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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. For those who don’t know, her husband is NFL Quarterback Jay Cutler, formerly of the Denver Broncos (3 seasons) Chicago Bears (8 seasons) & the Miami Dolphins (1 season).
  2. I Googled. TJ’s sells turkey chili with beans, beef chili with beans, & organic chili. You can also get them all through Amazon, but you usually have to get them in multiple can packages (like 3 cans) & I’m not sure the per can price is worth it. Unless, of course, you’re a Prime member & can get them for the Prime Pantry price (which is usually the lowest available price & requires the smallest quantity purchase of the item at a time—like a single can, instead of 3) if they have 1.
  3. So did NBC. They bailed on the reboot after 3 episodes, though I’m pretty sure they had at least another 1 scheduled, which then got pulled after the whole series did. They didn’t do a “burn off” of remaining unaired episodes either, so I don’t think they had that many episodes filmed ahead at the time it was canceled.
  4. I don’t know if anyone from Five-0 will be in the Magnum Pilot, but it sounds like Peter Lenkov (showrunner for both shows, plus the MacGyver reboot which films in the Atlanta area) does have plans for a crossover between the shows at some point. He’s mentioned it in recent interviews, I’m pretty sure. According to a voiceover by Magnum in the trailer, Robin Masters is a male. At least as far as he knows. I’m not saying they won’t eventually do the thing from the original where Magnum starts to wonder if Higgins & Robin Masters are the same, but Robin Masters is referred to using a male pronoun in the first look trailer (which I just watched again). I just watched the first look trailer, which somebody embedded in a post in this thread, again. They use the same theme song as was in the original series in the trailer, so presumably they’re using it for the reboot too. They used the original theme with the Hawaii Five-0 reboot too. And this year is the 50th anniversary of the premiere of the original Hawaii Five-O. Time flies. The original H50 ended in the Spring of 1980, after premiering in the Fall of 1968 & running 12 seasons. I’ve always heard the original Magnum was conceived, at least partly, as a way of keeping the studio where H50 filmed open, & not going to waste/falling into disrepair, & the locally-based crew members who had worked on H50 employed after filming of H50 ended since (I don’t think) that many movies or other TV shows were filming on location there on a regular basis, back in the day. Yes, TC & Rick are in the new show. So are Magnum (naturally) & Higgins, although Higgins is a female this time. TC & Rick are also very prominent in the first look trailer linked in this thread. Just don’t expect Roger E. Mosley & Larry Manetti to play them this time (Larry Manetti actually has a recurring role in the current version of Five-0). Or John Hillerman to play Higgins; especially since he died last year, & I think he had retired from acting at some point before that.
  5. From the Honolulu Star-Advertiser: ‘Magnum P.I.’ to Screen with ‘Hawaii Five-0’ at Sunset on the Beach For the Magnum fans who aren’t also Five-0 fans (or who aren’t otherwise familiar with Sunset on the Beach), the whole Sunset on the Beach event (at least in its present form) really started with Season 1 of the Five-0 reboot & has been done every season since, though there were also Sunset on the Beach events for at least some seasons of Lost, prior to the beginning of what’s become the annual Hawaii Five-0 tradition. Usually SOTB, as it’s called for short, is held on a day late in the week or over the weekend, at least a couple of weeks before the season premiere episode airs on CBS. According to this, SOTB—which is FREE, as far as admission is concerned, & open to the public (people in the resort hotels that have a good view of the Queen’s Surf Beach area from their rooms also have been known to watch the festivities from there) originally started out as the showing of popular movies on a big (30-foot) screen set up on Queen’s Surf Beach, across from the Honolulu Zoo. There’s also live Hawaiian-style entertainment, deejays, & food trucks/mobile units of local restaurants serving food. The film(s) was (were) screened after sunset, & the events usually ran from about 4-9PM local time. It was then sponsored by the Waikīkī Improvement Association, the website where the link in this paragraph goes to. In more recent years, it’s become a way for the Five-0 (& now Magnum) producers to give back to the residents of Honolulu for putting up with the disruptions, & long months, involved in shooting the show(s) on location in the city & surrounding area. It’s also become a big gathering for the fans of Five-0 (& hopefully also Magnum in the future). In this form it’s sponsored by CBS & various corporate sponsors whose products, businesses, & services are seen, used, or otherwise mentioned in the show. It still retains the original elements of Hawaiian-style entertainment, deejays, the availability of local food, & a screening of something on the big movie screen (usually an advance screening, before the rest of the country sees it on CBS, of the season premiere episode of Five-0, now on a double feature bill with an advance screening, before the rest of the country sees it on CBS, of the series—& hopefully, in the future, season—premiere of the new Magnum). As attendees are known to hit