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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. From USA Today: Opera Singer Neal E. Boyd, Who Won America's Got Talent Season 3, Dead at 42.
  2. The Sunshine Boys lists a release year of 1975; George Burns didn't die until 1996. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "a shot in the arm" (I understand that part) "until shortly before his own death" (unless I've forgotten if he slowed down physically or professionally before he died, this part puzzles me). Yes, he was 100 years old when he died, but I thought he was still pretty active until he died; the cause of death being cardiac arrest, which is sudden & not anything lengthy & debilitating. He lived, & continued to work, for 21 years after The Sunshine Boys was released. His Wikipedia page says he was professionally active 1902-1996, the year he died (which was in March that year; his 100th birthday was in January).
  3. And don't forget, Will went with Bill & Jen to India when they took custody of Zoey.
  4. According to this YouTube video & this 1, it's finally coming back September 19th. The 2nd video only says September though.
  5. Joel Fields Tweeted a pic of a set he said was on the counter at his mother's house. Henry's not in the set as photographed & people were commenting about him being missing, like he wasn't seen a lot on the show.
  6. OK, I have to be an English (like you learn in school, not someone from England) nerd here & wonder if Bill forgot some words at the beginning of his post & didn't/couldn't edit. At least in my opinion, "It's not just hard, it's impossible that" needs "to believe" between "impossible" & "that". I don't know... maybe you can say it the way he did, but I've never heard it that way, without "to believe".
  7. I actually only met David, not Alice. Another poster met him. But no worries about the error. There were really too many celebs, from various professions that can make you a celebrity, to name. Suffice to say if they were popular for something in the early-mid 1970's, I probably met them, along with a lot of local/state dignitaries, like Mayors or Governors of wherever I was. I'll PM you the rest of the stuff I was gonna put in here that's way off topic. Last year, what seemed like a lot of the celebs I met, including David, passed on & I'd comment that I'd actually met them, through my March of Dimes work, in the Celebrity Deaths thread (topic?) when their passing was posted there. I don't think there's a topic/thread here about "regular people" or fans meeting celebrities. I don't even know if it'd be an appropriate topic here (but, unless I'm mixed up, on the old site we had a thread that was about the nice things celebs would do for fans, not really intending to get publicity from it but people manage to find out about it & it makes news anyway [like they call/FaceTime or Skype/Email or maybe snail-mail/make special videos for sick fans, or treat fans to something special the celeb can do for the fan, like athletes or sports coaches give them at least tickets--if not access to the playing surface for the sport &/or a tour of where they play, &/or a good amount of, usually signed, team swag--to a regular season, playoff, or championship game], or something they can do together), which is the closest we got to discussing celeb interactions with "regular people" or fans.
  8. Since I told you the story of me meeting David, I thought I should share the picture of the 2 of us which is actually online & searchable with certain terms (heck, the photo from the first time I did a meet & greet with Barry Manilow is even online, which I wasn't expecting; I use it as my avatar [picture] on Social Media, & I might've posted it to my Social Media, as the small print under it is/includes my, luckily private, account's Twitter ID & I have to approve all my followers because it's private, so I can weed out the weirdos)--if you just pair our names, you won't get it. You have to use a different search term. Remember I'm only 8 and a half (& in 3rd grade) in this picture. I don't know why it says Cherish Lyrics under it. I'm also glad I'm actually smiling in it; I found 2 March of Dimes-related pics of me on the Canadian eBay site (it's really interesting what you can find online when you Google yourself--I never imagined I'd be on Canadian eBay) & in 1 pic I look like I'm thinking "Why do I have to take a picture with these bozos?"; in the other I'm still not smiling & I'm looking down at the floor, or something on it, & I think the 3 guys with me in the photo were New Orleans Saints players at the time, because a caption mentions the hotel in New Orleans I still remember my "entourage" (consisting of my mom/chaperone & my then-publicist) & I stayed at & that was mostly because it was in the French Quarter, had a French restaurant &, being a picky eater, the only thing they had on the menu I'd eat was French Fries (& I was lucky they had those). I have no idea how pics with those expressions even got published. Sigh...
