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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Personally, I've never had a hate on for Angelina Jolie. I thought Jon was just acting a little too creepy around her when she's his guest, even though he's known her from filming Playing By Heart together and is comfortable around her, unlike many attractive female actresses he has as guests. I have admiration for her for going through a double mastectomy after what happened to her mother and aunt. I think there are a lot of people who have a hate on for her because she "stole" Brad Pitt away from Jennifer Aniston. You knew Gillian Anderson from high school, trow125? Awesome! You think she'd recognize you if the two of you bumped into each other? And, if so, would you be talking to her just about Jon?
  2. I'd give anything to be in that audience when Stephen turned off the cameras. We missed a Stephen/Paul/Amy reunion by one day. Can't wait to see "Stephen" interview President Obama when he's in Washington. What he asks him should be amusing.
  3. Morons. That's what they are. These morons who try and find reasons and/or excuses why it's Eric Gardner's fault that he died, and not the people that caused his death. And Jon can talk till he's blue in the face, and it won't convince them otherwise. Trevor Noah showed up solid! Great piece he did about comparing Africa with America and how poorly America looks. Hope we see more of him. At least Jon didn't go over the top with his fawning of Angelina Jolie, like he did last time she was on. Those guys should have given the Fox News hosts the finger if they knew what the network was.
  4. I understand there's no chance of it happening, and that there are very good reasons why. But I'd love to see Jon ask Kathryn Bigelow (jokingly, of course) why she wouldn't take his calls for directing his movie Rosewater.
  5. Ooops, my bad. I don't know why I typed in next month. Sorry. After what that lowlife piece of scum did to Dave (and Conan), I doubt Dave would do the same thing to Stephen.
  6. If some new green neck HR flack was looking to harass a suspected couple working in their company for shits and giggles, then that person should be reported to for disciplinary actions. What other reason does this douche have, besides being a dickhole?
  7. I'd rather stick with Bill's Twitter feed while he's on hiatus right now.
  8. I almost forgot about Amy Sedaris. Nice of her to pay Stephen a visit before the show ends. Maybe she'll be one of Stephen's first guests when his Late Show premiers next month.
  9. Post racial era my ass. It really says something when Jon can't find anything to laugh at in regards to Eric Garner's killer (yes, that's how he should be referred as) walking away scott free. Depressing. Oh do go fuck yourself, Gretchen Carlson!
  10. The Chinese are gonna get ya for that series of bad puns, Stephen. I wouldn't have thought Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga be successful together as a singing duo. But after their performance on TCR, I stand corrected.
  11. So this is the last we'll see of Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore, before he hosts his own show next month. Nice way to go out. By basically telling idiots, like Bill O'Reilly and the St. Louis Police Association, to go fuck themselves. Does anyone with a brain think the SLPA that the Rams apologized to them? C'mon Jon. Don't reconsider your plea to China not to ban puns just because Bret Baier sucks at it. China deserves to be shamed for not having a sense of humor. I gotta say, I love how Jon rises to the challenge. Yeah, the ebola crisis "is over" because Republicans and the media successfully tied it to the Obama administration for the midterm elections.
  12. Reese's face, the entire episode, was one that had defeat written all over it. He seems a better person than in the season's past. But I still don't understand how, in the two part finale from the previous season, he could have gone from wanting to fire Will, Mac, and Charlie to keeping them and standing up for them all in the same night. I guess only Sorkin knows that himself.
  13. So awesome to see one more Star Wars geekout from Stephen before TCR wraps up in three weeks time. Even more awesome was the story he told of seeing the movie as a kid two weeks before it was released nationally because he won a contest. Those memories stay with you forever.
  14. Race plagerism sounds about right. Because, after all, NOBODY in the history of mankind has ever come close to suffering the slings and persecutions of society moreso than a group of people who have had it their way for at least 2,000 years, and especially in America for close to 500 years. So whines Fox News and the rest of the right. When Jon said "pigs can't fly", I felt he missed a chance to make a joke regarding those words.
  15. Personally, I've always thought the character of Jim should have his own kind of meme, where he goes out of his way to do, what he thinks, is the right and noble way, only to have it blow up spectacularly in his face.
  16. I remember Jon mentioned something like that at a stand up concert I attended in Toronto nine years ago. He basically said that if America were to ever run out of natural resources, they would just go up to Canada's place, knock on the door, and politely tell them to get out. That didn't sit well with one audience member, as he heckled to Jon that Canada burned the White House down in 1814. Jon laughed at that, saying things are much different since that time nearly 200 years ago, adding mockingly "Oooooo, don't mess with the Maple Leaf!" He finished it off by telling the heckler that the difference between the two countries is about 300 nuclear warheads. Jon always likes to point out how us Canadians are so polite and that it would be so easy to take over the country. He even pointed out that he thought he could take over Canada himself in about two days. I brought that up with him when I went to my first taping session back in July 2006, and then bluntly asked him "Are you ever going to carry it out?" He answered that his busy schedule made it difficult for him to launch an all out invasion of Canada, but promised that he would get around to conquering us hosers and that he was looking forward to visiting my city of... "I'm sorry, where are you from again?" I told him where in Canada I lived, and he said "Ah yes, (name of town where I live). Wonderful place. Best known for its...uh...(quizzical look on his face, eyes peering all over the place, struggling to come up with something)... beer! Eight years later, we're still waiting. :D
  17. A great interview? Or, THE GREATEST INTERVIEW? Stephen and Jon made the most of their on screen chemistry to give us an awesome two segment interview. Stephen got his biggest wish granted before he left.
  18. And while the debate over the Keystone XL pipeline rages on in Washington, north of the border, Canadian Prime Minister and MP from Calgary Southwest Stephen Harper (yes, that's true) is politely asking his friends in America "WHAT THE FUCK, GUYS?!!"
  19. It's amazing that Napolitano is able to go back on TDS after Jon and crew totally pwned him the last time he was on.
  20. So how come the people of Keene haven't arrested and charged these three asswipes? Maybe even harass them and tell them to get a fucking life. After watching Lewis Black's segment on TDS earlier, it's nice to hear some retail chains are giving their employees Thanksgiving off.
  21. I can see the idea where they would introduce a new correspondent, like Hassan. But that bit really didn't display what he could do. He was a straight man to Jordan's weird persona. It was kind of like when Ed Helms replaced Steve Carell for an Even Stevphan segment. Oh, and fuck you Pigface Chris Christie, man of the people my ass. Ah Lewis, it's been a while since we last saw you. It's like you're a retail employee being forced to work Thanksgiving all through to the Christmas holidays by a Scrooge of a greedy sociopath.
  22. So Esteban could speak English the whole time. What other surprises are in store for us as the end comes next month? Will Hans reveal himself to be from Alabama?
  23. So thanks to the idiocy of Jonathon Gruber for saying the American public is stupid for accepting the ACA as it is, the right is counting on that same idiocy of the American public to help them destroy the ACA, with a big assist from the Supreme Court. Only in America they say. And I agree with Jon's summation Nancy Pelosi at the end of that segment. She seems a bit of a liability to the Democrats, at this point, than an asset.
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