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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. Two weeks off and now only three weeks left of Jon. At least he has Donald Trump to keep him amused. It's quite ironic to listen to Republicans trash Trump for his disrespect of John McCain's military service. How many of them felt bad for swiftboating John Kerry in 2004? And as far as an openly asshole president, hello! George W. Bush anyone?!! I wished they showed footage of Jon and Paul Rudd during Jon's practice hosting before he started. It would have made the circle complete. Maybe Jon can get President Obama to say somehow he endorses Hillary Clinton in 2016. I doubt he can be successful.
  2. And comparing the two of them to a four year old brat who won't eat his broccoli, even though he's never tried it before, seems the perfect and appropriate example for that situation. Sorry Ollie, seeing Laibach perform The Sound of Music is not going to convince me to step foot in North Korea. Come to think of it, seeing Laibach perform anywhere won't convince me to go there.
  3. I believe that was not a coincidence on the GOP's part.
  4. I just got me a nice birthday present when they showed the July 17, 2006 episode, or, as I like to call it, My First Live Taping Appearance. :D That was when Bush could look into Putin's eyes and declare he was a good guy, and when they showed the very first 10 F#@king Years segment. Stick around shortly and you'll catch Ollie's TDS debut.
  5. The topic of local and state/provincial governments funding sports stadiums and arenas was something I always thought Ollie would sink his teeth into. Following sports for a long time, both on and off the playing field, threatening taxpayers of pulling up roots and moving to a new city unless they get a new playpen is something that can be traced back to when Al Davis won his lawsuit against the NFL when he wanted to move his Raiders from Oakland to Los Angeles, and intensified when Art Modell moved the Cleveland Browns to Baltimore. They can do it because losing a team can be devastating to the community. And what Ollie said about tax revenues justifying the use of building these sports toys being pure bullshit is true. Google the name Andrew Zimbalist, he's a sports business journalist who's been writing about this sort of thing for a long time. And the Milwaukee Bucks' situation gets even more outrageous when you discover that Wisconsin governor, Presidential hopeful, and hall monitor rat Scott Walker is or was hoping to offset the public cost of the Bucks proposed arena by charging an additional 15% to those that are late in paying their fines for things like their traffic tickets, and have the power to garnish their wages and salary to help cover the cost of the proposed arena if they do end up falling behind in their payments. Kind of like how the police in Ferguson, Missouri harassed African Americans and arrested them so they could make them pay any fines they could slap on them in order to fund their town. Remind me again why we follow sports?
  6. It's just a matter of time now before they show the episode with Stephen and the banana.
  7. On the bright side, Donald Trump hitching his crazymobile with the Republicans, and their likeminded crazy people like Steve King and Ted Cruz, will be a huge benefit for Hillary Clinton winning the White House in ease. Alaska Indigenous People 1, Ohio nill. Don't worry Ohio, you still have your college football champs. And we just saw the appeal of Sarah Vowell tonight. She's sarcastically funny and very intelligent. It would have been an exclamation point if, after Sarah had wheeled herself to him, Jon had planted a kiss on her cheek. Seems a TDS tradition to blow dummies up on the MoZ before the Fourth of July.
  8. I'd imagine Jon can't wait to have Paul Rudd on just so he can have fun needling Rudd with his upcoming movie.
  9. So I guess we know why Jon gave Kirsten Gillenbrand two segments. Incredulous that providing medical aid to 9/11 first responders has an expiry date, and that some in Congress feel the need to be assholes about it. You suck at your day job, Ted Cruz. And you suck trying to replace Harry Shearer on The Simpsons.
  10. When Jon started talking tea, I thought Ollie was going to come out. But Jon ham was okay. Jon has the best hilarious ironic singing voice around. Did not know Hamm was providing his voice to a comedic villain in a spinoff movie from Despicable Me. Welcome to the clown car, Chris Christie. And take a deep breath before entering.
