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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Thanks for moving it. My sincerest apologies for not putting it in the right thread to start with.
  2. Except for whatever was in this episode, I don't think they've ever really said what the deal is with Nahele & his father. It appears the Dad was in prison for who knows how long, but apparently for something other than the murder we saw him commit, with a younger Nahele in the "getaway" car reading a comic book while the deed was taking place. And since Nahele was caught by Steve after stealing/stripping John McGarrett's vintage Mercury Marquis, it appears Nahele was left to his own devices, whether he was homeless or had relatives, friends' parents, guardians, or a foster family who just didn't care to/couldn't supervise him, or whatever else. At least until he crossed paths with Steve, who put him back on the straight & narrow by connecting him with positive influences & better ways to spend his time than following in his Dad's footsteps & pursuing a life of crime. And Steve reinforced that by telling Nahele he *wouldn't* sign or file the complaint he drew up against him for car theft with HPD; it would stay locked in his desk drawer, unsigned, if he showed up at Steve's to help him restore the Marquis... again... until that was finished, & he followed other conditions Steve set for him (stuff like staying in school, keeping the job Steve got him at Kamekona's Shrimp Truck, staying out of other legal trouble, etc.). Seeing as Nahele was all "But I DON'T wanna live with my Dad!" after the Family Court Judge ruled he had to, I think Nahele probably called HPD, if not Five-0 (somehow disguising his voice, so it wouldn't be recognized, if he called the latter), & told them he knew about a murder, who committed it, perhaps how long ago, & where the remains could be found. And Five-0 went & apparently found the remains, just where Nahele probably said they'd be. And I think Nahele did it so his father would (probably/likely) go back to prison, this time for life, & Nahele wouldn't have to live with his father anymore, like the Judge ordered. I don't think Five-0 knew Nahele's father committed a murder until they were led to the remains (& probably told who was responsible at the same time--I thought it was said/implied in the last scene that they were gonna arrest Nahele's Dad for it or they were looking for him in connection with it). By the way, the Family Court Judge in Nahele's case was played by the same actress/was the same character who awarded Danny Joint Custody of Grace, including not being allowed to be taken off-island by Rachel without Danny's permission, in an S4 ep, after Rachel filed for a Custody Modification in the S3 Finale asking to take Grace to Las Vegas to live with Rachel, Stan, & then-baby Charlie, because they needed to move for Stan's work. They do start the eps with A) A list of the lead actors (who play the main characters), in the main title sequence & B) A list of the recurring actors appearing in the episode & the actors whose characters are (at that point) specific to just the episode involved, at the beginning of each ep, after the main title sequence & the first commercial break air. It's up to the individual viewer, in my opinion (especially if they're regular/frequent viewers), to remember which actors play which recurring characters & how they're connected to the team. I've been watching since the premiere--haven't missed an episode yet--& I have no trouble keeping the recurring characters & their connections to the team straight.
  3. TNT is airing *5* eps from S4, spread out over tomorrow morning (Sunday, November 29th) & Monday morning (November 30th). Each "block" of repeats starts at 3AM Eastern/2AM Central Time. Late Tonight/Early Tomorrow (Sunday) Morning, TNT is airing: 3AM Eastern/2AM Central: The S4 Thanksgiving ep, with the 1st visit by Steve & Mary's Aunt Deb (Carol Burnett) & the COTW involving the murder of a Secret Service Agent just before the President visits Hawaii. 4AM Eastern/3AM Central: The Pearl Harbor episode. 5AM Eastern/4AM Central: Danny & Grace find a puzzle box, & then try to reunite it with its owner, while cleaning a local beach as part of a community service project by Grace's class/school; Chin's life is threatened when a case may involve a serial killer. Late Tomorrow Night/Early Monday Morning, TNT is airing: 3AM Eastern/2AM Central: The "3 Men & a Baby" episode, where Steve, Danny & Chin unexpectedly have to take care of Steve's sister Mary's newly-adopted daughter, during a case, while Mary's hospitalized with food poisoning. 4AM Eastern/3AM Central: The episode where McGarrett &, his then-nemesis, Grover are forced by Governor Denning to serve an arrest warrant for non-payment of parking tickets on a genius teenage computer hacker, Ian Wright--the character's first appearance in the show; he recurs in the S4 Finale. The 2 eps scheduled to air late Sunday night/early Monday morning may be inaccurate. They also were scheduled for, & aired, late *last* Sunday night/early *last* Monday morning. UPDATE (for anyone who cares): It appears the schedule I got the information from was WRONG about the 3 eps that they said were scheduled for this morning (Sunday). When I changed my TV to TNT at 3AM Eastern, Law & Order came on (the same at 4AM Eastern). The schedule I used (TitanTV.com) showed H50 from 3 to 6AM Eastern, followed by, like, 6 hours of Law & Order between 6AM & 12 Noon Eastern. Perhaps the 3 eps that were supposedly airing early this morning will air starting at 3AM Eastern tomorrow (Monday) morning, instead of the 2 eps the schedule shows as airing then, since both of them aired last Monday morning, with another ep, between 3 & 6AM Eastern (shrugs).
