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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Huh-Huh. Of course if you told that to one of the many die hard hockeypucks in this hockey mad country of ours, they'd go near fatwa on you.
  2. Wow! So Hillary Clinton may have set up her email account differently while SoS, and it becomes A NEW BENGHAZI THAT WILL CRIPPLE HER CHANCES OF BECOMING PRESIDENT!!!!! These next two years are going to be so agonizingly painful. Would not shock me the least if gun loon Noel Flasterstein was in the early stages of mental illness. That guy is like the measles virus, he should not be anywhere near children. Yet another reason for me not to go to Florida. Enjoyed the interview with Viacheslav Fetisov, although I do take issue with Jon describing the hockey battles as USA vs. USSR, because the truly big international battles were between Canada and the Soviets, going back to the game changing 1972 Summit Series and including several Canada Cup series, the best of which was the three game final in 1987 where Fetisov, his fellow Green Unit members, and the rest of the Soviet hockey team took on Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux, and Team Canada for the best hockey ever played (saying this as Canada prevailed with, my boy from my favourite hockey team the Pittsburgh Penguins, Lemieux scoring the tournament winning goal with a pass from Gretzky with 1:34 remaining in the final game). But its so good to see Jon interested in talking with Fetisov about his hockey career and about the pressures and difficulties he and his Soviet teammates had to endure both on and off the ice. Jon is correct in stating that we didn't notice the human side with the team. We Canadians (and Americans who cared about hockey) wanted to see the Soviets beaten badly because it truly was an us vs them mentality. But it changed after Russian players were allowed to play in the NHL in the late eighties, early nineties. And I liked how Fetisov explained the good feeling he got in Detroit when, as a member of the Red Wings, he helped bring the Stanley Cup back to the Motor City after a 50+ year drought. I would know about this as my brother is a die in the wool Red Wings fan who waited his entire life for that moment when captain Steve Yzerman lifted the Cup over his head for the first time in 1997.
  3. Great of Jon to show old clips of Netanyahu fear mongering to people about Iran back in the late nineties. People should be tired of this gasbag's rhetoric by now, but obviously are not. Obama is smart in not listening to him. Boehner is not for inviting him over and kissing his ass with those pucker lips of his. Aasif doesn't look bad with that goatee of his.
  4. Shouldn't we blame the fleas for the Black Plague then?
  5. It was the scene from the Simpsons episode Marge vs. the Monorail, where the solar eclipse took place and Leonard Nimoy opined how the cosmic ballet continues and the guy sitting next to him asked to switch seats with someone. They then showed Nimoy's name and timeline. I think it's safe to say Rollins was wearing some solid cup to protect himself from the inevitable boot to the balls from Jonny Stew.
  6. Well Jon, I hope your misplaced faith in Republicans getting anything done in Congress was a facetious one, given the attitudes and behaviors of both John Boehner and James Inhofe, both of whom have "punch me" faces written all over them. Boehner for his kissy face response to a serious question, and Inhofe for suggesting that his grandchildren face a grave threat in gays existing and getting married than they do about global warming and climate change. Asswipes! Nice tribute to Leonard Nimoy for the MoZ.
  7. I must say, nobody does a better job of dissing Vladimir Putin than Ollie. Last night helped prove that. It wouldn't surprise me if Putin had Ollie on an enemies list of his, for which Ollie would take great pride in.
  8. Perhaps in the opening credits, we'll see a tribute to Leonard Nimoy under the title Prosperous Longus.
  9. I was wondering when Seth Rollins was going to show up. We'll have to wait for Tuesday's show to find out from Jon what happened in Newark. They'll probably make Jon look good in the end, like having Mick Foley or The Rock come on to take Rollins on for him.