  11. Waaah, waaah, poopy-poo! Someone call a fleet of Waaambulances for all the butthurt crybabies that didn't like the decisions handed down from the Supreme Court. But make sure they're all tied up on one end and the other tied to a trailer latch as the waaambulances drag them off from behind.
  12. Clicked onto the Month of Zen site today, just in time to watch Jon's first TDS broadcast into Canada (yay!). They had Vance DeGeneres entering our "dark mysterious land", Tom Green, as Jon's guest, decked out as an Ottawa Senators player and trying to explain Canadian bacon to Jon and the audience, and the Daily Show Singers (Stephen, Steve, Mo Rocca, and Beth Littleford) singing Canadian songs in the form of American music. Good times.
  13. As well as Scalia's unhinged diaper baby crying over both verdicts.
  14. Good to see people starting to see the Confederate flag for what it is. A symbol of racism and treason against the United States. But it's a long journey to get people to admit there is a real problem with racism in America. And dipshits like Todd Starnes and Monica Crowley aren't helping. So Kristen is done with TDS.? Looks like a woman's picture on U.S. bills was something she would do. Jessica's last line at the end was the best part of the segment.
  15. That rather sucks, taking two weeks off, then Jon doing twelve more shows in three weeks before abandoning us for good. <:( Well at least we get to see Sarah Vowell with Jon one more time. With July 1 being Canada Day, will Jon give us Canadians something special, seeing as we were the ones that helped give him his international bonafides?
  16. Same here. I can only take so much of this idiot before tuning him out. When it comes to equal opportunity offending people, South Park's Trey Parker and Matt Stone are miles ahead of McFarlane because both make attempts to use their brains, whereas McFarlane seems to want to spray shit out of his ass onto a canvas and call it funny.
  17. What is it they say? Be careful what you wish for Jon, you may just get it? Trump 2016 - THE HORROR! I'm hoping to see the name Jim Bob Stuckey in one of Jon's upcoming tributes. The one with Jon cutting himself for reals, and Ollie watching him bleed, was cringe worthy hilarious. DUUUUH Megyn Kelly. That's all you ratfuckers at Fox News do. Criticize the left and make shit up to criticize them. Are you psychotic? Oh wait, you are. Never mind.
  18. You can thank George Bush the First's campaign manager Lee Atwater for all this. He was the one who created the dog whistle language for racists to use, as well as accusing others of racism - or the oxymoronic "reverse racism" - in order to silence those that say it sounds racist. Remember the Willie Horton ads? That helped Bush the Elder to win the White House in 1988. Of course during Bush's term as president, karma was given Atwater's way as he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and, before his death, Atwater apologized for the cynical way he reshaped the political landscape in America. But many on the right, from the Republican party to Fox News to internet trolls to the Dylann Roots that live across the country, continue to use Atwater's coded message to the detriment of the United States.
  19. It sounds like a good idea for African Americans to have a white friend in order to protect them from trouble coming at them. And Fox News blows, everyone knows. It's as if Al Franken came back from the dark side to report life there. Interesting how Franken is showing respect for his fellow Republican senators because he needs to work with them to get anything done. I'm with Jon in that I could never be able to work with those idiots.
  20. Yup, both Fox and Friends and the hideous no life right wing trolls that live in Mediaite like a deadly disease.
  21. confederate flag == nazi Germany flag. Allow that to sink into your dense skulls, Lindsey Graham! Oh, do I love Ollie's Carlos Danger. It takes me right back to 2013 (understanding, full well, how silly that sounds).
  22. Indeed. That was Jon's most powerful speech since the first show after 9/11. And he didn't hold back, calling it what it truly is: a hate crime committed by a racist terrorist. And the sad thing is he's correct in stating that nothing will change because of it. Race, guns. Intransient attitudes will continue to hold tight indefinitely. Thank God for Malala being the guest. She went through so much hate herself just for her belief in young girls getting an education. She was so poised and confident and full of joy talking to Jon. And I laughed when she made that crack about New Jersey to him.
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