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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. The Kim thing was brought up in something I read earlier today (pretty sure that was an article from somewhere about Tamar dropping out due to health issues). Anyway, they said/reminded that Kim *was* (or so they said, & I think I remember this) medically cleared by her doctors to continue on the show after her TIA. The problem (& the reason Kim & Tony were forced to drop out) was that Kim wasn't released from the hospital in Atlanta until a Friday, for 1 thing; & while she *was* medically cleared to keep dancing, she *wasn't* medically cleared to fly from Atlanta to LA (which is at least a 3 1/2 hour flight, probably a little longer), because of the risk of getting more blood clots & having another TIA, or perhaps a major stroke, if she couldn't move around in the plane cabin a lot during the flight & keep the blood flowing properly. Since she only got outta the hospital/got medical clearance to continue dancing on Friday & needed to be in LA ASAP for the final rehearsals/camera blocking on that Monday's show, flying would've been the transportation method preferred--but she wasn't medically cleared to fly, & they didn't have any dress rehearsal or camera blocking footage of her dance(s) with Tony for that week to judge, so Kim & Tony were forced to drop out of the competition according to the rules (& Tom very specifically read the part of the rules pertinent to their situation to Tony & Kim when he talked to them on the show, before he announced they had to drop out due to Kim's illness/inability to travel because of it).
  2. Tom Tweeted a Get Well Soon message to Tamar earlier today. He also said the show's Producers are "looking at all possibilities" regarding how to handle Alexa's elimination Monday night followed by Tamar's medical withdrawal last night/earlier today, since that (likely) means they're now 1 elimination ahead of where they should be going into this Monday's show. He also asked his followers, perhaps rhetorically, if they had any favorites. https://mobile.twitter.com/Tom_Bergeron/status/664485085790388225?p=v (Also, Tamar's Co-Hosts on The Real today were talking about her being in the hospital for part of Monday's show, but they didn't seem to know Tamar had withdrawn from DWTS at the time today's show was taped; they gave out her & Val's voting phone number like they were still in the show)
  3. Legendary New Orleans Singer-songwriter Allen Toussaint Dies at 77 http://www.nola.com/music/index.ssf/2015/11/allen_toussaint_dies.html Former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Dies at 96 http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0SZ1T020151110 Actress Betsy Drake, Third Wife of Cary Grant (She Also Introduced Him to LSD), Dies at 92 http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/betsy-drake-dead-cary-grant-838970
  4. Forget 3 eps--unless that's the number on 1 (1 side of the) DVD. I usually go for broke & watch 1 disc (1 side of the DVD where the discs are double-sided, which was the way at least the 1st 3 individual seasons were released) at a time.
  5. I think the premise of the ep, at least for the main characters, was that it was supposed to be their day off. So I'm assuming Danny was off, with Grace &/or Charlie, or perhaps with his girlfriend, Amber/Melissa. He was obviously supposed to be somewhere he couldn't be reached/wouldn't be bothered since Lou worked the case involving the football game with Kono & Chin, whether those 3 were actually at the game or not. I forget if Lou was, but I'm pretty sure Chin & Kono were since it was a Kukui High game, Chin (& Jerry, & presumably Kono) went to Kukui & was a big football star there before McGarrett also went to Kukui, played football there (before being sent to the Mainland for his--& Mary's--protection), & broke most/all of Chin's football-related records. They just forgot to write a little "throwaway" line explaining his absence in the ep. Some of the writers are better at remembering stuff like that than others are--like a couple weeks ago when they mentioned (more than once, including in Jerry Rice's cameo scene) that Danny was in the hospital to do his part of the Bone Marrow Transplant Charlie needed. I appreciate it when the writer(s) actually takes the time to write in even a "bullshit" excuse for an actor's/character's absence from an ep, even though I think a lot of H50 fans know, by now, Scott's absences--at least 5 of them per season, anyway--are because he & those involved at the contractual level renegotiated his contract at some point around S3 or S4 (I think) & they agreed to let him do 5 eps less, per season, than Alex does.
  6. Uke & wings707: I would think they have a dress rehearsal performance they could go by, unless Tamar became ill before or during it. Tom Tweeted, timestamped on my (Eastern Time) Twitter feed at 4:47PM, that they were about to start dress rehearsal then (so presumably starting at/by 5PM Eastern). https://mobile.twitter.com/Tom_Bergeron/status/663835349047578624?p=v Given that info, I think they should have a dress rehearsal performance they could use unless, like I said, Tamar was taken ill before even being able to do her dress rehearsal dances.