  4. Post about the Ratings &/or Scheduling of Hawaii Five-0 (2010) here! I'm starting this topic because, at least from a standpoint of posting the schedules of when the TNT repeat eps air (for those who might be new to the show & wanna catch up, or veteran viewers who wanna catch a favorite repeat) or when CBS is pre-empting new eps of the show for holiday or other specials, I think it's maybe been needed for awhile.
  5. The tour is, apparently, called Dancing with the Stars Live!. It's a live show where a lot of the pros & troupe members, & *some* (but apparently not all) of the celebs from the past season, basically, do a DWTS-type performance show but without getting judges scores after each performance. It's probably the dancing equivalent of the ice skating/ice dancing shows (Stars on Ice, etc.) or the gymnastics shows that tour the country after each Olympics, or similar to the American Idol touring shows after each season; I think--but I'm not positive--that SYTYCD does (or at least did) a similar show featuring some/all of their participants from the current season once it ends. I don't think they've had a DWTS touring show after every season either; I think they had 1 the first few years of the show (when it was really hot), then dropped it for awhile, then brought it back at least last season (Rumer did selected dates as a dancer, until she got stress fractures in her feet, & as a singer performing while another couple danced to her song; last year's show came to my hometown, but Rumer wasn't in the cast here), if not before, & are doing it again this season, through Valentine's Day (which is probably a little before the S22 pros will get their celeb pairings & have to start rehearsals with them, since the Spring season premiere is March 21st, I think). More information, including photos of the pros/troupe members scheduled to tour, a photo of Alek--as a representative celebrity on the tour (they said on the Finale that Hayes is apparently on the tour too; Alek & Hayes are the only 2 celebs definitely committed to it, but I think Alek is only doing "selected" dates, like Rumer did last tour)--& the scheduled cities, performance dates/times, & venues can be found here: http://dwtstour.com/ Hope this helps. Sorry for the sort of long-windedness; I was trying to explain it the best way possible.
  6. Empire may not be doing all that well this season, either. Just saying. I read on Twitter today that this week's ep hit a series low in the ratings (at least the second time that's happened this season)--though I know Fox isn't emphasizing/using the overnight ratings any longer (maybe stuff like that is why).
  7. He didn't even seem to get--or he conveniently forgot--the imposition of the death penalty wasn't even up to Jamie. It was *Adam Schiff* who, as Jack & Jamie's boss, decided who did or didn't face the death penalty as a possible sentence (like Nora in Teenage Wasteland, where the group of teenagers ordered Chinese food, weren't able to pay for it, & kiled the Chinese guy who ran the restaurant & delivered it) Neil/Neal just took everything out on Jamie professionally because he could. And then, once Adam attached the death penalty to the case, *the jury* deliberated over the recommended sentence & *the judge* ultimately imposed the sentence--*not Jamie*. His issues with his client in the trilogy facing the death penalty should've been taken up with Adam Schiff, not used as another way to threaten Jamie with losing custody of Katie. And he shouldn't have gloated about flying the same flight as Jamie & Jack in First Class, in the Hollywood case, when Jamie & Jack were in cramped Coach (nor should he have probably even flown First Class, & probably charged it to the movie studio/the guy he was defending--but that's a whole other rant about the character). He also shouldn't have blown his stack & threatened Jamie & Jack when they started looking at his client as the murderer, after Jamie told him the client wasn't even on their radar a day or so before. He should've remembered crap happens & he'd perhaps gone back & looked more seriously at someone he initially discounted in cases as well (though I think his practice was on the defense side of things instead of the prosecution side). That whole "I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks", to Jamie & Jack if they charge his client (in the trilogy), thing was really unprofessional to me. And there are so many other abhorrent things about Jamie's ex that, again, I can't think of right now.
