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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. How'd ya guess? >:D Fine, swell, peachy keen, hunky dory. And you? :D Or his vetoing of the pig gestation crate ban. Glad I skipped over the interview. I had my doubts that someone like Trevor, an entertainer in his early 30s, would be able to interview someone like Christie. God help him if he had to go head to head with a bullshit artist like a Donald Rumsfeld or a Carly Fiorina or a whole lot of people on the right. I thought Jordan and Roy look like they have chemistry between themselves. Obviously Roy is new and Jordan is kinda newish, but the potential is there for a great teamup. And Bo Dietl not swearing? Color me shocked. As for today's gun violence incident at an Oregon community college, the only way I can see Trevor approach this topic is as an outsider asking Americans "what the fuck is wrong with you people and your love of guns?" If Sandy Hook wasn't going to change the country's mind about it's gun culture, today's events sure as hell most definitely won't.
  2. Rachel Maddow I'm most interested in watching. Seth (Fatass) Rogan and Aaron (Smarmy Delusional Shitwipe) Sorkin can both go fuck themselves up their assholes with a white hot poker.
  3. Considering how Stephen treated him with kid gloves on TCR, I believe the answer is self evident. There's a better chance of a world leader going on Dimwit Fallon's show than on Stephen's, because there's a better chance of them being treated with kid gloves by Dimwit Fallon than with Stephen. Carly Fiorina singing about her dogs on Dimwit Fallon's show is proof of that.
  4. Trevor did good on his first night. I thought he was a bit on the stiff side and that his delivery needed some work, but that is to be expected when you're replacing someone like Jon. His voice characterizations could be a big asset to him as he certainly brings the right tone to what he's saying. The set and graphics looked sharp. Jordan played it well in his manic style with the comparisons between John Boehner leaving and Jon doing likewise. But holy shit, Roy Wood Jr. was hysterical in his correspondent debut! I see great things in him. Meh on Kevin Hart. Probably not a good gauge to tell how Trevor will handle the interview segment of the show. A more interesting test will come later this week with Chris Christie. He just might do all right.
  5. I'm no fan of soap operas, but I really, really, REALEEEEEY want Ollie to do a follow up on the Days of Our Lives stars acting out in character for young superfan, Noujain Moustaffa., and showing all of this to her on a tablet of some kind. I want to see the look on her face when they did this all for her. I could use a good tear shedding. And I love the slashing Ollie did at Fox News for their misleading video. This would make Jon proud of him. But, if I could make one critique, make sure you use the same font that they use for their graphics when deliberately doctoring their shit. Anyone with any basic lettering knowledge knows that's Futura Fox News uses on their graphics.
  6. Malala was great, but I would never have guessed she could do card tricks. I cracked up when Stephen brought out the cardboard cutout of Pope Francis and was dancing to it and kept dropping it. And the little, radio powered Popemobile also was hysterical. And here's what John Boehner was really singing when he was announcing his resignation as Speaker of the House: Zip-a-dee-doo-daaaa Zip-a-dee-a My oh my, what a wonderful day Plenty of sunshine headin' my way 'Cuz I don't have to deal with these motherfucking batshit lunatics in my own party ever uh-gain!
  7. Jimmy Fallon would be just a tad worse than Chuck Todd and David Gregory.
  8. It'll be interesting to see if Christie tries to throw his weight around with Trevor (no pun intended).
  9. With Pope Francis in the United States this week, that might make sense.
  10. I'd like to think this seems the perfect place to put this, so in any case, I do hope, next episode, Ollie goes after this motherfucking piece of scum, who deserves a long drawn painful death!!!
  11. I certainly hope Ollie brings up the coup in Australia on Sunday's show, especially given he was just down there recently when the shit was about to hit the fan.
  12. Some great guests next week. But all I have to say is OLLIE NEXT WEDNESDAY!
  13. Fuck those asshats Trump and Cruz. The only person I'm looking forward to Stephen interviewing this week is Malala on Friday.
  14. Near the end of TCR, a bear had "saved his life". Stephen then realized that bears weren't the Godless killing machine he believed they were and made peace with them.
  15. That Todd Courser guy is weapons grade, Homer Simpson level STOOOOPID! I believe I heard Ollie say the show was off for the next two weeks. For which I say: "THE FUCK, OLLIE?!!"
  16. Four shows in is not a barometer of how successful a talk show will be. Stephen deserves time to get his footing in. Stephen + Amy Schumer = FLOVE!
  17. I so want the big furry hat to become a regular segment of Stephen's. It would be better than Bill Maher's New Rules. Malala Yousafzai would be a most welcome guest next week, and a much needed palate cleanser after the shit sandwiches of Trump and Cruz. We are so fucking doomed as a society if people think Fuckface Fallon is more interesting a subject than Stephen! >8S
  18. Welcome back Stephen, we all missed you! Liked the Sabra hummus bit. LOVED it when Stephen consumed an entire bag of Oreos (BTW, I've eaten a Hydrox before. Stephen knows what he's talking about. :P). And I got a big laugh whenever Leslie Moonves switched over to The Mentalist whenever Stephen "displeased" him. These are all rather TCRish without Stephen's right wing loudmouth persona. Didn't care too much about the interviews - skipped over a lot of the Bush shit. But Jon Batiste and Stay Human brought the house down with their brand of jazz. And yes, loved seeing Jon in the cold open. I miss him too. Great to know he's EPing TLSwSC. ITA, Stephen should get himself his own announcer. One who is female, perhaps, to differentiate himself from the others. Obviously, they've got a lot of tinkering to do. But once they do, it's going to be an awesome show. I have faith in Stephen that he's going to make that fucking twerp Fallon very nervous. Did anybody else think the overhead views of New York looked like a model replica? It sure looked like that to me at first.
  19. The latest web exclusive from Ollie, Back To School:
  20. A couple of other promos as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVKBWyE0na8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkFpgeQqCsU
  21. Craig Ferguson was known to let fly whatever was on his mind to his guests when he was hosting The Late Late Show, and tore up his cards after he and his guest arrived at the desk. I'd like to see Stephen's mind fly like that when he debuts next Tuesday, as well as when he did that on TCR.
  22. I gotta say, I got a big kick of looking at the image of a Billybee honey bear container. They're an iconic brand here in Canada. I'd imagine Steve Scully must indulge in a lot of whatever he needs to get over with dealing with assholes every day.
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