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Everything posted by Irlandesa

  1. Thanks. I knew I could Google but sometimes I just want to be force fed.
  2. I was disappointed in Sunday's episode. She made chocolate chip pancakes and then topped them with a yogurt whipped cream. The reason I'm disappointed is that she demonstrated how to make the pancakes but not the yogurt whipped cream. It's okay that she demod the pancakes but we've seen pancakes be made before on TV. Yogurt whipped cream is something different and I would have much preferred she dedicate some time to showing us that. She didn't even provide a recipe.
  3. During Spring Baking Championship they advertised Season 2 of Ciao House is coming back in May. I forget the date.
  4. There's a difference between not super sweet and no sugar. European desserts are still sweet, they're just not as sweet (sometimes cloyingly so) as American desserts can get. Sugar to baking is like salt to savory dishes. It brings out the flavor in baked/cooked items and not having enough of it can make something taste a bit underwhelming. I don't like my desserts overly sweet so I play with cutting back on sugar. There have been points where I've cut back too much and fail to make a dessert. I'm left with items that taste like balls of flour, or whipped dairy or mixed plain cream cheese instead of cookies, whipped cream or cream cheese frosting. Even though this is an American baking show, I think the three judges wouldn't say "no sugar" if it was just because it was less sweet than other items. They do it a lot. In fact, I'm more surprised when the finale is only 3 people. The past three seasons of Spring Baking Championship have had finales (episode 10) with 4 contestants either because they chose not to eliminate someone in episode 9 (this year and last year) or because they had an extra contestant somehow (maybe brought someone back in?) I don't think there's a conspiracy.
  5. But that's Y&R and not DOOL/Corday. I've seen Corday cave and people I never thought would come back end up coming back.
  6. I'm a bit in between. I don't think it needed an hour of red herrings but I do think 90 minutes might have been the right amount of time. Normally, ancestral DNA stories can start to sound the same on true crime shows but I liked learning something new in this one. Having a lack of members of First Nations submitting to the DNA websites and having such close ties were two things I don't recall ever seeing discussed on this show before. In fact, I don't recall hearing about them anywhere else.
  7. I remember reading an article that said, because of union contracts (or something like that), they don't travel more than 75 miles from their destination/home base. That's when I knew we wouldn't be getting a sports-themed challenge at Lambeau Field. They're mostly a Door County thing. You could probably find a fish fry or a pizza on the farm event but I think a fish boil, which is largely tied to Lake Michigan, is more of a tradition on the eastern side. But do check out some of the apple farms, especially if you're in the southwest/Driftless area. I'm disappointed they focused on brandy alexanders and not a rather unique version of the old fashioned--the brandy old fashioned.
  8. Every once in a while in the first three seasons, one of the main ghosts would be missing with no explanation as to where they are. So it's not just the downstairs ghosts who aren't always around. I always assumed it was a cost-cutting measure. Given the weight of the episode, I think it was a smart choice to keep it to the core group. Besides, Carol doesn't know Flower. I'm guessing it was so dark that once he let go of her, he couldn't find her again.
  9. I never thought he was guilty because of who was playing him. But then he got her son a new job and suddenly grew suspicious. Does an innocent man court favor from the person he now suspects is investigating him? It made the story very intriguing. It's an element of complexity typical in shows by the Kings with the backdrop of a Colombo-esque case-of-the-week kind of show.
  10. Had this been canceled last season, I would have been fine with it but it's always so frustrating for a show to figure itself out and then get canceled. It has been so enjoyable this year.
  11. I actually loved this episode and think it's one of the best of the reboot. That's a low bar but it dealth with a very involved investigation with a lot of suspects and then the trial part actually had some nuance to it. He was high. His adrenaline was going. And the killer was wearing a puffy jacket and hat which likely covered identifying features which would give away the gender. I don't think the witness was wrong about the car. They were careful to state that the defendant had two cars of the same mark. I suspect the wife put on his clothes in an effort not to be identified and took one of their cars. The husband was driving the other one at the time--and that's what was caught by the traffic cameras. And they did look at CCTV footage. They caught the car every now and then but since it was dark, they likely couldn't see in the windows. They also never got a good look at the plates. As for him being in trouble for concealing the murder, he's not obligated to reveal what his wife told him in confidence. It sounds like she made the mistake by confessing on the phone while he was in jail. Maybe he didn't warn her because he didn't care if she got caught once she revealed it was her. Yep. This is what I liked about the case and the discussion between Baxter and Price. Baxter pointed out that sometimes evidence isn't perfect, and you go to trial with what you have and leave it up to the jury. Sometimes that doesn't work because a defense attorney is bad but this guy had a good one. And ultimately, the traffic ticket was enough to convince Price that they had the wrong guy. But the witness discussion was interesting, too, because this is how poor identifications get made. The waiter wanted to be helpful. I don't even think he knew he was lying. He had seen the guy he waited on and probably didn't really remember him that much and so, when the pictures were put in front of him, he did legitimately recognize him. And since he probably couldn't immediately place him from the times he had served him, he assumed that the recognition was from the murder instead of the previous times he had seen him. The only thing I would have liked is to see more of the cops going to reinvestigate Price's hunch.