  8. The new season of Tamar & Vince, 1 of Tamar's reality shows, will premiere on December 10th at 9PM Eastern/8PM Central on We TV. I've seen a bunch of promos & it looks as if they're gonna get into her being on DWTS & getting so sick during it, possibly because she physically overextended herself with all her other professional commitments, right from the opening episode. They use wording in the promo that alludes to her becoming sick & there's a shot of an ambulance with siren blaring, implying Tamar's in it, at the end of the promo (I watch a Law & Order "Binge-A-Thon" on the same channel 3 nights a week & have seen the promos that way).
  9. He was on The View though. He'd just started answering a question when ABC broke into the show because the President was supposed to make a Homeland Security-related statement, then George Stephanopolous & the White House Correspondent ended up vamping for 10 minutes about what the President was supposed to talk about, & then finally left the air after that because the President wasn't as ready to make his statement as they thought. So I got pissed because I wanted to see the DWTS segment & the Eastern & Central Time Zones missed the end of it for, literally, nothing--except 10 minutes of talking heads filling time, waiting for the important statement to start (but it didn't). Oh well, I guess there's always YouTube.
  10. I don't necessarily think it was the transoceanic flying between the US & UK that had Len taking a DWTS sabbatical this season; at least not per se. I think it was more to do with he'd have had to do it *every week* since he was also judging the "Mothership" show in the UK, Strictly Come Dancing, which aired its most recent season simultaneously with our S21 that just concluded. *That's* what gets tiring--flying transoceanic weekly plus, essentially holding down two jobs; especially for a man Len's age, who's also had health issues in the past (he announced in March, 2009 that he was being treated for prostate cancer). Yes, Bruno also does the weekly LA-London commute during the fall DWTS season to also judge SCD. But Bruno's 11 years younger than Len--Bruno's 60, as of today, in fact, to Len's 71 (Len was born in April 1944--I got both ages by Googling)--but he also hasn't had any serious health problems we know of; so the weekly transoceanic trip is probably still somewhat easier on him than on Len. SCD apparently only airs once per TV season in the UK, to DWTS' twice per season here. It's now probably easier for Len to just judge our Spring season because he doesn't *have* to do the weekly transoceanic commute to judge SCD too during our Spring season; he pretty much only has to go back & forth when he wants to then. He can also have his family in the UK do the transoceanic commute to see him--even if he pays/offers to pay for it. And there's always Skype, FaceTime, etc., to keep in touch if he's not up to the commute himself.
  11. I still hate Jamie's ex, Neil (Neal?) Gordon! I think he's an even more abhorrent character than many of the villains on the show. Every time I see the trilogy about the dismemberment/beheading murder of the movie studio executive that spanned Hollywood & NYC, the story arc where Jamie gets engaged to remarry that guy David, & who knows what other episodes, I'm painfully reminded of it. He's a controlling, likely self-centered, SOB (& probably other very negative things I can't think of). He keeps threatening Jamie with custody suits involving their daughter, Katie, usually because of something involving her work/being a working mother, in general/allegedly not spending enough time with Katie--yet he seems to not realize that Jamie *needs* to work to provide for Katie (& the same would hold true if he had custody--he'd have to work to provide for her too) &, like him, her chosen profession is the Law. And that can be a time-consuming thing, with some cases. I really don't like his "It's OK for me to do this, but not for you to" attitude, or the whole "you can't enter into a serious relationship with another man" thing, or so many more things about the way they created that character to be. A few times, when I initially watched after he was introduced, I was afraid he'd either kidnap Katie or even harm/kill Jamie.
