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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. I wonder if there's even going to be any shows tonight, what with that Nor'easter expected to hit New York like a sledgehammer.
  2. I like to believe Annoying Orange would be an appropriate character for John Boehner.
  3. Yes, we're supposed to trust MetLife because they have Charlie Brown and Snoopy in their corner. Whatever, you pigs. Great seeing Trevor Noah again, and for giving us all some proper context about Boko Haram. Can we make his visits a little more frequent please?
  4. Think maybe Samantha and Jason were giving a story of their actual careers? I loved the burn Obama gave the Republicans after they clapped when he said he wasn't running any more campaigns. They deserved it for being small, petty children all these years. And as for all those endless Republican responses, each and every one of them deserved an Implodey.
  5. Except that the people behind these anti-Sharia bills would like nothing better than to impose their own strict Christian rules onto the laws of the land. You've already got people being elected onto school boards that are anti-science and want creationism taught in public schools. When it comes to religious extremism in our part of the world, I'm far more concerned about these theocratic dominionists winning elections and rewriting laws than I am of some group of Islamic whackjobs believing they can have their way with us.
  6. Lindsey Graham running for President will mean the Republicans will have to get a bigger clown car just to store Graham's unmitigated gall in. No way that bastard stands a chance of winning the nomination, much less the presidency. But it will be fun watching him fall flat on his delusional face if he does enter. Yes, Sharia Law could happen in the United States, just as much as those idiots Aasif spoke to each winning the Power Ball. This is what happens when you allow fear mongering to infect gulliable people.
  7. I just watched the interview with Mike Huckabee on TV. And what I saw was Jon mocking Huckabee's ridiculous and ignorant positions. Not exactly giving him the kind of credibility Huckabee was looking for. He handled it better than Bill Maher would, IMO. Besides, Jon knows full well that anything he says is going to go in one earhole of Huckabee's and out through the other.
  8. Jon, Jon, Jon. If John Kerry brought with him the Rembrandts to France to perform the theme to Friends, all life would have been wiped out by nuclear war by now.
  9. Dude, theatre of the absurd?!! Like your plan to give fetuses legal representation is perfectly normal? You are one fucked up male who's blitheringly unaware of how horrible your idea is.
  10. You had to think the gang in the booth showed a pull away version of Jon playing with his stationary for laughs. Or that they needed Jon to explain the pen. Either way, French expression films is what Americans shouldn't attempt. That French "comedian" sure sounds like an asshole. But banning him was a big mistake in light of what just happened. Way to set the example, French dumbasses. Jason is TDS's go to guy for humiliating, put on situations. At least he wore a shirt for this. All he needed was his mommy to comfort him (Samantha). Quite a story behind Julianne Moore's movie. Hope for the best for the director. She does look amazing in it, from what I've seen.
  11. Well, I certainly plan on skipping all those interviews. >:P When I found out Huckabee had a book coming out, I had a funny feeling Jon would have him booked as a guest. >:P
  12. You tell 'em Jonny! You tell those bigoted ignorant dumbfucks down in Florida that they have no business denying gay people the right to marry when it's the rule of law. In fact, it would only help to bring long needed class to that state. So Marco Rubio gets two segments and Jimmy Carter only had one. Was this requested by the lizard breath himself?
  13. Worst. French. Impressionist. Film. Ever! As for why Obama didn't attend the rally, the security measures taken to protect the leader of the free world would have been a nightmare. Of course, that wouldn't have stopped the president's critics, many of whom mocked France for not participating in Gulf War II by renaming French fries "freedom fries". They would have criticized Obama for putting Europe first and being arm and arm with the socialist president of France. He can't win with these creeps. The panel was spot on. I just can't help wonder how Aasif would have handled it. Hilariously over the top, I hope? Jimmy Carter doesn't get a whole lot of credit as president. His bringing peace to Egypt and Israel alone should assure his status. O.o That turtle face of Mitch McConnell's will haunt my nightmares.
  14. I covered my hands when Jason did that, knowing full well he would never actually do something like take a dump in a Salvation Army bucket. It's the thought that matters.
  15. Rubbing Mitch McConnell's turtle shell will improve the economy, eh? More like a cynical opportunistic sociopath will take credit for the country's economic turnaround on his political party's behalf because he believes that the citizens of the USA are really that stupid and gullible. So is it considered nepotism for someone like Allison Williams to become a guest on TDS because her father is Jon's man crush, Brian Williams?
  16. Why? Jon's, first and foremost, a comedian. Something like this would be the perfect way for him to begin the interview, thereby leaving Rubio mentally off kiltered the rest of the way.
  17. Here's the story behind the name Charlie Hebdo. I had never heard of this weekly publication until this week's terrorist attack. And I believe that's why these terrorists have failed. When you try to silence something you don't like, you just make it louder for everyone to hear. Instead of the French speaking population familiar with their work, now the entire world knows about Charlie Hebdo and their raison d'etre. Mission accomplished, terrorist dumbfucks.
  18. Ooooo, that would be nice. And then watch Senator "The-Haves-And-Soon-To-Haves" smile very uncomfortably.
  19. Didn't see Nazi cows coming. But, for all intents and purposes, it was a welcoming story to watch after trying to come to grips with what happened in Paris today. Jon looked definitely shocked by the entire events. It was also great to see Aasif there as a correspondent. Did anyone else get any subtle messages Jon and Aasif were discussing about the cows and the Muslim people?
  20. Rush Limbaugh heeded your call and responded, the fat bastard. Whenever satirists come under attack of any kind, Jon comes out full throttle to defend them and attack the people who don't like them and want to do them in bad. So I expect Jon to do likewise tonight. Nice to hear from you again, UnderCover. :)
  21. It's going to be a long, bumpy two years to get off of the ride Republicans have in store for America. Expect President Obama's pen to run dry with all the vetos he'll be writing off. But at least Staten Island will be well represented, from one douchebag to another. Fuuuuuuuck. The internet is why we'll never be able to break away from our groups and come together the way Cass Sunstein would hope.
  22. So the first show back, after two weeks off, to kick off the year 2015...is who going to run for President in 2016? Plus a follow up on North Korea's shit fit over Seth Rogan and James Franco's lame ass film? Yawn Jon! I miss Stephen already. It hurts.
  23. I'm in agreement with trow125 about Jon being around until, at least, two years from now, just after a new president is elected. And with Stephen leaving TCR, that might just free up a little extra cash to throw Jon's way. Besides, once Letterman leaves The Late Show this spring, Jon will be the longest serving host on late night television. And I'm not sure that's a title Jon would be comfortable with. And, given the year it's been, I wouldn't blame Jon if he was genuinely thinking about leaving. As for who would replace Jon, who knows? Jessica may be a popular choice, but does anyone know for sure if she would want the job? She might have long term plans of her own that would involve acting in movies, like Steve Carell did. I think if she is interested in the job, it would do her well to join the TDS writing staff, like Stephen and Ollie both did. Of course, here's a wild card to throw out there: The Daily Show with Andy Zaltzman!
  24. Well it was from Yahoo, so there is to be very aggressive and very ignorant right wingers coming in and shitting on everything they don't like, like Stephen.
  25. Well, that was ALMOST a perfect way to end the series. I say ALMOST because what I didn't see was Jane Fonda coming up to Stephen and giving him a big wet one on his lips. You forgot to add... STEAGLE THE EAGLE COLBEAGLE! That was a very personal favourite of mine. ;) Albyssinia Stephen. Over at CBS that is. I can't believe it's over. :..........(
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