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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. From Extra: British Cooking TV Personality Paul Hollywood, Wife Alex, Split After 20 Years, 1 Teenage Son
  2. Rance Howard was also the father of actor Clint Howard, who starred in the CBS series Gentle Ben with Dennis Weaver. 1 of his granddaughters was actress Bryce Dallas Howard, daughter of Ron.
  3. Well, I'm glad he at least realized he screwed up with his relationship/lack thereof with Katie. I hope they were able to mend fences before David died. I've known for awhile--before the organ failure & dementia, anyway--that Katie was David's daughter, but he never married her mother & sometimes they had something of a relationship & other times they didn't. And I hope he said whatever he needed to to his son, Beau, too. I'm not sure what kind of relationship they had; especially since Beau has referred to his dad by his first name, "David", instead of "Dad" or something like it, in the updates he'd been posting for the family to David's Twitter & Facebook. Somebody commented on that on either Beau's mom's Twitter or her Facebook; she hasn't responded (like I'm sure that's on the top of her "To Do" list anyway, since the father of her only child just died--though probably a few years earlier than if the dementia had been the primary cause of death). I thought I'd always heard Katie was the "neglected" child & Beau had a better relationship with David. In all honesty, if David had to die from either dementia or organ failure, while neither is probably a picnic, I'm probably happier (for him & his loved ones, anyway) that he died from the organ failure. At least, as far as we know anyway, when he was hospitalized for the organ failure his dementia apparently hadn't reached the point where he didn't recognize his loved ones. I think maybe that had to be something like a blessing to his loved ones. Maybe even to him considering that comment that was in a lot of the articles on his illness & death in the last few days; the 1 where he said how the only way he knew his mom still recognized him when she was at the end stage of her dementia was that a single tear would roll down her cheek/face when she saw him. Considering what was published about, mainly, Glen Campbell (but sometimes other celebs battling the disease) as his dementia battle progressed, having been a fan (& a fan who actually got to meet him), I'm not sure it would've been real easy to read stuff like, "well, David's at the point now where he doesn't remember how to play the guitar", or that "he no longer recognizes his stepmom, Shirley; his half brothers Shaun, Patrick & Ryan; his last ex (& Beau's mom), Sue, or Katie &/or Beau, among others." I know that, while I wasn't as big a fan of his (though I liked his music, have his autograph, & I did get to meet him somewhere, a few years before I did the March of Dimes stuff), it was even hard for me to read the periodic updates the Campbell family had printed in People magazine about the progression of Glen Campbell's illness. Especially when they would say stuff like he was no longer able to do something for himself. Anyway... @ratgirlagogo: Thanks for the update on Katie Cassidy's current status on Arrow/in the cast. It's appreciated.
  4. And here is the message Tweeted by David's most recent ex-wife & the mother of his son, Beau. Beau hasn't updated his Twitter since way before David got sick, let alone died. I don't know if Shaun's younger brothers/David's younger half brothers Patrick &/or Ryan "did" social media; I'll have to check & post if I find anything.
  5. Doesn't it though? I mean, did he mean that about his life, in general, for whatever reason or did he mean it about his relationship/lack thereof with Katie? I could see it both ways (if there aren't more ways you could interpret that which I'm not thinking of). At any rate, I'm glad for both of them that, whatever kind of relationship they had at the end, it didn't turn into a case of her not wanting to go to his side, because they had little to no relationship (despite being biologically related) or him having her barred from visiting him/being there with him at or before the end. I don't know how accurate this report was, but I'd read that she went to be with him from an appearance at 1 of those Comic-Con type things in Atlanta (so at least she was fairly close, geographically,when this started to go downhill); she plays (or played, I don't watch the show so I don't know if she is/isn't on anymore) a character in the Marvel Comic-based CW show Arrow.