  7. There is an explanation, by all the actors in the main titles that season (they each get a few lines; they don't speak in unison). It's at the beginning of the ep on the DVDs & was included in the ep whenever it aired on NBC or in local/cable network syndication afterwards.
  8. In case anyone's gonna be up then, or anyone wants to set a recorder, TNT will be repeating 1. the 3rd Season Finale (Kono & Adam go on the run from the Yakuza, with Doris McGarrett's help, after Adam's self-defense/protecting Kono killing of his brother, ex-con/Yakuza bigwig Michael). (2-3AM Eastern) 2. the 1st ep of S4 (Wo Fat enlists Steve's protection from terrorists he says are trying to kill him, they then take hostages at Iolani Palace & wreak havoc in other places; new character Honolulu SWAT Captain Lou Grover is introduced). (3-4AM Eastern) 3. the 2nd ep of S4 (Timothy Daly plays a Texas Ranger who's come to the island looking for his missing daughter & takes revenge on those he holds responsible for her being missing). (4-5AM Eastern) LATE TONIGHT/EARLY TOMORROW (MONDAY) MORNING from 2-5AM Eastern/1-4AM CENTRAL TIME.
  9. Charlie Dick, Widower of Country Singer Patsy Cline, Dies at Age 81. http://m.billboard.com/articles/columns/country/6754076/charlie-dick-widower-of-patsy-cline-dies-at-81?utm_source=twitter
  10. I think a lot of it was shot in the Maunawili area of O'ahu. The waterfall was, if I'm not mistaken, Waimea Falls. I'm going by what was stated by at least the "behind the scenes creatives" involved with the episode (writer, producer, director, etc.), maybe also by some of the actors (including Sarah Carter--aka Lynn Downey) &/or other fans familiar with Hawaii on Social Media during & after the ep (Lenkov & a bunch of the writing/producing staff normally "Live Tweet" on Twitter during the new eps for those interested in getting "behind the scenes" type info on the eps or just "hanging out & watching the ep with them", in a way, even though they're in California & 3 [2] hours behind Eastern [& Central] Time--I've been in a lot of these Tweet sessions & they definitely are either watching the Eastern Time feed of the show, a tape of the finished ep, or perhaps following along with the final copy of the script, as shot/edited, for the ep as we're watching, 'cause their comments do accurately reflect what's actually, usually just, been seen onscreen).
  11. And the mutual friend is also a local Prosecuting Attorney (or at least I think it was supposed to have been Ellie Clayton who introduced them) so, yeah, if anything happened to Lynn during the date--which she didn't manage to get out of--Steve, or whomever, would be in more than a bit of trouble with not only the cops but also their mutual friend the Prosecutor (whether she could ethically/legally take the case or not since she's a mutual friend of both parties; even if she couldn't prosecute the case herself, she could probably end up being a Prosecution witness since she introduced Lynn to Steve, or whomever else if it wasn't Steve).
  12. Derek says Bindi will be dancing (at least part of) the non-partner dance blindfolded. http://www.tvguide.com/news/dancing-derek-hough-blog-week8-bindi-irwin/
  13. According to the CBS Press Express website (from which I get the ep descriptions posted at the start of each ep thread), Ep 100, Inā Paha (If Perhaps), where Steve--while kidnapped, drugged & tortured by Wo Fat--hallucinates/imagines what life would've been like for various members of the Five-0 ohana had the team never been formed (& we get the cool Five for Fighting song/show clip montage at the end) will (finally) be rebroadcast on Friday, November 27th--the Friday of US Thanksgiving Weekend. But why they decided to repeat that "special" episode over Thanksgiving, instead of a more "normal" ep, I'll never understand. Just seems like they could've done like always over Thanksgiving & aired an ep more people wouldn't have minded missing instead of finally repeating the 100th ep, which many people may wanna watch again because it *hasn't* been repeated since its original airing on November 7, 2014, in S5. Every time CBS should've repeated the ep, in order, since the original airing they've skipped past it to (if I remember correctly) the ep where McGarrett's Aunt Deb (Carol Burnett) & her fiancé Leonard (Frankie Valli) go to Hawaii to get married. http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=43872
  14. He was there apparently by design. He was being transported from The Philippines, or somewhere, to prison in/near Long Beach, CA on "Con-Air" (as it were). He forced the plane down over Hawaii, to avoid prison, & has been hiding out there ever since; apparently feeling no need to try to get off that island & hide elsewhere. In my opinion, he torched McG's & Lynn's boat so *they* couldn't get away & inform the authorities about his/his henchwoman's location (which begs the question of how *she* got on the island--I don't think she was on the plane with him; either he pre-arranged this as a meeting place before crashing the plane & she eventually met him there, or he communicated the same to her after crashing, before trashing his various forms of communication with the outside world). Once McG & Lynn found him out, they were supposed to end up either dead--most likely--or stuck on that island with him & his helper forever.