  12. Between 10 & 10:30 Eastern, they showed a video from Len. He said he'd been watching this season, & he *will* be back on DWTS for the season coming up this Spring (Tom Tweeted the premiere date earlier--if I remember right, it's either March 21 or 23).
  13. As Jaded said, it got renewed for the rest of the season. They just may have had what networks are now calling "the fall/midseason finale" after 8 eps, taking a break, for now, with more to air possibly before or most likely after the Thanksgiving & December/New Year's holidays.
  14. Well, I don't know what procedures are like now--mostly because A) I'm not privy to that information, B) We, thankfully, haven't had a Presidential assassination attempt to that degree of seriousness since President Reagan's, & C) They may have changed procedures as a result of the Reagan incident, so POTUS is automatically taken to the closest/designated hospital for a checkup whether he appears injured or not. As for the real life Reagan incident, Reagan didn't initially appear to be injured; so they started to take him back to the White House--this at least was SOP at the time Reagan was shot. On the drive back to the White House, he began to bleed from the nose &/or mouth. That indicated to his Secret Service agents--especially Agent Parr, who was apparently next to Reagan in the back of the limo--he had an undetected medical issue & Agent Parr ordered the limo to be turned around & headed in the direction of George Washington Hospital in DC, apparently saving President Reagan's life. That scenario was actually acted out in the The West Wing episode In the Shadow of Two Gunmen Part I, their S2 opener. In the S1 finale, President Bartlet's entourage was fired on while leaving a televised Town Hall gathering held at (the now former location of) The Newseum, in Rosslyn, VA, leaving some of the public & the President's staffers injured &/or killed. Anyway, we eventually see President Bartlet being put in his limo & sent back to the White House; after asking about the condition of his youngest daughter, who came with him & was put in another limo after the shooting, that's when President Bartlet's agents notice the bleeding & reroute his limo to the hospital. I actually was among a group of people connected to the March of Dimes who met President & Mrs. Reagan at the White House, in connection with announcing/promoting 1 of MoD's national fundraising events. They were both very nice (for those who care about such things). Ironically, our group met with them exactly *1 week*, to the day, before the assassination attempt. I also had the pleasure of doing a TV fundraiser in West Virginia, again in connection with my March of Dimes work, with actor David Canary. This was back in the 1970's, when he was still most famous for playing Candy, the ranch foreman, on Bonanza. He also was a very nice person. He didn't even mind--unlike some actors--when people would refer to him by his character name, Candy, instead of his real life name, David.
  15. Eliminations were based on the last 2 weeks of scores. Or so at least Tom, if not also Erin, said more than once (there was no elimination last week since Alexa PenaVega was eliminated 2 weeks ago, then Tamar dropped out of the show Wednesday of the same week (Veterans' Day) because it turned out she had multiple blood clots in her lungs (probably among other health-related issues) & needed hospital treatment. By the way, Bindi's last name's Irwin, with an I at the beginning not an E.
