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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. The thing with Angela is that she has no intention of having a 50/50 relationship. She can't wait to get Mykull to the good old U.S. of A so he can start cooking, cleaning and taking care of her gaggle of grand kids. Wouldn't put it past her to start physically abusing Mykull once he is on her turf and has nowhere else to go. She's one step away from hitting him at all times as it is. Ok, are we supposed to believe broke ass Ericee has $14, 000 plus nose job money laying around to "lend" to Larissa? TLC you are insulting all of us. I would rather watch the trainwreck that is Pole and Karine because at least their mess of a life is all real. Coltee has over stayed his welcome, too. None of his story rings true and again we are supposed to believe he is such a hot stud "talking" to other women and having Vanessa as a roommate? Then the dough boy invites that little troll Jess to Vegas without telling her about the roommate. Yeah, ok, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens there. Will there be more shoes thrown? I don't even know what to say about Libby's family. I thought her mom had some sense because she got away from that pig of a husband but nope, not a lick. She's just as nasty as the rest of them except maybe a little prettier. Dad and brother Libby have to be two of the most unattractive men on the planet. Ugly inside and out. Let me tell you, Tampa is not shit. I lived there for a while. Sure there are some nice area's but a lot of it is dumpy, old, run down, crime infested area's, too. And the weather sucks. Humid and hot as hell all year. Welcome to hurricane alley. So fuck off, family Libby.
  2. Right and let's not forget she dumped him there and went to party for 30 days in Costa Rica or wherever the f&*# she went. How convenient for her to erase that right out of her mind.
  3. Yeah but the difference is Robyn didn't throw a big ole' housewarming party for her rental. I mean who does that? Karen, that's who! She's still just as much as a poser as ever. C'mon now Candyass. Stop with the apologies. You know you don't mean any of it.
  4. Why does Florian's "angel" keep saying he doesn't speak English. Yes, he does speak English and he understands English just fine. It might take him a second to translate in his head but he does ok. Speaking of Florian, he is right about one thing. Darcey has to have all the attention. He's a smart guy. Lazy but smart.
  5. John has bigger problems than whether Jamie said hello or goodbye. John and Beth just have to dig at Jamie every chance they get. It's getting old. I think they all will live except Jimmy.
  6. I can not imagine why Evolution Media would want to get involved with a show about this racist pig and her nobody fiancee. Do they really think Stassi having a baby and being a bitch is going to be that interesting?
  7. I think it is. Production probably set it up for him. I bet he really lives in a seedy studio apartment on the crime infested side of town. No way can he afford a nice home, 50K for his goddess and support for his SIX kids.
  8. Stacey made it pretty clear that she plans on staying home and spending Michael's money. "I need a credit card". Whoa, slow your roll, gold digger. Michael, welcome to the real Stacey. Wasn't she an attorney or something? What happened to her big career? This is never going to work for Michael. Ever. I thought the mothers and friends were all extremely obnoxious. Where were the dad's? Having said that, Lizzies mom did get right down to it with important questions. Don't these couples talk about anything other than sex and who's having it and who isn't and why don't you want to do me yet? It seems that Seb has no plans for his future or ideas on savings and investing, home purchasing or much of anything except having a good time. He's not 22, he's 30. Time to get your head out of your ass. Lizzie's mom made her point now Lizzie needs to run for the hills. Steve needs to lighten up. Does he ever smile or laugh? Such a downer all the time. What's Connie's deal, does she not have her own place? She lives with her mom and mom didn't want to be filmed? I'm missing something here.
  9. I think the problem is Olivia's delivery and tone. She's coming across as entitled, spoiled, rigid and demanding.
  10. I laugh every time Sonja mentions the Toaster Oven. She can be self deprecating once in a while, I'll give her that.
  11. There is something very wrong with Ramona. She is flawed deep, deep down in to her soul. Her therapist needs to roll up his sleeves and get serious with her. Does she really think she's all that? Just because she's 63 and doesn't look it that doesn't mean she looks 25, either. A respectable 50-55 year old, yes. She doesn't look any younger than Sonja, LuAnn or Dorinda so she really needs to get over herself. Aside from that, her thinking about everything is so off. I honestly don't know how Mario stayed married to her for 20 years.
  12. I don't get why people are saying that Brett is a homebody. Maybe he doesn't enjoy the same things as Olivia but that doesn't mean he doesn't have interests of his own. He has a full time job, enjoys working out regularly and apparently before the marriage he dated A LOT. Dating takes time and money. He probably has a few buddies he likes to hang with and have a few beers, too. How does that qualify him as a "homebody"?
