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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Great tribute given to Jason. Jon seemed extremely grateful for all the work he's done over the years. He will be missed. Yeah, Fox News gets something right (and even that's debatable) and they brag about how great they are? They're like a bottom of the order hitter who gets a lucky single and they act like they're a Hall of Famer. No Fox News, it's down to single-A for you bush leaguers. Jon's analogy of them at the end was spot on.
  2. Awwww, the deer looked adorable. I wouldn't judge that it's ingesting pot. Besides, anything those assholes Nancy Grace and Bill O'Reilly think is bad has to be good.
  3. It's a good thing Jon Ronson was there to cleanse our palletes after the last couple of segments, the good news about the veterans notwithstanding.
  4. The only "fraud" these birthers can point to is that Obama is African American. But Ted Cruz is white, so he's okay in their squinty little eyes.
  5. Congress loves supporting the troops when America is at war. But when it comes to taking care of them after a war, it's a big "fuck you, you're on your own!" But that's what happens when you love the military industrial complex, which gives these congresscritters campaign donations, more than you love the troops.
  6. Here's hoping the next class of grade schoolers learn from this and create a draft that would declare New Hampshire state legislators "cootie filled poopy faces".
  7. With the show being dark after this week, will we see a send off for Jason and maybe Samantha next Thursday?
  8. I would hope they do. Because Fox News truly sets themselves up for this kind of warranted criticism (at least the assholes Jon displays). At least Will Ferrell was tolerable in that interview. Now we know why they had him on and Kevin Hart the night before. What was left on the cutting room floor.
  9. Aaron Schock? Fuck that guy! I'm sure that's what his father would really like to say. It's quite sad to see that disruptive turd Benjamin Netanyahu get re-elected, especially the manner in which he pulled victory from the jaws of defeat. What's more is that Republicans will claim vindication for inviting Netanyahu to address Congress as a big "fuck you!" to Obama and, along with Tom Cotton's letter to Iran, will be emboldened to do more rat fuckery on the president's foreign policy direction. I quite enjoyed the interview with Kevin Hart. Quite some interesting stuff he talked about. It'll only go downhill tomorrow when Will Ferrell shows up to make an annoying ass of himself. What kind of shitty prop will he drag on stage as he's interoduced?
  10. Please don't show us endless pictures of bright scary food on an empty stomach Jon. I could definitely eat some of those right now. Dumbassery and Fuckery. Just describe the Democrats and Republicans in a simple matter Jon. The battle between Dumb and Evil.
  11. Do you live in a Central Time Zone, JinNashville? I think you may have meant 11:30/12:30, which wouldn't affect TDS in any way but may have an affect on TNS.
  12. Fuck these so-called Christians who want to deny people simple basic rights and dignity just because they were born gay. These assholes are a huge threat to society in this part of the world than any Islamic jihadist they claim are coming to get us. Someone should frisk Ted Cruz for matches and/or a lighter.
  13. Boo-fucking-hoo! Todd Wilemon wants to sue TDS because he claims they made him look bad after telling them, in an interview last year, that he was opposed to Obamacare, and that the poor should stop being poor. This immediately cost him his job as a NYSE managing director. I'd be sure this dolt signed a waiver that excuses TDS of all legal action should something happen to him as a result of being interviewed and what he said to them. Cry me a fucking river, asshole!
  14. I didn't need Ollie telling me how the whole NCAA system that flows through college sports in America is pure bullshit, because I already knew. But I'm glad he did. The NCAA's blatant hypocrisy is the reason I don't follow college sports. I'd like to punch Mark Emmert hard in the gut until his internal organs are damaged.
  15. Chris Christie. Man of the people. NOT!!! When Jon talked to Rob Corrdry about getting fired for his "blatant anti-Semitism", I thought back to Rob's "I hate everybody" bit where he asks Jon to high five him while posing in a Nazi salute and wearing a swastika armband. Good times.
  16. I'm gonna guess, spend the year as a father to his two children. Then spend the summer touring North America as a stand up comedian, with new material he wrote himself, at select venues. If one of those dates is in Toronto, I'm so there!
  17. That Oklahoma football player had nothing to apologize for telling those racist frat boys off. And that guy who said sorry for saying that shit? He and his "bros" are only sorry they got caught. Anybody want to bet that they all would accuse other people of being reverse racists if they were accused of the shit they were saying? Oh, and you want to know what alcohol does? It makes you say what's really on your mind. Who needs a lie detector when you have rye?
  18. I won't feel sorry Ringling Bros. is phasing out their elephant act. I just hope the elephants get a nice place to live out their days after all the misery they've had to endure.l
  19. Really lame of you Larry to concede the right's narrative that Republicans were the ones who supported civil rights far more than the Democrats five decades ago, and therefore continue to do so today. First, there were far more moderate Republicans in Congress during that time, that actually voted along lines of common sense then on overzealous party ideology, then there are today. Today's GOP has practically driven their own moderates out of extinction, or close to it. And second, the Democrats had to contend with the blatantly racist southern Dixiecrats in their own party. Many of whom would have felt right at home within the ideology of today's Republican party, and whom they all jumped ship to after LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act, and when Nixon started wooing them with his Southern Strategy right after. Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms were Democrats, FFS! I would have thought you'd have easily understood that by now instead of attempting some lame ass excuse of humor.
  20. Four months left of Jon? That's too short! NOOOOOOOOOO! Well, a great episode tonight covering the 50th anniversary of the Selma march, followed by a great interview with John Lewis. Great that he appeared on TDS right following the events of the weekend, and that he retold the events from half a century ago. Oh yeah, Fuck you both CNN and Fox News!
  21. This is what I love about Ollie's show. When I heard him say that voting was his main topic this week, I assumed it was how certain states would try and make it difficult for certain people to vote. But then, he gives us something we haven't given thought of, which is people who live in the U.S. territories who can vote but who's voice has no real meaning. You payin' attention to that Obama? Think you can do something for the people living there? I don't think Fanta should suffer any real consequences because of the so-called Nazi connections. They were created because Germany was waging war and resources were thrown the military's way, so they had to come up with something to keep their business going. Now Volkswagen, that was full blown Nazi! Hell, Adolf Fucking Hitler himself had a huge hand in creating the car that would become the Beetle when he gave instructions to Ferdinand Porsche on creating a car that was practical, dependable, and affordable for the average German family and that he would try and use to promote Aryan supremacy. Anyway, when I think of Fanta, this is what I think of. A commercial from my youth in Canada: Fucking cool!
  22. Good for Samantha to get her own show. I always felt her and Jason were at TDS far too long. Best of luck to her at TBS.
  23. Jessica made that Ferguson piece. And I have to think that Jon is trying to outdo Ollie in who can slam Putin the hardest.
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