. It was nice to see her be honest and nice to see a story where it's not just insta-love. It's always bothered me in love triangle stories where it's all, "Oh noes! I am in love with two mens! Which one should I choose? Oh okay, well that guy turned out to be a colossal ass so of course I'm in the truest of true forever love with whatever the other guy's name is!". It shows some growth on her part that she's like, "Uhhh, let me take just a few steps back here and figure myself out here". Does Victor just use the crappiest low level thugs ever? I mean he's a Cassadine and the head of the WSB and he uses freaking Levi/Peter/Shamalamadingo and Rafe to carry out his evil plans? It just doesn't seem like he's really thought his evil plans through very well. Please stop giving Spencer big words that he can't pronounce (or screen time in general). I need closed captioning like I'm watching a drunk real housewife trying to enunciate whenever he's on just to figure out what he's saying. He's a kid, if you're going to insist using him this much, give him words that are easier for a kid to pronounce. Poor Rocco, he's going to need lots of therapy after being babysat by the world's sleaziest grampa. That was all kinds of inappropriate, but MB is somewhat adorable when he's acting around babies.
Movie Music: Scores, Soundtracks, and Best Moments
sashabear21 replied to DollEyes's topic in Everything Else About Movies
I have to concur with the comments on the score from "Last of the Mohicans". It came on early this morning when I was having a bout of insomnia and I forgot how beautiful the music from that movie is and how it works so well with every scene. -
Oh man, I watched today's on Hulu so it was the first time watching it in HD (I'm cheap and don't shell out for the HD channels), and it just made it worse! Not only was the show awful, but everything was so orange and shiny, and Jeezum Crow those Nina and Silas scenes just felt like a bad touch! Thank you Sam for telling Patrick to shave. Oh Olivia, do you realize how dumb you sound when you start shrieking, "Yes, your wife has been kidnapped, but your son who is sleeping peacefully and being taken care of needs you more!!!". I'm pretty sure this Levi story has reached such epic levels of stupidity that my IQ has gone down from watching it. Thanks a lot Ron. I could have killed those brain cells with sweet lady alcohol and had a way better time than watching this crap play out.
I don't like Nina, but I loved her non-reaction about Sonny. I wanted to vomit today when Sonny was speechifying to Morgan about how Ava had made him do some horrible things. No Sonny, you do horrible things because you're a horrible person. I find it very hard to believe that self-proclaimed fashionista such as Maxie would wear that hideous shapeless sack of a wedding dress. Levi is so smarmy when he's in front of Mac and Felicia. I hope when it all hits the fan that Detective Abs gets to throat stomp him.
Today was so bad that I took a break halfway through to clean my cat's litter box because I was so bored. I can't stand the kiddie storyline and I'm starting to find it a little bit creepy that there's so much focus on having them play out love triangles. Also, it's exasperating watching Britt, the child of two criminal masterminds have to go to a 7 year old for help in scheming. It just makes her look almost as dumb as Maxie, and no one looks dumber than Maxie right now. Since Nina is apparently psycho and had a hand in helping us get rid of useless Rafe, can they just have her in her wheelchair in the park one day, and she sees Levi shirtless, and then beats him death with a hammer for the full hour of GH? It would be the first episode worth watching in awhile and would probably improve the ratings.
Can they just cut in with a Simpsons thing with Levi like with Poochie and just have him say he's going to his home planet and then have a cartoon drawing that notes that Levi died on the way to his home planet? Seriously, a two person protest jackass? And citing laws and familial relationships that you didn't even bother to research? I just can't with this character and he just makes Maxie look stupid. I really hope (probably rather ambitiously on my part considering the writing team) that he's written off soon. Scenes with that character make me want to punch through my DVR and send him into an HBO show where he's guaranteed not to be on my screen longer than 5 minutes before a violent death awaits him.
Dammit Dunkleman! I hate gentrification worse than anyone as I watch the neighborhood I've lived in for 20 years get turned from an interesting enclave of creative people into generic luxury condos and big box chain stores, but you do not get to take up that cause you hairy douchebag! And you certainly do not get to trash Edward Quartermaine while doing so. Jeez, I need a shower now. I hate where this is going. Thanks Ron, for bringing attention to an issue in the douchiest way possible.
Caught up to yesterday's show. Ugh. I gotta say, out of all the couples shown, I'm rooting for Nathan and Mac. You have Sonny, with his potential baby mama/grandbaby mama who he's threatening to kill as soon as she gives birth, Franco who passive aggressively has his fee fee's all hurt because the woman he's dating has an ex-husband who is a giant child, Silas and Sam who are boring as hell and for reals Silas, make sure the nurse is in the house with your supposed invalid wife (who seriously needs to wear a t-shirt if she's going to wear yoga pants, that flowy top with the yoga pants just looked like American Eagle screwed up her clearance order and she decided to just go with it) prior to leaving on a date, and the grossest of gross, Levi and Maxie. How long are we going to be subjected to Maxie with terrible guys? I think Levi is even worse than Spinnelli, in fact, I'm actually starting to long for those halcyon days when I had Spinnelli to hate. On a show full of orange folk, he just manages to look dirty, like he got the tan in a can with the manager's special sticker on it. He's showing some serious signs of becoming abusive (trying to isolate her from friends and family, and the "that's what I'm here for, you have me" barf speech when any decent guy would encourage her to try and repair her friendship with Lulu) and if RC and co. had any awareness they would explore that, but they'll probably just make him some bullshit con artist. Sonny continues to be the absolute worst, and no one seems to have an issue with him essentially holding a pregnant woman hostage. At this point I don't even care if it's a jealous Franco that spills the news about AJ to Michael. I'm scared if no one does soon, that the storyline will just get dropped entirely and I want to see Michael go scorched earth on the assholes that raised him.
Made the mistake of catching up this week since most of the good tv shows I watch are on summer hiatus. Wow, that was that a mistake! With all the mob shootouts, monkey ball viruses, poisoned water supply, hostage crises, and general violence on this show, how the hell are Levi, Sabrina, Rafe, Felix, Kiki, and Franco still standing? Please tell me I won't have to wait until sweeps for a violent death for all those characters. I usually can't stand the violence on this show, but I'd be clapping my hands in glee if there was a bomb around all those characters while Franco is debating on which color wire should be cut artistically, Kiki is shrieking, Sabrina is trying to use her supposedly workable brain, Rafe just stands around doing rails of blow, Felix is being a caricature with the wire issue because Cosmo said red is out and yellow is in, and Levi suddenly realizes the universe is not all zen and his kidneys are about to explode out his mouth hole and we all get to watch and cheer. Then Maxie and Nathan go out for ribs and laugh and laugh. Bonus points if Sonny is around the bomb and yelling at it like he yells at women before it explodes in his face. Could not believe the way he was talking to Anna. She should have kicked his greasy ass.
I've been on the barge for awhile, so today was my first introduction to the kangaroo wig known as Levi. My thoughts are, OMG kill it, kill it with fire, kill it with an 18-wheeler, kill it with a grenade, a SCUD missile, a Patriot missile, I don't care, just kill it!! How the hell has Maxie not laughed in this guy's face and punched him in the balls yet?? Michelle Stafford is already getting on my nerves as Nina. When she tries to play demure and sweet it just comes off creepy as hell. Morgan needs to write off both his parents because Sonny is a disgusting asshat, even more so than usual, and Carly is suddenly a middle aged teenager in the most hideous "romance" ever. I love Julian and loved them all together as a family at Kelly's, but he really needed to dial it back a notch today. I don't even think doing a rail of blow will make Rafe interesting. Why did I bother tuning back in?