the beach very early the day of, to stake out a good place to both (hopefully) make contact with the cast members expected to be in attendance & to see the big screen well during the episode(s) screening(s), Peter Lenkov, the showrunner of, & man behind, the Magnum & Five-0 (& MacGyver) reboots, who’s attended every SOTB, has usually dropped by the SOTB site to pass out malasadas &/or coco puffs (very popular Hawaiian pastry delicacies), usually around noon local time, I think; sometimes along with some of the (usually supporting) cast members. He also has passed out, without any prerequisite, “swag” related to the show to anybody already waiting, &/or asked show-related trivia questions with the show “swag” as the prizes for correct answers. With these SOTBs, there’s a red carpet entrance by the cast members in attendance (they also sign as many autographs for, speak with, & take as many selfies as possible with the fans between their arrival & the start of the main program); the cast members in attendance are also brought onstage & introduced, once the part of the program involving the episode screening begins, at which time 1 of them, possibly along with 1 of the producers, makes some kind of speech to the fans on behalf of the show’s cast & producers. Then the episode is screened. According to the linked article, the entire cast of Magnum & all of the “main stars” of Five-0 will be in attendance (certain Five-0 stars, past & current, have skipped the event in previous years though, & their attendance isn’t mandatory). In recent years, the SOTB event has also included a musical performance by a nationally-known artist (this year it’s Cyndi Lauper), who usually ends up as a guest star, or with a cameo appearance in, whatever episode of the show is being filmed the same week as SOTB is scheduled (or they have another connection to the show; like John Ondrasik, the voice behind the pop group Five for Fighting, was the musical guest at SOTB a few years ago, the same year Five-0 was airing their 100th episode, because he had written a song specifically for use at the end of that milestone episode). Considering this year’s SOTB celebrates the new seasons of both Five-0 & Magnum as they both film in & around Honolulu, & the musical guest at SOTB has also, it ended up, coincidentally been there to film a part in an episode of the show(s) at the same time, if this “tradition” holds, Cyndi Lauper could be appearing in, or perhaps contributing a song to, an episode of either Five-0 or Magnum (or both). I haven’t yet heard she’s appearing in either, or both, though. Sorry for the long-winded post. I thought a better explanation of the event than was in the linked article was necessary, in case anyone might consider attending the event since it’s the first for the Magnum reboot.
  6. I like Blair Underwood too. But I was also a big fan of the original Ironside, & I was lucky enough to have met & worked with, through the March of Dimes, 2 of the co-stars (1 of whom remained a good friend of mine & my family’s for a number of years after we first met). I agree. At least originally I thought the reboot had potential too. But I think the people behind the reboot should’ve kept more elements of the original than just the show’s title, the name of the lead character, & the premise of the show (paralyzed, wheelchair-using cop continues to fight crime after recovering from his devastating injury). For me, that’s probably ultimately why it failed—they changed at least half, if not more, of the elements of the show that viewers of the original were familiar with. Though I have to admit, I wasn’t sure I was ready to watch someone besides Don Galloway (the cast member who was a close friend of mine & my family’s for a number of years after we met) play Detective Sergeant Ed Brown. So in some ways I was happy, I suppose, that the character wasn’t in the reboot. But it does make me crazy when reboots drop characters who were part of the original show, usually in favor of adding new characters instead (unless it’s a case of an actor playing an original character wanting to leave a long-running reboot & the actor & character are replaced by an actor playing an original character). I don’t mind adding new characters to reboots from the start of the reboot, but I mind it if original characters are written out & seemingly replaced by the new characters from the beginning. Like the original SWAT had a character named TJ McCabe (played by James Coleman) on the team, but he’s nowhere to be found in the reboot although the other original characters “Hondo” Harrelson, Jim Street, Dominic Luca & Sergeant David “Deacon” Kay, are. Original fans were probably looking forward to seeing Ironside, capably assisted by Detective Sergeant Ed Brown, SFPD policewoman Eve Whitfield &/or Fran Belding, & reformed delinquent, eventually turned lawyer, Mark Sanger fighting crime in San Francisco along with the SFPD. Those elements, I think helped make the show popular. What original fans got was Ironside being assisted by a new team of associates, who weren’t Ed, Eve, Fran, & Mark, whose character names I’ve totally forgotten now, fighting crime in New York City, along with the NYPD. And there was really nothing wrong with keeping the setting of the reboot in San Francisco. I almost forgot to add: (former?) actress Barbara Anderson, who played SFPD policewoman Eve Whitfield when the original series started, is (if you can believe it) the sole surviving cast member from the original series.