  13. When is the tightly pulled back super high ponytail going out of style? I'm tired of seeing these women with their fake pony's.
  14. That's because he was already pissed off at the "ratings" conversation. He said at breakfast the next morning that he overheard some of the conversation with ChristieA and was upset about it. He wasn't in the mood to give Olivia the sunshine and roses outline of what he had in mind to make her happy for the rest of her life. Olivia blurts out her questions like a machine gun. She has no finesse at all. Did she mention what it is that she would like to do for Brett? It's the same old scenario with these couples. One is the giver, one is the taker. This is why most of these couple don't work out. I'm still rooting for Emilia/Bennett and Amani/ Woody.
  15. Yeah, she was all ready to go, dressed in "baby shower attire" with full glam and hair and a gift in tow! Oh, and she just happens to be driving around town with nothing else to do calling Kim to see if it's ok to come to the shower. My ass.
  16. So how much does Brett earn? 30, 40, 50K? How much does Olivia earn? 90, 120, 150K? Inquiring minds want to know. I swear before the marriage Olivia said she worked long hours, came home, exercised on her sad little stationary bike and didn't do much of anything else. It didn't sound like she goes out much. She also had a small apt. for such a successful high earning person that likes the finer things in life. Am I mistaking her for one of the others? Brett can stop with his single dude persona but I do think he's funny. He has a good sense of humor which Olivia doesn't get at all. I also think he was never attracted to Olivia from the get but he decided to make the most of what he got himself in to with the show and ride it out as best as he can unlike some others from the past who came out of the gate hating and wanting out.
  17. I love Amelia and Bennett, dirty feet and all. Her sweet song, his thoughts on what he wants out of a marriage. Just love em'! Olivia is becoming quite the pain in the ass. Asking Brett what he wants to do with her after the honeymoon. Like it's entirely up to him to make her happy. His answers were douchey but I think he was already pissed at her and was playing in to her dumb questions. ChristinA has resting bitch face. Amani and Karen are gorgeous. They looked positively stunning on Unfiltered. And there Jamie sat with her bad extensions looking like road kill.
  18. I kind of hope they do bring Brandi back next season because they will have to make her spend an entire season fighting with someone, she can never be the good guy, that has never worked for Brandi. I would love to see Teddi or Kyle in her line of fire. That would be delicious. Can someone please explain to me what "weaponizing" a friendship means? Garcelle was so on point when she said Rinna has become hardened and cold. Wonder what Rinna thought when she saw tonight's footage of Garcelle's opinion of her.
  19. Devon's mom to Jihoon: If you kill Dracilla then I will kill you. What in the ever loving feek? Shut your piehole and go home! This woman is horrible and her daughter is a loser otherwise she wouldn't have chosen another loser like Jihoon. Why can't Kenny slow down and just enjoy being with Armando? Armando clearly loves Kenny so is Kenny so insecure that he thinks if he doesn't put a ring on it right away that he will lose Armando? The guy just came out to his old fashioned parents, they haven't even had time to digest what is going on yet Kenny keeps pushing and pushing Armando. He clearly is uncomfortable with telling his family right away. Everything in due time, Kenny. He's is acting childish and spoiled and I feel so sorry for Armando. Is gay marriage legal in Mexico? I have a bad feeling this is going to go downhill if Kenny doesn't back off and give Armando a chance to breathe.
  20. Yes, and attractive. What is wrong with Mykull that he can't find a lovely Nigerian woman to marry? Does he really want to come to America that badly?
  21. I remember Wendy, the queen of tacky taste saying on her show that she had all black walls in her house, it's what she loved. I can only imagine what the inside of that house looked like before her realtor told her she had to do something about the inside decor. I'm assuming her realtor told her that! A LOT of work was put in to that house to neutralize it and stage it to make it attractive to buyers. Some of it looks dated but it sits on a beautiful piece of property.
  22. Jeff's son Lorenzo is adorable. I just love his personality. GZ's girls are lovely, too. Katie is also consistently on her buddy's "Beat Bobby Flay" show . I guess it's all about who you know.
  23. If you look at photo's of Wes Bentley you can see he has very thick nice hair. He's not wearing a wig. It's the way this show is styling him that makes him look unattractive. He also has beautiful blue eyes and a nice smile. None of which you see on this show.
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