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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. From news-sentinel.com (my local evening newspaper, which recently went to an online-only format): Chicago White Sox "Jungle Jim" Rivera Dead at 96 He died on November 13, 2017. He was originally from Puerto Rico, by way of New York City. After his retirement from Major League Baseball, he & his first wife's brother bought Captain's Cabin, a restaurant in the northern Indiana lakes area between my hometown & South Bend. He lived in this area until his death.
  2. From TVLine: Senator Al Franken Cut From David Letterman's Mark Twain Prize PBS Special
  3. Someone else said they "haz a sad" when John Hillerman (Higgins on Magnum, P.I.) died last week. Now it's my turn. People can think &/or say whatever they want about Bill Cosby, but Earle Hyman's Grandpa Russell ("Slide") Huxtable (who was supposed to have been the slide trombone player with a supposedly well-known jazz group called The Jazz Caravan--hence the nickname "Slide") was 1 of my favorite characters on The Cosby Show. I especially liked that, while his values were similar to those passed on to his son, Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable (Cosby's character), & he could be as strict as Cliff with Cliff's kids, he also got into occasional bits of fun with the grandkids. And with his death, I think that means all 4 actors who played the Huxtable grandparents & the Hanks grandparents (Clair's parents) have now passed.
  4. From The New York Times obituaries: 1. Vanu Bose, Who Brought Cellular Service to Remote Areas, Dead at 52 from Pulmonary Embolism (He was also a member of the Bose family which brings you, among other things, noise-cancelling headphones). 2. Ferdie Pacheco, 'Fight Doctor' for Muhammad Ali, Dead at 89
  5. I've never even watched it. The cancellation notice was in a ton of Tweets on my Twitter the other day, so I thought that meant it was worth posting & I did it.
  6. From Rolling Stone: Malcolm Young, AC/DC Guitarist and Co-Founder, Dead at 64
  7. Alton did a panel at Dragon Con in Atlanta, over the first weekend in September (which I think was also Labor Day Weekend), where he made the announcement & had everybody there (with equipment, of course) videotape it & spread it around YouTube, social media platforms, etc. Here it is. I think this is the longest available clip. It starts after he's told everyone to get ready to tape an announcement he's gonna make, then goes into the announcement, then he rags on Guy Fieri & Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives by saying Food Network may have to cut that show down from 8 hours a week to 7 1/2, so they can show Alton's new 1. So you have basically all the important stuff in the linked clip.
  8. CMT Announces the upcoming 6th season of Nashville will be its last.
  9. And earlier this week (I get so busy posting in other forums/threads, I sometimes miss posting stuff in others. Sorry!), Walter's widow wrote a letter to Walter's fans about his death, which was posted in the media. She says, among other things (& I thought the whole letter/statement was worth reading), he died of an extremely aggressive form of esophageal cancer (insert the obligatory F Cancer! here), the diagnosis of which, during a routine physical, took him & his loved ones by surprise; between the aggressiveness of the cancer & the toxicity of the chemotherapy regimen Walter was on, he died less than 4 months after the diagnosis.
  10. Replying to myself because Josh Malina Tweeted that they're going back to SF Sketchfest (as their San Francisco date scheduled early next year). This time, they'll be doing a Big Block of Cheese Day show, in format. Josh says they'll be "hanging around with a wheel of the finest, and inviting some audience members onstage for a snack and a chat." Josh also says, buy a ticket & they'll let you know how to submit questions.
  11. From ET Canada: Alex O'Loughlin Wants a Presidential Guest Star (VIDEO)
  12. From Variety: EXCLUSIVE... American Idol: Disney's Hollywood Records Will Release Music by Finalists
  13. From NBC News' Today.com: Roy Halladay's Wife Honors Her Husband with a Brave and Powerful Eulogy
  14. Scott also had the brace on in the Halloween ep. He goes over to Steve's wearing 1 of those rubber masks you wear on your whole head, trying to surprise him. Only Junior answers the door; he's watching the dog, Eddie, & has been staying at Steve's for maybe a week or so. After Junior tells Danny Steve's on the North Shore, escorting Alicia (the ex-FBI profiler who was introduced in a recurring role last season) to court, Danny grumbles about wasting $75 on the mask since Steve's not there; then he & Junior make a little small talk, including about the brace on Danny's/Scott's arm. Danny tells Junior he fell off a very cheap ladder, which Steve bought because he's cheap; if Steve had bought a better/more expensive ladder, Danny claims he wouldn't have fallen & injured his arm. He apparently fell while doing renovations at the site where their restaurant will be. The injury seems to be a real-life injury Scott suffered too, that couldn't have avoided being written in; but (unlike with Scott's S1 knee injury) nothing has ever been said about it in the media, as to what happened, when did it happen, how did it happen, etc.
