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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I'd imagine if she had her way, the title of the book would be called "EAT IT, ASSHOLES! Why Everybody is an Idiot Except for Me."
  2. That was the jaw dropping moment for me. That a highly important piece of the story was left out because the editor couldn't find space in the New York Fucking Times to print it. Total! Bull! Fucking! Shit!!! Yet Miller stood by that reasoning and basically said to Jon and the audience in her own way to deal with it. Anybody noticed that she's now a contributor to Fox News? Would anybody be surprised if they helped prep her for this?
  3. Yeah, Jon really went after Judith Miller on the show tonight. Problem was, Jon seemed to have been talking to a brick wall. Miller deflected a lot of what Jon was saying by using her talking points about Saddam Hussein trying to build nuclear weapons, and making the Clintons the villains in all this and not Bush, Cheney, and all of their cronies and confidants that got the U.S. into this disastrous war in the first place. In the end, Jon looked like he wanted to cry and commit suicide while the fucking sociopathic Miller looked pleased with herself. He'll never be a host of a show like Meet the Press because of what you just said. They prefer slobbering lapdogs like David Gregory or Chuck Todd, lest they risk hurting the delicate fee fees of the guest they're interviewing like Lindsey Graham or John McCain.
  4. You're a stupid, stupid man Wolf Blitzer! The media's not going to address the root causes of what happened in Baltimore, nor are they going to show the peaceful protesters, because they like to showcase all the looting and violence going on because that's what gets people attention and their eyeballs glued to their widescreens. Edited to add: You're a stupid, stupid man Wolf Blitzer!
  5. All the talk about the WHPC dinner and not one mention about Luther helping out the president, Jon? Well if you are going to shame CNN for showcasing the dinner and not the riots in nearby Baltimore, then maybe it's best not to show how awesome it was. But couldn't you have least used it in the MoZ? Elizabeth Olsen was great in the interview. It sucks that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will be in Avengers: Age of Ultron with zero recognition of their dad, Magneto. I wish Marvel didn't sell out the rights of some of their characters to other movie studios.
  6. I'm glad Ollie explained what the First Amendment really was about. Too many people, like Dr. Oz, use freedom of speech as a shield to defend themselves from the absolute bullshit they say. He can be protected from the government going after him, but not from those that want him removed from his position at Columbia.
  7. Oh Fuck! I do hope Jon mentions in part, somehow on tomorrow's show, how during last night's WHPC dinner, :D
  8. You wanna know what's interesting about that? I - Me, Myself, I - was in the audience when Jon asked Steve that!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  9. Don't mistake someone like Jon for Bill Maher. Jon wouldn't want anyone to think that he was doing serious reporting. That being said, he has more integrity in what he does than most of the mainstream media. Why would you care if you stopped watching his show a long time ago?
  10. Why would she accept his invitation then if she knows what to expect? It's not the first time Perino appeared on the show as a guest. And who really gives a fuck about the feelings of the shitty network she's employed at? Yeah, Dana Perino is so gracious and stoic when she's defending the sociopathic policies of the Republican party, like her former bosses in the Bush administration. And "small potatoes" Jon could do a far better job of asking questions to any White House spokesperson than the majority of the WHPC, many of whom work for the corporate mainstream media that Jon detests. People concerned about the well being of this society would beg to differ.
  11. Good for him doing that. Jon's shots at The Five and Fox News are well placed and deserving. They, and the network they're on, are a horrible cancer on America. He has no more reason to give any of them any fucks at all. So this looks like the final appearance by John Hodgeman. That was a weird way for him to go out. And what he said at the end there should come as no surprise to anyone. Love how NdGT pulled no punches about living on Mars. All talk about living there is such wishful thinking right now. And I'm really fed up about Superman vs. Batman in a fight. They both have the same beliefs about justice and humanity but are different in the way they go about it (I am looking forward to Dawn of Justice next year though).
  12. If he does that with an important guest explaining a serious topic making news that week, that's one thing. But Jon's allowed to let loose when he has on a longtime friend and fellow comedian like Jeff Garlin. It actually makes the interview a whole lot of fun. Teachers can't afford to hire good lawyers to keep them out of prison by a judge who's opinion on the worst thing to ever happen to Atlanta should be questioned on his judgement, while super rich sociopaths in the 1% can and are allowed to do the same jobs they did that got the U.S. into so much financial shit. Because AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!!!
  13. If Jon feels not going after Donald Rumsfeld when he interviewed him was a big regret, he can make it up by taking on Judith Miller next Wednesday.
  14. Considering that the last day of summer officially comes on Wednesday the 23rd of September, and that he begins his tour of England nine days later on the 2nd of October, I doubt we'll be seeing Trevor's TDS hosting debut 'till about mid to late October at the earliest. They probably converse like that privately, so NBD.
  15. Because the best way to draw attention to the danger that campaign finance causes is to fly a strange device into a no fly zone on Capitol Hill. There were so many fails involved with that story. Watching the fun Jon and Jeff Garlin had together made me wish we could have seen more of him on past shows and less of others (Will Ferrell for example). Sofia Vergara has a movie out in a couple of weeks, maybe they could have her on just to see the different shades of awkward from Jon.
  16. Nothing except Jon announcing his final show, I'm afraid. <:( Might be quite a bit longer. They'll probably have to remake the entire studio as to not make it look like it was still Jon's, have Trevor settle into New York, do some test episodes. It's at least three months from Letterman's last Late Show appearance and Stephen's first as host, so it may not be a surprise to think it could also be months between Jon and Trevor. Especially if someone here said was true and Trevor was doing a stand up tour later on this year.
  17. :( Well that just bites. A little more than three months of Jon left. Kinda sucks the joy out of seeing John Slattery as a deli guy in tonight's show.
  18. To quote Maxwell Smart: "Missed it by THAT much!" I think that CSPAN guy has the worst job on television. I wonder if he pissed off someone that he got that job.
  19. What the?... Oh fuck, I just... I want someone to reach into Dick Cheney's chest and rip out whatever it is he's using for a heart and show it to him as he's gasping his last breath on earth and just before he descends to the ninth circle of Hell where he'll spend eternity suffering for all the sins he's caused, the motherfucking evil bastard!!!
  20. Wesley Morris perfectly sums up my feelings about Trevor taking over the host's chair of TDS. Who knows what it will become and how it may differ from Jon's vision after the torch has been passed, and whether or not Trevor can give us the kind of nightly catharsis Jon gave us for many years. Morris thinks he'll be fine. I sure hope so. I too loved the shots taken at Fallon and Corden. Late night has become depressingly stupid since those two became hosts. Help us Stephen, you're our only hope!
  21. Billy Crystal's grandpa bus story was quite adorable.
  22. At least NdGT will cleanse the palate for us after Dana Perino visits with whatever bullshit she's plugging.
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