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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. I'll probably have more to say tomorrow/later, but for now... I think Jerry appreciated that shitty (pun mostly intended) job, of watching for the pig who swallowed the bullet to give it up, even though it was a pretty crappy (again, pun mostly intended) job for someone to get stuck with, because he's 1 of those souls who likes to feel needed. Especially when it's by a group of people he likely considers the adult equivalent of "the cool kids" in his high school days. I agree that Eric was put to good use here--but it helped that the character still can pass for "normal" college age. And I appreciate the fact they went back in continuity & remembered that when they created the character, 1 of the last things he said in the ep in which he was introduced (the "vote on the killer" ep from, like, S3 I think) was that he decided (after helping his Uncle D & Steve solve the case) he wanted to work in a crime lab. I mean, if we're not gonna get anymore scenes involving Brian Yang's Charlie Fong character as the go-to crime lab tech for the team (which it's starting to seem like--he hasn't been on since S3 or S4), they might as well have made something out of Eric's apparently "throwaway" line about working in a crime lab & had him end up working at the HPD crime lab so he could help the team, as preposterous as his ending up in the HPD lab may be, even with his HPD connections through his Uncle D. That way they're utilizing an already-created character instead of adding a new 1. I know that adding a new recurring character (except maybe Danny's son Charlie, since he's only 3 or 4 & is kinda cute) irks a lot of viewers (& posters) to no end these days. I don't really find the character of Eric that annoying--though I did in his first ep when he was such a goofball that he sent Gracie that "topless with a mohawk" pic of Danny (real-life pic of Scott) that was supposedly in a calendar involving Newark/NJ cops. I'm guessing he just sent it to everyone in Danny's online address book & that's how he sent it to Gracie. But I do love when he says something Kono takes offense to as a woman, or for whatever other reason, & Kono asks Danny if she can smack Eric for it. He did it this ep & in at least 1 more, if not in every ep he's been in. I guess Kono asks permission, instead of just hauling off & hitting Eric, 'cause she & Danny are friends, pretty much (non-blood) ohana, & she doesn't wanna offend Danny by smacking a *real* relative of his without his knowledge/permission.
  2. They did a team challenge in S11, Ep 3, where they designed/made over uniforms for various staff/servers at the NYC location of a "ping pong bar/social club" called SPiN, which is (was?) co-owned by Oscar-winning actress/activist Susan Sarandon & her romantic partner at the time (they've since ended at least the personal relationship). Here's a link to Tom & Lorenzo's blog about it: http://tomandlorenzo.com/2013/02/pr-s11e3-balls-to-the-wall/ Or... Zac has been signed (or whatever) to design new uniforms for cabin crew members & customer service agents at Delta Air Lines, & to consult on the design for new uniforms for other Delta ground staff. They aren't supposed to "debut" until 2018; maybe they could help Zac design them since there's so much lead time available. http://m.nydailynews.com/life-style/delta-flight-attendants-wear-zac-posen-uniforms-article-1.2209323 By the way, the word "Emperoress" is actually "Empress".
  3. Moved from the thread for S06E08. She was in Falling Skies, yeah. I'm not sure who she played; I never watched it & I can't remember which character from that show was mentioned in the press release announcing her H50 casting. I'd never seen her before this ep--that I know of. So far I think she's playing the character well & seems like a reasonable match for McGarrett, in my personal opinion (& I liked Catherine too--at least before she said she wanted nothing more than to stay in Hawaii with Steve, then she left him hanging at the drop of a hat after taking 1 mysterious phone call at Steve's house & then she took another, even more mysterious, call in the car on the way to the airport [or somewhere] during which the caller asked if Steve bought the deception about her departure she told him).
  4. Moving my response to Vermicious Knid to the thread for Ep 0607, which is the correct thread for the discussion.
  5. S3 premiered in January, at least. Not sure about the 1st 2 seasons. Anyway... According to this post from the TVLine website, from *before* they had set March 4 as the premiere date, they're apparently holding the show because they're running American Crime Story which, this season, is their dramatization of the OJ Simpson murder trial in February & they're premiering a new comedy show starring Zach Galafianakis in January. I know... I'm not fond of the idea either, though I may watch the OJ thing, if it's not on against something more important to me. http://tvline.com/2015/11/12/american-crime-story-the-americans-fx-premiere-dates-2016/ I totally understand about "Liking" my post even though you didn't really like what I said. I didn't like having to say it, except for the fact we at least got a premiere date to pass along. It's 1 of those awkward things like "Do you 'like' a Facebook post, to acknowledge it, if someone's posted bad news in it?"
