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Everything posted by parisprincess

  1. I can't sit through a whole hour of these people. However, today I watched about 15 minutes, then switched back and forth between channels, and it seemed like every time I went back to The View, Sherri was talking. From reading here, it sounds like it didn't turn into the Sherri show like it seemed to me. I did catch the part where CCB was talking about her kids' fear of going to school and basically telling them to just make sure they're good with God, and I loved Joy asking her what that had to do with the shooting. Then they brought up how Christians were the target of the shooter, followed by Sherri explaining that Christians wake up each day realizing that they have to be better than the day before or something like that. Anyway, they lost me at that point and I reached for the remote.
  2. I guess I can claim to have a medical background because I, like Meghan, have read medical reports. Whether or not Brooks has cancer has been so overplayed, and I'm so tired of the whole storyline, but if I was Vicki, I'd make sure the home alarm system was set every time she leaves the house, because Meghan has definitely wandered into bunny boiling territory.
  3. So.....I haven't been keeping up on Teresa since she went to prison. Is Bravo planning to bring her back into the fold when she's released? I'm going to assume they are, since they have no problem treating criminals like stars. Of course it doesn't help that there are people who actually look up to scum like Teresa, Joe, and all the other celebrities who break the law and have no shame. Its a sad commentary when young people have so few athletes, entertainers, etc. to look up to because so many of them are in the news for their bad behavior.
  4. Hey, I'm from Michigan and it was a new one to me too! JennyMominFL, I am so jealous of your upcoming trip. I have a love affair with Europe and, as you can probably tell, Paris is my favorite city in the whole world. Enjoy your trip, and (if you drink) have a kir royale for me while in the City of Light!
  5. Thank you so much, QuelleC! Yes it is boneless and does have a big fat cap. After all the different, contradictory instructions I've read, I think I'll go with your recommendations. I'm just going to stick with salt, pepper, onion and garlic though for the rub because I want to make a gravy to pour over the meat. Thanks again!
  6. HELP!!! I have a 4.5 pound pork loin and have absolutely no idea how to cook it. I want to put it in the oven and I'd like a good rub or marinade to use on it. I've googled recipes and am more confused than I was before. I've read cooking times from 1-1/2 hours to 5 hours, so I'm not sure what to do because I don't want to undercook it but also don't want to have overcooked dry meat. Any help will be appreciated!
  7. Thanks to those who corrected me on how many times Jill and Derrick have come home from their mission trip. I thought it was after their second trip home that they took Joy back with them. Hard to keep track of all their worldly travels! I'm assuming that the organization sponsoring the mission trip paid for Jill and Derrick's original flight to Central America, so I'm thinking that the donations they were asking fans for was to pay for them to fly back and forth for various events; i.e., weddings, Jill's certification, etc. Since they went to C.A. three months ago, they've been back for a week or so for the Bates wedding and another couple of weeks so far this time. I can see why fans would question where their donations are going. As for donutgate, I don't care how many dozens Krispy Kreme was willing to give out. Why couldn't the Duggars let five or six of the youngest dress up and go? They would have had more than enough to enjoy, and the family wouldn't have looked like the greedy simpletons they are. I'd be ashamed and embarrassed to be part of that circus.
  8. What the hell? Jill and Derrick are home AGAIN? The donut article says they're "on a break" from their mission trip. How many fucking breaks do they need? First, they came home for the Bates wedding, then again for Amy's wedding, and now for free donuts? No wonder people who donated money for their so-called mission trip are beginning to ask questions. I swear, that family has no shame.
  9. Another thing that pisses me off is having to spend half of the show watching Austin and Liz's stupid relationship. Grodner keeps shoving this shit down our throats because its probably the only romance she has in her life. I wish they'd get rid of her because the show gets more lame every season under her direction. I want to see game play, not some big, ugly asshole and dumber than dumb blonde laying all over each other.
  10. Man, Vanessa is good! When James told her she was playing too hard, she was insulted, cried, and said he was being disrespectful to her, but then she tells Austin he's a piece of shit, and not only does he not take offense, but HE ends up apologizing to HER! I can't believe everyone has to get her opinion before making a decision. They all believe her when she says she's looking out for them/protecting them/saving them, etc., and can't get it through their collective heads that she came on the show to win half a million dollars, not advance their game. Like others have said, just give her the check now.
  11. These days BB is just a shell of its former self. When a new HOH is crowned, the others ask who to pick for Houseguest Choice, they ask who to go up against in comps, and they ask who to vote out. Why can't these damn people make a decision on their own? Where's the suspense? Where's the excitement of not knowing who is leaving? This voting with the house is a bunch of crap. And whatever happened to the rule that they couldn't tell a person they were going to be nominated or that they were being voted out? I think I'm just about over this show.
  12. So Austin thinks that Jessie being in the house and placing the veto around his neck will be a big boost for his career because "the wrestling world will see it". Does the moron really believe that those guys are all watching Big Brother? He really thinks that Jessie was there to benefit him personally since he considers himself the most entertaining and popular person in the house. After all, if he got voted out, everyone would stop watching the show. Delusion, thy name is Austin. Can't wait for him to get a dose of reality when the game is over.
