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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. That's always been 1 of my favorite S&H episodes. A lot of it is because of the S&H relationship in it--Starsky immediately knows something's wrong when Hutch doesn't report back to work on time & wants to pursue that; but Captain Dobey just thinks Hutch is still "shacking up" with his girlfriend, because Starsky had previously implied, in his presence, that's why Hutch took the time off. But a lot of it is also Robert Loggia's performance as the jealous, ruthless, & emotionally unhinged, yet still somewhat smooth & suave, mobster who was the previous lover of the woman Captain Dobey thought Hutch was "shacking up" with & who would do--literally--anything to get her back (she had apparently run away from him, somehow ended up in S&H's neck of the woods & Huggy Bear gave her a waitress job, until Loggia's character apparently got close to tracking her down, & Hutch apparently found her what he thought was a secluded beach house). "Anything" including kidnapping Hutch & getting him hooked on Heroin to get him to tell Loggia's character where the girl is; after which he was gonna give him an OD & leave him for dead/kill him with it outright. Luckily Hutch got away before that happened, Starsky found him & took him to Huggy's to detox/go through withdrawal. Anyway... As I said, part of the reason I liked that ep so much was Loggia's performance. He scared the crap out of me, he was so good at being bad towards Hutch & the girlfriend he saw as having been taken away from him by Hutch. A "nice guy" performance of his I liked just as much was, perhaps, 1 of his last TV appearances seeing as his obit (the 1 I read, anyway) said he'd been battling Alzheimer's for about the last 5 years & this performance aired on TV in the Fall of 2010. In an early S1 ep of the current version of Hawaii Five-0, he played a retired Navy Boatswain's Mate who was working as a Tourguide on the USS Missouri (aka "Mighty Mo"), docked at/near the Pearl Harbor memorial. A former Navy SEAL with PTSD storms the ship & takes part of Loggia's tour group hostage after the ex-SEAL's accused of murdering his wife, possibly during a PTSD-related psychological blackout. When Five-0's asked to work the case (because their leader, Steve McGarrett, also was a SEAL), the hostage-taker proclaims his innocence & the other members of Five-0 work to find the real killer, while McGarrett works from aboard the ship, aided secretly by Loggia's character, dealing with his fellow ex-SEAL & trying to bring the situation to a conclusion with no hostages' lives lost.
  2. The thing about Abbey is she really knows too much for her own good, as far as Jed & the MS are concerned. Personally, she knows too much about Jed as a person (how he likes to do things, including his job), & professionally she knows too much about MS & its effects on a human body on a medical professional's level, which is what causes her to turn into a "Mother Hen Bitch" once Jed's condition becomes more unpredictable towards the end of his second term. She's acting entirely overprotectively (I completely thought so, but I also have personal experience when it comes to loved ones knowing way too much, professionally, about a family member's--non-MS--medical condition & overreacting about it, so I've been in Jed's shoes in that story arc before), but at the same time she's coming from a place of love for Jed--I know it doesn't seem like it, but she really is, down deep. It's cool that she loves him; it's not so cool that she's being so overprotective of him & his "condition" that she won't let him lead his life on his own terms after the MS flare-up on the China trip.
  3. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=44063
  4. Funny you should mention Martha Stewart. She was actually a Judge on the new "Junior" (kids/early teens) version of Chopped airing on Food Network. I think it was the ep that aired last Tuesday (Tuesday of Thanksgiving week). She was kind to the young people, including when it was her turn to explain, on behalf of all the Judges, why the young chef got chopped that round. She also explained why she thought a dish wasn't so successful--it could've used more/less seasoning, it wasn't cooked long enough, 1 non-mandatory ingredient could've been subbed for another, etc.
