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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. I'm assuming you mean 100 people since Five-0 started? Don't forget, they're in their eighth year now; I think the body count would have to be over 100, given what we've seen, in regards to shootouts, etc., in these last 8 (7 1/2) seasons; though I think there hasn't been a great deal of "collateral damage" inflicted by the team (when innocent bystanders are injured, or unnecessary/unintended property damage occurs in a shootout, as somewhere other than the intended target). Then, on top of that, you have to remember that Steve (& now Junior) was a SEAL before joining Five-0; I think that would alter both their personal body counts, depending on the types of special ops missions & how many there were. We know (I think we do, anyway) Junior was only in the SEALS for about a year before ending up on McGarrett's doorstep, wanting to add his military/SEALs experience to their midst. But, according to the late Governor Jameson's recitation of Steve's Naval background, Steve was in the SEALs for 5 years, Naval Intelligence for 6 years (or vice-versa; I keep forgetting). My point is, the 11 years Steve was in the SEALs & Naval Intelligence (or at least the former) would've likely added way more to his overall body count.
  2. From TV Insider: 'Mom' Stages a 'The West Wing' Reunion with Kristin Chenoweth They're apparently filming this week; no airdate scheduled yet. Synopsis of the episode plot at the linked article.
  3. From Broadway World:TWW Cast Members Gather for 1-night Celebrity Reading of the "All The President's Men" Screenplay at Los Angeles City Hall, Saturday, January 27th Cast members participating include Bradley Whitford; Joshua Malina; Richard Schiff; & Ed Begley, Jr.--he played Senator Seth Gillette in an episode. (I'm almost positive more of the cast is involved--there would have to be, for the female roles, I'd think-- but these apparently were the only actors/cast members whose names & participation were confirmed at press/posting time). If you're interested in attending, the event is free; any voluntary donations will benefit the organizations named in the linked article. The event starts at 7:30PM, Saturday, January 27th, in the John Ferraro Chamber, Room 340, Los Angeles City Hall. The specific street address for the LA City Hall is in the linked article. A catered reception will follow in the City Hall Rotunda. However, because of the venue, seating is extremely limited. Seating reservations are being encouraged (see linked article for who to contact about seat reservations); because of that & because of the normal high security measures at LA City Hall, NO WALKUPS WILL BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND.
  4. I'm trying to remember where I saw the pics earlier, so I can look for a link, & it's not happening (too late at night/early in the morning probably). Anyway, they're currently filming Ep 818. Alex is apparently directing it (so if he/Steve isn't in a lotta Ep 817, the fact a director preps for filming a week ahead probably accounts for it--like when DDK directed the Stakeout episode, a few seasons ago, he also prepped for filming the week before. Jimmy Buffett makes another appearance as his recurring character, Frank Bama. Once I find the pics again, I'll link them.
  5. As I remember, Gabriel told Adam to just give him the access codes to the account(s) & he'd get the money himself (& I think the henchmen were going to stay behind & kill Adam & Kono, privately). Adam told Gabriel he couldn't do that; the account(s) had some sort of voice-activation system tied to Adam's voice & (at least) he had to be there to initiate the different steps of the transfer. That's at least partly how Adam ended up bleeding badly on the floor of the bank branch in that ep. Kono escaped from the henchmen at their house (either they died or escaped) & she ended up drawing her weapon on Gabriel, to try to end the situation as quietly as possible. Then, as I remember, Gabriel shot Adam & ran off, evading capture.
  6. Would you call the ep(s) which were narrated by the recurring PI Harry, sounding like he's a gumshoe straight out of the 1940's maybe, third person POV? If not the whole ep(s), at least the narrated parts did--I think--fit the third person POV. And what about the narrative parts by Aisha Tyler as the Oprah-esque talk show host, Savannah Walker, following the team around with the Governor's permission?
  7. Like she eats... period. She apparently eats (almost) enough to survive on, anyway. The woman wanted to have a baby, soon after she married Bill Rancic, but wouldn't even take the fertility specialist's (subtle) advice that if she gained, like, I think it was 5-10 lbs., that might raise her chances of getting pregnant. After that, she pretty much decided on a surrogate.
  8. Ah-ha. Thanks for straightening that whole Noshimuri Yakuza thing out for me. It does get a bit complicated, & I always saw it as I wrote it--Adam was the "good" son & Michael the "bad". And it really surprised me when they had Adam & Kono fall in love--but I totally get the "good girl/bad boy" (& vice-versa) trope. I figured it was gonna be Kono & Charlie Fong together, the way they wrote that ep where Charlie says they've met somewhere before the crime lab on a case, but Kono doesn't remember. Then Brian Yang got to be a busy film/documentary producer & that was almost the last we saw of Charlie Fong.
