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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Really? I know Tre took him and the girls on a trip but I thought it was to the Dominican Republic or some sunny island. I remember him sitting in a chair and crying all the time because he missed his wife. I think his opinion of Juicy changed after Tre was sentenced to jail and then his wife died. Before that, yes, he really liked Juicy.
  2. That was a stupid conversation. How did he expect Lindsey to react to his slow down talk. You're married, it's a little too late for that. He should get together with Alyssa because neither one of them have a chin. I don't like Mark any more than I like Lindsey. Katina and Jasmina are beautiful, all the others are unfortunate looking and have personalities to match. Must be real slim pickins out there for candidates. Noi acts like a high schooler. Alyssa is unhinged. Even her mother has her number.
  3. Gina's confessionals are hilarious! She looks amazing, too. Emily is such an unhappy wench. No need to tell Noella that Heather didn't want her there. Of course production told her to do that in order to create more drama. She has packed on the pounds and has that alcoholic bloat going on. I was lmao when Terry asked the realtor if he could borrow 15.5 million. He has a good sense of humor sometimes. That guys dinner was all kinds of staged and uncomfortable. You know Terry doesn't give a rat's ass if or when these guys plan on getting married and we also know Terry is a bit of a snob and probably only hangs out with other rich Dr's that close the office every Friday so they can meet up and play golf.
  4. I still have a hard time believing hipster Che would have the least bit of interest in frumpy Miranda. Why? Every single bit of her wardrobe screamed "old lady" to me and the wigs were awful. There are really fantastic natural wigs out there these days but Miranda's helmet head looked so cheap. High pitched Charlotte and Harry the jew are terrible parents. Let the kids do what ever they want with no discipline or repercussions what so ever. Over it. Too much time spent on their kids. I also don't need to see Anthony constantly running around frantic. SJP did a pretty good job with what crappy scripts she had to work with. Why can't they just let go of Samantha? The texts were unnecessary and really who cares?
  5. She does during this filming. I heard there is somebody new she met after.
  6. I remember it was a pretty big scandal at the time. Wasn't Tiki fired for that little indisgretion?
  7. Of course the show funded it. And the trip to Miami as well.
  8. Joe Gorga's fatal mistake is shit talking his nieces father ON CAMERA. Stupid move. Talk crap all you want to Tre about her ex, I'm sure she would agree with most if it, just don't do it where the kids can see/hear it. It's called respect, for chrissakes.
  9. I swear I'm not a Georgi apologist or a big fan but I compare him to Florian because Georgi is always the one to get the flack. According to his IG photo's he was a successful runway model in NY, modeling for top designers. Not sure how long ago that was. He looks younger in the photo's but wow gorgeous! This must be where his love of clothes (and spending Darcey's money on them) comes from. Then he was a licensed massage therapist until the pandemic. So all of that is true. He also has photo's of him and his parents together. A great looking family. As far as owning a pageant company in Bulgaria, that one does sound a little far fetched.
  10. D & S weird friend and Stacey want to gang up on Georgi once again but nothing said about how Florian is using Stacey. What money is he contributing to Stacey? He had some modeling photo's taken, big deal. I don't see any modeling gigs. They really need to make clear what Florian is doing for $$ if they are going to continue to rag on Georgi for being a user. Is he still waiting for a green card? Speaking of Florian. This guy is totally devoid of any personality. Stone faced all the time. At least Georgi made nice conversation with the girls cousin that cooked all the food, complimenting her on how good everything was. There sits snarly Florian not speaking to anybody. What a jerk.
  11. Yes! He does great natural looking nose jobs. I don't blame the ladies for being pissed at Jennifer. She was so mean, malicious and hateful at the reunion. I would never forgive her if I was in her line of fire. The only one she didn't attack was Teresa because she's always up her ass. I have no sympathy for her apology tour now. Jennifer said on social media that her nose was still swollen when filming started, it looks better now. She also said she didn't like the chin implant so she had it taken out. I think that since Teresa had her new nose job these two look like twins now. He is with Teresa because of her fame. He's a famewhore and Teresa is stupid so she believes all the love bombing bullshit he spews. This guy knows she's dumb and knows exactly how to play her. It will be quite a while before the relationship implodes. I'm curious to see how it goes with them and the kids living in the same house. Delores mentioned twice that Frank has a girlfriend. Interesting. He's finally moving on...
