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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. And we all believe that one, right? Little boy Manzo isnt a millionaire, either or he would not be living back at home. Mommy and Daddy have bucks, but not him. I remember in seasons past Patti used to drive to the "millionaires" homes to meet with them. Now we get her office or some restaurant as the meeting place. Must be a reason for that.... I'm just dying to know if Patti is still with her fiancee. She never mentions him at all anymore.
  2. I feel sad for Todd. He looked so defeated in that scene. Run, Todd, run.
  3. Veronica was a very powerful attorney once upon a time. Then it was alluded to by David and her that she had a nervous breakdown and wound up in the crazy ward for a while. She never went back to working as an attorney. This was all casually mentioned last season in a few episodes. Of course, TP dropped that storyline as well. Now she just hangs around making her son and husband miserable while they keep coming back for more.
  4. If Eddie ever wanted to fight for full custody of his kids, he has all the proof he needs on tape that Brandi is a full on nut job. Not that he ever would. But he could.
  5. Wow! I actually thought this was a pretty good episode! Jim having to take the bus! The press conference, Veronica really pulled it off, didn't she? That was some tense stuff. Oh, and in case anybody didn't know, Jeffrey is gay.
  6. Would not surprise me if Kim didn't show up to the reunion. She will feign an illness or something. She has to know she is going to have to answer to a litany of Andy questions. And how would Kyle handle her sister's feet being put to the fire? And Brandi. Oh, Brandi better be practicing her little quick, witty comebacks now because I doubt anybody is going to be up for defending her. It's going to be quite a reunion!
  7. Brandi really is not very smart, is she? She has alienated every single housewife on the show except Kim and we know that is a temporary relationship. Yo is not there yet, however, judging from next week episode she is on the way. Who the hell does Brandi think she is going to film with next season? She has practically backed herself right out of a job. Moron.
  8. Ken telling Max his mother was from China and his father was from Nigeria (or vice versa, can't remember). Wow. I know he was joking but still. He has such a condesending attitude I bet he is one SOB off camera.
  9. Her skin has not held up well to all the years or drinking, drugging and sunning. Yuk!
  10. Lisa didn't disappoint, YAY!! Just because Kristin was fired, it doesn't mean she won't be on the show. She can bring every bit as much Krazy to the show as always, it just won't be at work. Please, please don't re-hire her , Lisa! I never had hate for Ariana. I think she's pretty cool to put up with Krisitn's bullshit. She's very laid back and I like that. WWHL- Katie did look heavier. I think she's just a big girl. And by that I mean tall and big boned, not fat. And I didn't realize just how skinny Shwartzie is. I guess he needs to stay super thin for all his modeling gigs. Does anybody else notice he appears to be so damn awkward in every scene he is in? He was painful to watch on WWHL. Making out. Really, these guys are all in their 30's. I guess they feel less guilty confessing their little half truths to their girlfriends then coming completely clean.
  11. It gets unbearably hot and humid in Houston. The climate there is similar to south Florida. The summers are looooong.
  12. When Kyle was in the kitchen telling Mauricio that Kim was in the hospital, could he be any less interested ? It's pretty clear that the family has been to this rodeo many times before with Kim and he is over it. I agree about the stage of Monty's illness. While I totally believe that he has cancer and it may be terminal, he is not at the stage where he need around the clock nursing care at this point. He can still go out and disappear for days just as he did during their marriage, he can still drive. I don't know what type of cancer he has or if he is having chemo treatments and needs to be taken back and forth on treatment days but I believe he moved in because he is lonely and between wives. I don't have a problem with that, but Kim is blowing it out of proportion at this point. She really has mastered the art of lying and making it all about her.
  13. That's the kind of gown when you look at your wedding pictures 10 years from now and say "What the hell was I thinking'??
  14. Lisa needs to go back to playing drama roles. She just can't pull off the funny or the cute. Even with that smile. Talk about bad casting.
  15. So the gunshot didn't wake up Kathryn but it woke up Wyatt? Okaaay
  16. Kim is so fragile. Kim is under so much stress.Kim has so much to handle. A wedding. A kid going off to college. A dying ex-husband that you volunteered to take care of. Nobody to lean on. Is this Beverly Hills stress? Cause in my world this is not stress. Especially since it became clear last night that poor sick dying terminally ill Monty is able to get himself in a car and drive that helpless bitch to the hospital. I thought he was bedridden and Kim was nursing his every need and wiping his ass for him because he was too helpless at this stage of his illness to care for himself. I guess not, so just how stressful is having him there for her? . I hate Kim and I'm pissed at every one of the wives that keep making excuses for her stressful life. Stop Enabling, ladies!!!!
  17. Oh Hanna, sex is not some dirty, disgusing thing that you have to get on your knees and ask the lord to forgive you for even thinking about doing it. You did have two kids out of wedlock. . You know you wanted it , and you wanted it bad so get over yourself. Can't help it, I love Kathryn. Glad she wasn't the one laying in a pool of blood.
  18. So are going to be subjected to Scheana's dream wedding? Please, no.
  19. Lisa is not going to fire Scheana. She already summoned her to her office/table last night to scold her and Scheana apologized. That was the extent of it. Actually, Lisa chewed everybody's ass except Kristin.
  20. If they can't handle the housework, the kids and schedules then they shouldn't have so many damn kids.
  21. I wish Muppet would dump Kristin. Then she would be allllll alone. Lisa could definitely fire Kristin and it wouldn't affect the show at all. She would just do her crazy, obsessive, stalking, alcoholic shit while she's unemployed, that's all. How random was the dinner with Kristin, Muppet, Jax and Carmen. Like they are all really friends. And why is Carmen hanging around again? Again, this show makes no sense and I love it!
  22. Bet mama J will have something to say about the "free" car Kandi bought him.
  23. Awwww Apollo, why did you have to go and F**k up your life and the life of your gorgeous boys? I could weep for those innocent kids. Cynthia always trying to makeover Claudia. I don't get that. Claudia always looks great to me. What ever style and class Cyn had, she has lost it this season. Kordell=Famewhore. There is no other explanation for him showing his face on this show. And stupid for going into business with Peter. NayNay trying to justify herself to Gregg on the car ride home. Gregg kissing her ass makes me want to vomit. Does he ever have an opinion or does he live just to kiss her ass. I guess he doesn't want to upset the gravy train. He really has learned his place the second time around. Todd, please don't do it! Don't get that bitch pregnant. You will never, ever be able to make her happy. God forbid she does get pregnant and they don't have a son. Will she blame that on him , too??
  24. Miami chick telling Kristen that she deserves better. Huh? She does know that they are broken up and Tom has a new girlfriend , right? Nothing these people do or say make any sense at all and I love every minute of it even though I believe it's all scripted!
  25. Brandi with her arms around Kim, hugging her, pawing at her and telling her she loves her, for chrissakes she practically had Kim in a head lock!. WTF!
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