  5. Bindi & family apparently spent Thanksgiving in the States, then flew home to Australia soon afterwards. They've been back in Oz for a few days now, & ET's website has posted this (I think) cute photo set of Bindi posing with her Mirrorball Trophy & various animals at Australia Zoo. http://m.etonline.com/news/177424_bindi_irwin_shows_off_dwts_mirror_ball_trophy_to_her_furry_friends_at_australia_zoo/ If anyone's curious what's engraved on the plate where the winners' names go, it says: "Dancing with the Stars (in the form of the show's logo) Season 21 Champions Bindi Irwin & Derek Hough" It may be engraved in small type, but at least 1 of the pics had the trophy placed well enough for me to still read the plate. And I'm sure, since Bindi already has the engraved nameplate for the trophy even though she won it less than 2 weeks ago, some will say DWTS had it pre-engraved ahead of the Finals, because they *knew* Bindi & Derek would win & they just stuck it on the trophy after the show went off the air on Finals night; that's fine if people think that. I choose to think it's like they do at the Oscars (& I think the Emmys) now, & they have a professional engraver at the Finals, waiting to put the correct names on the trophies (the celeb's & the dance pro's) as soon as the show ends, instead of having to send the winners the nameplate separately at a later date (The Oscars, & I think the Emmys, have had a professional engraver set up outside the ballroom where the post-awards dinner takes place for a few years now, so the winners can just go by that table to get their awards engraved & take them home with their names [& winning categories/ whatever else isn't on the trophy when it's awarded] engraved on them & they don't have to wait for their nameplate to be sent to them & they don't have to attach it to their award themselves).
  6. Joel Fields, 1 of the Creators/Executive Producers, Tweeted yesterday (Friday) that they're filming Season 4, Ep 5, & Noah Emmerich (Stan) is also Directing the ep (something he also did at least once in S3, as I remember). https://mobile.twitter.com/joel_fields/status/672892673707999232?p=v
  7. Oscar & Emmy-nominated character Actor Robert Loggia, who was fairly memorable as the Mighty Mo Tourguide/retired Navy Boatswain's Mate Ed McKay, who helped McG outwit the PTSD-afflicted former SEAL who took part of Ed's USS Missouri tour group hostage, after being suspected of killing his wife, in the S1 episode Ho'apono died today--December 4, 2015. He was 85 & had Alzheimer's Disease for the last 5 years, according to his widow (so, sadly, he may have been diagnosed not long after he filmed the H50 ep, given that it was an S1 ep & we're now at midseason of S6... about 5 years later in calendar time). http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/robert-loggia-dead-dies_56621620e4b072e9d1c64e04
  8. Looks like TNT has restored (or close to it) the old timeslot for the repeats of the previous seasons' episodes. From 2-5AM Eastern late tonight/early Saturday morning, TNT is running the following eps: 2-3AM Eastern--Ep 412: The episode where Grover asks Steve to help him find an old friend involved in a crime (the guy who moved to Hawaii & started a new life, & family, there--not the guy from last season, played by Mykelti Williamson, who Grover thinks killed his wife by pushing/throwing/making her fall off of a cliff) 3-4AM Eastern--Ep 413: The first ep with Chin vs. the HPD Internal Affairs investigators who accuse him of using his position within HPD, specifically, to get his family members out of legal jams; also the ep where Chin's father is murdered by, it turns out, his then-girlfriend/eventual wife Malia's brother, Gabriel, who's 1 of the people the IA investigators accuse Chin of getting out of legal jams by using his position in HPD. 4-5AM Eastern--Ep 414: The ep which starts with Danny having to go see the Principal of Grace's school because she's been suspended for a few days after punching 1 of her classmates (I think in the mouth) & she won't give a good explanation of why she did it; then Steve & Danny end up kidnapped by a wrongly-convicted man who escaped the courtroom at his latest sentencing hearing because he's trying to clear his name & avoid what will probably be a life sentence as a repeat offender.
  9. I read in other comments elsewhere (i.e. posted to--mostly excellent--post-broadcast reviews [3 Stars of 4 from USA Today, for example] I've read online in the last few hours) that this production (mainly) followed the original stage production, as opposed to the movie or any other version. In the version they (mostly) patterned theirs after, Toto *didn't* go to Oz with Dorothy, he stayed in Kansas (probably because, many people have said, it would be too hard to keep track of the dog during any choreographed songs, which weren't as plentiful in the original Judy Garland movie, for 1 thing). Since Toto stayed in Kansas, that's why he was only seen at the beginning & end of the production. In case anyone's interested, they've done a soundtrack/cast recording/music from the live event release for the show (not quite sure what the correct name for the genre involved would be, so I used all that could apply). I heard it mentioned during the show. It's already listed at iTunes (& I assume the Amazon MP3 Store as well). It's under The Wiz Live; if you omit the "Live", I think you'll end up at items connected to the original stage version &/or the movie. I thought it would be released after the show tonight (last night)/today as 1 of this week's new music releases, but iTunes says the complete album won't be released until next Friday, the 11th. If you're so inclined, though, they're taking pre-orders for the full recording now & they have released Shanice Williams (Dorothy)'s version of Home from the production as a "single" for immediate purchase.