  15. Danny was never with the NYPD. Before he was with HPD & Five-0, he was with the Newark PD in NJ. That's what IMDb said in the ep description for I Ka Wa Mamua (In a Time Past).
  16. The West Wing Weekly is taking the show on the road in 2018! Dates are scheduled in Dublin & London (tickets may already be sold out for these dates, unfortunately); San Francisco; Washington,DC; Boston & New York City.
  17. From USA Today: "The Talk": Rapper/Actress Eve to Take Aisha Tyler's Seat
  18. Sharon's last name is OSBOURNE. Could someone please fix the thread title?
  19. I must've dozed off, or something; I know I saw at least parts of the ep where the friend & her kids are arriving, then where they're leaving or have already left. But I somehow missed the whole restaurant trip. At least that explains who the other people were who seemed to be with Bill, Jen & the kids on the tour--people actually with the Arnold/Klein family instead of people the family doesn't know The way TLC seems to bundle the show into a lot of multi-episode airings, that 1 may be back on sooner rather than later. I'm still cracking up about how Zoey was ready to feed those stingrays until she got some of their tankwater (which sounds like it might've been at least chlorinated) into her eye & then was all "I'm not doing it now! I got water splashed in my eye & now I can't see, & it stings worse than a shot! I'm not doing it now and that's it!"(paraphrased; the last sentence, or the end of what she actually said, was emphasized by her standing with her arms across her chest & glaring, & maybe some other negative behaviors/expressions. I meant to add, for once I thought Will was relatively well-behaved; even after he saw the stingrays & kept going away from their tour group to watch them. All Bill or Jen had to do was say Will's full name, firmly but quietly, look at him shaking their head, & he got off the stepstool he was standing on & rejoined his group. Of course, he waited until nobody was looking to go back to the stingrays once he got caught; but overall I thought Will was pretty well-behaved. Except I think by, like, the third time he ran off (if I were Jen or Bill, or both) I'd have moved in closer to him (so he could feel my presence) & kept a hand on 1 or both of his shoulders until it was time to see that tank of stingrays.
  20. Thanks for the correction. I'm assuming the ep this is in is still coming up though? I really love Zoey's reaction in it.
  21. This looked like the proper place to put this; apologies if I've erred. Anyway... I saw this clip on YouTube today (though it may have been up before that). It's a clip where the family goes to an aquarium on a boardwalk (presumably near their new house in FL) where you can also eat, & the family gets a tour. William falls completely in love with the stingrays; Zoey's reaction to them (at least the ferocity of it), at the end of the video, surprised me. I'm assuming it's from an upcoming show.
  22. At first they lived in the garage apartment at Bill & Jen's house. They eventually got their own place in Houston. There's an ep where Bill, Jen, & Will go over there to clean it up/see if it (the garage apartment) needs cleaning; Bill teases Will he'll end up living there after he gets out of college & can't find a job. Jen reminds Will that Nainai & Grandbaba used to live there, but they have their own house now. And then they found a plastic bowling set & started messing with that. And the garage sale for their stuff was at a different place than Bill & Jen's house.
  23. I Googled. According to TV Guide, the ep with Bill's pre-op birthday surprise in it was aired (for the first time) on December 30th, 2014; the ep with the family's garage sale in preparation for Jen's parents to move back to Florida first aired February 2, 2016
  24. Yeah. Jen's mom, I'm pretty sure it was in Bill's 40th birthday ep, did (as I remember) a talking head, or maybe just a voice over, where she said that (probably like many/most/all mothers--or parents, in general--of special needs kids) she was afraid that, as she was growing up/once she grew up Jen would never get to experience a lot of the stuff that non-disabled females her age did (meaning marriage & children; presumably also becoming a "sexual being"; who knows... maybe Jen's mom could've thought Jen going into medicine/such a complicated specialty as neonatology [with pediatrics] might've been a way of dealing with not having that kind of life, if it didn't happen for her, as in Jen would devote herself to her career instead. Maybe I'm also putting words into Jen's mom's mouth). And Jen's mom said (this time, as I remember, in the family video made for Bill's birthday), that she was very thankful/grateful (I don't remember which word) that Bill came into her life & gave her so much. Anyway, she said how happy (at least she was) that Bill & Jen got together, eventually married, & had kids.
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