  9. @Giant Misfit: It's also available at iTunes, Google Play Music, & Amazon.com.
  10. I found the post where the RN/Hospice nurse said the medical term for what David called "alcohol poisoning" (which it may well have been/been too). I read the Mobile version of the site, & I couldn't copy the post from there, as I originally posted, quoting her mention of Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome; but I thought I remembered you could copy posts if the site was set to Desktop format. So I tried it & it worked. Here's the full post: David Cassidy had Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. Here's a link to the Wikipedia page about Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, in case anyone's interested in reading it.
  11. Another comment about the special. It was on an hour later, as I suspected (which might have to do with my home state formerly NOT switching to Daylight Savings Time, except for things like airline schedules & TV schedules; we used to have those switch so they were an hour earlier when the "fall back" part of Daylight Savings Time happened, & I thought all of our cable channels were listing the right times, but either A&E didn't & I didn't know it, or they gave the wrong repeat time to TitanTV). If anyone missed it & wanted to see it, I'll try to keep an eye out for, & repost, other repeat times. Also... I noticed David kept asking the sound engineer, I'm pretty sure, to turn something up in the recording studio; because of that, could he also have been going deaf, like some musicians--I think like Phil Collins--have because of the exposure to music in a rock/pop setting? I was also wondering that & couldn't tell if maybe the sound was just muffled on the tracks he was recording to, which caused the problem.
  12. I have it on A&E right now. The David Cassidy Biography is on. Right now it's listed, on TitanTVs TV listing website, as the only repeat of the special. I will try to post any scheduled repeats in case anybody wants/needs to know that info. I haven't checked yet, but A&E MIGHT also have a YouTube channel where they post their programs & this may be posted there at some point; I'll try to remember to check & post if it has a channel & they post it. Regarding the special content, I think I at least might wanna get the CD he was working on, of songs his late father taught him, if it eventually gets released, which I think it may not have been, at least not yet--he may not have been signed to a music label when it was being recorded & he may have to have his estate, or someone otherwise interested in doing so, find a label to release it or self-publish it (if I don't get all of his solo stuff, love like I originally posted. I do like some of the songs I heard. Also, they did reveal his memory loss (at least, but not that fall he mentioned) was related to his alcoholism, as I said upthread. But they didn't call it what the poster I mentioned upthread--a professional nurse--called it. I will still try to find where I read it, I've forgotten what board/thread I read it on right now, as it was a few days ago, & I'll post the link here if I do though, because I said I would & I try not to break even sort of promises I make (I say sort of because I said I'd try to find it; I didn't say I definitely would, & I tend to deal in, as it were, semantics). I have another real life memory of David Cassidy. He was scheduled to do a concert in my hometown & I, being a fan, obviously wanted to go. But I couldn't, & I really was mad about it (I was around 8 and a half at the time, & I tend to hold grudges, for whatever reason), because it ended up being on the same day as I had to leave for, or while I was still gonna be out of town on, 1 of my March of Dimes trips. I can't remember if it was before or after I met him, or where I was supposed to go on my trip--for some reason, I think it was Kansas City--but it pissed me off because, if I hadn't met him yet, I was a fan who wanted to go to his concert, & if it was after I met him I was mad, naturally, because I had met him.
  13. Danny Bonaduce's comment, about David telling him he was supposed to show up, sober (& I think something else I, of course, forgot practically after he said it) was rather interesting, as I think it was said, or I thought, considering David had issues with at least alcoholism, if not illegal drugs, at the time he told Danny he was doing the gig--this was when, as I remember, Danny was doing standup comedy before he became a DJ, & maybe a nationally syndicated 1.
  14. Oh it could well be. As I remember, his drug use was actually mentioned in some interviews during or after, his The Partridge Family days--I remember reading somewhere that a dog he had back in those days was named "Sheesh", which was supposed to have been short for "Hashish", the illegal drug.