  16. The TVShowsonDVD.com website reports that amazon in Canada (amazon.ca) has a release date for the S3 DVDs as January 12th. This would likely be the same release date, or close, for the US because US & Canadian DVDs share the same Region, as far as playability/compatibility of media & players is concerned. They also show the possible cover design for the set, which is the illustration/whatever of Keri & Matthew's faces & necks painted with various kinds of Soviet/Russian & US iconography (for lack of a better term) on a black background. ALL of this information is subject to change, however, since that wasn't necessarily an *official* release date from those who'd know it. But at least we may have a ballpark figure on a release date & an idea of the packaging design we should be looking for in stores/online on the S3 DVDs. http://tvshowsondvd.com/n/21763
  17. It looks like Lili Simmons, who plays Danny's girlfriend Melissa--formerly known as Amber--is now in Hawaii filming her part of Ep 614. This is widely believed to be this season's Valentine's Day ep because it also involves the characters of Lynn Downey (played by Sarah Carter), who's supposed to be Steve's new love interest, & SFPD Inspector Abby Dunn (played by Julie Benz), who's supposed to be Chin's new love interest. They also filmed, late last week, with at least Alex O'Loughlin & Scott Caan at a Victoria's Secret store somewhere in Waikiki; Victoria's Secret can be a popular place for guys who need to buy Valentine's (& other) presents for their ladies. Anyway, Lili posted this Tweet earlier today &, if you look at the Instagram pic she linked to in it, it's a pic that appears to have been taken somewhere in Honolulu (I sort of recognize the view). https://twitter.com/liliflower33/status/668917650353864706
  18. They haven't specifically mentioned anything about that, either way, so far. But I don't believe actor Mark Deklin, who's played Stan in 2 episodes-- S1 when Rachel & Grace were in a carjacking intended for Stan (& other things meant for Stan, over some tapes he made of meetings about his building projects/permits with a corrupt Housing Commissioner, also happened to Rachel & Grace because the Housing Commissioner's goons did their stuff when Stan was on his way back from an overseas business meeting... As usual) while Five-0 searched for a missing Federal Witness in the Hawaiian jungle, whom they had to get to court to testify by 5PM that day. S2--When Danny's vengeful ex-Training Officer from the Newark PD, whom Danny helped imprison as a dirty cop, kidnapped Grace after he was released & then ordered Danny to "put 3 bullets in him (Stan), center mass" in order to save Gracie's life, or so he said. After Stan got to the local park Stan was to meet him at, Danny explained the situation to Stan & he agreed to be shot because it was supposed to save Grace, whom he loved like she was his own kid. Danny instead shot Stan once in a shoulder & put the other 2 bullets into the ground nearby. --is booked for any other episodes of H50 (at the moment). Mark Deklin (Stan) has recently been Tweeting about filming what appears to be a supporting or recurring role in Jennifer Lopez's new cop show, Shades of Blue--which is supposed to start airing soon on either CBS or NBC (I forget which), though. So I have the feeling that perhaps Stan & Rachel's marriage is (finally) in the process of going kaput, perhaps helped along by the revelation--to Stan, at least--that Charlie, whom he's raised as his kid for over 3 years, is really Danny's kid as much as Gracie is. Rachel, however, has alluded to Danny to there being problems in her marriage to Stan as far back as her (the character's) first appearance in S1 Ep 10 (Heihei). But I also have the feeling that if the Rachel & Stan characters are divorcing, it'll take place offscreen--unless they can create an ep plot something about it will fit into easily--& we probably have physically seen the last of Mark Deklin/Stan Edwards in an H50 episode.
  19. Rachel actually told Danny it was his baby--& she was sure of that--when she initially found out she was pregnant. (S1 Finale) Then, after he stayed behind in Hawaii to help get Steve out of the jam he was put in after being framed by Wo Fat for Governor Jameson's murder, & to help get Kono out of the mess caused (apparently also by Wo Fat) when she was suspended from Five-0 & HPD & accused of stealing the money from the HPD Asset Forfeiture Locker (taken to ransom Chin from a bomb collar he'd had placed around his neck at midseason of S1, then set afire & destroyed by Victor Hesse upon delivery), instead of getting on the redeye to Newark with pregnant Rachel & their daughter Grace, Rachel suddenly told Danny (apparently from New Jersey, where Rachel & Gracie apparently stayed for awhile once they arrived) that she was wrong--the baby was actually from her current marriage to Stan, the wealthy real estate developer. (Beginning of S2) Rachel maintained that lie--disappointing Danny, who was apparently excited by the new baby--all the way through his birth. And, she called Danny to be her "birth coach" when she went into labor "early" (for Stan's baby, but probably not for Danny's) & Stan was on a business trip to Beijing. I think it was supposed to be Rachel's way of having Danny there for their second child's birth without having to admit she'd lied that Stan was the baby's father. Twisting the knife in deeper, Rachel gave the baby the middle name "William"... Which isn't that far off from Danny's last name, Williams". There were about 9 million other hints in this ep that the baby actually was Danny's, if you paid enough attention to things in that ep & before to catch them all. (a little past midseason of S2) Then we get to the S5 finale. Rachel calls Danny & has him meet her at a park, where she's conveniently watching her/their son, Charlie (Charles William Edwards), play on the monkey bars. When he arrives, they make a little small talk about Charlie being on the monkey bars & Danny--at least--being scared when Gracie would play on them at the same age. After that, Rachel drops the paternity bomb on Danny, telling him Charlie has a (real-life, not something made up for the plot) disease called HLH (the name's really long & complicated). Rachel explains it, & that the best chance for a cure is a bone marrow transplant of a certain type of match. She further explains that she, Gracie, & Stan were tested as potential donors, but none of them matched. Then it dawns on Danny why she's telling him this, & he gets very angry about her lie & missing out on the first 3 years of their son's life. As angry as he is at Rachel (who claims she lied so, if something happened to Danny in the line of duty both of her kids wouldn't lose their father) he agrees to be tested & asks what she can tell him about that. That's basically where the scene ended. Danny was, of course, found (offscreen) to be (enough of) a match & he donated the marrow to Charlie (again, offscreen) in the October 16th ep; they went Trick or Treating together (this time onscreen), in the hospital's Pediatric Ward, in the October 30th ep.