  10. A small, but still really important, correction... If I may... That actually wasn't "Ellie" who donated to the Santos campaign. I'll explain... Yes, her first name *is* "Elizabeth", & "Ellie" *is* a common nickname for "Elizabeth". But they don't call Elizabeth "Ellie" for short. The family (& maybe at least some of the staff) calls her "Liz" or "Lizzie", or "Lizzie B", (as I remember) for short (& those nicknames are in various episodes when the character appears, & sometimes when she's just talked about in passing). She's also the eldest, & only "married with children" (daughter, Annie, & son, Gus), Bartlet daughter--Elizabeth Bartlet Westin. The family & staff don't call Elizabeth "Ellie", because the Bartlets' *middle* daughter was named "Eleanor" & *she* goes by the nickname "Ellie". She's the blonde daughter, who takes more after Abbey--following in her professional footsteps, etc.--& wanting as little to do with politics/campaigning as possible, except when she really believes in an issue or opposes particularly Jed's/his Administration's viewpoint; & she pretty much believes Jed loves her sisters much more than he loves her & she can never do anything right in his eyes. And giving 2 sister characters first names (Elizabeth & Eleanor) which share a common nickname (Ellie) is the 1 thing, I think, that Sorkin may have done that drove me, if not others who watched the show, the most crazy about the show. And then, the youngest Bartlet daughter is Zoey (Zoey Patricia Bartlet). But you know her well already.
  11. Shortly after The Late Show ended, it was announced he's going to be the Correspondent on a special for NatGeo (aka National Geographic Channel) related to climate change. He's filming it in India in January, they said. I posted about it here when it was announced; it's not as far upthread as I thought--the post is on the previous page (at least in the Mobile version of the site).
  12. They aren't showing it now, but they should be showing S3 again--probably in a late-ish night/early morning timeslot--before they start running S4. I remember seeing the show listed (S2 eps), as I said in a late-ish night/early morning timeslot, last year before they started running S3 (but I never got to rewatch S2, because I had an extended hospitalization at the time FX was rerunning it & their TV provider didn't offer FX in the hospital's program package--but I would've been able to see it if I hadn't gotten sick or if I'd gotten discharged sooner, as our home cable provider does include FX in our channel package). And I also seem to remember them doing the same with S1 eps prior to beginning S2 (I've also seen FX do this with their other original series, like Fargo--which they did again, just recently, before the current season aired--& the various seasons of American Horror Story). Given the number of eps per season, & the time still left until S4 premieres (scheduled for March 4, next year), they may not start running S3 again until later this month or the beginning of January (shrugs). I've been keeping an eye on the FX late night schedule lately &, unless somebody else sees the info & posts first, I'll post when (& if) I see S3 repeats of the show listed. I looked earlier tonight & it's not listed. I got my college degree in Radio-TV-Film (basically Broadcasting/Mass Media), but it was 30 years ago when they didn't have a lot of the alternate methods of airing TV shows, or many commercially-available home videotapes/DVDs, like they do now. So I really don't know (because we didn't have such factors in the business to really study to any degree at that point), but I'd think FX doesn't make that much, if anything, off of the sale of the DVDs &/or legal episode downloads at, like, iTunes &/or Amazon--let alone the sale of anything else they've licensed to sell with the show's logo, catchphrases, etc., at the merchandise section of FX's website (like T-shirts, sweatshirts, & other items). If they're making anything, it's likely less than $1 per item; probably actually only a few cents per item. FX probably makes most of their profits on the show by things like selling the broadcast rights to TV networks outside the US (most TV networks, cable & non-cable alike, do). Although, if FX Networks is a listed production company in the end of show credits, they also get a fee for that (I don't know how much it is, or if it's per the season as a whole or per each individual ep though).