  15. It is. And I'm someone who's normally "oh, no big deal" by this kind of stuff about a current or former favorite TV actor/actress or musician/music group of mine. For example, Karen Carpenter's anorexia or Barry Manilow's being gay & recently married to his partner, who's also his manager, didn't faze me--Karen's anexoria had been at least rumored about for awhile &, to be honest, I'd actually known about Barry & his manager since 1983 (which I mentioned in the Celebrity News thread, I think it was, which it came up in after the People magazine cover story in which he finally, considering I'd known since the relationship was 5-years-old, as they say, came out; the relationship started in 1978, & I honestly think the title, & only original, song on his Summer of '78 CD, is at least sort of "their story", based on the lyrics, even though his co-writer, Bruce Sussman, probably wrote them (Barry usually does the music when he has a co-writer)--Bruce has written lyrics to other songs that are/might be biographical about Barry. I think the special does, however, make me wanna look on Amazon or ITunes for any of David's solo albums he did which I didn't have (basically the ones he did after his Cassidy Live! album, which I think was after his The Partridge Family days).
  16. In case anyone misses/missed all or part of this, & reads this in time, A&E is supposed to repeat this LATE TONIGHT/EARLY TOMORROW MORNING AT 1:02 AM EASTERN/12:02 AM CENTRAL TIME (Presumably the same times in the Pacific/Mountain Time Zones, but I'm NOT positive, so check your local listings... Also check your local listings in the Hawaiian & Alaskan, & any other time zones this may air in, such as Canada perhaps). Sorry for the perhaps late post, but I just now realized someone may need the info. Also, this is actually described as an actual biographical program about David; not just about the period after the dementia was diagnosed (& I have more info on that, & will post it when I find it--but a registered/apparently RN/Hospice Nurse in another board/thread I post in said it wasn't actually dementia, as in Alzheimer's type, that he had, but it was apparently a type associated with alcoholism--I've been wondering whether it should be posted since I read it, since I don't wanna crush anyone's feelings who was a fan, as I also was, back in the day, more than the news of his substance abuse & dementia may have, but decided it probably was OK since another poster, in response to 1 of my posts, referred to David as a douche (Hope that was OK @TVFan17; apologies if not).
  17. In connection with the new season of Food Network Star, E! Online did a "Where Are They Now?" Update on All the Winners From Season 1 On... Including Lenny
  18. According to a post elsewhere in the thread, linking to a listing of where all of the TV tributes to Anthony Bourdain will air, at least for the rest of the weekend, it appears the CNN tribute you watched last night--if it was on at 10PM Eastern--will air again tomorrow night, I think at 10PM Eastern (again), after this week's new episode of Parts Unknown. For anyone who missed it, here is most, if not all, of Anderson Cooper's tribute to Anthony Bourdain. It runs around 12 minutes & change (I think it said) & starts where Anderson starts talking about Bourdain & shows a good bunch of clips of Anderson & Bourdain, like, hanging out in various places (but mostly in Anderson's apartment), where they would at least sorta talk about shows Bourdain had recently done & then do some kind of cooking based on somewhere Bourdain had recently filmed. Then Bourdain would try to get Anderson--a notoriously picky eater--to try the dish. If he was successful, then he'd tell Anderson there was some unusual ingredient in the dish which would've kept Anderson from eating it if he knew about it beforehand. The segment ends after those, with Anderson saying guests will join him to talk about Bourdain after the commercials.
  19. From People: Anthony Bourdain's Shocked Mother Speaks Out After Son's Apparent Suicide: 'He Had Everything' The article also says Chef Eric Ripert said that Bourdain "had been in a dark mood these past couple days" (but that's where that comment ends--he didn't know, or choose to speculate, why). Bourdain's mother said she didn't see any reason he would've had for wanting to kill himself.
