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Everything posted by parisprincess

  1. Ah, that Sonja. I believe that she's known Tom for ten years, but believe their relationship consisted of occasional hookups. I seem to remember her with a boy toy young enough to be her son a few years ago, and am I remembering correctly a storyline concerning Sonja, Harry Dubin and a ring? So for her to insinuate that she and Tom had any kind of relationship is questionable at best. Ramona reminds me of a friend I once had. If a man looked at her or engaged her in polite conversation, she was sure he was flirting with her and wanted her. Tom calling her lazy when they first met and telling her she smells like a grapefruit at the party isn't considered flirting in my book. Dorinda really is a shit stirrer, but she was right when she said on WWHL that Bethenny should have gone straight to Luann about the Tom story, and not to Ramona and Caro. Also, Bethenny can present a second hand story about Tom as fact, but God help anyone who repeats stories about her. What a bitch!
  2. I must be about ready to jettison this show. I'm reading a good book and usually I'll read during the commercials, but last night I found the book much more interesting than the show and missed most of it. Caught bits and pieces but couldn't for the life of me get into it. Guess I'm down to the New York ladies and the Orange County crazies.
  3. Reza is pond scum. That is all. The end.
  4. And here I was, thinking that maybe prison had changed Teresa. Silly me! She still can't admit she's done anything wrong. When Melissa said she has to take some responsibility for the past, Tre saying that she'll take responsibility "if that's what you want" shows that she'll never believe that she's done anything wrong. Never! And she still can't stop herself from saying things that would be better left unsaid to stop a conversation from escalating into an argument. Although I think 14 is too young to be dressing like Gia and going off to New Year's Eve parties, I have to cut the girl some slack. She has had to be the adult in the family for the past 11 months, so she deserves to have a little fun. Joe occasionally shows he has a soft side, so why does he have to behave like a jerk the rest of the time? Before Gia left, he was pissing me off, but I liked the affection he showed her after she got home. I can't help but have a soft spot for Gia because she has had to take on so much more responsibility than a 14 year old should have to shoulder. Joe Go whining about having to take care of his own kids makes me want to punch him in the throat! What an asshole. Also, everyone at Jac's party can get off my TV stat. I can't stand any of them.
  5. If only Jules could express herself as well as she did in her blog while face to face with a full on intimidating bitch! She was so articulate in her blog. As clueless as Sonja is, I have a soft spot for her. She isn't a mean person and has a heart of gold. I find Jules to be kind of boring, but she also isn't a mean person. She is sensitive and doesn't like dissension. Dorinda has some qualities that I don't like, but also has some that I do like. Don't like her when she gets belligerent while drinking, but do like how she is always willing to lend an ear to all the other women. As for Luann, what can I say? I'm a fan. Ramona has no self-awareness, but she brings the comedy, so I enjoy seeing what is going to come out her mouth next. Carol has her head so far up Bethenny's ass that she no longer has her own identity. Bethenny is caustic, mean, intimidating, and full of herself and I cannot stand her. She is a total asshole.
  6. The people having dinner at Sonja's were having a really good time. Think it has anything to do with the fact that Bethenny wasn't there to insult or belittle anyone? Then there's the party bus where there is already awkwardness; and guess what? Bethenny IS there. Should be a really fun trip! What the fuck is wrong with Bethenny? She talks about people when they're sitting just a few feet away from her. In fact, she's done that to Jules before. Then she tells Dorinda that SHE's talking too loud. Stay klassy, Bethie! I can't keep track of which mouth Dorinda is talking out of. First she tells Jules what she should say to Beth, then tells Beth what she should say to Jules. I just hope Jules sticks with her vow to never tell Beth or Carole anything again. It just gives them more to gossip about. I had to laugh when Beth said at Carole's that Jules was yelling at her. Did she not hear herself screeching at Lu at Dorinda's and the screeching she does any time she's insulting and being mean to the person she thinks needs to hear "her truth". She really does have a high opinion of herself! What a bitch!
  7. Yeah, Bethenny did get a lot of shit about her homelessness, and deservedly so. It wasn't one crack; we saw her crying about it over several episodes while she had a home in the Hamptons and was staying in a five-star hotel. The girl was no more homeless than she was raised by wolves. Poor pitiful Bethenny! Well, there you go. Luann is definitely a woman who enjoys sex and isn't ashamed of it! Also, why in the hell are we still discussing something that happened with Luann and Bethenny back in Season 1 (or was it 2?). I think that horse has been beaten to death, and guess what? Stating the same opinion 100 times isn't accomplishing anything. Tonight's episode should give us a lot of new fodder to discuss!