  13. Good grief, they just started their mission in July, it is now the start of September, and they're back home for the second time in just a matter of weeks? I hope people don't mind that their donations for Duggar "missions" are going towards them flying back and forth every couple of weeks instead of doing actual missionary work. Just goes to show what a farce this family and their "missions" are.
  14. I'm another one who would rather watch the jury house now. It would be more entertaining than the bunch left in the BB house. Football preempted the show in my area, but I have no desire to watch it on demand tomorrow because I cannot stand three of the hamsters left and don't like the other three. Now I'll be able to watch the rest of the Project Runway season on Thursday nights rather than catch it in reruns. Works for me!
  15. Well, Shannon is 5 months into the 8 months she has to be upset, so what is she going to do? Continue being totally miserable for the next three months and miraculously be all sunshine and roses immediately afterwards? She obviously wants to stay in the marriage, so she should be working towards forgiveness rather than being the sullen mess she is all the time. I can't stand David, but hell, he had to deal with her constant fault-finding way before the affair came to light, so I can't see Shannon ever being really happy again. Yes, David should divorce her if he's unhappy, but Shannon should also consider divorce if she's never going to let go of the past. Why insist on staying in a marriage that obviously is going to continue bringing her pain because she isn't even trying to get past it?
  16. It looks to me like she plans on making him beg for forgiveness for the rest of his life. David is an asshole for what he did, but coming home from work every day to miserable, depressed Shannon must make him dread walking in the front door. Shannon isn't going to make him (or anyone else) believe she wants to make her marriage better as long as she continues to concentrate on being miserable rather than trying to work with David to get past it. I mean, he would probably love if, at least once in a while, she would welcome him with a smile and "Hi honey, how was your day?" No matter what he does, he obviously can't please her and, with her attitude, even if he really, really wants to repair their relationship, he's eventually going to give up trying
  17. Thanks, Zahdii, that's what I get for switching back and forth between forums.
  18. It cracks me up that Vanessa has one set of rules for herself and another for everyone else. I've notice that, often when she talks game with others, she wears her sunglasses, yet she made James take his off when they had their latest conversation and complained to her minions about him having the audacity to wear them. She takes offense at anyone else questioning her motives or integrity, yet she not only questions everyone else and expects them to explain themselves to her, but she browbeats them and belittles those she feels are weak. She mocks Meg for crying, while she is the one who cries constantly about how hurt she is when the others don't bow down to her. She is so un-self aware that she actually believes that she doesn't hold grudges, gets over things quickly, doesn't put anyone else down and is kind, fair and has the most integrity of anyone in the house. Sadly, she has them all believing her bullshit and apologizing for having the nerve to want her out of the game. She's good, that Vanessa is!
  19. Yes!!! I can't believe she has the audacity to ask others to give her information that will help HER game. Even more unbelievable is that most of them give her the information she wants! I think at least five of the remaining players share one brain because they all think its a good idea to keep her in the game. And she gets indignant when people she isn't even aligned with don't share information with her. How dare they!
  20. Based on a couple of conversations I read about, I don't think it was a matter of Steve making a homophobic remark, but I'm not going to speculate what I think it was about.
  21. Yes, Meg did vote him out, but so did everyone else he has various alliances with. They're all guilty of the same thing, voting with the house, even when its their own alliance member. I miss the old days when the HOH decided who to put up rather than it being a group decision, and nominations were actually a surprise, with the nominees not knowing ahead of time that they were going on the block. I also miss people voting the way they wanted instead having the HOH tell them who to vote out. B.G. (before Grodner), production didn't tell the HGs what was going to happen beforehand (like letting them know when a double eviction was coming so they could plan ahead), and they don't change the comps up enough to keep the HGs from trying to figure a way to skew comp results. HGs also weren't allowed to discuss sharing winnings or offering money ( umm...Vanessa). Production sure has gotten lax over time with what they'll allow, and the excitement of the game has suffered because of it.
  22. IMO Austin is good; however, the twins? Dumb and dumber. And its not so much that Austin is so good, but that the other hamsters can't get it through their heads that the threesome needs to be broken up ASAP.
  23. I'm sure I pay more attention to the game than Meg does, but I get as confused as she does listening to Vanessa go on and on, half the time not making much sense. Between patting herself on the back for her loyalty, kindness, and integrity, interrogating everyone non-stop, crying about how alone she is and how hurt she is when people she isn't even aligned with don't share information with her, its easy to get confused listening to her bullshit. I'm afraid that if I had to listen to her verbal diarrhea for hours on end, my eyes would glaze over and I'd start singing show tunes in my head. I can't help admiring her for being so good at snowing the other houseguests and getting her way with every eviction, yet I totally dislike the way she goes about it. Of course, I blame the others for being afraid of her and letting her intimidate them while not standing up to her.
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