  15. I would assume (or hope, at least) that the guy with the nut allergy would've come prepared with, like, a certain number of "Epi-pens" &/or a certain amount of his allergy medication in the event he was asked to work with something to which he's allergic. I'd also assume/hope that, even if he specifically mentioned the nut allergy when applying for the show, he wouldn't have expected them to not use nuts as a required ingredient in a competition because of it. I mean, he can easily hand off creation of nut-including product to others in his bakery--though remaining traces of the nuts in the bakery could still cause him problems, perhaps--but in a cooking/baking competition, honestly, I think you've gotta come prepared to deal with any ingredient they require, including something you're allergic to. The allergic chefs on Chopped ended up OK--mostly just pink & itchy, at least whomever didn't use rubber gloves when dealing with their specific allergen. The guy here probably could've used rubber gloves to work with the nuts too.
  16. The family is apparently in New Orleans, where it's been raining. Bill Tweeted a pic of Zoey, apparently getting ready to go to the local aquarium. https://twitter.com/reallybillklein/status/663013512562634752
  17. Ep Recap by TVLine.com. CONTAINS SPOILERS (for this & at least 1 more future ep) if you haven't seen the ep yet. http://tvline.com/2015/11/06/hawaii-five-0-season-6-steve-lynn-first-date/
  18. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=43770
  19. Being the more famous sister doesn't necessarily mean you're a better dancer though. She was eliminated 5th, on October 21, 2008, in Season 7. And about 2 years later, in 2010 (I think she was doing a "residency" show at 1 of the major Las Vegas Casino-Resorts at the time), she was diagnosed with both Lupus & a narrowing of the vessels in her heart.
  20. It's introducing us to the designers who are on the new Project Runway Juniors show, which starts in the original PR's timeslot next Thursday night.
  21. Giada talks about the divorce (nothing that earth-shattering or enlightening--mostly just how 1 minute she was married & the next she wasn't; also she says she's dating again) http://greatideas.people.com/2015/11/04/giada-de-laurentiis-dating-divorce/
  22. I don't think Terri Irwin is (or Steve Irwin was, for that matter) your typical parent of a celebrity minor. Just saying. I hope all it takes to fix this is a copy of Steve's Death Certificate/other pertinent legal documentation being faxed (presumably) to the court in LA from Australia. I wouldn't want Bindi to have to drop out of the competition at this late date because of a paperwork issue. I thought the whole thing was a joke too. I mean, at the time, it seemed like the whole world knew about Bindi's Dad dying so tragically. But I get there's a difference between knowing/saying he died & being able to show legal proof of it &, even if this Judge knows Steve's legally dead (& has been since Bindi was 8 & Robert was, like, 3), (s)he still needs to see his official Death Certificate/other pertinent paperwork to show Steve/his estate won't make any claim on any of Bindi's apparently substantial DWTS earnings (at least substantial in USD--not sure how much her earnings will translate to in AUSD, more or less than the original USD amount).
  23. I saw the other day that The Real has apparently been renewed for the next *2* seasons.
  24. Richard Schiff will guest star on Rob Lowe's new Fox Network comedy The Grinder, according to EW.com (Entertainment Weekly magazine's website). https://twitter.com/ew/status/661975186082824192
  25. The Executive Producers, & some Co-Stars (Elizabeth Röhm, Alana de la Garza) Remember Fred Thompson (From The Hollywood Reporter). http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/fred-thompson-dick-wolf-law-836434
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