  9. Right. Adam was the "good son". His father, Hiro, was head of the Yakuza in Hawaii until Wo Fat apparently kidnaped him, killed him, & mailed the remains back to Adam, literally piece-by-piece... some in very small boxes. Hiro had another son, Michael. Michael was the "bad" son; when the character was introduced, he was flying back to Honolulu after having served a long prison sentence in California--Adam & Kono met him at the airport. Michael took over the Yakuza after Hiro died. Michael also wasn't thrilled to know his brother, Adam, was seriously dating a cop & a member of Five-0, to boot. He was afraid Kono being a cop would cause problems for him & the Yakuza doing their criminal gang/mafia-type thing. But he took advantage of this, or at least he tried to. He snuck into Adam & Kono's bedroom 1 night while they were asleep & stole her gun from where it was locked in the bedside table; then he went out & used it to kill a couple of guys he needed gone (using gloves, or something, of course so his fingerprints weren't on the gun, only Kono's prints were ); then he snuck back into Adam & Kono's room & put her gun back as if it had never been gone. When the bodies finally turned up, Kono would be held responsible, & hopefully sent to prison for the deaths, since the bullets were from her gun. The bodies eventually showed up, with Kono's bullets in them. And with the team's help, she wasn't held responsible for the deaths. Michael did not like this at all. He broke into this safe house where Adam & Kono went to hide from the Yakuza in case anybody wanted revenge on Kono for the deaths &/or for being a cop involved with Adam/the Noshimuri family. He started to attack Kono; Adam & Five-0 showed up during the battle, to help her out. Adam eventually got ahold of a gun & he killed Michael, clearly in self-defense/defense of Kono Five-0 said, before Michael could kill her. But now they had another problem. Because Adam killed Michael, the Yakuza would now be out to get both of them; Steve's mom booked them (& her, she was leaving too) on a really decrepit Chinese boat. Once they got to Asia, Doris left them & they went around battling various Yakuza factions, then they got separated after awhile; eventually finding their way back together & back home around midseason of S3, when Grace Park finally delivered the bundle of joy she was really expecting which necessitated Kono & Adam's separate storylines since they chose not to make Kono pregnant too.
  10. Well, she has a bigger chest (at least in that pic) than Grace Park does, anyway.
  11. I know. And they were more focused on other things that had happened to him, like being banned--apparently in front of at least 1 of his children--from riding certain rides, like (I think) the roller coaster, at the Six Flags theme park in Texas because he'd lost (parts of) both legs to an IED explosion during the War on Terror (a story which had multiple links to it in Google). But, since nobody knew--& a lotta people has been curious about--why he was suddenly dead, less than 3 weeks after a guest performance he did on the show, where he seemed to be in good health, all things considered, aired nationally on CBS. And the social media silence from those who worked behind the scenes on that episode, & who work on the show in general, about how he died, has been deafening, to say the least; so has the news/cause of his death by more mainstream media outlets. I was doing the best I could to try to shed some more light on the situation, given the choice of sources which were actually talking about the man or his cause of death.
  12. I know. But, in his defense, Junior may be the youngest on the team (younger than Tani, even)--it seems, from the flashback we saw before the Christmas break, he may have enlisted in the Navy/gone to BUD/s training straight from high school (that's the vibe I got from that "Goodbye" scene that was played out on the laptop Junior was looking at recently, between him & a girl we don't know, that looks like Junior & the girl are close, probably in love, & they seem to be on their way to a high school prom. If you're the type of "eager to please" kid I think Junior is, it's hard to stop treating other adults like his elders & to start treating them like regular co-workers. Steve's already admonished Junior about calling him "Sir" or "Commander" once or twice (which I think he did because Steve's also a former SEAL &, if things had been different, Steve & Junior might've met with Steve as 1 of his BUD/s instructors, instead of them meeting because Junior heard of the team & thought perhaps someone with his military skills might be valuable to the team. Once you get used to doing something like that, calling someone by a title instead of a first name, it can be a hard habit to break.
  13. From TV Shows on DVD.com: Peter Lenkov's 'other' show, MacGyver (Season 1), FINALLY Comes Out on DVD in Late February
  14. Further information from this website indicates that Sgt. Jackel apparently committed suicide, either sometime yesterday (Thursday) or slightly earlier than that. Definitely within the last 24-48 hours though.
  15. Further info from this website indicates that Sgt. Jackel apparently committed suicide yesterday (Thursday) or sometime slightly before then; definitely in the last 24-48 hours.