  7. They’ve already done Ironside. It was on NBC a few years ago, with Blair Underwood as the title character this time. All they did was keep the title, the title character’s full name, & the premise—a police detective who’s paralyzed in a shooting, & now a wheelchair user as a result, continues his career after his recovery, with a team of physically capable assistants to help with the investigations; especially when they might get into things he physically can’t do any longer. They changed the setting from San Francisco to New York City, & the reboot gave all new names to the supporting characters who were Ironside’s assistants. The reboot lasted, like, 3 episodes.
  8. From the Honolulu Star-Advertiser: ‘Magnum P.I.’ to Screen with ‘Hawaii Five-0’ at Sunset on the Beach This season’s Sunset on the Beach event, celebrating the upcoming 9th season of the current version of Hawaii Five-0 & the 50th anniversary of the premiere of the original Hawaii Five-O, will be held on Waikiki’s Queen’s Surf Beach on September 14th. The event will also celebrate the premiere of the Magnum P.I. reboot. Both series air on CBS & are executive produced by Peter Lenkov (also the executive producer of the MacGyver reboot, which is starting its 3rd season September 28th, also on CBS). This year’s event will include a double feature screening of the 9th season premiere episode of Hawaii Five-0 (scheduled to air on CBS 2 weeks later, on September 28th), followed by a screening of the series premiere of the new Magnum P.I. reboot (scheduled to air on CBS 10 days later, on September 24th). The episode screenings will be followed by a performance from special musical guest Cyndi Lauper. The cast of the updated Magnum P.I. will make an appearance to celebrate the premiere showing of their first episode. CBS announced that all of the main stars of Hawaii Five-0 are expected to attend the screening. Hawaii-based regulars Kimee Balmilero (Dr. Noelani Cunha), Dennis Chun (Sgt. Duke Lukela), & Taylor Wily (Kamekona) will also walk the red carpet beginning at 4:30PM.
  9. From USA Today: Australian Professional Golfer Jarrod Lyle Dead at 36 Due to Leukemia
  10. Then you probably could eliminate the Independent Spirit Awards. I thought those were created because the Oscars weren’t recognizing independent films/film performances. That’s (or it would be) kinda like when they used to have the Cable ACE awards when cable TV was still fairly new, because the Emmys wouldn’t recognize cable programs or performances in them; then those awards were discontinued after the Emmys began recognizing cable programming & performances.
  11. From Vox: Anthony Bourdain’s Death Is One in a Growing Public Health Tragedy
  12. There’s actually a Chick-Fil-A in the new Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, where the Falcons started playing their NFL games last season; it doesn’t open on Sundays, which are most game days. There are also Chick-Fil-A’s in airports which aren’t open on Sundays either.
  13. If they aren’t owned by Chick-Fil-A, which closes its stores on Sundays, to give their workers time to go to church or to otherwise spend time with their families (maybe unless there’s some sort of local emergency/severe weather situation where food might need to be provided to the emergency workers involved), I’d say they’re apparently at least trying to emulate that part of Chick-Fil-A’s business model.
