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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. To be fair, Scott's not the only actor on a CBS show who's contracted for less than the full number of episodes per season. About a month ago now, probably a bit less, cartermatt.com posted the linked article (which I originally linked to in the Media thread) saying that, along with our show's very own Danny Williams character (Scott Caan/Danny was used in the article as another example), at least the characters played by Matthew Gray Gubler & Aisha Tyler on Criminal Minds are also doing the "mysterious, usually unexplained, absence in 1 episode--only to return in the next episode as if they were never gone/their absence wasn't even noticed" thing. Matthew Gray Gubler apparently gets the entire month of October off (presumably from actually filming eps, though new eps & reruns with him which were filmed earlier air on CBS during October). I don't think Scott actually hates Hawaii; it seems he's either found things to enjoy about the place, or else he's made peace with having to be there. He hasn't said anything negative about the place in quite awhile--though I'm pretty sure he still prefers the faster pace of LA, being able to be with his friends & family, etc. When he said that negative stuff, he was appearing on Chelsea Handler's old late night (faux?) talk show that aired on E!, which I thought always had a negative tone to it anyway. She was trash talking about Hawaii, about the meth/drug problem they have/had there when H50 was in it's earliest seasons, & other stuff I forget; Scott said some milder things, like he didn't like the food, just to go along with her (I think he does like the surfing there, though).
  2. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, & apologies if so, but the bolded is written (to me) as if you're saying Commander Adama was black at 1 time? I watched the original BSG on ABC, along with the 1980 version that I think had the stars playing the sons of Apollo & Starbuck. Adama was definitely a character in the former, played by former Bonanza star Lorne Greene, who was a Canadian Caucasian (who was just very tan, as far as I know). I don't remember if he appeared in the 1980 version or not. And in the reboot where Grace Park played a gender-swapped Boomer (if not other roles), Google shows that Adama was played (apparently at different stages of his life) by various Latino actors (about 3 or 4); ending with Edward James Olmos, who was probably best known before the BSG reboot for his roles in Miami Vice, the film Stand and Deliver (for which he was nominated for an Oscar, if not other major acting awards), & a 1 episode (I think--it might've been 2) guest shot on The West Wing, playing a Latino Judge President Bartlet chose as his first nominee to SCOTUS (I think the character was also supposed to have been the first Latino nominee to SCOTUS at the time).
  3. I think Michael mentioned the apology on the linked clip from upthread. They probably didn't wanna throw the prep kitchen under the bus for fear that all their dishes would start turning out like that afterwards, in retaliation. I could see that, maybe.
  4. I didn't see the episode, but I probably would've laughed too... & then my brain might've/would've done a backtrack & gone "Michael didn't actually use that adjective to describe Clinton's food, did he?" I don't know. My brain just went to "Maybe 'dry ass(ed)' isn't necessarily an adjective you wanna throw around about meatballs made by an openly gay man, who's a friend of yours (or at least supposed to be), on national TV?" Maybe I'm being overly sensitive about this, or something, but that's what I think people are reacting to, the awkward choice of words Michael used in describing an openly gay man's meatballs as "dry ass(ed)" on national TV. If they worked that out between themselves beforehand, & Clinton knew it was coming, cool. I just felt like maybe it just came out of Michael's mouth without his realizing what he was saying, & whom he was saying it in connection with, & that's why it got the reaction. People are/were uncomfortable about it I'm sure, for both Michael & Clinton; but maybe more for Clinton since the comments were directed at him/his dish. The Michael-Clinton thing was--to me--sort of like when somebody says, like, "Did you see that?" to a blind person. And then they remember they're blind, as soon as the question leaves their mouth. You know? Also... I noticed, either after the disclaimer video about Mario's situation or after the video about "meatballgate", they went to a The Chew graphic at the end which still included Mario in it. I guess they missed something when they were erasing all traces of Mario from things to do with the show.
  5. And he's been at least directing for other shows since Psych, according to his IMDb page.
  6. And The Chew actually ran a disclaimer about the Mario Batali situation before they aired their first episode after that scandal broke. The only thing is, they had said Mario wouldn't be doing any new episodes & they either weren't gonna air repeats with him in them or they were gonna cut him out, as much as possible, of any repeats they were airing which he originally appeared in. And I don't think Mario was even in the episode that aired after the disclaimer. From what I heard, there didn't seem to be any weird places where he may have originally been in it & gotten removed before airing. I think it was either an episode he wasn't supposed to have been in to start with, or else it was taped after the scandal broke & he was told not to do new eps until the investigation into the allegations ended. Then Mario was fired within a day or 2 of that. My point is, if The Chew could continue airing whatever eps they're airing right now--new, repeats, or a mix, considering they may or may not have started their Christmas/New Year's hiatus when Mario's issues were disclosed--after airing a disclaimer, then this show should've been able to, too. After all, I think Mario actually admitted to at least some of the things he was accused of but Johnny never did; it was all speculation with him.