  6. You're welcome. If you want to, & you can figure out how, bookmark the link to the post--actually just linking to the Matt Carter column, rather than the whole post, might be easier--so you can use it to explain to either H50 fans why Scott's gone about 4-5 eps a season, or why Matthew's not in the CM eps that either film or air in October (it wasn't clear, to me, if you meant he's not in eps airing in October & filmed earlier or if he's not in the eps that are filmed in October but aired later in the year). I'm glad MGG's fans take his absences well; I know Danny/Scott--& his "chemistry" with Steve/Alex--is considered a big part of H50's success, but I wish at least some H50 fans could be just as glad for Scott that he was able to get the kind of contract he has (especially since he became a father); maybe they would be if they really knew filming a TV show for about 8-9 months a year really isn't as glamorous, or easy, as a lot of fans seem to think. I haven't regularly watched CM in so long that I didn't know MGG apparently had a similar negotiated time off deal to Scott's (not for nothing, but I also read in an interview Tom Selleck did for 1 of his Jesse Stone movies, that was done since Blue Bloods started, that he apparently only is on the BB set in NYC filming his parts, like, every 2 weeks). I watch the CM repeats on cable sometimes though; especially when the eps with Alex as the unsub or when Foyet finds Haley & Jack Hotchner in Witness Protection, gets them to come out of hiding, & kills Haley are on. Considering CM started before H50 did, I may not necessarily agree that MGG's less well-known than Scott. Plus, I think Scott may have been working back sometime towards the beginning of CM in at least 1 of the creative media he works in (acting, screenwriting, playwrighting, directing, rap music, & photography... Did I forget any?); so people who are "into" any of those media might've known who Scott was, while anyone who follows any media type he wasn't into yet probably wouldn't have known him. Of course, we have to consider that even as far back as the beginning of CM, Scott may have already at least been known as legendary actor James Caan's son (or 1 of his 4 sons, & 5 children overall). There's also another difference between Scott & MGG (that we know of): Scott has a 3 1/3 year old daughter who, as far as we know, doesn't live with Scott (at least not full time) & her existence/visitation &/or custody rights is perhaps a big reason why Scott has the kind of work schedule he does on H50 now; MGG has no kids that we know of.
  7. I have all the PF albums too, & I think 4 of David's solo albums that were done during/not terribly long after the PF days. I have all of those on the original vinyl, & most of the PF albums & David's first 2 solo albums on CD, as well as 1 PF album & David's version of "I Write the Songs" (which I got because it's also a Manilow song & I'm a Manilow fan who also collects versions of his songs by other artists) only as downloads from iTunes. The only PF albums I don't have on CD are the original greatest hits compilations that were released during the show--The Partridge Family at Home with Their Greatest Hits & The World of the Partridge Family--& their final studio album, Bulletin Board. When they finally started reissuing the PF stuff on CD, for some reason they opted to release 2 different hits collections on CD instead of CD versions of the ones that were released during the show's run. Those were The Very Best of the Partridge Family: Come on Get Happy & David Cassidy & the Partridge Family: The Definitive Collection. The former was neat because it had at least 4, maybe as many as 6, songs from the show which had never been put on an album--or CD--before; the latter was, as the title implies, a combination of hits by the Partridges & by David as a solo artist. They also put out another hits compilation in around 1989; that had a cover with the PF lunchbox on the front. I'm still trying to figure out how I missed Bulletin Board on CD. As I remember, it was finally released in that format, though it was a long, long time after the rest of their original studio catalog & the new hits collections were out. But I never found it, once everything was reissued, until I found it was available to download while looking for other stuff on iTunes. Which I did. The reissue comes with 2 songs Shirley Jones recorded as a solo vocalist; I'd heard of at least 1 but didn't buy either. I put all the PF & David Cassidy solo stuff I have on my iPod; I'm 54 years old & have no problem admitting to it. That's as "bubblegum/teenybopper" as it gets. Everything else is more what a 54-year-old woman should normally have on her iPod. If anybody gets the urge to download any of it, iTunes has all the PF stuff, the solo stuff David recorded during/reasonably near the end of PF, & a bunch of stuff David recorded for a bunch of not really well-known music labels after the PF days through to when he announced his retirement after his dementia diagnosis &/or his death earlier this week; if you're not into iTunes, the Amazon.com MP3 Store should also have most or all of it. There are also videos which I've been watching on YouTube. I'm not a huge fan of the stuff post-PF; especially the more recent live stuff. He uses some really weird phrasing on the live stuff (but not the Cassidy Live! stuff that's from the PF era/early in David's solo career) that sounds to me like if he's not singing under the influence, he's attempting to mock what he's singing because it's the stuff from the PF days &/or during his early solo career that's more "teenybopper" & not the more serious/adult material he wanted to be recording when PF ended. (Shrugs)
  8. I don't know how I missed the already-labeled "Annual" thread! I thought I looked really carefully at all the threads, & the only 1 I found was the 2014 thread, which was almost at the very end of the forum. So I put my original post there, thinking there wasn't anywhere newer to post. Oh well... since the thread I originally posted in needed to be merged into the "Annual" thread I missed anyway, at least that feat was accomplished. Thanks!
