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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. LeeAnn: I swear on my grandmother's bible! Did she mean "I swear on my grandmother's grave" or "I swear on the bible"? LeeAnn's house is a huge upgrade from that dungeon she lived in last year with the treadmill in the dining room.
  2. Watching Andy falling all over Bethenny was vomit inducing.
  3. Yea, they also showed Bill's birthday in the preview. Then all we get is Jen's parents garage sale from last year? Weird.
  4. I don't think Wendy was faking it because she is always scared to death of falling down. No way would she do that on purpose. Right?? she said she was overheated from the costume. Not a chance. Something happened and it was scary as hell to me. Of course I had to rewind it a few times to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. She started to slur and then had a look on her face like "what is happening to me" right before she started falling backwards. Wendy is covering up the stress in her life and the unhappy marriage she is in by putting on a happy face for her show everyday when she is probably miserable inside. It's taking a toll on her health and I don't think she's eating, either, she's skinny as a rail. This is JMO of course. I pick on her a lot, but I'm feeling sorry for her now. She did come back from commercial like a trooper, though. Kudo's to you Wendy for your professionalism in that moment. Please get rid of your husband, you don't need him, he's just not worth it!
  5. Hey, I'm only repeating what our fickle little wench Tamra said! Since she claims Shannon calls her 100 times a day, she would have had plenty of opportunity to clue her in on that change, LOL!
  6. Yes, but then Tamra said in her TH this episode that if making amends with Vicki was good for her own peace of mind, then Shannon was going to have to deal with it.
  7. "You chose him over me"!!!!! Really, Tammy Sue, is that what it was all about?
  8. Besides, isn't $1,500 USD and two skinny ass buffalo equivalent to winning the lottery for these people? They need to shut up and be very, very happy with what they got.
  9. Antonio doesn't meet Corny at the airport when she arrives and doesn't go with her when she departs. Yes, Corny, you have a beautiful future with Antonio.
  10. Reza proceeded to explain that he is monogamous now, however, if he wants to cheat some time down the road, he would open up the discussion to Adam then. WTF? He was basically saying, hey, I'm happy now, but who knows what the future will bring? Yea, that should make Adam feel nice and secure in the relationship. Secure enough to want to bring kids in to that effe'd up marriage.
  11. I think she looks like Tamar. They could definitely pass for sister's.
  12. Is it ok for police officers to get so involved with someone like Jamie did? How many drug addicts does he see in a day that made this one more special? Walking her around the precinct like that? Then he leaves her to go talk to Eddie and the girl drops dead right there as soon as he turns his back? Yea, ok. Rediculous storyline. It feels like Donny Walberg is phoning it in this season, he just doesn't seem in to it anymore. The show is getting stale, it may be getting time to pull the plug.
  13. Well, this show is certainly going to cease turning if Vicki/Tamra are not friends. The show is so boring without the friendship and I think Tamra is realizing it's better to renew the friendship for the purposes of ramping up the show instead of letting it die a slow death. Whether she still hates Vicki or not, Tamra is going to do what's best for her to keep herself on the air. Shannon tried to fill the void of Tamra's wacky bff but it's not working, Tamra is bored with her.
  14. You are so right, Joan was the show. I always wondered what Melissa was thinking bringing on NeNe Leakes, who nobody knows unless they watch the housewives shows, and Margaret Cho who has no interest in fashion what so ever and her jokes fell flat on that platform. Bad, bad choices. Maybe Melissa is not that good of a business woman without Joan. Did they bring Guiliana Rancic back? She must have needed a paycheck. It still didn't work.
  15. Wendy, take a cue from Tamar Braxton and Fergie. If they are not afraid to get a divorce, you can do it, too. Stop pretending all is ok in Hunterville and get on with it.
  16. I wish they would leave Will as the uptight lawyer I have always loved. I do not at all want to see him working with Grace. They don't have the chemistry they once had. Megan Mullally is aging well and her body is fantastic. Debra Messing not as much. Too much big red hair, maybe?
  17. Ahhh yes! That is hysterical! You have a great eye to notice that. There must be some private joke/meaning to that wink.
  18. Epic fail. Toby is a nerd and not in an endearing way. I don't see any chemistry between Toby and Kate and I can't figure out if it's the characters that don't have chemistry or the actors.
  19. That is precisely the reason I don't like Calvin. What man says something like that about his children? Sure, Calvin, everything you did your entire life was for everybody else, poor you. Nope, he was a selfish cheater. Better for Nova not to go back there.
  20. You have a point, there. Why would the father even know that Blu may not be RA's? It's not something a parent you have barely spoken to for years and have not been on good terms with would be privy to.
  21. Yeah, but they can make their parents and anybody else living in the household's life a living hell. Nobody said he was going to grow up to be a psycopath or an axe murderer, just a disrespectful spoiled brat, that's all. If Bill and Jen get a handle on it now, it won't be a problem at all. If they continue to let his behavior slide it won't be pretty.
  22. Yes! Thanks for the reminder. The guy is all over the place. You know the old saying "throw enough shit against the wall until something sticks". That's Joe. According to him, though, he's an entrepreneur. I'm still not understanding where their money is coming from. Unless the trash truck business is booming.
  23. So is Calvin divorced now? Even if Blue is RA's kid, do we really think RA is going to forgive Darla for sleeping with someone when she was in her full blown junkie phase? I think not. He will make her life miserable for it.
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