  7. Yep. His Mom died in 2012. For some reason, I thought it was 2011, but whatever. I definitely remember Scott was said to be attending SOTB that season, but then he ended up missing it because his mom died right before & he ended up being on the Mainland because of that at the time. I totally agree with your post, by the way. Something I keep forgetting is, after she split from Scott's dad & Elvis split from Linda Thompson (who eventually went on to marry the former Bruce Jenner & songwriter/music producer David Foster), Scott's mom was Elvis' girlfriend. I wonder if Scott ever got to meet/hang out with Elvis? He's never said.
  8. I second you on the "shaving below the waist" comment, but for some reason I didn't equate it to an allusion to a slash relationship between Steve & Danny. And I totally missed the comment about the finger--unless they're referring to a gunshot wound where said finger would've been put into the wound to stop the bleeding, somehow (which I just thought of), I'm not sure how else you'd take that finger comment other than in relation to them being in a slash type relationship at that time (Which was in a flash forward, right?). Heck... I couldn't believe they went "there" when they had Kamekona show Steve & Danny some shirts he'd had made up to promote the guys' restaurant, a few weeks ago (the Halloween-themed ep, I think), & the restaurant's name was "McDanno's Grill & Bar", which I don't think has been chosen as the name yet; "McDanno" being the slash shippers' name for them as a couple, with an illustration of Steve & Danny sitting at a stereotypical Italian restaurant table with a red & white checkered table cloth, facing each other, & re-enacting the spaghetti eating scene from Lady and the Tramp. But I loved the t-shirt so much I've bought 2 (1 to wear, 1 to save). I don't know whose idea, on the staff, actually including the allusions to Steve & Danny being a couple in the future are; especially since I can't remember the last time Danny, especially, called Steve "Babe", in an ep (I figured they stopped that, even though it was supposed to have been a Scott Caan thing [like Jack Lord was the 1 responsible for calling Danny "Danno"--he did it to somebody named Danny he knew on set, it got written into the show & kept], & not a Danny thing, because I figured they were getting complaints from somebody with a lot of power & influence about how "Babe" made Steve & Danny sound like they were more than friends, & they most certainly weren't meant to be like that!) but I'm certainly on board with whomever decided to do this & why they did it!
  9. I don't think it was directed at Tani; more like the situation. It was after Danny was shot, right? Back in S2, there was an ep where an ex-cop partner of Danny's from Jersey, who was a dirty cop Danny helped put in prison, went to Hawaii after he was released from prison & (since he felt Danny was responsible for his going to prison) kidnaped Gracie from a tennis lesson shortly after Charlie was born (he didn't know Charlie was Danny's son then--nobody did because first she told Danny he was, then switched her story a few times & said Stan was the baby's father after all; then 5 years/seasons later, Rachel admitted she'd lied & Danny was the father after all & Charlie was sick & needed a bone marrow transplant, but Rachel, Gracie & Stan had all been tested & nobody was enough of a match to be a successful transplant donor for Charlie--except, of course, his real father, Danny) the dirty cop hid Gracie in a storage locker building while he also held Danny hostage & made Danny do stuff like lure Stan to a park with the intent of shooting him for breaking up Danny's marriage to Rachel (Danny only shot Stan once, in the shoulder, & put the other 2 bullets into the ground, & by that point the rest of the team found out what was happening & went there to rescue Danny & Gracie, though they didn't know where she was until Danny's ex-partner told them... after Danny shot him in the leg/knee to get such info). Anyway, during that episode after the baddie got to Gracie & Danny, Steve had almost, but not quite, the same amount of anger & tension in his voice while they were missing. I also noticed that after Danny was shot, Steve told someone to do something three times, like, "Find it... Find it... Find it!", possibly for emphasis &/or possibly because Alex decided to use that as an acting choice, a way to show Steve was under stress, perhaps. I point this out, because the same thing happened in the ep where Gracie was kidnaped & Danny was being made to do things to, apparently, keep Gracie alive--Steve told someone to do something 3 times in a row, as in the example above; I thought it was a nice callback to that. The odd thing is, I don't think Steve did the same thing in other eps where Danny was put into jeopardy, like when Danny was exposed to Sarin or when he was hurt--& he & Steve were trapped--in the building cave-in.