  9. Scott Caan, as Danny, did say the reason for why Danny hurt his arm was Steve's fault. Like I said, Danny went over to Steve's on (or somewhere near) Halloween, to try & scare Steve with a full head mask he'd bought somewhere, apparently for $75. Only Steve wasn't there because he was escorting the ex-FBI profiler, Alicia Brown, to a court date on the North Shore, & Junior & Eddie the dog, who are both staying with Steve, were home (& Junior was sort of "arguing" with Eddie as to whose fault it was that Eddie had gone to the restroom on Steve's carpet & not outside like he should've: Was it Junior's fault for getting busy & not getting Eddie out quick enough, or Eddie's fault for not waiting/not being able to wait until Junior could let him out?). Danny hangs around for a couple of minutes making small talk with Junior, trying to get to know him since they haven't really met yet, & Junior brings up the subject of Danny's hurt arm. Danny says he hurt it by falling off of a cheap ladder Steve bought for them to use during the renovations on their upcoming restaurant; if Steve hadn't bought such a bad ladder, & had bought a better 1 instead, then Danny says he wouldn't have fallen & hurt his arm (so Danny said it was Steve's fault because of the kind of ladder he bought to use while they were fixing up the new restaurant space).
  10. From USA Today Seth Meyers to Host 2018 Golden Globes Can someone please change the thread title to The Annual Golden Globes?
  11. From cartermatt.com: Where is "Criminal Minds"' Matthew Gray Gubler? What about Aisha Tyler? It appears our show isn't the only 1 with a fairly major cast member mysteriously disappearing from an episode here & there, & then returning with little to nothing said about the character's absence afterwards... According to the linked article, it's apparently been happening on Criminal Minds too, with the characters played by Matthew Gray Gubler (Dr. Spencer Reid) & Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) apparently being those who are unexpectedly (at least to the fans/viewers) missing from time to time & then back the next episode with little to no explanation of why they were gone (although the linked column seems, to me, to say that at least the CM writers bother, more often than not, to write in absence excuses for their characters when necessary). The linked article talks about why this happens with some actors/characters & uses Scott's periodic absences from H50 as another example.
  12. From People: Jazz Singing Legend Jon Hendricks Dead at 96
  13. From CNN: Former "Tiger Beat" Editor: I Watched Fame Take Its Toll on a Young David Cassidy I thought this was a very interesting piece--it's an Op/Ed type thing--about what it was like to cover David Cassidy for 1 of the teen-oriented fan mags he was in, almost nonstop, back in the day. It's by Ann Moses, who was Editor of Tiger Beat at the time (& whose name I still remembered from having read the magazine, & her sister publications, back in the day). I think it's worth a read (or else I wouldn't have linked to it).
  14. There's another Cassidy brother between Shaun & Ryan, Patrick Cassidy. For anyone who watches The Voice, Patrick is the father of 1 of the contestants from last season, Jack G. Cassidy. David & Patrick also did a TV show together, Ruby and the Rockits, which co-starred the actress then known as Alexa Vega, now known as Alexa PenaVega. That show was on what was then the ABC Family channel (now Freeform) in 2009. Besides David & Patrick acting in it, Shaun was 1 of the creators & Ryan Cassidy worked in some capacity behind the scenes. Shirley Jones also appeared in 1 ep as the mother of Patrick & David's characters. And by the way there's a young girl (High School Junior) from my hometown, Addison Agen, who started out on The Voice with Miley in the season currently airing, & who was stolen by Adam in a recent round where the singers from each team had to sing against each other to keep their place. She got to the live shows this week, singing a Sara Bareilles song, & was the first person called safe last night &, so far, everyone's talking like she's a front runner.