  13. Biz Buzz-- As you may or may not know, collectible figures of different types (mostly vinyl, with oversized heads, similar to--but NOT actually--a bobblehead) called "Funko (followed by a specific type, like "Pop") are something of a "thing" right now (at least in certain fandoms). They're modeled after NFL players, Disney, Peanuts & other cartoon characters, sci-fi & fantasy characters, movie & TV characters, etc. If you wanna see the characters/people they've created Funkos for, here's their website: http://funko.com/ Scroll to the blue section at the bottom & hit "Licenses"; you can at least see which TV Shows & Movies they have character likenesses for by clicking on the logo for the show or movie. I've been following the Funko company on my Twitter feed recently because my favorite TV show since 2010 *finally* has recently started licensing merchandise & I'm hoping Funko might eventually get a license to do "Pop"s or another form of Funko in the likeness of the characters from that show. Anyway... It came across my Twitter feed today that they are now making Funko "Pop"s of at least 1 of the singers (I think the lead singer) of My Chemical Romance, the group you asked about in this thread the other day--they're the same singer, in 2-3 different versions due to special makeup &/or costuming worn during the song depicted by the figure. So I'm sharing the link to an article which talks about & shows pictures of the figures. http://www.altpress.com/news/entry/funko_pop_rocks_launching_my_chemical_romance_figures The only problems, if you might wanna get these for your daughter for a present this holiday season, are (if they're actually problems): 1. You can only get these figures at Hot Topic stores (a chain which has stores in many/most malls around the country) or, apparently, through their website (hot topic.com--remove the space between "hot" & "topic"). 2. The linked article says at least 1 of the figures is somehow, apparently, already sold out despite the fact they were apparently just announced today. Alternatively, I also found out the Hot Topic website also carries *a bunch* of My Chemical Romance T-shirts, other clothing, & accessories--again in case you're looking for holiday presents/stocking stuffers for your daughter. As for the taking your daughter to see Barry Manilow twice thing--there's absolutely NO shame in seeing him more than once. As you can maybe tell by my screen name, I'm a fan (BIG fan). I've seen him WAY more than twice; even beyond single (& double) digits. My 2 best friends (who I met through being a fan of his) & I did a meet & greet with him (the same night, but individually), when he was doing a Las Vegas Headliner Residency (a la Celine Dion) in 1 of the resorts there, 8 years & almost 2 months ago. He's 1 of the nicest guys you could ever meet; we got to talk to him for a few minutes each & got pics & autographs, & other stuff, & I got a kiss on my right cheek... Which I DID NOT ask for.
  14. Johnny talks to Entertainment Weekly about the show: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/30/great-british-bake-off-america-holiday-johnny-iuzzini
  15. According to multiple entertainment news sources, including the linked 1, the new season will premiere on Tuesday, January 5th at 8PM Eastern/7PM Central. http://tvline.com/2015/12/02/girls-season-5-trailer-video-marnie-wedding/
  16. Fox is developing a Rambo TV series with Sylvester Stallone. He's Executive Producing; it's not yet known if he'll also appear in front of the camera. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/rambo-tv-series-works-at-844828
  17. It looks like this might be the last ep/last new ep until January. I follow Rob Lowe on Twitter (I was following him before The Grinder, not following him because of it) & I follow the account for the show which was set up by Fox. At/towards the end of the ep tonight, all the Twitter accounts connected to the show (most of the other actors, except William Devane, are on Twitter) Tweeted that they'd be back in January, at their new time of 9:30PM Eastern (I got the Tweets from the cast members I haven't started following yet--Fred Savage, Mary Elizabeth Ellis [Debbie, Stewart's wife], Hana Hayes & Connor Kalopsis [Deb & Stewart's kids]--through Retweets from Rob's account or the show's account).
  18. I don't know if the most recent season will be airing on PBS in January or not. As I said in (I think) a different thread, I just spent the last 2 weeks of October in the hospital, for an infection which also necessitated surgery. Thanks to a more limited channel package on the hospital's TV provider compared to my home TV provider, I caught the final 2 eps of what I assumed was the most current season of the British version on my local PBS station on the 2 Sunday nights I was hospitalized.
  19. The hosts are married couple actors Nia Vardalos & Ian Gomez. She's best-known for the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding & its apparently upcoming sequel. I think he's known for a Courtney Cox TV show called Cougar Town, which started on ABC & ended its run on the TBS cable channel in the last year or so.
