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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Janet is already getting on my nerves. She needs to stop with the botox and fillers. How old is she anyway?
  2. You know the old saying, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". I think this is what Lisar decided to do. Make up with Kim so she doesn't spill any more tea on Harry. Smart move.
  3. So sad to hear this news. My deepest condolences to the family.
  4. Well, that was a whole lotta boring nothing last night. The scene with Jeffrey getting his ass beat was too long, the scene with David and Candy going back and forth in the hotel lounge was too long. No Veronica at all. Now that Candy successfully has her millions, what is Tyler Perry going to do with her? It's rediculous that she wants to go to the Cryer house to pay respects to Jim. If it were real life, she wouldn't get past the gate. But this is Perryland, so I guess there is no gated entrance to the Judges house. Kathryn continues to kill it this season. Love her. Does anybody know this actress from other roles? She is really talented.
  5. Reza does very well in real estate, he sells high end, luxury property. He is the only one of the group that actually works hard. Last season (or maybe the one prior to that, can't remember) Reza and MJ had a big blowout about how MJ is so lazy and never comes in to the office.... then Reza teamed up with Mike and that was a mess, too, so they split and had a big blow out over it, then kissed and made up. I don't know what the hell Mike is doing now. I got a creepy vibe from MJ's boyfriend. After watching WWHL last night, it's obvious Reza and Gigi don't like him, either. Knowing that all this was filmed months ago, I wonder if they are still together. It will be interesting to see if Gigi's sister is on the show this season. I'm anxious to see if she decided to stay away and let Gigi have her time in the spotlight since Gigi was so bent out of shape over her last year. Gigi getting a butt job. Did she need it? She just cracks me up. Golnessa.
  6. Was Stassi kidding thinking she still deserved an apology from Katie? Didn't they go over that at lunch a few eppy's ago and Katie basically told her to fuck off? That was a meaningless filler scene. Schwartz, marriage = growing up. And Katie wants babies. He can't even keep a job so at least he is aware that he is not ready. Katie needs to move on. I forced Huzzbin #1 in to marriage with ultimatums and threats, 4 yrs. later we were divorced.
  7. BRAVO production, that's who. I'm sure they told Cynthia to bring it up and exactly how they wanted it to go down. You could tell she was extremely uncomfortable with it, but you know, as we all have said, Girl gotta keep her peach!
  8. I'm really not trying to defend Phaedra 100%, I do think she tries to project a certain phony image of the southern belle, however, I do believe she tried with Apollo in the beginning and maybe even thought she could change him. She offered him a position in the funeral home business, he said no. She also tried to start him up in the fitness video bizz. He's just a lazy asshole that wants the easy (and illegal) way to have the good life instead of taking some of the opportunities his wife was willing to offer him. She made a big mistake getting involved with him, one that is going to affect her kids for the rest of their lives.
  9. Well, then he better figure out what he's gonna do. Because Kandi wants that baby!
  10. I tend to believe Phaedra on the cheating rumors. Not that I think she wouldn't ever cheat, but, she is too smart to leave text evidence asking to have her booty spanked. She is way to calculating to make a slip like that. Cynthia= Desperate to keep the peach. Kenya's crying about being called a whore. Grow up, woman. That story is old and I'm sick of her crocodile tears. Kandi has to be the worst friend ever. One of your best friends husbands is going to prison for 8 years, he's a lunatic, and you don't even care to see how your friend and her children are holding up through all of it? Oh, that's right. She has a play that was a flop and her man doesn't want to have sex with her even with all of her bedroom Kandi toys. Much more important. On a shallow note, all these women are looking like they have put on some pounds, except Claudia and Demetria. Damn, their asses are huge.....Also, at the dinner every time one of them looked down at the table you could see the inch of glue holding their fake eyelashes on. They're all looking pretty rough this season.
  11. They should be looking back now and feeling ashamed and empty.
  12. Prayers going out to you , UB40fan. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Best wishes.
  13. Oh, Lisa, Lisa. Harry told you not to do this show and now you have proved him right. Why wouldn't you listen. Does the Hamlin household need the money that badly?
  14. I am in shock. I have never said this about another woman, Kim needs to have the living shit beat out of her. Too bad that pit bull of hers didn't turn on her. What a deplorable excuse for a human being. She needs a whole lot more than a 12 step program.
  15. Did you mean Newport Beach, CA? I didn't know the Beadors had a home in RI
  16. Yea, something is going on with Jax, and it's not just booze.
  17. I watched Fashion Police again tonight and really didn't see anything racist in Giuliana's comment at all. Hell, they were ragging on celebrities all during the show. It's what they do. I took her comment as referring to Zendaya's hairstyle as a hippy/dippy/flower child look from the 70's, a time when patchouli oil was used as perfume and yea, smoking weed was typical.
  18. They already hooked up several eppy's ago. How boring. Just get back together already. Was it ever really clearly explained why they were divorcing? I really don't like Lisa Edelstein as Abby. Poor casting is one of the downfalls of this show. No wonder Jeanene G. hauled ass.
  19. I've always been an Android person, too. After last night, I feel like the world has passed me by! I tuned in halfway through the epi so maybe that's why I didn't like it. I just can't with Haley's yelling and shrieking, Claire is so damn jumpy. Everybody needs to just chill. And Gloria, please just shut up.
  20. Yesterday's choice was pitiful. The lady with the summer hot pink sleeveless, ill fitting dress, black tights and black boots looked hideous. Oh, yeah, and she was wearing Chanel earrings which Wendy pointed out. The stupid lady said that the earrings didn't count because her Doctor husband bought them for her. WTF? So much for Eye Candy of the day being about looking good on a budget.
  21. Remember a couple of seasons ago when Kimmie decided out of the blue to get a nose job? She was pretty fresh out of rehab back then. Her Dr. (it might even have been Adrienne's husband, I can't remember) was concerned about giving her pain pills. My point is, she has been back at it for a long time. The focus wasn't really on her back then, everybody was so happy she went to rehab and was out and doing well. Ha! I don't think she was ever doing that well. She's a slick one, I'll give her that. FWIW I totally believe that Harry was an alcoholic. Otherwise Lisar would not have said that when he stopped drinking, their lives changed. Your life does not change if you were just a social drinker. I get the impression that marriage to Harry was not always easy, he was an out of work actor for a long time,so maybe next week Krazy Kim really hits a nerve with Lisa and maybe what she says to Lisa is mixed with a little bit of truth, which is what sends Lisa off the deep end. It's going to be delicious to watch because honestly I've grown tired of Lisa's meddling and poking at Kim (and I hate Kim). It's well known that Harry did not want Lisa to do this show. I don't think he's going to be happy now that he is seeing what Bravo is airing.
  22. Day after the white party, Lucius going to Cookie's office all pissed off about Jamal coming out. Loved Cookie telling him, So now everybody knows and guess what NOBODY cares! In other words, get over it and move on, asshole! Love Cookie!
  23. Ahhhh, thank you. Makes perfect sense that Ronnie is paying Melissa.
  24. When she was talking to David on the phone and he was telling her that Jeffrey was gay, gay , gay, and then the camera panned over to her sitting next to someone in the hospital bed, who was that? I totally missed what that was supposed to be about. Was it just another last minute story line from TP that will go nowhere?
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