  20. It appears Monday morning, between 3AM & 6AM Eastern, is the new timeslot for TNT reruns of the show. In that timeslot tonight/early tomorrow morning, they're airing: 3AM-4AM Eastern--Kupouli ʻIa (The S4 Halloween ep, guest starring Corbin Bernsen from LA Law & Psych) 4AM-5AM Eastern--Ua Nalohia (The ep where we, Steve & the team learn Mary has adopted a baby daughter, named Joan in honor of John McGarrett, & the team has to care for baby Joan while also working a case because Mary ends up in the hospital with food poisoning--aka the "3 Men & a Baby" ep) 5AM-6AM Eastern--Akanahe (The ep where we first meet Nick Jonas' teenage computer hacker character, Ian Wright, when the Governor tasks Steve & his partner du jour, Grover, with serving him with an arrest warrant; all hell breaks out from there, & Ian eventually manages to get away after using Grover's daughter's laptop--which Grover confiscated earlier, for misbehavior--to hack into the onboard navigational computer of a transpacific flight bound for Honolulu, disabling the system & endangering the lives of all those aboard)
  21. Abbie was supposed to have been from, like, Houston or Dallas, Texas, right? If so, it wasn't such a huge surprise she'd have chosen the meat over the salad, whether or not she was a female. I took the choice as a "I'm from Texas" thing (they're a big cattle farming state) as much as a "I may be a girl, but I'm not always/not into counting calories" thing.
  22. Actually SFPD Inspector Abby Dunn (Julie Benz's character) was introduced as the head of a Five-0 like task force *already operating* in connection with the SFPD. She's apparently in Hawaii to observe Five-0 & see if she can learn anything from them that they're not yet doing in SF & possibly should be. In Ep 608, after Steve swears her in as a temporary Five-0 member (since she's a cop she might as well be able to offer an extra hand on a case, if they need it, instead of just tagging along doing nothing), she's talking with the team & mentions that Inspectors Stone & Keller (a reference to the SFPD Inspector characters played by the late Karl Malden & Michael Douglas in ABC's 1970's cop show The Streets of San Francisco) were enjoying the immunity they got from being on the task force in San Francisco. So, yeah, SF's version of Five-0 is *already running* when we meet Abby, & Abby's in charge of it. I haven't heard anything about Grace Park--or anyone else in the cast who's part of the Five-0 team--taking more time off for anything than they already get in their contracts (like Scott gets to do 5 less eps, per season, than Alex so he can spend time with his LA-based family & he can work on his other interests in the business, not have to spend as much time in Hawaii since he prefers LA, & he can do whatever else). Just because they've brought in a new woman character &--temporarily--put her on the team, it doesn't necessarily mean she's a replacement for the existing woman on the team; she could be replacing 1 of the guys... *If* anyone's being replaced. And so far it doesn't look like that's happening--I think the entire existing team has been in the 2 episodes with Abby. I also haven't heard any specific details of the Abby character's storyline besides she's a possible new love interest for Chin.
  23. Netflix is apparently doing a reboot of Lost in Space: http://deadline.com/2015/11/lost-in-space-tv-series-remake-netflix-1201587644/
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