  8. So much this ^^^^ I totally agree with you zoeysmom. As many etiquette faux pas that both Ramona and Bethenny have made in the past, I can't believe that pages and pages have been devoted to Luann's Countess remark. Geez!!!
  9. Of course Bethenny treats her employees as family; after all, she has no other family. Remember, she was raised by wolves. I think she's very passive/aggressive with her driver. She talks about how he's her therapist, then tosses her bloody pillow to him to handle, without even a please or thank you. In another instance, when he offered his hand to help her out of the limo, she completely ignored and didn't even acknowledge the offer. Yes, she cries on his shoulder while he's driving her around town, but she's not that respectful towards him, as I imagine is the same with her other employees. It's sad that most of the people she considers her friends/family are the people who are paid to put up with her. eta: One more thing. I hate the phrase "sloppy seconds". Haven't most of us been SOMEONE'S sloppy seconds at some point in our lives? I know I've never slept with a virgin.
  10. Wow! I, and everyone I know, show respect to others and expect to be addressed with respect in return. Expecting respect has absolutely nothing to do with "an over inflated sense of self and a pretentious nature". I'm done with this specific topic because one can say the same thing over and over and over again, but no one is going to change anyone else's mind no matter how many times they repeat themselves. Although I don't agree with everyone here, I do "respect' their views.
  11. Hey. Lu can't give zero fucks because Bethenny is the only one who can do that! I think she actually believes she coined the phrase, because she has t-shirts with "Zero fucks", as well as shirts with "Get off my jock" and "I know it all". Such a clever gal our little Bethy is (at least in her own mind).
  12. What? Are kids the only ones who are supposed to show respect? And I highly doubt that Bethenny would appreciate her boyfriend's driver (who she'd probably never had a real conversation with) opening the limo door for her and saying "Hey, Beth". Hell, she doesn't even show her own driver any respect, shoving a bloodied pillow at him and telling him to take care of it. I doubt dealing with bloody pillows is in his job description.
  13. Well, at that time, I don't remember all the other women running their mouths behind her back or questioning her relationship like they're doing with Luann. No, she wasn't being treated the way they're treating Lu.
  14. Regarding the limo ride discussed above, I don't believe for one minute that the driver was allowed to call Bethenny by her first name. Someone said he was her boyfriend's driver, so I'm sure that when he picked her up, he opened the door for her and said "Good evening, Ms. Frankel.", not "Hi Bethenny". If he did address Beth as Ms. Frankel, she should have introduced Luann as Mrs. DeLeppse (or however it's spelled).
  15. Someone needs to inform Andy that it isn't Bethenny's fibroids responsible for ratings; it's the drama between the cool and collected Luann and the bitches who are trying to tear her down (and she ain't having it!) I know that's what's keeping me entertained.
  16. Bethenny's passive-aggressive remark about Ramona's Chanel coat is just, once again, her attempt at being oh so clever and amusing. All of her nasty digs are disguised as jokes, so no one should ever be offended, or so she thinks. She'd better stick to her Skinny Shit business, because she's not nearly as hilarious as she thinks she is.
  17. Good lord, how many more episodes are we going to be held hostage by Bethenny and her fibroids? Did I hear Bethenny refer to Luann as self absorbed? I just can't with people who are so self-unaware. For crying out loud, Beth could be the poster child for self absorbness (is that a word?). If not, I'm making it one! For someone who "just wants everyone to get along", Ramona sure likes to cause dissension among all the women. I loved Lu telling her flat out to stop talking shit behind her back.
  18. It was obvious, to me at least, that Bethanny was looking for a fight when she arrived at Dorinda's sleepover. The minute Luann opened her mouth, Bethanny went from zero to sixty in about two mi utes' time. It doesn't matter whose home she's at, what the occasion is, how uncomfortable she makes other guests, or whose event she ruins. Like at the bra party, who made it her job to confront first Dorinda about shoving John down their throats, and then fight with John? Sure, he shouldn't have crashed the party, but it was Dorinda's place to handle it. Beth has a habit of inserting herself and her opinions where they don't belong. Anyone who doesn't let the hag intimidate them gets an A+ in my book. Go Countess!
