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Victor the Crab

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Everything posted by Victor the Crab

  1. If people choose to be obnoxious about their non faith and get into other people's faces about why being a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist is a waste of their lives, then they deserved to be called for it as much as someone trying to impose their faith on everybody else's. Perhaps it's just the Canadian in me, where people tend to keep their faiths more private and not out in the open and others of non faith are more agnostic and practical. But being an asshole about it is just going to turn off more people than convincing them otherwise.
  2. What does that atheist think he's going to accomplish by acting like an obnoxious asshole to all those conservative Christians? That they're going to come around to his way of thinking? Militant atheists are as bad as religious extremists, IMHO.
  3. Man, I loved Trevor's takedown of the media's culpability of Drumph's rise in the primaries. This is the kind of stuff Jon would do on a consistent basis. I wish Trevor would do more of this. And he was way more accurate than Bill Maher's reason on Real Time the other night which was self-esteem. As for Leslie Moonves, that guy needs to be haunted by the spirits of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, a la Freddie Krueger.
  4. The rising costs to build that wall should be something the idiot Drumph supporters need to look at real long and hard. But they won't, because they think their hero can not only do that, but make a sovereign nation pay for it as well, because they are that dense in the head. Just like Mitch McConnell thinking he can stop any Democratic president from getting a SCOTUS appointee onto the bence because he can.
  5. As Jon said back in December, and Trevor brilliantly illustrated tonight, Mitch McConnell doesn't give a shit about anything other than politics.
  6. That MoZ, where President Obama slammed Trump wines, was the best part of the show. I'm gonna miss that guy when he leaves office.
  7. Either those people Samantha was talking to were actors, or they truly are wide eyed zombie dumbfucks for Drumph. Perhaps one of these shows (TDS or someone else) that brings these Drumph backers in to talk about why they love this thing will end up getting yelled at by the person talking to them (Jessica?) with words like WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BUNGHOLES???!!!!! But I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen. The funny thing about Samantha packing a suitcase with a Canadian flag stuck on the side is that she wouldn't have any problem clearing any paperwork or red tape in moving north because she's already one of us!
  8. The fake Apple ad at the end where all the Apple engineers go primate made the entire show worthwhile.
  9. Nice surprise to see Trevor talking about our Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau. I would have like it even better if he had started it by saying President Obama welcomed someone from Canada named Justin and they put up a picture of Justin Bieber and Trevor went "NO!", then they put up a picture of Justin Timberlake and he'd go "Oh com on, he's not even from Canada!", then they finally put up Trudeau's picture and he's say "that's better." (that's just the Jon in me talking) As for people loving Trudeau, well not to worry. We have our own little Trudeau Derangement Syndrome that's been going on for years. Most of it has been coming the right, led by Sun Media - aka, the World's Worst News Media Corporation™ - and its flagship paper, the Toronto Sun - aka, the World's Worst Newspaper™. It's not at the level of Obama Derangement Syndrome, but enough to make you wonder if we Canadians are as nice and pleasant as you think we are. Another less than fun fact: That POS Brazeau is a wife beater. Glad to see Trudeau hand him his ass in that boxing match. I too liked Ronnie's piece about the three interfaith leaders getting together. Especially at the end when he held the door open for them as they walked into a bar. Perfect metaphor. Hopefully we'll see Ronnie get called more. After the shit that just went down at the Drumph rallies, Hoo-Boy! Monday can't come soon enough.
  10. Ollie didn't cover it much in the past because he said it was far too early to start talking about the 2016 election. But since the primaries started, he's certainly been giving it more time. I hope he does say something about last night given how he got us all to say Drumph.
  11. Amazing that just after Ollie exposed him for his many failed business enterprises, Donald Drumph is still bragging about how successful he is as an entrepreneur. While the idiot mainstream media doesn't bother checking him out for fear that they'll lose their meal ticket or that his security staff will beat the shit out of them. Full props to TDS for not letting him slide on by while it's still fresh. I'm hoping Ollie will bring this up as well on Sunday's LWT. Sacha Baron Cohen was pleasantly normal in that interview. But I was completely thrown off by the honkey tonk cowboy outfit he was wearing.
  12. Last night's episode was a bit of a downgrade, at least compared to last week's show. But I do like those two guys holding their mosquito control meeting by themselves. Dedication indeed. So to were the mini-Ollies at the end of the show.
  13. You'll find plenty of them over at places like Salon and Daily Kos. And if you tell them that, they'll go into full blown monkey poo flinging mode. I can hardly wait for tonight's episode showing us Mitt Romney going lame attack against Donald Drumph.