  12. Buck can be impulsive but I'd argue he has grown quite a bit over the course of the series from dealing with his unusual childhood trauma, ditching his womanizing to date towards a potential relationship more than just to get laid, and crafting solid relationships where he's even considered a potential guardian should something happen to Eddie. But more importantly, I don't think deciding to date a man is an example of refusing to grow up or impulsivity. It's growing and opening himself to new facets of himself. People generally don't date people they know they won't be attracted to on a whim, so I think it's a pretty safe bet that Buck is romantically interested in Tommy. And I do not think this show is going to be "whoopsie, we've changed our mind and he's not bi any longer." That doesn't mean Buck won't date women again. If things with Tommy don't work out, he probably will. But this creative group is going to keep him bi. Buck's in his early 30s, and while he hasn't had a multiple-year-long relationship, I think dating Taylor for a year probably was pretty significant, and he probably would have dated Abby for quite a while if she hadn't ghosted him after her mother's death.
  13. It's pretty rude to go on a rant to your friend's long-lost nephew about their profession but I agree I don't think it makes them criminals. I may be naive but I think Antonio is who he says he is--just a professor who can shed some light on where Trent came from. He already has a potentially evil father. He doesn't need another evil family member without this show getting too crazy.
  14. And he just happened to have cameras in his van that he can put in the house. Riiiight. Cameras aren't like some extra rope. They're expensive.
  15. In some ways I liked this episode because it moved on from the stuck-in-place waiting game they were under while they were waiting for Adan to get better. But in other ways, it doesn't make sense that Ramona would kidnap her nephew. And as much as I ended up rooting for Nadia and Arman in the second season after they wasted the first season chemistry of Arman and Thony, I wish they'd stop pretending like Thony came in and stole Arman from Nadia. There were problems in that marriage in the first season. Nadia is introduced when she hits on Thony. And then she gets so mad at Arman for not insisting from more from his boss that she seemingly leaves him for a few weeks. That's when Thony and Arman kicked into another gear.
  16. I still like Maroun more than Price and I'd rather get rid of him. Or both. Only a few episodes in and Baxter is the best thing about that DA's office even if he is more political than Jack. They could have easily tweaked it and said that the victim couldn't provide and egg so they used the surrogate's, especially since they made it clear that the guy who ran the agency was unethical. I thought that's where they were going when it was revealed the victim had childhood cancer. But their explanation doesn't make sense since NY has laws that make a surrogacy contract enforceable.
  17. I was just coming here to reference that show and one of its best story arcs where the firm, in an effort to deal with some financial issues it was having, offered a partnership to 4 associates as a way to get an influx of cash. So I'd almost think they'd want to offer a partnership to Susan since she can come up with the money without having to go to the bank.
  18. I doubt it. She might have added some differences but I bet that was pretty choreographed. Bowen mentioned in a BTS video that they had an intimacy coordinator on set for the sex scene in his "Bowen Is Straight" skit. It's possible Ryan told her to do whatever because they worked together and she's not a cast member any longer who could get in trouble, but I suspect he knew she'd be down there doing things. And I could see that kind of stuff causing him to break out even if he knew it was coming.
  19. It was mentioned that Marisol owned her own place and she said she was thinking about renting it out when she moved in with Eddie. I'm guessing she wasn't moved into Eddie's long enough to have rented it out and had a place to go back to. It's still annoying to have done all that moving but at least she's not homeless.
  20. I didn't mean it was questionable as a critique. I would have erred on the side of caution and tagged it too.
  21. This was the new reporter's second case, right? I think she improved from her first time. My thoughts exactly but I'm truly disgusted by the actions of the cops.
  22. That's true. Although one thing he revealed, which isn't necessarily a spoiler but maybe could be depending on one's interpretation, is what he initially was told the story to be. As to whether that info needs to be behind spoiler tags is up for debate. It depends on if this story means anything about the future. Some people might think it does. Personally, I don't. But we really don't know.
  23. I wonder if he's going to get into trouble for the little slippage. It also makes me wonder about the Catholic guilt story and how far back it was planned.
  24. It's the Bowen is straight sketch. They had first pitched it with Ana De Armas. Then they did a Bowen is bi version with Dakota before the Sydney Sweeney version made it to air. My favorite part about this was Bowen mentioning that there was an intimacy coordinator and they told Sydney that if she was ever uncomfortable with any part of it, they could cut it. And she grabs his arm and goes "Bowen, I'm on Europhia."
  25. And not telling people isn't always due to shame. Fear can also drive. Even though there's no indication that Maddie or Eddie are homophobic, people can react differently than their declared "allyship" when a loved one comes out to them. I think that'd present a writing challenge for the creative team. If these two were opposite genders who considered themselves straight, they'd probably already be together. But they're not and, up until a week ago, both assumed they were straight men. It'd be one thing if we already knew one of the two were bi or gay from the very beginning but I don't know how you elegantly write two late-in-life coming out stories for two characters in the same fire department. I have no objection if they want to try, but it's a big ask. I personally like Tommy and Buck so I hope he sticks around for at least the rest of the season.
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