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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Amelia is madly in love with Bennett. I truly believe she doesn't mind his quirks at all. I'm not sure how he feels about her. Seems he loves her as a friend and thinks she's an awesome person but I don't know if he's "feeling it". Have they had sex yet? They don't seem to talk about it. I hope he doesn't break her heart. Woody is a good friend. I liked everything he said and was asking Miles in the barber shop. I was also fascinated by that barber. Now, I'm just an old white lady that doesn't know much about styling a hip black man's hair but I couldn't take my eyes off of what that barber was doing. Worst joke ever! she is every bit as awkward as Henry. Amani pulling Henry over for a private chit chat was so staged and fake. Henry seemed to come alive a little bit, though, when he was talking about his ChristinA deal breakers.
  2. How would that benefit anybody? The house looked fairly new so selling it within a year of buying it would not net much profit for a partner especially in these times or even close to a year ago when this was filmed. I think that house was a rental. I remember something about PeeKay and Dorit had lawsuits against them so not a good time to be making any big purchases. What happened to the ugly house with all the stairs outside going up to the house before this one? Did they sell it, lose it or maybe they were renting that one, too. Those two are so shady it's hard to tell what they are up to but they always come off looking like they are loaded and none of the other bitches ever call them out on it.
  3. Exactly! I know plenty of women with kids that work full time jobs outside the home, come home tired and do everything there, too. Some of them single, too. No sympathy for Monique whatsofuckingever. Hire a goddamned nanny and housekeeper and STFU. As far as the jerk husband situation you are on your own. Start saving your coins in a secret bank account. because Chris seems like the kind of guy that would hire the best lawyer in Potomac to make sure you left him with nothing but the clothes on your back. Having said all that, I'm one of those people that thought Monique had a great marriage with a respectful, loving husband. How wrong I was. I have to eat my words on that one!
  4. Maybe that type of shoe is part of the required Moldovan wedding attire? That's the only reason I can think of for wearing those hideous shoes.
  5. Veronica is really getting on my nerves with her over excitement for Angela and Mykull getting married. Angela is pure trash, treats Mykull like crap and Mykull wants the green card I don't care how much he denies it, so I don't get all the seal clapping at all. Molly and her friend are inconsistent. One episode they are screaming, the next they are subdued. Must depend on how much they are drinking. Also, Veronica was saying something about when she her plastic surgery....I wonder what she had done. Boobs? I really hope that when Andreii took Charlie outside he punched him square in the mouth and production edited that part out. Shame on father Libby for not snatching the mike out of drunk Charlie's hand.
  6. Sonja standing off to the side and listening intently to Dorinda reeming John on that phone call was everything. It looked as though even she couldn't believe what was going down. Seeing ALL of that footage would have been delicious. I can only imagine red faced Dorinda turning her rage on anybody that was near her once she hung up that phone. Her blood pressure must be sky high.
  7. I am so perplexed by this friendship. IG photo's of them on some boat in CT living it up and yes, that sweet little (revolting) post from Beth. Why Bethenney, Why? I always thought Bethenney disliked Dorinda. Remember the nutcracker fiasco where Dor was so pissed at Beth because she thought Beth didn't bow down to her enough and thank her for the damn nutcracker? That went on for how many episodes? How about the time Bethenney took Dor with her to help with the hurricane relief and Dorinda ruined the business dinner with her embarrassing drunken slurring comments to Beth's partners? Then next day on the plane Beth told her flat out that she was a drunk and needed help. I'm just not getting it at all. Then a couple of days ago I listened to a Heather McDonald podcast. Lu was a guest. Lu said something that explains so much about Beth. She said Beth goes after the under dog, the one who is falling apart. She enjoys building them back up. Once they are all shiny and good as new, Beth will attack in order to bring them back down. I also think Beth is trying to get to Carole by showing what good friends she is with Dorinda, who is also friends with Carole. She wants to make Carole jealous. I guess I just answered my own question of Why, Bethenny, Why? lol.
  8. I think she will do it even more to prove she's still "HOT". She will not take aging with grace. Especially when she has 2 sisters still in their 20's. Nope, Kimmy will have to show she's still got it.
  9. When you break up you can date, there's nothing wrong with that. He "dumped" her because they were constantly fighting about her staying in NY. Did Scott personally tell me this? No, but it's pretty ovbious that once she moved everything fell in to place. She even mentioned during her last season (before this one) it was an issue that she didn't want to leave NY. Let's face it, moving to Chicago to be with your love and living the good life doesn't seem like a death sentence to me. Tins made out ok.
