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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. From E! Online: Tina Turner's Eldest Son, Craig Turner, Dead Via (Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound) Suicide at Age 59. Craig wasn't Ike Turner's biological son; he was born when Tina was 18 & adopted by Ike when Ike married Tina in 1962, according to the info at the linked article.
  2. And here's a link to that thread (it's on page 2 and hasn't been posted in very recently); that's probably why it was missed by the original poster.
  3. And on other matters... In "The White House Pro-Am", Jed & Abbey are having a fight, about her showing support for an old boyfriend who's a possible/likely nominee for Fed Chair (among other things), & Jed says to her "Just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong...". That saying is showing up right now on T-shirts from places like those sponsored ads on Facebook. However, 1 place has the shirt saying "sit" instead of "stand", & they don't attribute the quote as being from TWW or anywhere else; it's as if the shirt designer made up the quote themselves. Hopefully this will take you to the first page of shirts on Google search. If it doesn't, apologies.
  4. Sorry for the late comment. This is the actor Lin-Manuel cast as Toby: Chip Zien
  5. From USA Today: The Black Keys Leads World in Mourning Band Member Richard Swift
  6. When I click on the video, it comes up as unavailable. Maybe that 1's only playable in certain regions, or something.
  7. From ET Online: Jackson Family Patriarch Joe Jackson to Be Remembered with Public and Private Memorial Services
  8. From USA Today: Alan Longmuir, Founding Member of The Bay City Rollers, Dies in Scotland at Age 70
  9. It was an ABC Movie of the Week (subsequently "padded" with more graphic & sleazy scenes & released in theatres overseas), Nightmare in Badham County (IMDb is your friend).
  10. From Vox: Harlan Ellison Wrote Star Trek's Greatest Episode. He Hated It.
  11. Prince Michael & Paris are now legal adults, having reached the ages of 21 & 20, respectively. Presumably, though, they still live with their grandmother, Katherine, who's been their legal guardian since the unexpected death of their father, Michael. Michael's 2nd son, & youngest child, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II, aka "Blanket", now known as "Bigi" (sounds like "biggie", I think), is 16 now. "Bigi" is of German origin, and means "idealistic, sensitive, and inspirational". In 2017, Katherine Jackson Petitioned the Court to give full guardianship of him to TJ Jackson, Katherine's grandson--1 of Tito Jackson's kids & Michael's cousin--who was appointed co-guardian of Michael's children along with Katherine Jackson. Katherine cited her age (87 at the time, to TJ's, I think whatever. either 39 or 40) as a factor in her request. I think it was granted. But I don't know if Bigi lives with TJ or still with Katherine. As for whether or not Joe & Katherine were "estranged" at the time of his death, I don't know if that accurately describes the state of their relationship. They had lived separate lives (Katherine at the family home in California; Joe in Las Vegas, where he died earlier this week) for as far back as I can remember, but neither ever filed for legal separation or divorce, that I'm aware of. If either did, it was rescinded between filing & becoming final. Individual Wikipedia pages for both Katherine & Joe Jackson indicate they were married from 1949-2018 (presumably ending with Joe's death).
  12. Regarding the bolded: Springsteen's Broadway show is, basically from what I understand, concerts like he'd normally perform in other venues (arenas & stadiums)--only the venue of choice is a "legitimate" Broadway theatre & not a stadium or arena where his concerts are normally presented. He received a Special (non-competitive) Tony Award for the performances. Neither the use of a "legitimate" Broadway theatre as a concert venue nor the presentation of a Special Tony Award to the artist for their Broadway-based concerts is a new concept as of this year, or because the artist (in this case) was the legendary Bruce Springsteen (among other things, he sang "Born in the USA"--if you know that song--& he won an Oscar for the theme to the Tom Hanks Oscar-winning movie Philadelphia). Both using a "legitimate" Broadway theatre as a live concert venue & presenting at least some of the artists who've done that with Special Tony Awards for their work have been done before, though I couldn't tell you when the first concert/series of concerts or live performances by a musical act/non-musical live performer not in the context of a Broadway play or musical was performed on a Broadway stage. This is a short list, from Playbill, of some of the other musical acts who've performed concerts on Broadway stages, in addition to the usual concert venues. I'm almost positive it's not the complete list. This is a current (including Springsteen from this year) list, from Wikipedia, of Special Tony Award Recipients. The first Special Tony Award was presented in 1947. Beginning in 1974, entertainers such as Liza Minnelli, Bette Midler, Barry Manilow (who's actually performed his concerts on Broadway in 1976 [from which his #1 Barry Manilow Live album came & for which he received his Special Tony Award], 1989 [these concerts were recorded for a Special that aired on Showtime cable channel, was also released on video, & is also available on iTunes], & 2013), Diana Ross, Lena Horne &, this year, Bruce Springsteen, have all received Special Tony Awards "for bringing lustre to the Broadway stage", as they said in awarding Liza Minnelli & Bette Midler's Special Tony Awards, with their live concert performances. Sorry your husband didn't get to see all of Springsteen's segment. If he still hasn't seen it, tell him it's on YouTube.