  6. Within the context of the show, though, they aren't fans of *Rob Lowe*. They're fans of either the character Mitch Grinder, from the show within the show, or Dean Sanderson, the primary character Rob plays & the actor who played Mitch Grinder. Or, in some cases, they're perhaps fans of both Mitch & Dean. Anyway, I get the point you were trying to make. And it's well-taken.
  7. Sweetos are back??!! Thank you for posting this! I posted about them when they were out originally; that's probably way upthread now. I loved those things like crazy. My Mom just went to the store yesterday, but I'll have to have her start looking for them again next time she goes. Hope she finds them soon; some things sometimes take awhile to get to our stores.
  8. Martin Speaks Out, Expresses Pride in Charlie About His HIV Announcement: http://www.naplesnews.com/news/national/Martin-Sheen-discusses-his-son-Charlie-during-Naples-conference-351245351.html?d=mobile
  9. Burt Reynolds' problem may have involved the longstanding painkiller addiction he's admitted to in other interviews I've seen this week as well as the memoir he wrote, which just came out & is why he's suddenly back on TV after a number of years (he's promoting the book right now).
  10. As I said upthread, it was filmed--at least partly--in the Maunawili area of Oʻahu (confirmed by a Tweet from the show's Twitter account). The waterfall part was apparently filmed at Waimea Falls (I read that somewhere else online). That's all I know about the locations in the ep.
  11. I don't know if at least certain stars have to do every show on the tour or not. Last year, Rumer only did selected dates on the tour (& then had to stop dancing & just sing during at least 1 of the other couples' dances after she got stress fractures in at least 1 foot--I remember reading that in a magazine during the last tour).
  12. Regarding the ep which involves the death of a teenage fashion model & takes place in both NYC & Baltimore, & involves at least Richard Belzer's character, Detective Munch, from another show... How does it turn out, who did it/why, & all that stuff?? Since it was a crossover ep with another show, they never show the end as a Mothership ep & I don't think the show with the 2nd part is in syndication anymore, & I've never seen the end. Thanks for any help... I'm not that eager to search out a DVD set just to find out the ending!
  13. My Mom & her brother are *13 years* apart in age. My Mom is 79 now & my Uncle is only in his mid-60's (hey, it happens... as I think you said). As for Rob Lowe's son who has an apparently recurring role as Zadak, the friend/nemesis of Stewart & Deb's kids: His first name is Johnowen He's the youngest of the 2 sons of Rob & his wife--of almost 25 years--Sheryl, a Hollywood makeup artist turned jewelry designer (yes, she worked on at least 1 of Rob's movies before they married, but they'd actually been on a blind date before that, as I remember) He's a Freshman at Stanford this school year He just turned 20 in the last week or so
  14. A lot of people may not remember this, but Bill Maher lost someone he probably considered a friend on 9/11 (so maybe he's got personal reasons for some possible personal biases). At the time, he was hosting Politically Incorrect on ABC. 1 of his guest panelists that week was supposed to be Conservative pundit Barbara Olson, then the wife of US Solicitor General Ted Olson. She was apparently supposed to fly from DC to LA for the show on September 10th; she delayed a day so she could wake up the next day with her husband, whose birthday was September 11th. She was among those who were killed when American Flight 77, routed Washington DC to LA, was flown by the terrorists into the Pentagon. In response to Mrs. Olson's death, Maher had the seat she would've occupied on his panel that week left unoccupied the rest of that week.