  10. I don't think Scott is so much in to control. He lives in Chicago, Tins lived in NY. He made it clear to her that he was not going to move to NY and if she wanted to take the relationship to the next level she had to consider moving to Chicago or the relationship wasn't successfully going to go any further. At the time she didn't want to move. So they broke up. She was miserable without him and realized fuck it I'm going to be with this guy whom I adore. That's what happens when you are in a relationship and live in two different states. and you ultimate goal is to be married and hopefully have a child one day. It's called compromise. So she moved and he treats her like a queen. And Dorinda can't stand Tinsley's happy ending.
  11. She was given way too much "talk time". First of all, these women did not all like her from the get as they are pretending they did. Sonja at first and Ramona still don't like her, Lu was condescending about her apartment. Somehow the tide has turned and she has become the new darling of the NY show so they all decided to kiss her ass now. I don't think there a thing that is clever, funny or smart about her. I have a feeling this show is going to come back with a younger cast and the old ladies are super paranoid about it so hence the ass kissing. Also, Leah, lose the gloves. We have seen it on you all season. We have all taken note of your repetitive, edgy fashion statement.
  12. I can't take Georgi's high ponytail. Where did he get the idea that is a "look"? At least put that shit in a man bun which isn't much better but at least one can understand it. This stupid pony is not understandable at all.
  13. There was a clip and they did show it! This woman is certifiable.
  14. What is Scott's deal? I thought he portrayed himself as some high powered exec with loads of cash. He had a year to fix up that house and it was still a complete filthy sty. Not that Lindsey deserved any better but still. Yuk. She did have me laughing when she was yelling about her 5x8 cell being cleaner than the house. Well, Linds, you can always go back!
  15. I take it as Miles becoming hornier by the hour and losing his patience waiting for Karen to do the deed so he blurted out his frustration. Not good any way you look at the situation. Basically, SO WHEN ARE YOU GONNA WANNA DO IT? HOW MUCH LONGER DO I HAVE TO WAIT? Yikes.
  16. A good chef would never use lettuce out of a bag and bottled dressing. They would use lettuce that you wash and prep yourself and make your own dressing but this is Miles we are talking about and he doesn't know how to cook so I guess chef buddy took the easiest and most simplistic way out.
  17. Even when she was walking with Amani she was blah so it's not just Brett that she's that way with. She's a bore. I bet traveling the world with her would be non stop fun.
  18. Pretty much the same here. It's called maturity. Something ChristinA doesn't posess.
  19. She's still showing plenty of T&A on her IG posts selling her SKIMS undergarments line. She just has to have that sex angle working for her or she's not happy. Her ads are ridiculous but I'm sure she's making a ton of dough off them.
  20. Not a big Alex fan and her recipes usually don't inspire me but I had an excess of watermelon in my fridge so I made her watermelon granita from a couple of episodes ago. I put it on top of some vanilla ice cream like she did (minus the whipped cream). It was refreshing and delicious!
  21. IMO Coltee and Jess were never a couple. A staged, fake relationship concocted by TLC. That breakup was too smooth and Coltee wasn't all that upset. Bad, bad acting. Oh, pooooor Coltee, I'm all alone again. Boo hoo. I hope I never see any of them again (including that waste of space Larissa). Is Pole going back to Brazil magically going to be financially lucrative all of a sudden? Won't he be just as broke there as in America? Karine needs to dump him for good and move on already. I guess as long as TLC is paying them they will stay together. I love all of Syngin's bruh's, they tell it like it is and aren't wrong about any of it. I wish Syngin would tell Tania that he decided they will never work and he is going to stay in South Africa, she can go home and file for divorce. Bye, bye bitch!
  22. Steve is one weird dude. Gets in to bed with Mishel with that stuffed animal, cuddles for a minute like he's doing her a big favor then gets up and leaves the bed. No, Steve, this does not have the potential to go anywhere because you don't want it to. He actually acts repulsed at having to touch her at all. Stop messing with this woman's feelings. I would love to see how often they keep in touch after the show with all that "we're best friends", "we love each other as friends", "we care so much for each other, we will always be in each other's lives" bullshit talk.
  23. I know he was making a point. He was still rude about it. Not a Brett or an Olivia fan but she was putting in some effort to compliment his meal and he was an ass.
  24. Did I hear Erika call Denise a "motherfucker"? Miss priss married to the high powered attorney? What the hell is she so pissed off about? Denise likes to smoke a lot of pot, hence the bloodshot eyes. When you're smoking pot it slows down your responses and it's difficult to fight back with quick comebacks when these bitches are attacking you. She's too slow on the take. That's my interpretation of Denise tonight.
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