  10. Since they used photos of DDK & GP, clearly with other actors who are/were characters in the show (though I wish they'd figured out a way to have Abby in the pic with Chin & Sara, since it sounded like Chin was on the verge of proposing before the character was written out), I'd (like to) think that after all the rancor that seemed to happen--at least in the press--after their departures were originally announced, at least enough fences were mended (if necessary) to allow the inclusion of their pics on what seemed to be the "ʻohāna" wall at the restaurant. Either that or whoever had the idea for the wall in that scene just said "Screw it! WE know Chin & Kono are & always will be important to Steve & Danny, & the fans (even if TPTB may not have a warm relationship with the actors anymore); their pics belong on a wall of people Steve & Danny consider 'ʻohāna' & we're putting them there even if some people don't like it!" (Shrugs) Once I realized the photos were supposed to be of people who either are really "ʻohāna" to the characters, or who are considered to be that by them, I have to say that, for reasons of space, I might've understood the exclusion of Chin & Kono pics from the wall--to focus on characters who might've become more important to them since Chin & Kono left--but I have to say I'd have been at least a little disappointed if they hadn't been on the wall too.
  11. Apparently the soon to arrive "uncle" (the article used the word in quotes, as if the character may be seen as an uncle by Danny--for whatever reason--but maybe they're not actually related by blood or marriage), being played by Vincent Pastore from The Sopranos (I think I may have said Steve Schirripa was cast in at least 1 place... sorry), was announced as being a recurring character & not just "1 & done"; the character's name is supposed to be Vito.
  12. Which is apparently at least part of why they modified Scott's contract in S3 or S4 (whenever they did it). His dad, who he's close to (Scott was mostly raised by his dad when his parents split up, I think), & I think Scott's partner & their daughter, lives in LA, so he got more time off to be with them--for every 5 eps Alex does, Scott gets to miss an ep (but I don't necessarily think they work out which eps Scott misses in that exact way, they actually film 4 with Scott & 1 without).
  13. Back in earlier seasons when Gracie wasn't a teenager, in the Christmas/New Year's type episodes, Steve & Danny would usually discuss if Danny was getting to spend time with Gracie during the holidays or not (it was usually written that he was but, like, around S3 or 4 it was written that Danny was mad because Rachel had taken Gracie to Las Vegas--where Stan was supposedly building a new hotel--for the holidays, apparently not discussing it with Danny before the plans were made & couldn't be changed). Back then, at least in the first season, Danny was said to be getting Gracie for 6 hours on Christmas, so it was implied they split custody either on the same specific holiday or Danny would get Gracie on 1 holiday & Rachel the next (like most divorced parents who shared custody of their kids did things). But usually the parent involved gets custody of all their children at the same time on a holiday, not 1 kid on Christmas Eve & the rest on Christmas Day; so that was weird in itself why Danny only seemed to have Charlie in the ep & not both kids--given that Gracie's 8 or 9 years older than Charlie in canon though, maybe she was supposed to be at Danny's with Charlie, as far as custody was concerned, but she then went to a party with friends or something (shrugs). As of mid-S4, Danny's supposed to have equal custody of Gracie, as opposed to just seeming to have visitation, & Rachel can't take her off the island without getting Danny's permission. All this happened between the end of S2 & about mid-S4 when Rachel wanted to move Gracie to Las Vegas, long term, because Stan was going to be building a new hotel there & Danny got pissed that Rachel just picked up & moved Gracie whenever she felt like it, with no regard to either Gracie's or Danny's feelings on the matter. So he filed to get his custody modified to where he had a more equal say in what happened with Gracie, & she could live with him more often & stuff, & he won. Once Rachel told Danny that Charlie was his kid too, in S5, Danny presumably got the same, equal, custody arrangements for Charlie as he had for Gracie st the time.
  14. I don't know if Danny was on medical leave, specifically, but I heard him say something about still being sore, or something, in the area where he was shot in the first episode.
  15. Peter Lenkov (if you don't know, by now, the show's creator & executive producer) was asked the same question on Twitter today. He said yes, we will find out more about who tried to kill Danny & why. Presumably sometime after the holiday break, when the new eps start (I think they come back on January 5th). But I don't know if it happens in the first episode back or after that.
  16. Me too. But I thought it was at least nice they included pics of DDK as Chin, with Chin's niece Sara, & of GP with Ian Anthony Dale as Kono & Adam Noshimuri, among the pictures that apparently were of Steve & Danny's ʻohāna hanging in the restaurant. I'm hoping that seeing them either means things are going OK between/among DDK, GP, the producers, & CBS now (following the money dispute), or that someone just said it doesn't matter how TPTB feel about the actors as people now, what matters is the characters of Steve & Danny haven't ended their relationships with Chin & Kono even though the actors have left the show & pics of DDK & GP deserve to be seen with the other characters considered Steve & Danny's ʻohāna. The thing that bugged, though, is that they couldn't find a way to put Julie Benz's character in the pic with Chin & Sara, since they're a family unit on the show.