  14. Karen Black & Jack Nicholson, & Five Easy Pieces & Trilogy of Terror, were name checked by Linda Hunt’s Henrietta (Hetty) Lange character in a third season episode of NCIS Los Angeles, “Touch of Death”. This was the second half of a two-part crossover episode with Hawaii Five-0, during its second season. The Hawaii Five-0 episode was titled “Pa Make Loa”, which is Hawaiian for “Touch of Death”. Except for a remake of the original Hawaii Five-O episode “Hookman”, & I think the Pilot, all the other Hawaii Five-0 episode titles in the current version have, so far, been written in the Hawaiian language.
  15. From the Los Angeles Times: ‘Superman’ Actress Margot Kidder’s Death Ruled a Suicide
  16. Not to mention the speeches that seem to go on forever, where the winner(s) has (have) to thank everybody they’ve ever known or worked with in their entire life (lives), & all their family members, by name. Those extend the running time too. I thought they were supposed to have something about (shortening) those, but it seems practically everyone who ends up winning still insists on doing a “laundry list” acceptance speech (the naming of everyone in their life who possibly contributed to their win in any way, shape, or form) when they get on stage & have the Oscar in their hands. Something else that contributes to the show running over, though not really as frequent an occurrence as a particularly long-winded acceptance speech, is when there’s a technical glitch of some kind; or the next award presenter or performer (of the Best Original Song nominees), or somebody else (like the President of the Academy, or the reps from the accounting firm which counted the votes—if they’re still being introduced/name checked during the show after the debacle with the Best Picture award a couple[?] of years ago) isn’t quite ready or in position for their bit onstage when they’re supposed to be.
  17. She was also the stewardess (pre “flight attendant” days) who had to fly the plane (until an alternate pilot could somehow get aboard the plane) after all of the flight crew was wiped out when a Cessna, with a private pilot who was having a heart attack, flew into the cockpit & made a huge hole in it along the flight engineer’s panel/side while both planes were on descent to Salt Lake City airport where they were diverted (from LA & Boise [I think], respectively) due to fog in Airport 1975.
  18. It actually gives a 2013 date in the upper right hand corner of the linked page.
  19. I’m not sure retcon (or retroactive continuity) is the term you want. An example of that would be, in Will & Grace, the baby born to Grace & Leo (her husband, played by Harry Connick Jr. in a recurring role) during the original run of the series has been nowhere to be seen in the revival version of the series. Another example is in Roseanne, with the finale of the original version being that season’s eps were all stuff Roseanne wrote in a novel, we find out at some point during the episode, & then most/all of it—including the supposed death of Dan due to a heart attack on Darlene & Mark’s wedding day (which may have been the season before)—being negated in the first episode of the revival by, among other things, Dan being alive (but apparently having to use a cpap device at night). And then there’s the “Pam dreamed Bobby’s death” storyline on Dallas. Somewhere near the end of the series, Patrick Duffy, who played the “good” Ewing son/brother Bobby, wanted to leave. However, Victoria Principal, who played his sometimes happily married/sometimes estranged or divorced, but pretty much always in love with him wife, Pam—who just happened to be the daughter of the man Bobby’s father & older brother, JR, considered the family’s worst enemy; at least when it came to business—was still on the show, which she would go on to leave later. Bobby & Pam were either separated or divorced, but definitely living separately (she with their adopted son, Christopher) at this point. Pam had an evil half-sister, Katherine Wentworth, from a subsequent relationship of her/their mother’s, whom she only learned about once they were adults. Katherine managed to get her hooks into Bobby & they got involved romantically (as I remember). Anyway, at the end of this particular season, Katherine (who really hated Pam; especially that Bobby still seemed to be tied to her, & not just because they shared a son, after they were supposed to be divorced) went over to Pam’s house & tried to run her down with her car; Bobby was there & put himself between Pam & Katherine’s car. Bobby & Katherine were both declared dead, as a result of her hitting him with her car, & the next season was Bobby-free. Pam became involved with a really nice guy named Mark Graison & they were married, or they were engaged & headed for marriage. In the finale of the Bobby-free season, Pam went to sleep with Mark, her supposed (or almost) new husband; but in the next season premiere Bobby was alive & well, & in Pam’s shower (now apparently having been the 1 who at least spent the night with her—but I can’t remember if they were supposed to have gotten remarried, instead of Pam & Mark marrying for the first time, or not). So, when Patrick Duffy decided to return to Dallas after a season off all the stuff that happened, at least involving Pam, between Katherine hitting Bobby with her car & killing him & Bobby being in Pam’s shower when she woke up the morning after she (I’m pretty sure) married Mark Graison, was retconned by saying Pam had dreamed it all.