  15. Unfortunately, his "downward spiral" started at/near the end of The Partridge Family (he had, however, started experimenting with drugs at around age 10). During a World Concert Tour, there was a crush of fans at a gate to enter his show in London and a young girl fan was caught in it; she apparently had a heart attack, incurred brain damage, and died (linked article originally in People magazine in 1974). This had a big effect on David. Also, he had felt he wouldn't be seen as any character except "teenybopper heartthrob" Keith Partridge & he wanted to be taken seriously as an actor & as a singer. Those 2 factors, at least in everything I've ever seen or heard in the subsequent years, were big reasons behind his "downward spiral" & eventual alcohol abuse issues.
  16. Yeah, I read 16 & Tiger Beat (& their sister publications, as well); I was actually reading them by the age when all of this happened to me. So it was really weird to pick up Tiger Beat, & other teen magazines published by the same company, & see that pic of me & David Cassidy I linked to on the page in front of me (it was in the "news" columns they ran in the mags; we had NO idea, in advance, they would use the pic in their mags--as I remember, they used it in at least 2 mags). It was kinda the same feeling as Googling yourself & actually finding something. I think the Tiger Beat magazines used the pic because they published in LA (at least at the time); 16 & its sister mag(s) was/were published in NYC (at least when I actually had subscriptions), so that may be why they never ran the pic (shrugs).
  17. David was among the "so many I'm not sure I can count them anymore, let alone at all" celebrities I met while representing the March of Dimes (his show started in, like, 1969 or 1970 & ran until 1974; I mainly represented the March of Dimes in 1972). Since I found it on Google, here's the pic of me & David, taken when we met on the set of The Partridge Family. (I hope the link works). Back in the day, David was the March of Dimes' Honorary/Celebrity Teen Chairman for either Los Angeles County or the whole state of California; his co-star & then-stepmother Shirley Jones was the Mother's March fundraiser's Honorary/Celebrity Chairwoman for either Los Angeles County or all of California. So, of course, it was arranged for me to meet them on their set when I was scheduled to be in Los Angeles to start with. While I was there, I also (luckily) got to meet Susan Dey & Danny Bonaduce, who were either still there to film more or were about to leave because they'd maxed out their allowable working hours on the set, under the child labor laws. And I eventually did a March of Dimes telethon in Bowling Green, Kentucky, with Dave Madden who played Reuben Kincaid, the family's manager. The only cast members I never met were the late Suzanne Crough, who played the youngest daughter & child, Tracy, & Brian Forster who, by that point, had taken over the role of youngest son Chris from the original actor who played him in the first season, Jeremy Gelbwaks. You'll probably be glad to know this is the last pic of me with a celebrity that I can Google (except the pic from my first meet & greet with Barry Manilow, 10 years ago... & I don't know why mine can be Googled since the ones my best friends took on the same night can't be Googled).
  18. From TV Guide: It's OFFICIAL... The Partridge Family star, actor/singer David Cassidy dead at age 67 from multiple organ failure (& dementia)
  19. There's a new What's Next? baseball cap for sale among the merchandise offerings right now. It's available for the next 12 days (or until 11:59PM Eastern Time on December 3rd). There's also a poster, autographed by Josh and Hrishi, & a 2002 World Tour T-shirt for the Band Single-Cell Paramecium, which Donna made up & added to the list of real music acts she told Josh would be playing at the Rock the Vote event at least Bartlet's staff members attended in the episode College Kids.
  20. Here is the link to the thread about the Mark Twain Prize show. It's over in the Specials forum.
  21. From USA Today: Glenn Terry, Former NFL Wide Receiver with the Patriots, Packers, and Cowboys, Dead at 43 in Auto Accident
  22. That now makes 2 of the lead cast of Touched by an Angel who've passed on (Roma Downey & Valerie Bertinelli are the survivors). If you remember, Valerie played, like, a new apprentice angel/angel in training named Gloria, who worked with Tess, Monica & Andrew during the last 46 eps/probably the last 2 seasons of the show). I think I'd have called her Miss or Ms. Reese. Her married name was Lett. She was an ordained minister; in 1979, after taping an appearance on what was then Johnny Carson's The Tonight Show, she almost died from at least 1 cerebral aneurysm (she was saved by 2 brain surgeries); she also sang the theme song to TBAA.
  23. They were. At least that's what I remember reading in, I think, USA Today. They said Sharon Tate's sister called them about Manson's death.
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