  13. From Filmmaker magazine: Bryan Spicer on Directing the TV Series Hawaii Five-0
  14. She had a recurring role in the first 2 seasons of Dallas, as Julie Grey. The character was JR's secretary & sometime lover. After being strung along by JR, Julie (who knows where all the bodies are buried, as they say, as far as JR's fairly shady actions in the name of Ewing Oil are concerned) eventually begins stringing along JR's archenemy, & Bobby Ewing's brother-in-law, Cliff Barnes. He's investigating JR & Ewing Oil for illegalities in the company's operations. Julie turns a file documenting some of JR's misdeeds over to Cliff. She then walks away from her job, after being confronted by, & coming clean to, Cliff's sister & Bobby's wife Pam. Only Julie doesn't stay gone forever; she returns about a year later. This time, she builds a close relationship with Jock Ewing, the family patriarch, which irks JR & causes Jock's wife, Miss Ellie, to suspect Jock & Julie are having an affair. Julie was killed in a fall from her apartment building after being confronted by 2 of JR's henchmen who knew she was about to give an even more damaging file, in regards to JR's shady dealings, to Cliff Barnes.
  15. Then I guess that's why she signed on. I wasn't aware of much about the show before Grace became attached, as they say, except James Roday, who was in Psych, was among the cast members named when the show was announced at ABC's Upfront presentation.
  16. No. But it also might not be filmed in Vancouver either. MacGyver, for example, films in Atlanta; Walker Texas Ranger filmed in Dallas; other shows have filmed in North Carolina (if they aren't filming there now). Commuting to LA (or wherever) for filming would be/is pretty much the same thing (except maybe a shorter plane flight, depending on where they film), in my humble opinion, as commuting to Honolulu. Also, the last time I looked at her Wikipedia page, it said she was both a US & Canadian citizen (having been born in the US, then moved to Canada as a child). There may not be any/many Customs issues, except perhaps needing a Passport/US Passport Card to cross the border, & using whichever 1 helps out best on each side of the border. I still think there's stuff we don't know about why Grace, & Daniel, left H50. As I said before this all went down, Daniel was on his social media, reassuring the fans that he could (& would) be able to play Chin Ho in S8, filming in Hawaii, & to act as 1 of the credited Executive Producers on The Good Doctor (which, I found out earlier this week films in Vancouver (ironically) when Daniel posted to social media about the first day of the first table read for S2) at the same time. Then, suddenly, both were gone (though there were signs at least Grace would be leaving, based on what they said when she wrapped filming on S7). Then recently, unfortunately I don't remember where now, I read something that seemed to say neither Grace nor Daniel was happy being on H50 before they left the show; if true, I think Daniel should've at least not reassured the fans he would be back last season if, behind the scenes, he wasn't happy on H50 anymore.
  17. I have no idea. But I suppose it should be, like the #MeToo/Harvey Weinstein (et al) thing is for the men named as being involved in that. What got me about it wasn't that, though. It was that she signed on to do another series so quickly (she only took a year/TV season-long break off) when, based on how, among other things, during her contract dispute before H50 S8, Grace supposedly wanted to do less than half of the episodes of Hawaii Five-0 Season 8, or less than 12-13 (there were 25 eps in S8), then she wanted Kono written out entirely. To me, that sounded like someone who wanted to spend more time with her family (especially her young son, who was born somewhere between H50 S3 & S4) after having worked so long & hard for at least the last 7 years (plus however many seasons she was on the Battlestar Galactica reboot). It didn't sound like someone who quit a series after 7-ish years, plus however many years for BSG right before that, only to go back to work after, basically, a year off.
  18. From ET Online: The Michael Jackson Estate Comments on the Death of Joe Jackson
  19. From Deadline.com: Former Hawaii Five-0 Female Lead Grace Park to Star in ABC's New Drama, A Million Little Things; Her Role Was Recast From the Pilot
  20. From Deadline.com: Former Hawaii Five-0 Female Lead Grace Park to Star in ABC's New Drama, A Million Little Things; Her Role Was Recast From the Pilot
  21. From USA Today: The 10 Best TV Shows of 2018 (So Far)
  22. According to this article in USA Today, Planters Cheez Balls & Planters Cheez Curls are coming back for a limited time, online & in select stores (not named in the article), in July.
  23. According to David's Wikipedia page (under the 1970's section), regarding the death of the fan before/during a show in London, it says: That's actually the first time I've read that--that he spoke to her parents & sent flowers, but didn't attend the funeral so it wouldn't become a media circus (which is understandable, & respectful of him, I think). Everywhere else I've read/heard about the death of the girl, the only things that were said were some form of "David was devastated & decided he wouldn't tour again because of what happened to the girl." According to the Concerts page of David's website, As for David's daughter, actress Katie Cassidy, she & her descendants were left out of David's will, which was written in 2004. But the magazine article I'm linking to does say, besides that the will was written in 2004, that Katie & David had an up & down relationship, as if to explain/apologize for that omission (& I'm not really sure it does, honestly). David's son, Beau, received the bulk of David's estate, which apparently was only $150,000 at the time of his death. His half-brothers, Shaun, Patrick, & Ryan, "were granted music memorabilia". I'm still not sure what that means.
  24. The actress who played Kyra was having issues with anorexia, or another eating disorder. That's at least mostly why she disappeared & reappeared the way she did.
  25. Wikipedia is connecting Trapper John, M.D. to the movie version of M*A*S*H, somehow, instead of the TV show. I knew it wasn't connected to the TV show; especially since we never heard about Hawkeye (in particular) since they were supposed to have been best friends/at least really close before Wayne Rogers & his version of Trapper was written outta the show & Mike Farrell's BJ Hunnicutt was written in as his replacement. I don't know (shrugs), I feel like it's more of a "standalone" show using 1 of the main characters from M*A*S*H.
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