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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. They DO spend $ for good shoes. For the boys. Only.
  2. Couldn't agree with you more, Micks. Since retiring I've been going through every inch of space in my apartment and have donated or sold TONS. Really pared down the kitchen, realizing that no one single person needs a dozen wooden spoons or 40 pieces of Tupperware for the freezer etc. Donated my aging towels and sheets to a textile drive at my brother's church and bought all new white towels and sheets ONLY, which look beautiful folded in the linen closet and are so much more practical, laundry-wise. Lots of clothes were donated to shelters or the textile drive too. The only things I refused to "edit" were my books, even though I might never open some of them again. Because it would make me crazy to get the urge for a specific book in a few years, only to have given the damn thing away. But I have learned how much we humans tend to accumulate - and how much we really can live without.
  3. Yes, I've been surprised about this too. From when we first met him, Will has often been shown on camera with thumb solidly corked in mouth. Even now at the age of 6. I've haven't been teaching for 20 years, so I don't know what the current thinking is on thumb-sucking. But "in my time" it was generally accepted that the earlier a child could be trained, coached or coaxed out of a thumb-sucking habit, the better. For a lot of reasons - medical/dental, psychological/emotional, social. I guess there could be an entirely new school of thought on it now. However I don't believe any theory would say it's advisable for any child over the age of 3 to suck his thumb.
  4. All this does make sense. I'm sure that Jen's brother's baby was a major factor in the Arnolds' decision to return to Florida. I'm beginning to think the decision to move to Houston in the first place wasn't terribly well-thought out. It did seem somewhat extreme to me that Dave & Judy would disrupt their own established lives to move to Houston - unless maybe the original plan was to NOT hire a nanny and just have them sharing full-time child care duties. That's about the only way to make a move worthwhile - the idea that they'd see the grandkids more than a few times a year. My, but we - myself included - are becoming suspicious these days. Of every little thing, and I think even more so since the advent of "reality" TV. However it's really difficult NOT to question everything, especially when you consider the rate at which some of these so-called "stars" HAVE been lying to us. Showing only the sweetness and light, and little of the real truth - the Gosselins, the Duggars, Sister Wives, etc being chief among them. It should be called "cheap production TV" or "non-professional TV" or something else, since that's definitely what it is. Scripts are still very much a part of every reality program. What's missing now are SAG card-carrying stars [who are big-time expensive], knowledgeable & well-qualified creative & technical professionals [also expensive] and high production values. Definitely a few steps down on the quality ladder, for sure...
  5. Not surprised that the second book is selling at a slower pace. They brought it out much too soon, at least IMO. The first book was a mere year ago. Probably trying to take advantage of still having a TV audience/fans, especially if they end up giving up the show in the next couple of years. Which I do hope they'll do - for the sake of the kids.
  6. I think it's definitely interesting that Judy & Dave left Houston. But then I thought it was odd that they up and left Florida for Texas when it became fairly obvious that there were probably going to be grandchildren soon. Now I should be clear about one thing. I don't have kids, and never moved away from home either [except for college]. My 5 sibs and I all live within about 10 miles of each other now, and my brother actually bought my parents' home when our Mom died. We are a pretty tight nuclear family. So - ??? Maybe it's common for grandparents to pull up stakes and move to where their grandkids are, I don't know. Maybe I just don't have that point of reference. I don't personally know any families that have done it. I can say that if I did have grandkids, I would WANT to live nearby them, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to disrupt my entire life and move to an unfamiliar city 100s or 1000s of miles away. Unless I was really eager to put something from the past behind me - or something like that. I just think there was more to Judy and Dave's move to Texas than we know.
  7. Oh sure they are - just VERY rarely. Although Ben is accidentally funny on just about every show. ?
  8. This does seem to be TLC's procedure at the moment, their MO for handling the Duggar "franchise." We'll invest our $ right now, since we can't find anyone to kick in with their own funds, and if it takes off, then we'll be back on Cash Street like before..." But I can't see this going on. I honestly can't imagine what ANYONE, even leghumpers, would find watchable. Even the Duggar kids who're being [basically] forced to participate don't seem to be into it. They look like they're half-heartedly treading water until the cameras are permanently gone, and their next steps can officially start. Whatever the heck that might be, of course... Poor kids.
  9. Exactly right. Never has "You get what you pay for..." been more painfully-true. TLC and the "creative team" that supposedly manages this mess really put SO little effort, enthusiasm or $$ into making this program interesting or informative for the viewing public. I've never seen people in a supposedly-creative field be so lacking in creativity - or so lazy either. Jill's wedding was a prime example. Boob said "I can't believe Jill is getting married..." at least 30 times in that 2 hours, and they could have done a nice job showing the wedding in just 30 min. But of course then they could only have sold 30 min of advertising - and we couldn't have that. Weddings are to TLC what the Super Bowl is to network TV - a massive cash cow.