  20. But is it Johnny Mathis (sounds somewhat like him, to me) or a soundalike singing the song on the promo? I think it's actually probably a soundalike.
  21. It would probably be 9 people, assuming the contestants each came alone--the 6 contestants, the American Judge, Johnny, the hosts Ian & Nia--in 8 hotel rooms since the hosts Ian & Nia would likely be sharing a room, as a married couple.
  22. My current Pet Peeve: When the entertainment news sites, columnists, etc., get all "She's wearing a ring on THAT finger!" about some actress, like it automatically means she's engaged (the E! channel/their website is particularly bad about this). Of course they never stop to think, even if it looks like an engagement ring, it may just be a "regular" diamond/other ring the actress (or the person who gave it to her) liked, so they bought it for themselves (or someone in their life gave it to them) & THAT finger may be the only finger it fits on. Along the same lines, it also bugs me when the same sources named above want to peremptorily announce an actress/the wife of an actor or other entertainment media figure is pregnant--before the allegedly expectant mother has the chance to announce the news for herself--just because someone attached to those sources has seen said female in public recently & they appear to have a "baby bump"... So, of course, they're pregnant. But certain entertainment news sources just can't mind their own beeswax & feel they have to announce the potential blessed event for the woman & her family when it's not their place. Like with Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway in the last week or so. That "baby bump" could be the result of weight gain for another reason, or they could've just indulged in a large meal if they're photographed leaving a restaurant. Just saying. And I think it's RUDE when these sites/journalists take it upon themselves to make these, what should be, rather personal announcements about these peoples' lives before the people ACTUALLY involved can do it, probably just going on their circumstantial evidence & not even bothering to consult with any of their publicists or other representatives, just in case it's true but the celeb is holding off on making the announcement for some perfectly acceptable reason--like telling their extended family first &/or privately. I mean, geeze, they need to respect these peoples' privacy a lot more.
  23. So... Dave was back at his alma mater, Muncie, Indiana's Ball State University, last night. He was there with filmmakers Spike Jonze & Bennett Miller. And while he was there, he donated all his memorabilia from *both* the NBC & CBS late night shows--including his Emmys & at least 1 set--to the school. The memorabilia will be housed in the Letterman Building on campus (which, as I remember, is the school's telecommunications study & broadcasting facility, which was endowed by Dave & named for him the last time he visited the school); it will be part of something the school's calling "The David Letterman Experience". Here's a link to a press release the school released about the donation & Dave's visit last night: http://cms.bsu.edu/news/articles/2015/11/letterman-gives-collection-of-career-memorabilia-to-ball-state This article has a minute-by-minute recap of Dave's program last night, from the Muncie Star-Press. But it might be hard to get to. It's 1 of those newspaper sites where you only have a certain number of free articles you can access per month, &/or you have to have an account/password with the site (probably from being a subscriber) to access it. If you can access it, read the timeline from the bottom to the top. http://www.thestarpress.com/story/news/local/2015/11/30/live-blog-david-letterman-ball-state/76584872/ This is coverage of Dave's visit from WTHR, the NBC affiliate in Indianapolis & the NBC affiliate for the Muncie viewing area. At the top of the page, there's a video screen of some of Dave's presentation; there's a 1 2 under that. If you click the 2, that takes you to a second, much shorter video clip. There are also photos from the event on the WTHR page, & screen grab type things of a few Tweets about it. If you go to Twitter, & you search #DaveatBallState (typed just like that), you should get most, if not all, of the Tweets about the event. http://www.wthr.com/story/30634346/david-letterman-to-donate-set-memorabilia-to-ball-state And... Get a load of the current state of his beard (some pics/video included in the above links should be good enough to see it). I'm just saying.
  24. PBS has actually been airing the most recent British version here in the US. Our PBS affiliate carried it on Sunday nights (as I think most of the PBS network did) & this season's finals have already aired here. I unfortunately spent half of October in the hospital because of an infection & I caught the last 2 eps while I was there, thanks to a more limited channel selection than my home cable package has.
  25. Annet Mahendru talks to IGN about her X-Files role & The Americans S4. http://m.ign.com/articles/2015/11/30/annet-mahendru-on-sally-pacholok-her-x-files-role-and-the-americans-season-4
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