  15. I keep pretty tuned to the Social Media & Entertainment/General Media coverage of H50. So far, at least, there's been *nothing* said anywhere about the storyline involving San Francisco PD Inspector Abby Dunn & a Five-0 like task force attached to the San Francisco PD being, like, a "back door" Pilot for a spinoff series. I think the "Inspectors Stone & Keller" mention was just another "classic cop show" shout out--they also mentioned Starsky & Hutch (which I missed... & I loved that show in Jr. High & High School) & Jorge Garcia's previous Fox series, Alcatraz, which the Teleplay writers from this episode/Series Producers (Bryan Wynbrandt & Steven Lillien) were Executive Producers of. It's just been said that the Abby Dunn character is a potential love interest for Chin. Whatever the case Julie Benz, who plays Abby, is listed among the recurring characters in this Friday's ep (where Danny goes undercover to investigate a College Professor's murder); so hopefully the Abby storyline (with & without Chin) will be fleshed out a bit more this week. On another note actress Sarah Carter, who plays Steve's probable new love interest, Lynn Downey, Tweeted earlier she was on her way back to Honolulu today (presumably to film another H50 ep, but she didn't explicitly say so). Whatever ep she's going to film, at this point, probably won't air until the beginning of 2016. They're only airing, like, 3 more eps (including Friday's) before the "Fall Finale/December/New Year's Holidays" Break. Another teeny thing: Gabriel's last name is Waincroft, not Wainwright. And Jorge Garcia's character is Jerry Ortega.
  16. To get this into the show topic, I'm pretty sure that Emilio played a younger version of Jed/Martin Sheen in, like, what were supposed to be old Bartlet family photos/home movies that were seen onscreen in 1 of the eps during the arc involving Zoey's kidnaping. Except I forget now which ep(s) were involved. I don't think Emilio was credited for the episode either.
  17. *Last night* was the Semi-Finals. They mentioned it repeatedly--I heard it repeatedly, anyway--including Tom, the British guy who usually says something like "This is Dancing with the Stars" as they show the logo at the top of the show (he says something like "This is the Semi-Finals of..." at the beginning of that week; he'll mention it's the Finals next week, probably on Monday & Tuesday both.
  18. Small point: America the Beautiful isn't actually a US national anthem, as you said (though there have been unsuccessful attempts made to have it considered as such). It's just a "regular" patriotic song.
  19. Couldn't have been Alek & Lindsay. They were safe, along with Carlos & Witney. Nick & Sharna & Bindi & Derek were in jeopardy. It had to be either Nick/Sharna or Bindi/Derek.
  20. Any thoughts on which couple would've left tonight--between the 2 in jeopardy: Bindi/Derek or Nick/Sharna--if Tamar hadn't withdrawn after Alexa was eliminated last week & there had actually been an elimination tonight? I think it would've been Nick & Sharna.
  21. I think the celebrity dancer you're talking about is Alek. There's no Kyle competing this year, either as a dance pro or a celebrity.
  22. I'm feeling sad, or something, for Martin Sheen, his wife Janet, & their family today. It appears their son, Charlie, is going to be interviewed by Today's Matt Lauer on tomorrow's show & Charlie's apparently gonna disclose he's got HIV (& has apparently had it for awhile)--at least according to a lot of credible media reports that have come across my Twitter feed today. I'm also feeling sad for Charlie's kids (he has an adult daughter from an early relationship, plus 2 pre-teen daughters with Denise Richards & minor-age twin boys with his last wife, Brooke Mueller; he also, I think I read, has a grandchild [maybe more than 1, by now] through his adult daughter). Thankfully, it appears neither of his ex-wives, or his children/grandchild have contracted the virus. Honestly, considering how legendary he's apparently been as far as "womanizing" & drug use are concerned, this probably shouldn't be a huge surprise. But I think it's still sad for the Sheen/Estevez family. I'm sure, though, that they'll handle it in the same way they've handled everything else with Charlie. I wish them peace.
  23. Galavant *got* a second season; that was announced last May. They're in the process of filming it now, in England (filming began in mid-August), & it should begin airing in January, I think--or at least early next year. (I follow Timothy Omundson on Twitter; he plays the evil-ish "King Dick [Richard]" on the show &, before that, played Detective Lassiter [aka "Lassie"] on Psych, & he's been Tweeting, off & on, about the filming).
  24. Jackass Star Vincent "Don Vito" Margera (Bam Margera's Uncle) Dead at Age 59, of Kidney & Liver Failure http://m.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/jackass-star-vincent-don-vito-margera-bams-uncle-dead-at-59-20151511
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