  19. I previously stated that Bethanny doesn't want her personal life to be on the show. I should have been more clear. Although she over shares on some things, we never heard a peep about her former boyfriend (who I read had a somewhat unsavory background), nor did we hear about the married guy until Bethany realized it was going to come out in the media. I'm sure the other women knew about the previous guy and probably the new one too, but it was never brought up. Wonder why, when Beth accused Luann of being the biggest slut around, Luann didn't bring up Beth's own background. I'm sure it was because it was made off limits since Andy has his head as far up Bethanny's ass as Carol does. if I worked with someone, had a fallout with them, and decided I didn't care to have a relationship with them, I'll be damned if I'd put up with people pushing me to "have coffee" and try to repair a relationship I didn't care to pursue. Ramona should back off. It's not her place to try to broker a deal between two people who don't want it.
  20. If all the women give up their right to privacy by joining the show, then Bethanny didn't get the memo. She wants her personal life to be off limits, so the others should have the same right. Of course, it would sure be boring if ALL the women were allowed to make demands of Andy like Bethanny is allowed to do. IMO, Jules being willing to talk about her ED doesn't include talking about it behind her back like Carole and Bethanny when Jules and Dorinda went outside for a cigarette. On WWHL, when Carole was asked about Beth and her being mean girls, she took offense and said they're not in the eighth grade. Well then, Carole, stop acting like you are. Someone up thread said something about Jules' husband using footage from the show in their divorce proceedings. What would he use it for? Surely he's not interested in getting custody of the kids. From what we've seen, he has no interest in caring for them as it is.
  21. Poor, poor Bethanny. Sitting in the back of the car crying about how alone she is. Perhaps if she treated people nicer, they might be there for her. I know what would cheer her up; go to Luann's party and throw out some of her witty insults to Sonja, Jules and Luann. That should make her feel much better. The two mean girls need to shut their mouths and mind their own business. If Jules wanted their input, she'd ask for it. They are so exhausting. I feel sorry for poor Kevin, having to listen to that shrew . I'm sure he feels he needs to be there for her since she (sniff, sniff) has no one. Lulu for the win! She has more patience with Ramona than I would have had. Good for her for letting the others know that she doesn't have time for Carol and Bethanny's bullshit! Oh, and the bloody pillow was disgusting. Kevin should get hazardous pay for having to deal with stuff like that.
  22. Why would they get rid of Vicki? Hell, Teresa Juidice who, with her crooked husband, pulled scams totaling millions of dollars, did prison time, and still was welcomed back like a hero by Andy. Vicki is so controversial that, the more outrageously she behaves, the happier Andy will be. Vicki ain't going nowhere ( said in my best Juicy Joe Juidice voice).
  23. I read that Kelly was asked to describe the other women in one word. It looks like she'll be pals with Vicky as she said she's fun, Tamra is two-faced, Heather is fake, Megan is sweet, and Shanon is crazy. It's gonna be an interesting season. i wish Vicki would apologize to all of the woman and then have everyone drop the subject. I don't want to watch another season about it, don't want to read about it, and don't want to watch Shannon obsess about it (or how she's so over hubby's cheating). She's not very convincing in her THs. Oh crap, it should be 'women', not 'woman" above. It's too much work to fix it on the iPad!
  24. I just read Jessa's list and had to snicker at most of them, especially where she thanked JB for reminding the kids to "treat others how you'd like to be treated" and teaching them "the value of hard work". In reality, he taught them to have no tolerance for anyone who doesn't share their religious views, and the only two of the adult kids who have ever worked are Josh and JD. None of the others have ever had a job, and now it looks like they've added three more guys to the unemployed Duggar family. What a bunch of overachievers, said no one ever!
  25. Where to start! First Heather says that all Vicki has to do is say sorry and that'll be the end of it. Then Vicki does apologize to her and, from the preview, it looks like Heather wants to rehash everything, rather than accept the apology. Then, when Vicki asks Heather if she can speak to her, Shannon says something about Vicki starting shit, when Shannon started with the dirty looks and little digs the moment Vicki arrived. I hope Shannon (and Megan) can find something else to talk about this season besides Vicki. I don't like Shannon's chances though because she never lets go of anything. Vicki can be so irritating, but I really liked the cut and style of her hair at Heather's party. As for Megan, I didn't really enjoy the birds eye view of her on the examining table with her legs spread. Is nothing private with these broads?
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