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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Looks like it took the near end of TCR for Stephen to make peace with the GODLESS KILLING MACHINES!!! Yeah Bernie Sanders. By rejecting the two party system, the 64 percent who didn't vote allowed the far, far, far worse of the two to gain more power in Congress. That's a winning move if there ever was one. If he runs for president as an independent, he'll guarantee the White House to a Republican, just like Ralph Nader did in 2000.
  2. Will the Detroit News douche realize how stupid and soulless he looked? Or will he claim he was set up (by his own words)? My guess is the latter.
  3. After watching that interview yesterday, you would think Wendy Mesley would understand what Jon's purpose is. After all, she's a longtime employee at CBC, which has a couple of high profile satire/fake news shows in The Rick Mercer Report and This Hour Has 22 Minutes, as well as a one time institution in the Royal Canadian Air Farce. All those shows were made to make Canadians laugh at our political and social institutions and give us our own catharsis. No one in this country would ever think those shows were of any importance the way Mesley expected Jon to be with TDS. I wish Peter Mansbridge did the interview.
  4. You're probably right, trow125. All this speculative talk about Jon's future has me insane in the membrane. :P
  5. Of course, there is this possibility that had crossed my mind. And that is, Jon would use his appearance on TCR, this coming Thursday, to tell Stephen and the world that he was stepping down as host of TDS by the Labor Day break next year. (please don't hate me for that)
  6. I can possibly see Jon staying around until the end of 2016, right after the presidential elections. Plus, he'd need to find the right replacement for TDS and maybe groom that person. Whatever happens, enjoy Jon at TDS while you still can.
  7. I hope that on Thursday's show, Stephen does for Jon what he did for Steve Carell four years ago and let him do the cold opening credits, as only Jon can.
  8. The right is just relentless in trying to strip millions of Americans of their health care, the heartless fucks. There's no way, by how it's presented, that the Supreme Court would strike down Obamacare just because of a typo. But because of certain members on that court, all bets are off. Stephen took some excellent shots in that segment. That new version of the Stars and Bars would be an actual improvement. Jennifer Lawerence is delightful.
  9. Loved the episode. Having Jon invite Ollie to host his show so as to not look like some kind of conflict of interest was brilliant (we miss you on TDS Ollie, wish you could have done your Carlos Danger move). Loved that Jason and Jay Greenberg giving us insights into their filming in Iran we hadn't known before. Maziar Bahari telling Ollie "you're welcome" because he was responsible forgiving him his own show, LWT. And Gael Garcia Bernal looked great. And the MoZ was arguably one of the best things about Jason's piece. Memorable episode all around.
  10. You think the least Future Stephen could do for present Stephen is give him all the championship winners in sports and take advantage of it, like Biff from Back To The Future. Then, Stephen could use the winnings to build a weapon to wipe out the AI drones.
  11. Clever attachment of the photo of Stephen and Cardinal Dolan that Jon put together. Expect William Donohoe to fume and attack Jon for that. The last time Jon and Steve Carell had a normal conversation without anything sketchy was when I was in the studio audience in 2011. This looks like a new side to Steve's acting talent.
  12. Someone please shoot a dozen or so tranquilizer darts into Bo Dietl. He's barely audible when he has his wits about him. Craven Political Hatchet Men perfectly describes the founder of Breitbart.com and and vile scum mop, the late Andrew Breitbart.
  13. Nice to hear the doctor from New York who went to Africa to treat Ebola victims is Ebola free himself. No thanks to the chicken littleshits in the media and in politics who made a fucking stink for their own benefit. That MoZ didn't surprise me one bit.
  14. Republicans won't have to worry if they have to govern. They haven't done that in a long, long time. They'll just rule like a oligarchy and hope the public doesn't catch on to them. I've already thrown up in my mouth a little at the thought of Doritos flavoured Mountain Dew. I'd much prefer the Milky Way nasal spray.
  15. Couldn't get excited about the episode. Not even with Bruce Springsteen on, because I FUCKING HATE BELLMEDIA!!! Ever since they shoehorned Jimmy Kimmel Live between both TDS and TCR, they've stretched TDS's commercial time to fit between that and Kimmel. And after the show they show a useless unfunny piece of comedy filler called The Late O'clock News. But now, the fuckers have decided to put the useless filler on during the first TDS commercial, thereby making us Canadian viewers wait five and a half minutes till the show returns. I WANT HORRIBLE DEATH ON ALL OF THEM!!!
  16. I too enjoyed the salmon cannon. But I wish he had said something about the midterm elections, which were kinda important you know. It'll be a long two months before a new season of LWT starts. :(
  17. I just got around to watching Tuesday's episode, and the Stack had me laughing out loud the most. Especially with Jordan suffering on the bottom.
  18. If you thought Tuesday's results left you feeling depressed/suicidal, wait 'till Jon starts off next week with what surely will be the lead story about this super fun happy cheerful story! >:P
  19. Well nowandlater, if you thought you were sick of Ollie's videos popping up the day after each LWT episode, then you must be clinically terminal of every video popping up the day after every episode of The Tonight Show Starring The Living Embodiment Of Ebola, Jimmy Fallon.
  20. Fort Lauderdale and its mayor deserve a savage punch in the mouth for arresting a 90 year old man who feeds the homeless. If the mayor says he's a Christian, then he should go to Hell for that. Great. Republican senator and certified piece of shit James Inhofe will be the new chair of the Senate Environmental Committee. The world is fucked! I need to be plastered.
  21. Personally, I'll go with zombies to describe the Republicans' resurgence. At least Jon isn't buying the whole bipartisan bullshit both sides are spewing. And McConnell subtly describing themselves as good to Obama's evil can go fuck off to hell.
  22. Can the folks in D.C. pass along the stash to the rest of us? We're going to need a lot of that. Oh Kristen. Don't you realise the Republicans' idea of compromise is you guys doing what your told?
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