  20. From USA Today: Stan Mikita, Chicago Blackhawks Legend and National Hockey League Hall of Famer, Dead at 78
  21. Todd may be the sole survivor of the original Diff’rent Strokes cast (except Janet Jackson—yes, THAT Janet Jackson, who’s still alive—had a recurring role as Charlene, the girlfriend to Todd Bridges’ character, Willis; Janet started out as a child actress & her 3 biggest roles were probably in Good Times, Diff’rent Strokes & Fame though the last 2 shows may not be in the order in which she did them). But, Todd (& Janet, if you include her) isn’t the only surviving cast member of Diff’rent Strokes from the whole run of the series. During the last 3 seasons of the series, in a bid to refresh it, to improve the ratings, whatever, Philip Drummond, the white millionaire with a daughter (played by Conrad Bain) became involved with, then married, a woman named Maggie McKinney (the character was originated by Dixie Carter, & then played by actress & former Miss America Mary Ann Mobley for the last 2 seasons of the show—sadly, both Carter & Mobley [whom I had the chance to meet & work with on March of Dimes stuff] are deceased, from different types of Cancer). Anyway, Maggie had a red-headed, typically precocious since he’s a child actor, son named Sam McKinney. Sam was played by Danny Cooksey. Danny’s still alive & still acting, primarily as a voice artist in animated work. Another of the actresses who had a (mainly recurring) role in Diff’rent Strokes is also still alive (& was still acting as recently as last year, 2017). That would be character actress Mary Jo Catlett, who played the Drummonds’ housekeeper, Pearl, in the last few seasons of the show. I think those are all of the actors who had some part in Diff’rent Strokes, in general, & are still alive.
  22. Shows like Murphy Brown & Will & Grace are considered “revivals”. They have the same cast (with the exception of anyone who might’ve died between the original & the new version, of course), though at least Murphy Brown has added a couple of all-new characters to the revival version: (Phyllis, played by Tyne Daly, the sister to the now-deceased Phil who ran the watering hole/bar & grill where Murphy & friends hang out after work; & a character who’s in charge of the Social Media presence for the new newsmagazine show Murphy & friends work on; they also have a now adult version of Avery, Murphy’s son from the last few seasons who was played by Oscar nominee Haley Joel Osment as a school-age child).
  23. From The Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, IN) via the Washington Post: Liberals Find Escape with ‘West Wing’ This article is about both the TV show & The West Wing Weekly podcast.
  24. From USA Today: Keri Russell, The Americans Take Home Top Television Critics Association Honors Matthew & Keri were up against each other for the award she won.
  25. From CNN: Got milk? Vanilla Almond Breeze Might, Prompting Recall HP Hood LLC has recalled some half-gallon cartons of refrigerated Vanilla Almond Breeze almond milk because they may contain milk, an allergen not listed on the label, the US Food and Drug Administration said Friday. The product is safe to consume unless you have a milk allergy or sensitivity, the company said. However, those who do have an allergy or severe sensitivity to milk run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reactions if they consume the beverage. Approximately 145,254 half-gallon cartons of the affected almond milk were shipped to retailers & wholesalers in 28 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia & Wisconsin. Consumers who purchased the product may return it for a full refund or exchange or visit the Blue Diamond website to complete a form (looks like it’s a reimbursement form). The recall applies only to refrigerated Vanilla Almond Breeze almond milk with a use-by date of September 2, 2018. To identify recalled cartons, consumers should also look for a Universal Product Code (UPC barcode) of 41570 05621 on the side panel next to the nutrition facts. Additionally, recalled cartons contain these identifying codes stamped on the containers: H5 L1 51-4109; H5 L2 51-4109; H6 L1 51-4109 & H6 L2 51-4109.
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