  14. Doesn't really matter if Bernie Sanders did push Hillary Clinton to the left this campaign. Too many of Sanders supporters are adamant that Clinton is a Republican light who sold her soul to Wall Street and is a trigger happy warhawk who can't be trusted to run the country in their interest. Many of them are threatening to stay home on election night if Clinton is the Democrats nominee, or write in Sanders or someone else on the ballot, or - shockingly - vote for Donald "Drumph", in order to send the Dems a message that four years of "Drumph" as president will finally get American voters to elect their candidate of choice in 2020. They see Hillary Clinton as their enemy when in reality she has a better chance of serving their needs than anything Sanders can promise them. Liked the Inside Out inspired cold opening. Where was Sadness moping about "Drumph" becoming president? Speaking of Lewis, he's only been on TDS once since Trevor took over hosting duties.
  15. I wish people would get over this notion that Samantha would be a superior TDS host over Trevor or that her show should replace TDS's timeslot. There's no way she could continue her style of manic energy four nights a week. And besides, it seems the TDS hosting duties requires the person to engage in an interview every show. Samantha maybe able to handle someone who's not used to the public spotlight, as the two individuals she talked to last night showed. But what would she do if she had to confront with someone like Bill O'Reilly, who was the scheduled TDS guest when Jon suddenly bailed because of a very bad case of the bubbons. Samantha and hubby Jason interviewed, at the last minute, their old TDS correspondent Wyatt Cenac. Samantha is doing quite well with her new show as is Trevor at TDS. I loved Samantha's opening piece about the 2010 mid terms being a crucial election in America's recent history, and how the people who were important in getting Obama elected in 2008 decided to stay home that year because, WAAAAAH! (although I wished she spent time explaining how the Republicans used their victory during a census year to redraw and gerrymander the districts in their favor so as they'll always win the seats despite being outvoted in the overall elections). This should be forced viewing for anyone who decides to stay home on election night in November because the Democrats didn't choose the nominee of their choice. Especially those Bernie Sanders supporters who loudly claim it's Bernie or bust. The country - fuck, the planet - can't afford to see any of these Republican clown car participants take the White House.
  16. Awesome destruction of the Drumpf by Ollie. Will it change people's minds about him in the primaries? Doubt it/ These people seem hell bent on making him the GOP nominee. But it should be required viewing for any independent voter out there who thinks the Drumpf is not as bad as Hillary Clinton come November.
  17. The way Trevor presented the whole Apple vs. FBI bit was hilarious because it reduces the feared and mighty Federal Bureau of Investigation into another frustrated Apple customer (and anyone who's owned an Apple product can relate to that!).
  18. I loved all those Ugandans responses in comparing Donald Trump to their leader. It's like there's no difference between the two of them in their opinion. I liked how one of them said it was like a devout Muslim having to choose between bacon and ham. As far as Trump actually having a shot at winning the presidency, forget it! This has all been nothing but an ego trip for him - and everything about Trump is about his ego. He has no discipline to carry this through and no concrete plans for what his actual plans are. Running like hell to the middle is going to end up ailinating his crazy base and not convince those he needs to convince that he's serious. And, at some point, the mainstream media is going to wake the fuck up and realize that their constant slobbering and following him is a detriment to the future of the country.
  19. That story about the pregnant thirteen year old rape victim broke my heart. Yet, it shouldn't surprise anyone to think there are people out there - mostly white conservative males - who would want her to carry that child to term. They probably think she had it coming for some reason or another. And didn't asshole Todd Aikin say that the body has ways of shutting it down in the vent of rape? Again, her fault in their eyes. I missed the How Is This Still A Thing? segments. The Hollywood Whitewashing segment was excellent, and I don't even give two shits about awards shows like the Oscars.
  20. Didn't think last night's episode was as good as the previous two, but I did enjoy Samantha shredding John Kasich's moderate credentials to itty bitty pieces.
  21. More than likely, these white racist assholes would go out in back and call the cops to have those African American men arrested and sent to one of those notorious prison farms in Texas because LIBURTEE AN' FREEDUMB FER THUH REAL 'MURICUNS!
  22. I'd just assume Full Frontal mean "full frontal assault" which is how Samantha is presenting herself as the show's host.
  23. Samantha made a very good point about Bernie Sanders' answer as to how to fix race relations in America. Basically, it won't change a fuck. If the quality of life and income were to drastically improve for the mostly African American population of Ferguson Missouri, the police there were just go "Great! More money to shake down from these types." And people wonder why Sanders polls abysmally with minorities. And Samantha's piece on Syrian refugees was solid throughout. With the right balance of intelligence, seriousness, and hilariousness (the video game mockup was hysterical) This should be required viewing for anyone who casts doubts about the refugees' intent on starting a new life in a new country - Bill Maher, I'm fucking looking at you! Can't wait for next week's follow up.
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