  16. From EW.com/Entertainment Weekly: 'Hawaii Five-0' Adds Another New Character in Season 8 In the picture used, yes Christine Ko, the new recurring cast member, looks coincidentally somewhat like a younger Grace Park/Kono (but older than when we initially saw Kono at another age in an ep, as played by young actress Miya Cech in the ep where Kono tries to complete a solo outrigger trip from O'ahu to Molokaʻi in honor of her mother, whose health failed before she could make the trip). But apparently it's just that pic & in most others the actress doesn't bear that much of a resemblance to Kono/Grace Park.
  17. Rose Marie's Twitter Feed Posted an Interview Clip with Rose Marie Yesterday, from the Documentary, That They Wanted Everyone to See
  18. From USA Today: David's Monthly Netflix Talk Show, 'My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman', Premieres on September 12th; First Guest: Former President Barack Obama
  19. I still haven't seen any details yet, but the Twitter feeds for at least showrunner Peter Lenkov & 1 of the show's fansites, H50hana, say that Sgt. Stephen Jackel, who was 1 of the real-life war veterans with various types of postwar issues recruited by McGarrett to assist with the capture of a band of not-so-merry-gentlemen at a local Honolulu mall, has apparently died at some recent point since the episode aired (but no further details are available at this time). The episode featuring Sgt. Jackel & the other real-life turned fictional vets was this season's Christmas episode, 1 of 2 H50 eps aired on CBS on Friday, December 15th; it aired at the show's regularly scheduled airtime of 10PM Eastern/9PM Central. If you saw the ep, Sgt. Jackel played the war vet named Henry, who was a (real life) war-related amputee & apparently the munitions expert among the fictional vets McGarrett recruited to help with Five-0's investigation. Sgt. Jackel apparently leaves behind a wife & 6 children. Should anyone be so inclined, a gofundme account has been started to help the Sgt's family (Alex O'Loughlin, Peter Lenkov, & others connected to H50 have already contributed). Details can be found, I think, through either Tweet I linked above.
  20. I still haven't seen any details yet, but the Twitter feeds for at least Hawaii Five-0 showrunner Peter Lenkov & 1 of the show's fansites, H50hana, say that Sgt. Stephen Jackel, who was 1 of the real-life war veterans with various types of postwar issues recruited by McGarrett to assist with the capture of a band of not-so-merry-gentlemen at a local Honolulu mall, has apparently died at some recent point since the episode aired (but no further details are available at this time). The episode featuring Sgt. Jackel & the other real-life turned fictional vets was this season's Christmas episode, 1 of 2 H50 eps aired on CBS on Friday, December 15th; it aired at the show's regularly scheduled airtime of 10PM Eastern/9PM Central. If you saw the ep, Sgt. Jackel played the war vet named Henry, who was a (real life) war-related amputee & apparently the munitions expert among the vets McGarrett recruited to help with Five-0's investigation. Sgt. Jackel apparently leaves behind a wife & 6 children. Should anyone be so inclined, a gofundme account has been started to help the Sgt's family (Alex O'Loughlin, Peter Lenkov, & others connected to H50 have already contributed). Details can be found, I think, through either Tweet I linked above.
  21. From Twitter (the late Rose Marie's Twitter feed, now in the hands of her assistant, her daughter, Noopy (aka Georgiana), & other loved ones The Flamingo Las Vegas Marks the Passing of Their Opening Night Headliner, Rose Marie. And... Rose Marie's daughter, Noopy, posts details on her mom's Mass of Christian Burial. It appears to be open to the public (for anyone in the LA area who was a fan & might wanna try to go).
  22. You're welcome. I know he isn't a celebrity in the same way as most of those we post about here, but I look at him as being (at least) a newsmaker, which I think makes his passing worthy of a mention here. If it had been, say, Pope Francis or the head of any other "mainstream/non-cult" type religious denomination, I would've also afforded them the same courtesy. When they name/elect the new president (I'm not Mormon, so I'm not up on the procedure for naming a new president of the church) wouldn't they just put his name in the song instead, assuming it fits the right number of syllables (changing the lyric, if necessary) & all that, or is that too simplistic? They wouldn't have to rewrite it from the beginning, would they?
  23. From E! News: Elton John Says Goodbye to His Mom with 'Perfect' Funeral And... From CNN: Thomas S Monson, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) Died Tuesday in Salt Lake City at Age 90
  24. I don't think it's Meredith Baxter & Michael Gross. After having something like 4 failed marriages to men (& 5 children, between the 1st 2 marriages), Meredith started her first same-sex relationship in 2002 (which apparently solved the issue with the failed relationships; she had apparently been denying/not realizing her true orientation). She began a relationship with general Contractor Nancy Locke, in 2009; they were married in 2013, & apparently remain married to this day.
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