  10. The Duggars probably pack so much because they have no intention of buying what they might need from "foreigners." That would be adding to the economy of whatever country they're in. And we can't have that, of course...
  11. Wow, it truly would be astounding if Crown is actually shooting for regional accreditation. The amount of work needed would be just staggering and would, IMO, indicate a seismic shift in Crown's thinking and philosophy. I wonder if there are newbies there - in charge or as owners etc?
  12. Well, considering the fact that we already known Josh is a giant fool, it seems like a foregone conclusion he could sue, or at least try. Grifters - especially really-skilled ones like Boob - are the best there is when it comes to figuring out ways to get $$ - or things - without actually doing any work. He'll be thinking "Well, the worst that can happen is that we get a No..." But if there's any kind of a chance, you know he'll take it - idiot that he is...
  13. Bill Maher did a hilarious "New Rule" bit about this particular footwear. Absolutely hilarious. When I saw them I immediately thought "OMG, here's something the Duggars would crazy-go-nuts for!"
  14. And cheaper - Boob is without a doubt the absolute CHEAPEST SOB in the universe. This factors in to everything they do, or don't do...
  15. Sounds like a very nice place. But not for the Duggars - no bologna on the menu. I imagine them thinking that any place that doesn't offer bologna is totally fancy-schmancy, even liberal elitist. LOL.
  16. Agree fully about the girls, their identities and mindsets. But let's place the blame for this where it SHOULD be - squarely on all the men of this movement - who down through the ages haven't been mature enough, fair enough or intelligent enough to realize that what's good for their sons - education, opportunities, advantages - are just as good for their daughters. That a society or a civilization doesn't advance when only half of it is nurtured and encouraged. Boob - and the rest of his ilk - are dangling remnants of all the so-called elders of ancient times who first dreamed up this twisted idea that males, solely on the basis of size and physical strength, should be the dominant sex. That their needs and desires should count first and foremost, and in every respect. That women should not only provide for every male whim, but should also accept responsibility for male failures. And they have spent centuries indoctrinating their women to the same beliefs, which is why we see Anna Duggar unable to talk about ANYTHING else. She simply doesn't KNOW anything else.
  17. Awesome comment/retort. Still laughing. Thank you, Aja...
  18. You could most definitely be right. But for me the bottom line has got to be whether or not it's making $$ for TLC. And if it continues to gimp along as it has been, Counting On won't be long for this world. Everyone, even the most saturated-in-Koolaid leghumpers, goes weary of things eventually, or has a limit on the amount of boredom and repetition they can stomach etc.
  19. While I'd love to see some of the things you list here, I don't find myself missing either Duggar parent. AT ALL. In fact, I'm usually doing things in my dining room [where my desk is too] and find myself mostly just listening to Counting On. And I actually cringe when I first hear either Boob or Me-chelle's voices in the other room. Yuck.
  20. IMO, if this show continues at the same rate - and quality level - it's been at until now, the whole deal is gone a year from now, tops. It all comes down to advertisers, which it supposedly doesn't even have NOW. Even the mentally-challenged TLC execs cannot ignore that forever.
  21. Well, Boob would probably have to PAY an agent to collect his rents. And we all know he's not going to lay out cash for something he - or his kids - could do themselves.
  22. Why do women and children do all the work? That's easy. Because since time began, men felt entitled to make the rules. And because for the most part, in order to keep peace and to remain with their own children, women had to let them. If that sounds bitter, so be it. But I also think it's true...
  23. Completely agree. IMO, Sierra is wild to be a star - on any level - and is using the Duggars to feather her own TLC nest. And who knows? She could actually "make it" on TLC - because just like the Duggars, she is without any creativity and talent. If she does have talent, she's keeping it well-hidden. I don't understand the brass at this network in any way, shape or form. There really are a lot of talented people out there that they could feature. What in the world do they see in these dull-as-dirty-dishwater people?
  24. I'm guessing John-David isn't allowed to live there yet because Boob is his father - and in Boob's mind, JD hasn't yet earned his freedom [he's not married].
  25. Yep. If they think it's something non-Gothard folks would do, they totally find a way to bypass it. No matter how convoluted the path they have to take. And especially when it makes sense. I wish we could get Grandma Duggar to open up on Boob's childhood, her own marriage etc. We never will of course, but I think there's a veritable gold mine of "ah-ha!" information there. Maybe someday Boob's sister will spill some beans. I wonder whether Grandpa D was quite the rat bastard as a young man. ?? I kind of doubt it myself - but who knows. I just don't think Boob could become the World's Biggest Control Freak on his own.
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