  20. At least when I went through it, instead of trying to hang herself the other person involved attempted to OD on pills--which were part of a prescription in my mom's name at the pharmacy in the building (I'd ask for the refills on the way in the building when my mom needed them, then either the other lady or I would pick them up before I went home; she got them under the guise of picking them up for my mom, who didn't need them at the time, without us even knowing about it until afterwards).
  21. Someone upthread brought up how Eric Ripert must be feeling, having been the 1 to discover his friend & colleague's lifeless body. Having been put in a similar position (luckily I found the person--my co-worker in my dad's office, who decided to do this in the office while we were the only 2 there--while they were still alive), I can tell you it's not fun, which I suppose goes without saying, & I don't wanna go through that kind of thing ever again. I also have to say that, rightfully or not, I was really angry at her for knowing me like I thought she did (she worked for my dad for years before I started & was like family, or close to it) & still leaving me to be the person who found her (luckily still alive). Again rightfully or not, I was still really pissed at her over it for awhile after she came back to work.
  22. Perhaps I shouldn't bring this up again, but the bolded is what I was trying to say (at least I think it is) yesterday, when I brought up the thought of (perhaps soon) needing to use a "Fuck depression" comment in response to a celebrity's death as often as we seem to say "Fuck cancer" in response to a celebrity's death.
  23. He was discovered, even with the France/US time difference, in time for his death to be announced as a breaking news story in either the 7:30 or 8AM Eastern half hours of the morning news/talk shows on CBS, ABC, & NBC, then actually covered, after the announcement, as if it were a previously scheduled segment of the broadcast. I think at least GMA had some sort of a mental health type specialist on the show talking about Kate Spade's suicide, before Bourdain's death was announced, & I think they brought her back to talk about Bourdain instead, after his suicide was announced (though maybe she had been previously scheduled to do another segment on Kate Spade's suicide; I don't know for sure).
  24. It was a signet ring with the Cassidy family crest on it, yeah. Jack had 1--in fact that was apparently something that helped identify his body, which was reportedly in pretty gruesome shape, after he died in his apartment fire. And I know David had 1 too (presumably his own & not Jack's, in whatever condition it was in after the fire); I remember reading about his ring in at least 1 of those paperback unauthorized biographies about him which were released in the era of The Partridge Family. I also remember buying at least 1 of them at a Book Fair at my elementary school (the show aired from September of the year I was in 2nd grade through March of the year I was in 6th grade) for, like, 75 cents or $1. You said Ryan had the same ring. I would assume it was just as you said then, all the Cassidy sons--David, Shaun, Patrick & Ryan--had the same ring. That brings up a question: David had a son, Beau, with his last wife, songwriter Sue Shifrin (aka Sue Shifrin-Cassidy)--who I think had divorced, or was in the process of divorcing, David by the time he was diagnosed with the eventually fatal multiple organ failure; though I think media reports on David's final illness & death said that she was among the family members staying with/near him at the hospital (as was David's mostly estranged daughter, actress Katie Cassidy, who was appearing--or had recently finished playing a role--in the CW network's TV show Arrow & went to the hospital after, or instead of, appearing at a Comic-Con type of convention in Atlanta that was held at the same time as David became ill). I wonder now if Beau had a Cassidy family crest signet ring too &, if he did, was he the original wearer or was his handed down from either his grandfather Jack (assuming it wasn't damaged too badly in the fire, or that it'd been restored), or from David before or upon his death. But I also wonder if Shaun's 2 sons & Patrick's 2 sons also have the signet ring too. By the way, Jack Gordon Cassidy, 1 of Patrick's 2 sons, was on (I think) the 3rd most recent season of The Voice. Back in the day, a signet ring was used--with sealing wax--to seal (at least) letters & worn as jewelry. You'd dip the emblem on the ring (in this case, the Cassidy family crest) in melted sealing wax & then press the ring on the envelope so as to seal it when the wax solidified again. Recipients could apparently tell who the correspondence was from by the design imprinted in the wax (in this case, the Cassidy family crest), which had dried by the time the correspondence was received.
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