  17. From ew.com/Entertainment Weekly: Danny's Restaurant Is Open From TV Line: Hawaii Five-0 Taps Vincent Pastore to Play Danny's 'Uncle' From Jersey From Hawaii News Now: VIDEO/PRINT: HNN's Billy V Pays a Midseason 8 Set Visit to H50; Interviews with Alex, Jorge, Beulah and Meghan From CBS.com: Real Life Veterans Swoop in to Save Christmas on Hawaii Five-0 From TV Line: Hawaii Five-0's Meaghan Rath Previews Quarantine Crisis, Flash Forward Reveal From People: Gary Sinise Helps Wounded Navy SEAL Land Hawaii Five-0 Acting Gig: 'He's Someone I Admire Very Much'
  18. Well, as I said, they need to do something--hopefully short of cancellation. I'd prefer they fill at least 1 of the 2 open host slots; preferably with a female (for gender balance at the host table, not because I'm female... though that's part of it). I also watch The Talk, CBS' daytime talk show clone of The View which has a host panel of 5 women. Over the last few weeks, that show had a lot of days/weeks where the number of guest hosts outnumbered the permanent hosts--sometimes 4 guests to 1 host. I don't think people will keep this show on air very long with situations like this.
  19. From EW.com/Entertainment Weekly: ABC Fires Mario Batali From "The Chew" Following Investigation of Sexual Misconduct Allegations I think they're probably gonna have to book guest hosts over the holiday break, if they're not on it already, & start auditioning at least some of them seriously in the course of that. I know they said they weren't gonna replace Daphne, & that was all good & well because they've done the show with 4 hosts before & it works. Then people found out that Mario behaved in a less than gentlemanly way in public, though apparently fueled by alcohol (which is really still no excuse) including making inappropriate comments to, & engaging in inappropriate touching with, people he had no business saying or doing those things to. And so, ABC investigated (during which they found out similar unsavory things about a baker on another ABC show--& I think the baker has been on The Chew as a guest), then they fired Mario. And now we are 3 at the anchor table (Clinton, Carla, & Michael). The 3 of them are perfectly capable of co-hosting together (either all in the studio or 2 in the studio--I can't see any less than that, right now--& 1 in the field). But only having 2 co-hosts on this kind of show, on a permanent or indeterminate basis, isn't really gonna work in my opinion. I don't care if they don't hire enough people to replace Daphne & Mario both & go back to a 5-person hosting team. Like I said, they can do the show with 4 hosts (& they have). But I really think it'd be in the show's, & ABC's, best interest to fill at least 1 of the now 2 open host seats & not leave the show with just 3 co-hosts on a permanent basis, since at least 1 will probably have to be away at some point, either working on a segment for the show, off sick, or taking a personal day. Then they'd (ABC/the showrunners) better pray Michael & Carla, & Clinton (sexual harassment/misconduct isn't strictly for straight people; I know that, & I meant to mention Clinton here when I originally wrote this) don't have any sexual misconduct incidents ready to come out & bite them--at least until they fix the current lack of hosts. When/if they hire someone new, I'd hope it'd be a female, to give Carla some female backup, if you will, & because the host table's been low on Estrogen this season.
  20. Small point: Kendall is the last name of the character you were talking about. Her first name is Jordon, with an ON--not an AN, IN, EN, UN, or YN--at the end. And that's 1 of my favorite scenes too, for its descriptiveness.
  21. A new, though UNOFFICIAL, book about BOTH the original and reboot versions of the show.
  22. From Variety: ABC Pulls "The Great American Baking Show" After Sexual Misconduct Charges Were Made Against Judge Johnny Iuzzini by 8 Former Employees
  23. They'll probably give the numbers Frankie & Witney were supposed to do to other female pros (Shrugs). But I don't know who. I'm thinking more than 1 of the pros though. Really, I don't think this is much different than something like when Alan subbed in for Maks sort of recently. It's just that this time, the pro who can't perform isn't sick or injured.
  24. From ETOnline: Witney Carson Drops Out of the DWTS Winter Tour Due to a Family-Related Illness Witney's Father-in-Law is dying of Pancreatic Cancer--he's had it for about a year & a half, but it was recently found to have metastasized throughout his abdominal area & they say he doesn't have much time left, though he's apparently also going to try more aggressive chemotherapy. She's leaving the tour to support her husband & his family at this time. She apparently will not be replaced in the show's cast; her show partner, Frankie Muniz, remains in the cast.
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