  10. Good news everyone. The FCC has upheld the net neutrality laws today.
  11. Actually The Luvly Junkie, I spent a week in Vegas back in the beginning of December 2013, when the weather was more sane for my liking. The first half of the week, it was very pleasant with temperatures in the low 70s. I walked up Las Vegas Boulevard to Freemont with the sun beating down the back of me but I wasn't in any discomfort, and I was wearing a jeans jacket at the time. But the second half of my week there, the temperatures plunged to the mid to upper 30s. I had my soccer supporters scarf with me to take pictures with, but it came in very handy to wear when the winds started picking up Yeah, a little OT, I know. But the hotel I stayed at had Comedy Central, so I was able to stay up to date with both TDS and TCR, so YAY! :D
  12. Epic, epic smackdown of the whinny right's modus operandi by Jon on tonight's show. And of course Jon is preaching to the choir, but at least the choir knows the difference between what is true and what is bullshit, which the right seems to make a ginormous mountain out of. As Jack Nicholson once pointed out in A Few Good Men, they can't handle the truth. So they create their little world where they tell their Kool-Aid drinkers what they want to hear, like "Jon Stewart is a stupid, lying liberal!", which is what they'll be crying about tomorrow. Conan O'Brien does have a beef with us Canadians seeing as his show is being moved all over to different channels and time slots. It used to be after TCR on Comedy Network. Now it's on MuchMusic at 12:30AM following @Midnight. But blame that on BellMedia, aka Evil Empire 1 (Rogers being evil Empire 2). Conan's visit to Cuba does seem interesting, and quite the hassle from the sounds of it. I've had friends who've visited Cuba and have stayed at their all inclusive resorts because they're a huge bargain and quite the value. They've tried to convince me to go, but I've refused because A) I don't feel the need to visit places with hot, sweaty climates, and B) I'm not interested in visiting areas of the world that continue to oppress their citizens.
  13. With all the sports personalities Jon has interviewed over the years, I've often wondered when and if he was ever going to have someone from the game of hockey as his guest. With former Soviet and NHL star Viachaslav Fetisov as his guest next Wednesday, it looks as if Jon finally will. The documentary Red Army seems interesting. I wonder if Jon will go neener-neener at Fetisov over the whole Miracle on Ice, considering he was a member of the Soviet squad that lost to the Americans at Lake Placid in 1980?
  14. If Seth Rollins is on this week, will we see Mick Foley on, the same time, as well? Well Bill O'Reilly, if you think Mother Jones' articles about your so-called war record are lies, then sue them. I'm sure the truth will come out for someone in court. And I'm guessing it's not you!
  15. Apparently last week, WWE heel Seth Rollins, in an attempt to troll the audience - as is his job, said he could do anything he wanted and be successful, like run for president, or take over TDS from Jon: And Jon has "fired back": So now it looks like WWE is going to play up this angle by having Rollins appear on TDS sometime this week. What's more, they're scheduling a live event at Madison Square Garden this Friday. This looks...ummmm...interesting?!!
  16. The only thing that would have put that fake Labour Party election ad, about the pretty pony, over the top is if the pony took a shit in that woman's kitchen.
  17. I'd rather have an adult like Obama deal with ISIS than the bratty, snot nosed babies on the right who make whinny poopies in their diapers because the president won't behave the way they want him to (not that it makes a difference, seeing as they'll criticize him for whatever, no matter what). And Rudy Giuliani, go fuck yourself up your ass with your comments, you horrible turd you.
  18. I've only watched a few episodes of TNS. And maybe I'm spoiled after watching Stephen on TCR unleash his comedic genius on a nightly basis, but I just can't get into Larry's new show. I think a panel discussion taking up two thirds of the show is just lame and not really creative for a comedy show. And if members of the panel can't be funny on said comedy show, then why bother? Besides, I've seen this before on whatever show Bill Maher is hosting. As for Larry, he has his moments of funny, like his running bit on Michael Moore a couple of weeks ago. But there are more times when he falls flat. And I just find it annoying when he opens the show with "Tonightly" and ends it with "Good nightly everyone". Larry needs to pick up his game soon, and the show needs some tweaks to it. Because with Jon leaving TDS this year, I'm afraid TNS isn't going to have much of a shelf life.
  19. I have tons of respect for Jessica and what she brings to TDS. And the fact that she knows what her limits are, right now, makes me respect her even more. The fact that some people who can't respect her opinion, about taking over the hosting chair at TDS, is sad and shallow on their part.
  20. AH, but they more than make up for the lack of women in their magazine with their swimsuit issue, amirite, AMIRITE?!! 8D (hides between the sofa and wall)
  21. How about Mo Rocca returning? Then, he can give us his "Mopinion" about certain news stories.
  22. Fuck the evildoers at Philip Morris for trying to sue the pants off of poorer nations because they want to introduce no brand packaging on their cigarettes. And huzzahs to Ollie for introducing the mascot Jeff the Diseased Lung in a Cowboy Hat and unleashing it to the world. Suck on that alongside your Marlboro 100s, you PMI asschunks! I love seeing butthurt on display. Rafael Correa does not get that Ollie drinks his whine like it was finely aged wine. And seeing how Fifty Shades Of Grey is doing as a movie has me saying WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT THE OVERRATED PIECE OF SHIT THAT IS FIFTY SHADES OF GREY?!! Be nice to the band America, Ollie. I loved their song A Horse with No Name. It was talked about the effects of Heroin.
  23. Ollie gave Jon a big shoutout on tonight's Last Week Tonight by putting him in the opening credits under the title Hostus Maximus.
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