  12. Exactly. Have Rebecca over for playdates with the kids when you are home, go out for ice cream together, family dinners, etc etc. Just don't ask her to babysit. No need to flat out tell her she can't be alone with the kids. Kate is so obnoxious. Does Deja have any girlfriends from school? Any body at all that she hangs out with? I never see this kid having fun. Or is she totally wrapped up in Malik? I love Beth! Eat the innerds of that pie, girl!
  13. Katie said in a social media post a while back that the ugly blue mirror kitchen was a rental they were living in while the other Hamptons home was being remodeled.
  14. Ahhh, thanks. I was wondering who the hell Kristin was.
  15. Exactly what I was thinking. Robert didn't do much. A blanket, some candles and champagne in a bare room and Danielle was over the moon with the gesture. Lindsey would have flipped her shit, she is such an entitled brat.
  16. He is aging rapidly. He used to be such a good looking guy. What happened? Too much booze, coke? He is in his early 30's and looks 10 years older. What a shame.
  17. That was classic! She starts out strong and demanding things need to change, then before you know it Kyle starts crying and she's hugging him telling him it's all gonna be alright. This is why he won't change. WTF? Gaslighting at it's finest.
  18. Perfectly said. Why can't she do that?
  19. I give Mary credit for one thing only: She doesn't mind being filmed with out her wigs or makeup! This reunion is going to be epic. Andy and Meredith both confirmed on WWHL last night that Meredith found out what Lisa said on the hot mike only one day before filming the reunion. I am patiently waiting for her to lose her shit big time and come out there on the couch with guns a blazin'!
  20. She needs to stop that. STAT! Come back to the dark side, Christine, and just lay it all out there like you were doing on the show confessionals.
  21. Then he shouted "She (Meri) was going to leave my ass"! He has anger issues. I bet he gave production a list of things he refused to discuss before airing the tell-all and they went ahead and asked him anyway! Shallow note: Meri and Janelle looked really heavy. They have put on some major Covid pounds. I had that same shirt as Robyn back when I worked in the corporate world 20 years ago. Her lips keep getting thinner and thinner and her chin sharper and sharper. I still have hope that Janelle will leave the coven. She left a long time ago for 2 whole years then came back. I think it was before Christine. I didn't know that until recently. There is a lot we don't know about The Browns. Meri "I was never going to leave". Stop lying, bish. You were so going to leave.
  22. It's only an issue if the person he married thinks it is. She talked about it several times already and it's only the honeymoon. It sounds like an issue.
  23. The experts knew he was unemployed. He shouldn't have been a candidate at all. Not a great start to a relationship. Then he said to Noi something to the effect of "If and when I decide to get a job".
  24. James is one of those guys that is too young to get married. He is still immature in many ways so why rush it? He's barely 30. He should do himself (and any woman he's involved with, or any future kids he may have) a favor and wait until he's late 30's or early 40's like Jax, Schwartz, Beau. He still has alot to learn about himself and how to be in a healthy relationship.
  25. Omg, these families! I hate the morning after family brunch convo's and the wedding reception convo's. So what can you tell me about my new husband that I just met 5 minutes ago? Is there anything I should know? Well. She's bossy. He can be is condescending, He is a vagabond. She puts up walls. He has always been a player. Let these people find out for themselves what they are in for because all the families threw up red flags about ALL of them. Regarding our lovely experts. Who on this planet would think a 38 year old unemployed vagabond who never keeps a job for very long is a great candidate for marriage and children? Because he said so? Alyssa is a nasty piece of work but.....she specifically said before the wedding that teeth were a big thing for her. The guy has to have good teeth. So who do they match with her? Snaggletooth Chris! As soon as she saw the teeth it was all downhill. Then his awful friends throwing him under the bus at the reception didn't help. She had her excuses pretty much handed to her. Lindsey has a whole lotta baggage. He husband is going to grow tired of constantly having to be her "protector". She is going to be exhausting. Once again, great job experts!
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