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Everything posted by nilyank

  1. Well if they just test the baby against EJ, it will prove that he is not the father and since they all believe him to be the father of Nicole's baby, they will just think Nicole lost her mind again. First dead baby, she buys a baby and then switches that baby with Sydney. Second dead baby, she frames Jennifer with making it appear that she pushed her and cause the baby to die. All so that she could keep her hooks into Daniel. Not dead baby Holly, she assaults her best friend and kidnaps Holly. With not dead baby boy, who knows what she will do.
  2. I honestly don't think the characters had sex. It always seems they had a few dates but it never went past kissing if that.
  3. I would use the Express Pass rather than switch deteors.
  4. His twin sister? Yeah I can see why he would consider it. He is no longer married to Nicole and that was the biggest conflict between the twins.
  5. ELQ is not a publicly traded company. It's why we have to play which Q owns how many shares in the company every time they do a takeover. Valentin had previously got unseen Q and then the voting rights for Danny/Scout and Oscar shares. There has been no change since the last time except that Tracy squeezed Lucy out of her 1% which has previously been the deciding factor in votes. Aurora is publicly traded and Carly purchasing their stock was what drove the value up in that company. The merger was never announced because Valentin had the majority and would never have agreed to those terms. Carly did not effect ELQ but she did effect the stock prices for Aurora. Drew's dumb plan to takeover ELQ required the majority of the ELQ shareholders (Q family) to vote for the merger whereby Aurora (smaller company) who absorbed ELQ (bigger company). The only person that Drew has spoken to this has been Michael and not the rest of the Qs who may or may not agree to this, especially as Drew's plan would leave him as the individual Q who has the largest number of shares.
  6. During Drew's conversation with Carly, he tells her that he still thinks that Ned was the one who called the SEC. Unlike when he told Carly early to forget about who called the SEC because he was out of prison which was before Ned got his memories back, Drew now resents Ned especially because Ned is not going to be easy to manipulate with stupid plan to take over ELQ.
  7. Yeah greed. For Dimera money. And spite. Because Sami had too many babies, Nicole felt justified taking one away from her. She can suffer forever and I would never feel sorry for her.
  8. Because he wanted to use Jordan's connections as police commish so he can investigate who got him shot. My bet is still Cyrus. Well Britta would have. It's a shame because Austin's character really click when they were pals and in scenes together. Same thing happened to Franco. This show has been consistent of showing previous dead people in the body bag to make sure that we the audience know that he is dead e.g. Kiki, Franco, Peter, Victor, Ryan.
  9. ELQ under Ned during the 90s built the international airport in Port Charles and were going to buy a football team. They have money to burn. Meanwhile, Drew when he thought he was Jason bought Aurora from Julian's media holdings that he was purposely tanking because he made more money by reporting losses from those companies. Julian had hired zero experienced Nina because he thought Crimson would fail, not realizing that Maxie was there to make sure that wouldn't happen. Since the years that Aurora existed, Drew was presumed dead for a good chunk in which lazy/barely literate Sam was responsible for Aurora. Sure Jax bought into Aurora which would have brought in some money and someone who actually knew how to run a company, but he sold out. There is no way that Aurora would be able to absorb ELQ. We are talking about a company that might be making millions verson billions under ELQ. At least when Jax tried to take over ELQ and Nikolas years later, their companies were just as a Big Deal as ELQ.
  10. I imagine Joss walked right over him. Drew needs to take a chill pill. I don't get why he is so itching to get ELQ away from Valentin. I also find it ridiculous that he is upset about Valentin being distracted by (trying to prove Anna's innocence of shooting Lucy and trying to stop Victor and most recently having his 15 year daughter shot) and blaming Ned for not being there (especially it was because Ned almost died at the pool and had amnesia). You would think former Navy seal, brainwashed tarot card stooge for the Cassadines, locked up for years would get what Valentin and Ned were going through. I also still don't understand if Aurora is so successful how is it that Carly cannot leverage all that Aurora stock to try to buy back the hotel. I know that the merger failed and Carly ended up having to pay 5 million to SEC, but she should still own that Aurora stock that she bought.
  11. Like in the original baby swap story, EJ lost one daughter (Nicole's dead baby) and wasn't told, found out after Grace died that Sami had his daughter and they both grieved Grace's death not knowing that Sydney was their actual daughter. Then a few years later, Nicole lied/changed paternity results that Rafe was the dad in between sleeping with Daniel for half her pregnancy when he lost another kid with Nicole. The second that Nicole said that she was pregnant EJ should have known that he would end losing the most as well as being still stuck with Nicole.
  12. I don't know but that particular performance seemed badly acted.
  13. Nope. Unless Sloan gets to keep the child for a year, keeping quiet as she watches as Nicole bond with a baby that she bought from a scared kid to switch and then letting her grieve as the baby dies tragically, hold onto even tighter to the stolen child, allow Nicole to console her/house her when some of her lies comes out, trying to leave town with money given to her by Nicole with stolen baby and then finally kidnapping the baby again when the truth finally comes out. There is not enough karma/pain that will make up what Nicole did. And since I have hated character since the day that she first started, I want Sloane to keep the child forever.
  14. And maybe the shooter actually hit his target in Curtis. Maybe Cyrus ordered the hit.
  15. Lucy got the 1 percent when she and Alan got divorced. It wouldn't have meant anything if the Qs were always fighting amongst themselves when it came time to vote who would be running ELQ whether it be a Quartermaine or someone else. Years ago, there used to be other people who were not in the family who had stock so she wasn't the only determining factor in those votes e.g. Sonny and Jax.
  16. That's how Michael got out of prison. Dante went to see the judge that threw him in jail and he got Michael released into his custody.
  17. Laura did recently tell Kevin that Stefan was there to raise Nikolas in the midst of that crazy Cassadines (Helena mostly).
  18. They bonded back when Duke was murdered and they joined forces in order to track down his killer. That was when they started sharing scenes together more frequently and then would occasionally have scenes with each other to catch up with one another.
  19. It does and I really want Jack to be able to be a face for oncel
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